just me
Minneapolis, MN
I just copy pasted this from an article: A manpower shortage could have hindered the abilities of the Haverhill Police. Due to sick time, training and vacancies the seven-man department was down to as few as three full-time officers and a chief at the time of Maura's accident, town records show.
Then I was thinking about Maura seeming intoxicated or not. I don't think her car heater was working properly and she was shivering. If SBD and officer thought Maura had been drinking, they should have spent more time looking for her that night. But they don't do night searches normally they said and took back the "she seemed impared due to alcohol" statement made by I think SBD.....to cover their butts for waiting til noon the next day to put out a BOL, endangered female......there was an 'empty' pop bottle that contained wine found right outside the car door. The rest of it was in the back seat, some splashed on the dash, the seat along with a spider crack in the windsheild. But also found was a /beer can/. Maura did not like beer. I know it's anybodys guess where that might have come form but thought I'd mention it.
Greenfield, MA
Lady Gray wrote: <quoted text>Hey……Doppelganger a/k/a Storagehead a/k/a Woodsville Worrier a/k/a Eagleart a/k/a Claysoup a/k/a A ____ n (won’t give hints as to last name). Would you like me to go further? I'll save you the trouble of "going further." The name is: Alden H. Olson 48 Brookside Ave. Greenfield, MA 01301 I do not "carry a gun" and I am not "just as bad as you are" - to paraphrase Frank Kelly. Should be nothing to it.
Lady Gray
Austin, TX
claysoup wrote: <quoted text> I'll save you the trouble of "going further." The name is: Alden H. Olson 48 Brookside Ave. Greenfield, MA 01301 I do not "carry a gun" and I am not "just as bad as you are" - to paraphrase Frank Kelly. Should be nothing to it. Alden, this was not necessary to post this in the event you thought I would have. I would never lower my integrity and do anything to tarnish trust in people by stooping to do something such as this. Regardless of the fact that I was frustrated and intimated that I would do it.......I would never do so. I was attempting to make a point with you (by posting your screen names).....point being that you were posting this kind of info on MMM and you were angry that I removed it. Keep in mind that what you were saying WAS considered.......many, many hours have been spent on what you relayed. We just didn't want it PUBLIC. I would never post anyone's legal identity much less their contact info. I would not have "gone further" as you state. I said my piece and was through. And, now I am through. Please stop dragging out this drama. Are you here for sincere concern or to knock everything off course..........WAIT, don't answer because I really don't want to know. I just have one last question....if you were so hell bent on posting that info on MMM, why aren't you posting it here? I find that interesting.... I truly recognize you are an intelligent person. If you have something to offer in solving Maura's dissapearance, please be sincere and do the right thing.
Joined: Feb 13, 2008
Comments: 27
Newfield, NY
A long time ago, a couple years, a friend (Beth) told me that during the change of seasons that there would be unrest on blogs and forums. She reassured me it would pass..
sophie bean
Richmond, ME
Anyquestion, that's a very interesting point. I have certainly noticed it to be true, now that you mention it, but I hadn't connected it to the seasons. Is this specifically related to Maura's case? I've noticed a lot of action in the fall (hunting season) and spring (snowmelt)- or do you mean overall behavior as seasons change? I think both are correct. Thanks.
