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Woonsocket, RI

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Oct 18, 2008




whiston wrote:
hi all, if Maura averaged 60 mph and left the atm at 3.40 pm it is 218 miles to woodsville up 93.that is 3 hours and 36 minutes.which brings it to 7.16 pm.of cousre going to an atm on her way would cut some time but i dont know if 60mph is a realistic average speed.did Maura have the saturn repaired between getting back to amherst [classes started jan28] i dont know but it did make it back from Bridgeport C.T [105 MILES]after the christmas break.take care philip
Philip, if the ping came from a Londonderry tower, then she would've had to be somewhere near much longer would that have made the trip? Speed limit on 93 is 65 mph--I THINK it's 65 on 91 also but I'm not sure. The likelihood of a Saturn running on 3 cylinders going an average of 60 mph. is pretty questionable, isn't it? Once on 112,(going east or west) I can't even begin to drive 60mph at night. So to get an average of 60mph, one would've had to go pretty fast to "make up" for the decreased speed on 112.

“Honesty and justice for all”

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Londonderry, NH

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Oct 18, 2008




I had Sprint until earlier this year (1998-2008), an analog/digital phone. When I traveled up I93 to Easton/Franconia in 2004 I lost cell reception right around Campton,NH. With Verizon I now keep reception all the way. The 116/112 area not so good though.

“Honesty and justice for all”

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Londonderry, NH

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Oct 18, 2008




Looking4AMoose wrote:
<quoted text>Philip, if the ping came from a Londonderry tower, then she would've had to be somewhere near much longer would that have made the trip? Speed limit on 93 is 65 mph--I THINK it's 65 on 91 also but I'm not sure. The likelihood of a Saturn running on 3 cylinders going an average of 60 mph. is pretty questionable, isn't it? Once on 112,(going east or west) I can't even begin to drive 60mph at night. So to get an average of 60mph, one would've had to go pretty fast to "make up" for the decreased speed on 112.
Going up by Lost River would be quite a strain on 3 cylinders and would make for extremely slow going.

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Stockholm, Sweden

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Oct 18, 2008
Hello all,

Provided that we really can assume from the "ping" of the Londonderry, NH, cell-phone tower that Maura likely was within at most some 20 miles from that spot....

It would then certainly seem possible that she (and the Saturn) was driving north on the I-93 towards Lincoln/Franconia...

If so, we may perhaps have to re-think our previous scenario of Maura driving the I-91 from MA into Vermont and then through Woodsville eastwards on Rte 112.

Still, on 3 cylinders?
It´s certainly possible, but I have a feeling that the Saturn might have been fixed somehow and may well have been running on all cylinders at the time. Considering the time factor.

Charleston, WV

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Oct 18, 2008





Transcribed from an interview, approximately 1989, with a seasoned detective assigned to a large urban organized crime unit:

“Ten, twenty years from now, after the drug thing has run its course, the big thing that organized crime will get into – this both traditional and nontraditional organized crime – will be the selling of body parts. They’re already doing it some countries – they’re taking these kids, buying babies, killing them, and selling them for organ transplants. We’ve started to look into it here.

“What will happen is, they’ll take the babies, take the girls, take the kids, whatever ages they want, and just grow them like cattle. And then when somebody needs an organ, or a group of organs, from a three-year-old, and eight-year-old, a female white, whatever… It really getting scientific. The fear is that the U.S. is just going to start buying these body parts from overseas, and that’s what we have to protect against. Organ farming is expected to the next wave after drugs.“

Charleston, WV

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Oct 18, 2008






PHILADELPHIA - A nurse admitted Wednesday he cut body parts from 244 corpses and helped forge paperwork so the parts, some of them diseased, could be used in unsuspecting patients.

Authorities say nurse Lee Cruceta was the lead cutter in a group that trafficked in more than 1,000 stolen body parts for the lucrative transplant market.

He pleaded guilty to conspiracy, taking part in a corrupt organization, abuse of a corpse and 244 counts each of theft and forgery. Cruceta, 35, also has pleaded guilty to related charges in New York and negotiated pleas to serve concurrent sentences of 6 1/2 to 20 years.

He is expected to testify against the other defendants, and won't be formally sentenced until those cases are resolved.

Several funeral directors have pleaded guilty in New York, and the accused ringleader Michael Mastromarino, 44, is being held in the case. Three Funeral Directors in Philadelphia have pleaded not guilty and are awaiting trial.

Assistant Philadelphia District Attorney Bruce Sagel told a judge that Mastromarino also is expected to plead guilty. The timing of his plea was uncertain.

His lawyer, Mario Gallucci, earlier told The Associated Press that Mastromarino plans to tell prosecutors about the companies that bought the stolen specimens.

Mastromarino, a former oral surgeon, paid Funeral Directors $1,000 per corpse, then sold the parts to tissue banks, Sagel said. The body parts fetched up to $10,000 apiece, though the tissue banks resold them to hospitals for many times that amount, he said.

