- Posted in the Franconia Forum
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When I google I see police too and other things for 16 M A RD
http://thorntonnhpd.org/ |
Interesting note about the warnings link on brians predictions. I'm not sure if this is the warnings link posted about but........
Brian mentions a guy by the name of Sully who works at a golf course in Methuen called Northfield. Sully drives a green van and killed a cab driver as well as (2) other people. When I started out in property management in 1998 I worked for a large company out of NH that handled accounts in MA as well. My office was located at one of the Properties. A privately owned (9) hole golf course community in Methuen,MA named Northfield. |
I spoke to Shack about that particular prediction.
There is a cold case dating back to the seventies. A young man who worked for Lowell Cab Co. was found murdered up in the North Country. He told his parents he was taking a trip to Canada with a new friend he'd made. A couple in a RV happened across his remains. |
Judged: ![]() 3 ![]() 3 ![]() 2 Where was this Special Operations ...Regional Swat Team..when Maura went missing...20 of them looking for a 58 yo man gone missing....or do they just break down doors. Do all NH citizens know and understand/comply with this militia sounding group...? Sophie asked whether their actions are made public..as in reports ...Perhaps it is "non-profit"....? ahem ..for that reason..not divulge their actions. Sorry Elsewhere..for interrupting...my mind was ....away....;-} as usual.... |
hi all my point about Mauras upsetting phone call at her security desk was we dont know if she got it.i am trying to figure out at what point Maura decided to leave.did she know before the weekend she would be gone or did she maybe get something in the mail or email that caused her to leave.as i understand she could not make outgoing calls from the security desk.that,i am assuming i am wrong about.there maybe have been some kind of restriction on the phone that kept if from being connected to the outside world but no 911 sounds odd.take care philip
What my response to you was trying to convey was that it sounds as if we DO know that she got it. They didn't say "the phone call was a dead end" they said "the person at the origin of the phone call is untraceable." |
Judged: ![]() 1 ![]() 1 ![]() 1 Looking at the Grafton County Sheriff's Log, I wonder WHEN the youth from Becket School actually disappeared that night and when LE/SP/counselors/school/superv isor/family from out-of-town began looking for him (in REALITY, not "officially")? The reason is --- everything in the log is posted beginning around 9:30PM. What "work detail" would be going on at that time of night? If anyone knows there was a work detail that late at night, disregard the rest of this. There was conversation between the youth's counselor and his family in VT before a 911 was forwarded to police around 9:30PM. I still wonder, as i posted long ago, if various people were aware of this youth being missing earlier, since people and schools keep things private as long as possible for rep sake. When, who, and how many people started looking for this youth? Could Maura have been caught in THIS flurry of activity --- not a "police chase"??? Could that've been the cause of her "first accident" even though she is thought to have been some miles north of Pike? From someone rushing to the powerline scene from the north?(IIRC the powerline actually crosses Rt. 302 a bit west of 112, and it crosses Goose Lane and French Pond Road. Were there people/LE looking for the youth from the NORTH side too? |
Paris, I mentioned this earlier in one of my posts but only WTF responded to it so I am not sure if you remember it. But on Brian's page he says that Maura was brought to "LAKE TAR" He says that she was there at some point but her body might of been moved. After doing some researching I found a LAKE TARLETON close to where she went missing. If you look on a map it is near the route 112. Also, near LAKE TARLETON is 16 Merrill Access Road. It is about 10 miles from the Lake give or take. I just wanted to make sure you knew about this possible link... |
Judged: ![]() 3 ![]() 1 I know people are concerned about why maura left for NH in the first place...but I don't think that is where the investigation should be focused. I really don't think anything from Amherst is connected to whatever happened in NH. I really believe that she did not runaway to start a "new life"...I think she was abducted by someone living around the MA/NH/VT area. I think the focal point should be more on what happened to her while driving on rt 112...did she get into 2 accidents? what was that bronco doing nose to nose with her saturn? how many other cars drove by her that night? how did she get abducted within a 10 minute window? If she did start walking, where did she think she was going?...everything about her disappearance is a mystery. College is stressful, nursing school is stressful, having a boyfriend who is far away is stressful... I remember just wanting to get away from my life too...Whatever the reasons, she just wanted to get away for a little while. She wanted to go where she knew she could have some peace and quiet...and on the way something horrible happened to her |
![]() Joined: Jun 16, 2008 Comments: 472 |
Judged: ![]() 1 ![]() 1 I do feel I have to defend the position of whiston/Philip here. I´m absolutely convinced that whiston cares as deeply about Maura as anyone else here. In my opinion he´s also right to pursue his tireless "digging" into the Amherst angle of Maura´s case. No one else is doing that here, as far as I´m aware of. There is no way that anybody could conceivably state that Maura was not affected by the Dissociative Fugue syndrome (brought about by sustained and heavy stress over a long period of time) or a similar affliction when she so seemingly suddenly left Amherst. Also, we cannot possibly discount that Maura´s Saturn car might have been involved in the Petrit Vasi hit-and-run case in Amherst a few days prior to Maura´s departure. A friend or acquaintance of Maura´s may well have driven her car at the time. Generally speaking, Maura´s life in Amherst (and even prior to Amherst) may have brought her in touch with people and a complex chain of events which possibly might have acted as a kind of catalyst for her departure from Amherst. This chain of events may also directly or indirectly have contributed to whatever happened to Maura in NH. Therefore, I would consider it unwise to exclusively concentrate on Swiftwater and NH. IMHO. |
But Euro, I emailed back and forth with Petrit and he was a good sport about whatever I asked him. He was honest in ways like few people are, and I admire and respect him for that.