Saint Johnsbury, VT
just me wrote: I just copy pasted this from an article: A manpower shortage could have hindered the abilities of the Haverhill Police. Due to sick time, training and vacancies the seven-man department was down to as few as three full-time officers and a chief at the time of Maura's accident, town records show. Then I was thinking about Maura seeming intoxicated or not. I don't think her car heater was working properly and she was shivering. If SBD and officer thought Maura had been drinking, they should have spent more time looking for her that night. But they don't do night searches normally they said and took back the "she seemed impared due to alcohol" statement made by I think SBD.....to cover their butts for waiting til noon the next day to put out a BOL, endangered female......there was an 'empty' pop bottle that contained wine found right outside the car door. The rest of it was in the back seat, some splashed on the dash, the seat along with a spider crack in the windsheild. But also found was a /beer can/. Maura did not like beer. I know it's anybodys guess where that might have come form but thought I'd mention it. What a cop out no pun intended
Saint Johnsbury, VT
just me wrote: I just copy pasted this from an article: A manpower shortage could have hindered the abilities of the Haverhill Police. Due to sick time, training and vacancies the seven-man department was down to as few as three full-time officers and a chief at the time of Maura's accident, town records show. Then I was thinking about Maura seeming intoxicated or not. I don't think her car heater was working properly and she was shivering. If SBD and officer thought Maura had been drinking, they should have spent more time looking for her that night. But they don't do night searches normally they said and took back the "she seemed impared due to alcohol" statement made by I think SBD.....to cover their butts for waiting til noon the next day to put out a BOL, endangered female......there was an 'empty' pop bottle that contained wine found right outside the car door. The rest of it was in the back seat, some splashed on the dash, the seat along with a spider crack in the windsheild. But also found was a /beer can/. Maura did not like beer. I know it's anybodys guess where that might have come form but thought I'd mention it. What a cop out no pun intended
“Boom,Boom, Boom ”
Joined: Sep 21, 2007
Comments: 1820
Anyquestion wrote: A long time ago, a couple years, a friend (Beth) told me that during the change of seasons that there would be unrest on blogs and forums. She reassured me it would pass.. The unrest is called a full moon :)
Saint Johnsbury, VT
Wowzer wrote: <quoted text> You aren't helping anyone Oh My. No one believes a word you say and each time you post you are making a bigger idiot out of yourself. You have lied so many times that now you're tripping over all the lies and contradictions that you have made. You've done nothing but pour salt in the wounds of people here that are actually trying to find Maura and you've thrown names of innocent people out on a public site and accused them of horrible crimes. What you have done is pathetic. It's disturbing to think that you might be running around loose in my area. Whatever you say,,your so right I suppose Claude is innocent since he killed his brother at a young age#1,,#2 there is a death bed confession from Claude's other brother who died from cancer that Claude killed Maura,,#3 The rag in the exaust pipe was put there to stop her car from starting but it had an exaust leak I guess because it ran alittle but not well,,#4 Claude I am sure put a drug in Maura's drink in Woodsville so he could abduct her,,#5 Claude had another woman involved and she is the one who talked to the bus driver begging not to call PD,,#6 The responding officer Sgt. Smith had snow to track these individuals but did not,,#7,,#8,,#9,,#10,,ect.. I beg to differ with you Sir!! I am just telling the truth and you cannot handle it thats all!
Greenfield, MA
There are few good men who can handle the truth. And what happened on June 3, 1964 in Springfield is hard to handle.