Prosecutors believe Mastromarino, employing several teams of cutters, took in $6 million to $12 million since 2001.

"I think the concern is Lee Cruceta has been placed, in some ways, on an even footing with Mr. Mastromarino, who has millions of dollars," defense lawyer Mary Maran said.

Cruceta, speaking after the hearing, said he was already earning more than $100,000 a year working two jobs when he signed on with Mastromarino, thinking his Biomedical Tissue Services was a legitimate company. Asked when he realized things were amiss, he declined to comment.

"We were a normal family. We had a normal life," said his wife, Theresa Cruceta, standing with their three young children. "We lost everything."

She had lost her hospital administration job in New York City in the economic downturn that followed the 2001 terrorist attacks, she said. Cruceta previously worked as a surgical nurse manager and at a tissue bank, but said he thought he could ultimately earn more working for Mastromarino.

Victims included Alistair Cooke
The body parts were used in disk replacements, knee operations, dental implants and other surgical procedures performed by unsuspecting doctors across the United States and in Canada. About 10,000 people received tissue supplied by Biomedical Tissue Services.

Among the bodies looted was that of "Masterpiece Theatre" host Alistair Cooke, who died in 2004. Cooke's daughter and relatives of the other deceased people say they never authorized any donations.

A grand jury in Philadelphia found that the body-parts ring forged death certificates to hide diseases such as cancer and AIDS and lower the ages of the deceased to make the stolen specimens more desirable.

A flood of civil lawsuits are expected on behalf of the transplant recipients.

Charleston, WV

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Oct 18, 2008





Food and Beverage Management

Woonsocket, RI

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Oct 18, 2008



Eurobserver wrote:
Hello all,
Provided that we really can assume from the "ping" of the Londonderry, NH, cell-phone tower that Maura likely was within at most some 20 miles from that spot....
It would then certainly seem possible that she (and the Saturn) was driving north on the I-93 towards Lincoln/Franconia...
If so, we may perhaps have to re-think our previous scenario of Maura driving the I-91 from MA into Vermont and then through Woodsville eastwards on Rte 112.
Still, on 3 cylinders?
It´s certainly possible, but I have a feeling that the Saturn might have been fixed somehow and may well have been running on all cylinders at the time. Considering the time factor.
Actually, we can only assume that Maura's cell phone was within 20 miles of the Londonderry tower......but the other poster is right, Lost River would be a real strain on 3 cylinders (it definitely slows down the 4 cylinder I take up on occasion). It was said that Maura was getting rides to her clinicals the week prior--maybe the Saturn was being fixed at that time?

Charleston, WV

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Oct 18, 2008



not impossible if jam gear at chop shop

Marlborough, CT

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Oct 18, 2008
this forum has me saying rosary with Sister Angelica on channel 21......

Maura's phone has nothing to do with the Londonderry ping call.

Maura's phone could have been in Antartica...

Maura's phone could have been at tea with the Queen.

If this ping call did not show up as an incoming call on her bill, we can draw some conclusions, apply some time/distance of them being she likely was not in an area of cell reception.
Well then that makes you think she was not on I91...because 91 has good reception, same with Amherst, same with I 93.....
It becomes a question of time and distance and reception.


Charleston, WV

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Oct 18, 2008
The parts are kept on File. But the recipients have to wait for the right part to come in from the deceased. If you were really wealthy and needed that part for a loved one asap, maybe you would want to jump to the top of the waiting list somehow. Or maybe someone you know owns the list. Or maybe someone a little more aggressive - a harvester - would try to locate just the right part, knowing someone is waiting for it and will pay anything to get it.

The general public is at least 10-20 years behind the science on stuff like this, much of which they find too bizarre to contemplate. Which is why the bad guys get away with it. No one can believe it's as possible and widespread as it is.

Just something to consider.

Charleston, WV

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Oct 18, 2008
Maybe cell (phone) blocking - jamming - might be a possibility.
L K Tucker

Montgomery, AL

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Oct 18, 2008
I rarely reply to comments posted about my site but the disappearance of Maura Murray is one subject where I have an ongoing interest.

Maura had a crying episode so severe that she was helped back to her room. Within a few days she had wrecked two cars and disappeared.

Video at stops she made show she was alone.

A contractor returning from a job that night saw someone matching Maura's description hiding behind trees on a logging road about five miles from her accident.

All this points to the conclusion that she had a mental break caused by Subliminal Distraction exposure.

SD is explained in college psychology under psychophysics, physiology of sight, subliminal sight, and peripheral vision reflexes.

It is believed to cause a harmless temporary episode seen in business offices. No one seems to realize that as a problem of human physiology it will happen where the "special circumstances for exposure" are created. The cubicle solved the problem in business offices by 1968. Cubicles block peripheral vision for a concentrating worker.

