- Posted in the Franconia Forum
Comments (Page 132)
Who had about 24 hours of unlimited access to Maura's room between the time she was last seen in Amherst and the time Haverhill PD learned that Maura, not Fred, was the usual driver of the Saturn?
Who could have got away with parking the Saturn right within the SW complex late Thursday night without fear of its being ticketed or towed? And thus better able to shorten the distance and driving time between SW and Mattoon? Who knows what happened in Maura's dorm room between the time she was last seen and the time she was known to be missing? I bet someone knows. |
Correct. Meaning someone who works at UMass? |
Someone who would have to be nearby in case of an emergency? Someone able to be contacted by radio? Someone with some first aid training? Someone with some degree of official authority? Would someone like this have had unlimited access to Maura's dorm room for about 24 hours? 24 crucial hours?
Yes! |
Someone who might have 24 hour access to an art gallery?
Judged: ![]() 1 ![]() 1 ![]() 1 "quija wrote: '...when several of us were concerned yesterday that you might be cold, horizontal, and no longer crazy, I actually called your house and it (the HOUSE?) refused my call because I'd managed to hide my caller ID.' "Congratulations! Where Sophie failed, you succeeded! HAHAHA!!!" post #2229, page 111 followed by Quija's post which I quoted in my previous post: post #2240, page 112 followed by your post about "getting married": post #2242, page 112 Perhaps you intended these posts to be "amusing" - I am not amused. Given your established penchant for accusing people of stalking and harassing you, I am especially not amused. I will never again address you or your posts directly. ...and on a possibly (though not necessarily so) unrelated "topix" - the "judging" of other people's posts is really, truly weak and lame. Kindly desist. Thanks from those of us with operating brain cells. |
Someone who might know a tow truck driver?
No, not amused. But consistent. Always consistent.
As far as I know, Maura's car is and has been outside the fence (!) at NHSP in Twin Mountain for at least three years. Maybe it's another black Saturn with identical damage.
...which leads to the question, if there's no crime being investigated in NH, why's the car at a SP impound?
Judged: ![]() 1 Someone who made really, really sure Maura kept quiet about it? Someone who needed someone else to blame for Maura's disappearance and who realized there was one person that had bought at the local auctions quite a few of the "de-accessioned" items from campus galleries and science labs? Who better to blame than a "fence?" |
![]() Joined: Jun 7, 2008 Comments: 137 Arizona ISP: Denver, CO |
Judged: ![]() 1 Am not sure what to make of drawing a connection between Maura and the art-theft crowd (she as possibly a witness to the nefarious). From what you've said, such theft seems pretty rampant and her art gallery job could have put her in a position ... I personally tend to the dictum that "what is most likely to have happened is probably what happened", and there are some less complex theories than witness-to-art-theft that fit that bill. However, your investigations and reactions thereto certainly elevate Amherst and UMass into more prominent positions of consideration. Your point about more questions than answers is of course well taken, but can't dismiss those questions wholesale. Questions make us think deeper/harder, repetitive questions are helpful reminders sometimes. |
![]() Joined: Jun 19, 2008 Comments: 39 |
Judged: ![]() 1 ![]() 1 |
Judged: ![]() 1 Actually, when the UMass police were here yesterday they were accompanied, as a professional courtesy, by the local Greenfield PD. When they were finished with their trespass business, the Greenfield cop noticed the lawnmower and I told him to let me know if he found the person responsible for the vandalism. I said I was not holding my breath. Theft rings have been common in Amherst, and presumably other major college towns, since at least the early 1960's, when my brother, a UMass student at the time, was a good friend of a major local fence and bar owner. Anyone remember "The Drake?" (Oh boy, I sure hope Willie's dead, cause if not, I'm gonna be.) I agree with the popularized version of Occam's Razor: go with the most likely. But the Amherst/Vasi theory at least, as I've said before, explains the most, and in the most elegant (as in math) way. It's pretty close to soup to nuts. All I can say about the art book, art theft crowd is that they are here and thriving and it is no secret in some quarters. Until I caught onto it more fully a couple of years ago, I knew and talked with these people at least once a week, often three or four times a week. The underbelly here is as filty as it is in any ring like this. Theft rings are not some unusual thing. They are real and they exist almost everywhere except in the Yellow Pages. If you live a nice comfortable life, you probably never know they exist, but exist they do. Who do you think the jail population consists of? The fences I'm talking about, just in case anyone thought I was referring to the fences of Robert Frost, are the ones who turn over the stolen property. I assume most realize what I meant, but some may not have. Let's put it this way. There is a lot more theft-related murder in this country than there is opportunistic abduction-related murder. I'm the last person to discourage questions from being asked. Legitimate questions are always wanted, always needed. But when questions are asked BECAUSE they are a substitute for answers, then there's a problem. All questions and no answers eqauls no solution. |
![]() Joined: Jun 19, 2008 Comments: 39 |
Wow, Someone is really monitoring our comments. Taking some time to get a post # etc. Even though my post shows up.
Thank you. I think you get the idea. I was almost my usual wise-ass self yesterday when the police were leaving yesterday and I nearly told the patrolman that I thought his sergeant was the vandal. But I held my tongue. By some miracle. |
![]() Joined: Jun 19, 2008 Comments: 39 |
I know how hard that is. I was a very outspoken person long ago. I now pick my battles.
![]() Joined: Jun 7, 2008 Comments: 137 Arizona ISP: Denver, CO |
As do I -- but have been known to fire salvos in someone else's battle. . |
Judged: ![]() 1 I hear you. I, too, pick my battles. But when a police officer conveys to me that I'll be charged with child porn if I don't back off and keep my mouth shut, when he holds me in jail for two days on charges he himself constructed and which were immediately dismissed by a judge, when he spreads the most vicious rumors imaginable about me, when he follows me all over town day and night, then that's what I call a battle that came and picked me. I'm not backing down on this one! I'd rather die than comply with criminals like this who dishonor the rule of law and the sacrifice of the thousands who have made this a relatively free society. There's someone who didn't come home from Omaha Beach that I owe my freedom to and I'm not going to let him down by turning my back on the crime right here in my own backyard. And I don't care if you call this melodramtic Mr. Ivory Tower. Seems if it's in the New York Times or Vanity Fair, or even People Magazine, then it's okay to think it's real. But when someone pops up on a stage you thought was stable enough to further the myth of "fighting crime," well, then suddenly the fiction is interrupted by the real world and what a pain in the ass that is. |
BeagleBart, I believe you have posted your email address before; if not I wish you would do it again, I'd like to speak with you. I've lurked long enough. Thank you.
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