Greenfield, MA
Saint Johnsbury, VT
quija wrote: Think about what is most likely to have happened that night Maura disappeared. This is going to sound harsh, but it really seems like Maura was having big troubles... --Maura (maybe - not in police log which looked altered) has one skid-out around 7PM. Somehow (maybe) gets out and keeps on going although the car is damaged. --Maura has a second skid and car is backed into the snowbank. --SBD stop a few minutes later and talks with her and tells her he's gonna call the police even though she begs him not to. --That leaves her no choice but to get the heck out of there or face a DUI (maybe, if she was drinking since alcohol might have been spilled) --Unlikely the construction worker living nearby did anything --- right in his front yard, for gosh sakes -- unlikely she was abducted in the few minutes while parents drove by going home with their kids from the ski trip the SBD took them on and neighbors watched from their windows --Girl with West Point (military) training would know how to evade police --No sign of foul play, no sign of a fight, and she was athletic and trained. She wouldn't be abducted easily. --Yes, she could've grabbed a lift from someone. How likely is it that it was a "bad guy"? --Seemed she was avoiding people, though, putting off the school bus driver by saying she'd already called for a tow, when he knew she didn't since there was no cell phone service at that spot. --Most likely thing is not an abduction or foul play. Not likely either with witnesses watching intermittently out their windows that someone accidentally hit her in the road with their car. --She was very stressed; she left West Point; it appears she wasn't planning to go back to UMass or nursing, although she was doing really well, as always. Seems to have packed up her dormitory room or never unpacked after Xmas vacation; settled most personal matters like returning clothes to a classmate, finishing up a student group paper project, sending emails about her being gone for a week to professors and bosses; had an uncontrolled crying jag; was escorted back to her dorm by her boss; was offered to be taken to counseling by her boss, was given her boss's cell phone number in case she needed help; her friends were worried about her; her boyfriend/fiance was half a country away; she had a costly accident a couple days before in her dad's new car; she seemed to be drinking more than before... --seems she was in crisis, very emotional, maybe not herself and out of control in some ways... --Even if she left UMass just to get away to sort things out and take a break, after 2 more accidents and a school bus driver threatening to call the cops, and maybe coming on strong about her being intoxicated (if she was), what do you think her agenda was at that point? Does it sound like the last straw? Even her close dad's first reaction was that she was depressed and he felt she was endangered and depressed. Sounds like a wonderful, bright, athletic girl with so much potential wasn't just stressed but sort of spiraling down and refusing any help that was offered... just my opinion - not putting Maura down --- she has been described as a really admirable and special young woman. But what if you look at what is most likely? Yes she was troubled by the man and woman who killed her!!
Saint Johnsbury, VT
WeWii wrote: <quoted text> No... Your accusations are what have people thinking. What truely is your angle? Alot of the time a guilty party will try to interject themselves in a case. In there own mind they feel they cannot be looked at when they have helped so much. I am sincerly hopefull that you have nothing to do with this. However, the more I read your posts the more I think you, yourself may be involved. If not, you can surely now understand what others felt or thought when they have been accused by you. I am only an observer. An outsider who is sickened with about 50% of all these posts. I can plainly rationalize with almost all of the theories. But what I don't understand is when one person brings a theory, two more people act as though their own theory is the only one plausible. Why not look outside the box. Get your paper and pen out and get all the theories on paper. Then do some subjective reasoning make a timeline. Give yourself a place to start. Oh my: I am in no way bashing you. But you state you know the criminals. Then you say you've heard names. Then you say you've had preminitions(Are you some type of clarvoyent). Give it a rest. You are reminding me of a fella I know who just likes to hear himself talk. And really gets his rocks off by talking about things he knows nothing about. The funny thing is everyone knows he is full of chit. Does that make since to you? WHAT FORENSIC'S TEAM DO YOU WERK FOR? i AM ON THE A TEAM.