Schools are unaware such a problem exists or could exist. Most who have not taken basic psychology make fools of them selves by ridiculing the phenomenon.

The Missing Students page at VisionAndPsychosis.Net has a long list of these disappearance cases. The first one on-line was Ron Tammen, Miami of Ohio, 1953. He has been missing fifty years. This summer a researcher noticed the description of an unknown murder victim in north Georgia three months after he went missing might be Tammen. Bones are being DNA evaluated now.

There is no treatment for this phenomenon. Prevention is the only solution.

Simple precautions provide Cubicle Level Protection. Read the Prevention section at the bottom of most pages at
http://VisionAndPsychosis.Net .

Charleston, WV

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Oct 18, 2008
In 2004, Verizon north of Yankee Candle to Greenfield (maybe beyond) had crummy, often zero, reception. Especially where the Deerfield River crosses 91.
Lady Gray

Austin, TX

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Oct 18, 2008
Looking4AMoose wrote:
I was thinking about the fact that the "witness" stated Maura's hair was up when he saw her in the Saturn at the Weathered Barn. Since she was a nursing student, she would have had to get used to wearing her hair up because as a student, it's necessary when doing clinicals. So, even though she never worse it up prior to nursing school, it may have become a habit due to her clinicals.
FireCat wrote:
<quoted text>
That whole post confuses me. When you say the "witness" do you mean SBD? Because he said her hair was DOWN.
I was also under the impression that Maura ALMOST ALWAYS wore her hair UP, and you've indicated the opposite.(I remember one picture she even wrote something to the effect of "What's this? Maura with her hair down??" or something)
Please clarify this for my Friday-afternoon-befuddled brain, Moose? Thanks!
Firecat, you're 100% correct on all of the above.

Maybe the confusion is that SBD said she didn't look like the picture they showed him as her hair was up in the picture and the female he saw had her hair down. He said to them that maybe it came undone during the "accident."

Marlborough, CT

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Oct 18, 2008
actually 2004 from just after Yankee Candle to the Butterfly Museum.
Then again reception was poor on the MA/VT border.

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Cottage Grove, OR

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Oct 18, 2008
Sybil wrote: /rodfranklin/franklinidx.htm
Well - this could help me with some genealogy research - but other then maybe being a county in the Berkshires area - I don't know what to make of this. If you have something to point out - just say it.

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Cottage Grove, OR

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Oct 18, 2008
L K Tucker wrote:
I rarely reply to comments posted about my site but the disappearance of Maura Murray is one subject where I have an ongoing interest.
Site a source - other then your own - such as a respected Psychology Inductry Journal or perhaps the DSM-IV.

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Cottage Grove, OR

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Oct 18, 2008
mcsmom wrote:
this forum has me saying rosary with Sister Angelica on channel 21......
Maura's phone has nothing to do with the Londonderry ping call.
Maura's phone could have been in Antartica...
Maura's phone could have been at tea with the Queen.
If this ping call did not show up as an incoming call on her bill, we can draw some conclusions, apply some time/distance of them being she likely was not in an area of cell reception.
Well then that makes you think she was not on I91...because 91 has good reception, same with Amherst, same with I 93.....
It becomes a question of time and distance and reception.
You get an Amen. I agree with everything there.

"Maura's phone has nothing to do with the Londonderry ping call."

I made a big mistake by misunderstanding this crucial truth you point out here.

Pretty sharp observation - anything you have to say - I'm all ears.

So (this is not a retort to your post, rather a recognition)- do you think that saying she was South of White River Junction before 4:37 is too: agressive, reasonable, too much margin of error?
I've no familiarity with cell phone reception anywhere on that route.

I see Shack is looking at good and bad reception areas and I think you or someone else was sharing what they knew.

I don't want to put you on the spot - but where do you think she can be placed at various places and times based upon the additional precision you and Shack are working to add?

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Cottage Grove, OR

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Oct 18, 2008
Looking4AMoose wrote:
<quoted text>Philip, if the ping came from a Londonderry tower, then she would've had to be somewhere near much longer would that have made the trip? Speed limit on 93 is 65 mph--I THINK it's 65 on 91 also but I'm not sure. The likelihood of a Saturn running on 3 cylinders going an average of 60 mph. is pretty questionable, isn't it? Once on 112,(going east or west) I can't even begin to drive 60mph at night. So to get an average of 60mph, one would've had to go pretty fast to "make up" for the decreased speed on 112.
Good points - Among these reasons - plus the fact that she was not in the Boston area - but west at Amhurst right at Interstate 91 - its conclusive that the phone traveled up Interstate 91 - presumably with the Saturn and questionably with Maura driving it.

Furthermore - she left on Monday, February 9, 2004
- we're talking now after 3:27 from Amhurst.(Thank you Whiston.) If she went to Boston First - by the time she was in Boston - she'd be there in time for heavier rush hour traffic. You can't go 60 miles an hour in rush hour.

I93 is out of the question.
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