He went to the hospital, police investigated and never had much to report. It wasn't until 2 years had passed that he heard the about Maura Murray, much less the idea her car could have been the one to have hit him. Let's talk about the damage to the Saturn. How could anyone not notice her car on campus all banged up? There's a video of Maura at the ATM machine, I wish we could know if she were on foot, like I do at times. Or was the ATM in the liquor store? |
Judged: ![]() 1 |
Curious, yes I did see what you had to say about Brian's predictions and it all amazes me. I had never seen any other drawings besides the one to whom Brian perceives as an officer.
When I saw those I went to town on them and remembered the references to them. I want to thank you too for your insight on campus living. Can you clarify something for me? Who all can call a security phone? Why can't you call out.....dos security use other things like walky talky's? I'm just curious since Philip seems to think maybe a call never did come in, thanks. |
Quija, hello.....hope it's moving right along for you at home there. I wanted to respond to your posts, laptop battery and power plug problems this weekend.
I wish I could see how the road you refer to looks like, so I can envision the Saturn going back/forward possibly from there. You've been there and if it makes you wonder, then I wonder too. As for the youth later on that night, good points and now you have me thinking. I was reading about CW earlier and how police wanted people to think *he* came to them. Wouldn't it be more appropriate to say we have tracked down a rumor and we now believe Maura was seen on foot heading East.....about an hour after the accident? Not expecting an answer, but this is peculiar since most know the real story. Does anyone recall when it was that CW started telling people about the person he saw, unsure as to the gender of that person? He says he thought the 'accident' happened on the 12th.........when did police first talk with CW and did Kathleen get a chance when she talked to witnesses and neighbors on the 12th? Any idea, anyone? |
Judged: ![]() 1 Paris, it's cool, but I can't think of a 'water tower' or even a grain elevator along I-93. Plenty of grain elevators and things that look like water towers along I-91, though. Also, FWIW, the mention of I-93 DID make me think of Pamela Webb. Any "PW" in all of the scribbling? I would find that significant. |
Judged: ![]() 1 I think we dig into the subject of UMASS alot, but like Shack and others say, her car was found in NH and she's nowhere to be found. Yes, we can ask and wonder about her weeks before leaving, and many things have come to mind. Umass police combed her computer, but should give it back to Fred so he can look for anything out of the norm. They and FBI talked with students and faculty, along with the family and circle of friends. They seemed to leave it there, unlike NH who wants to say Maura had troubles galore. Dissociative Fugue syndrome is interesting, being blackmailed is in there too. But count the steps with me.(definitely not a complete list) Functioning on Monday, returning scrubs, getting two forms for insurance purposes, packing essentials and books, going to the ATM and the liquor store, back to campus and then on the road. Her car is reported in the ditch, the roadway, spun around, told in so many ways my head spins with it. There is clearly a problem, not only an alarming rag in the tailpipe, but all that damage. PI's and accident re constructionists say the damage could not have occurred there at the Weathered Barn. There is reason to believe there was a prior accident, and the BOL is wrong. Could it be so simple that Maura did indeed hit something 15 or so minutes earlier and tried to keep going? Yes. But why is it that there's a 75% chance of prosecution then? Euro, I quoted you so I could try and concentrate in general, not saying any of this to anyone in particular |
I will go look for PW Sophie. I hate maps but I looked at 93 and saw how 91 runs to the left of 93. That, ironically is how Brian makes his mark, off to the left. I take that to mean closer to 91 |
Picture with tower:
Something I didn't see last time: maurahitmaurascar, it looks like a necklace on the man. Now look at the mountains? the brush? and mauraishere. Look to the right of mans chin level. Look a bit to the side and you will see what looks like PW. Brians copier seems to be low on ink and has those pesky lines at times. But blowing it up I can see the 'led' traces and it follows all the way down, something that looks like a long P and a long W right together, see it? This spot also seems to have mountains? Brian also says mmallisnear (I take it he repeats Mauramurray with MM) so, translation: maura murray all is near. You can see that writen below what looks like a necklace, and the left end of roadway. Who knows....but it does look like it. I have held my laptop every direction and angel to see colors darken, it helps while you study. |
Maybe there's a wall there in that impression, later says dugahole////(hard to make out more)
Again, I encourage a conversation with Brian himself. Curious, maybe you could ask him to break it down like he does at times below each drawing? |
Missed your post earlier. Beau is just a year old so he has a long way to go. I've informed my family that I'll be out conducting volunteer searches for Tammy Belanger, Curtis Pishon, Maura, and Brianna Maitland the majority of the time I'm on home on vacation! Hopefully this Fall, crossing my fingers. If nothing more it will put my heart at ease knowing I've at least tried. Important note to all readers: On Maura's forum I noted the Mods would highlight sections of news articles that mentioned whenever a person walking his/her dog found remains. A women was found in 2004 in the North Country by a woman walking her dog. Sophie, I agree about not all areas being frozen solid. I noticed around large bodies of water there will be shallow muddy areas where leaves, branches, etc, decompose. Quite smelly when you break through the ice with your foot. Smells just like Tar. Shack, The rest of that e-mail about Northfields/the man who worked for Lowell Cab pertained to Maura and brianspredictions. |
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