Saint Johnsbury, VT
quija wrote: At one time I thought the SBD might have been annoyed coming around the bend at the weathered barn and finding it hard to avoid hitting Maura's car. I thought he might have yelled at her, particularly if he thought she was intoxicated, as he stated initially, then later dropped that part from "his story". His story varied but as the last person to see Maura (if it was Maura in the car), he thrived in the limelight and adjusted his story to make himself look better. That's sad, but I don't think he had any involvement. Just my opinion. Any involvement would've been too hard to plan with him on the road all day. And she was still in the car when he arrived at the scene so it's unlikely he hit her with the bus. That just leaves a guy who, like most of us, wants to be a hero. Just Me is right --- neighbors said the SBD backing in was unusual, never did that before. He must've been sort of waiting for the police to arrive and see them coming over to him and be ready to be interviewed. His driving off in his other vehicle to search for Maura, when CS did too, was probably another normal behavior of trying to helpful and important and part of police work, since he wasn't actually a policeman but seemed to have wanted to be and liked to identify himself that way. I don't think he did anything wrong, just that his behavior was affected by who he wanted to be, and how he wanted to be seen. Pretty human. I feel bad we all jumped on him as a POI early on. I mean, a guy living at his mother's house with his ex-wife/girlfriend and driving a school bus all day that day.... really, it's probably time to let him off the hook. The people in that county and state have been slammed on other forums and it's mortifying. This week when I was there, I ran into lots of nice and courteous people --- a pick-up truck driver who made a real effort to help me at a light (me in the wrong lane) by signaling me he saw my problem and to go ahead of him when the light changed. I don't know when this slamming of NH began, but it really is infantile and not useful in any way. OK, onward. YA OKIE DOIR
Saint Johnsbury, VT
Lower Slower Delaware wrote: <quoted text>Great post you nailed it on the head. Unfortunately OH MY won't get it just as he/she never got it when posting as Sepmer Fi in the tragic 5/11/07 Franconia tragedy. The same type of mindless blatherings of secret information was dangled in front of everyone which amounted to absolutely nothing of value or correct about that case either. He/she takes lessons from the master of gossip blogging,KINGSPAMALOT who interjects his cause into every case. OK COLUMBO
Detective Columbo
Littleton, NH
OH MY.... I am here .....I will call you later.....Columbo
Saint Johnsbury, VT
Detective Columbo wrote: OH MY.... I am here .....I will call you later.....Columbo Columbo whatever,,,As far as I am concerned your out of the loop!!!!!!!!!
Saint Johnsbury, VT
Gary Downer,His Wife,,Cheryl Downer Marie from the Bardge Inn and her better half.,,Claude Molton,Therasa Vellette,,Lil Pete Johnson,,Mitchell who we call Mitch the Bitch that has the greenhouses and the abandoned veggie stand on rt.25,Red the Hells Angel who chipped Maura's body up a buddy of Mitch the Bitch,,Daniel Marsh of jetstar and all employee's, Joe Beckley,Lee Jackson and who ever burned and owned the Chaley Shaffer,,All the police in Haverhill N.H. for witholding evidence,,A couple troop F Patrolmen thats a good start but there are more and they all now who killed Maura and they are all hiding out, you never see them out in public and they are harboring and protecting each other in a hugh conspiracy to commit murder and have done so before,,Mitch Mitchell the bitch has been killing people for years and molesting little girls in Haverhill N.H.
It is time to find the bones and teeth that mitch the biotch has been throwing off the train car from here to florida...!!!!!!!
Saint Johnsbury, VT
Did I miss anyone?
OH MY wrote: OK NOW THE ARREST LIST IS AS FOLLOWS FROM TOP TO BOTTOM.. Gary Downer,His Wife,,Cheryl Downer Marie from the Bardge Inn and her better half.,,Claude Molton,Therasa Vellette,,Lil Pete Johnson,,Mitchell who we call Mitch the Bitch that has the greenhouses and the abandoned veggie stand on rt.25,Red the Hells Angel who chipped Maura's body up a buddy of Mitch the Bitch,,Daniel Marsh of jetstar and all employee's, Joe Beckley,Lee Jackson and who ever burned and owned the Chaley Shaffer,,All the police in Haverhill N.H. for witholding evidence,,A couple troop F Patrolmen thats a good start but there are more and they all now who killed Maura and they are all hiding out, you never see them out in public and they are harboring and protecting each other in a hugh conspiracy to commit murder and have done so before,,Mitch Mitchell the bitch has been killing people for years and molesting little girls in Haverhill N.H. It is time to find the bones and teeth that mitch the biotch has been throwing off the train car from here to florida...!!!!!!! Look Oh my, as if we all didnt think you were crazy before, naming all these names, i know you have had some type of relationships with some of the above you have named, we all know who you are, so not sure how wise it is of you to just compile a list of people, i believe it is called slander..rumor has it, since your sons motorcyle accident u have not been normal. I know you are under some delusion that you have all this information, but the problem is, you cant keep your stories straight. This whole town is laughing at you oh my.