United States
the southern avenger wrote: How much money are you willing to contribute to the recovery of Maura Murray? a question of intent, may I hypothosize you have no connection to maura's cause. for example do you think, irrespective of your own financial considerations, your participation is needed? The reason i put it like this, is because your here for damage control, and the truth is out. your ideas of Eric Rudolph only apply to people like Mr. Floyd who was apparently AWOL twice and has an affinity for felonies. you run with the bulls, your gonna get horns, beware. WE DON'T KNOW YOU, WV is the Home of the FBI. What is your purpose? LOL, Southern Avenger, meet Alden. He really lives in Amherst MA. He's our resident crackpot. He's also posted as Eagle Art, Claysoup, Beagle Bart, and a whole crapton of aliases from WV. He's not here for damage control, he's here for whatever private agenda he's here for, which may be damage, or it may just be his personal instability. Who even knows.
United States
elsewherebriefly wrote: Alden let me get this straight, You find it funny making a mockery of the blue bow wrapped around Maura's memorial tree on Route 112 and making a mockery of an alien doll head that was found while someone was volunteering her time on foot searching for Maura in the woods at Benton Flats? Yep, sounds about right. Along with the many other things of which he's made a mockery lo, these several hundred pages.
United States
Benjamin Franklyne wrote: Courtesy - Google books: Romeo and Juliette Act 2, Scene 4 Nurse. Now, afore God, I am so vexed that every part about me quivers. Scurvy knave !— Pray you, sir, a word; and as I told you, my young lady bade me inquire you out; what she bade me say, I will keep to myself: but first let me tell ye, if ye should lead her into a fool's paradise, as they say, it were a very gross kind of behaviour, as they say; for the gentlewoman is young, and therefore, if you should deal double with her, truly it were an ill thing to be offered to any gentlewoman, and very weak dealing. Henry IV, Act II Peace, good pint-pot ! peace, good tickle brain!— Harry, I do not only marvel where thou spendest thy time, but also how thou art accompanied: for though the camomile, the more it is trodden on, the faster it grows, so youth, the more it is wasted, the Booner it wears. That thou art my son, I have partly thy mother's word, partly my own opinion; but chiefly, a villainous trick of thine eye, and a foolish hanging of thy nether lip, that doth warrant me. If, then, thou be son to me, here lies the point — why, being son to me, art thou so pointed at? Shall the blessed sun of heaven prove a micher, and eat blackberries? a question not to be asked. Shall the son of England prove a thief, and take purses? a question to be asked. There is a thing, Harry, which thou hast often heard of Persia, of, and it is known to many in our land by the name of pitch: this pitch, as ancient writers do report, doth defile: so doth the company thou keepest; for, Harry, now I do not speak to thee in drink, but in tears; not in pleasure, but in passion; not in words only, but in woes also.— And yet there is a virtuous man, whom I have often noted in thy company, but I know not his name. Please tell me why we're reduced to quoting shakespeare? No, seriously. I could give y'all a run for the money, but I won't bother. That's not why I'm here.
Joined: Oct 16, 2008
Comments: 269
Stockton, CA
I can't tell you why Harry made his comments - but I can tell you WHERE Harry got his "If ye should lead her in a fool's paradise" and "Tickle Brain" from.
the southern avenger
Mount Pleasant, SC
Harry didn't quote, I did. you may find the text, but a horse to be ambassador for an ass! BUT, we detest such vile base practices! How much time do you have?
Franconia, NH
Reality Check wrote: The LE suv was sold because...... it had been damaged in an acc. on FEB 9th 2004 , then repaired. LE getting rid of any evidence that would link them to Maura's disappearance. CS of Haverhill LE knows exactly what happened to Maura. Look up corruption in the dictionary and his picture will be there. You are stating these things as fact. Do you have any proof whatsoever to back up your accusations?
the southern avenger
Mount Pleasant, SC
What hempen homespuns we have swaggering here? Those who know, need not confirmation here. Those that are outraged have reason. may justice have wings to exceed Ayotte's repression
Shallotte, NC
Weeper wrote: I do not, nor have I ever, believe Sgt. Smith was in any way connected to Maura’s disappearance. His filling out and filing of the “official public accident report” may have been flawed and inaccurate but not done so with any malicious intent. Wowzer, I'd also like to add that although I may not agree with White Wash all of the time the majority of what she presents on this forum is factual. She recently posted that the Bronco was re-acquired after it was sold at auction and processed by LE. It was obviously cleared. I'll be happy to dig for that particular post, just not
Shallotte, NC
Just for the record, I definately do not agree with anything White Wash has ever said about Shack and us old timers been dealing with it for years now. I really wish she'd knock it off but thankfully Shack has alwayas handled herself with class and grace. More than I can say about
the southern avenger
Mount Pleasant, SC
HEy Shack... we love you!!! you cool. know it.
Franconia, NH
elsewherebriefly wrote: <quoted text> Wowzer, I'd also like to add that although I may not agree with White Wash all of the time the majority of what she presents on this forum is factual. She recently posted that the Bronco was re-acquired after it was sold at auction and processed by LE. It was obviously cleared. I'll be happy to dig for that particular post, just not No need to dig for the post elsewhere. Thank you for verifying the suv was cleared. I think keeping facts separated from fiction is important. When someone makes such a damaging statement as Reality Check did and states it as fact they should have proof before they put it on a public forum. Elsewhere it's ok not to agree with someone all the time. It's knowing how to disagree with courtesy and respect that I think we could all take a lesson in, myself included.
Brighton, MA
I stay and ignore all anger directed at me because I remember why I started. I didn't believe that any crime could happen in MY area of NH. I was all of the "Three Monkey's". I was wrong. Maura disappearing in MY area of NH, was my inspiration to open "my closed mind". In fact, more crimes have transpired, in MY area of NH, than here in my MA Town of 10K.....
Charleston, WV
| "The Hampshire Shakespeare Company Mainstage has mounted fifty full productions since 1989, including twenty-seven productions of Shakespeare's plays for Shakespeare Under the Stars, an outdoor summer theater festival started in 1991... It has also been contracted to create murder mysteries for several organizations." "Our performances take place on... Bay Road, Hadley, MA 01035"
Charleston, WV
FireCat wrote: <quoted text> Um, no. He's a PI in Massachusetts. This, I can assure you. Just an example of how a PI can write a letter:
Charleston, WV
BELOW EXCERPT FROM: In a May 2 article in The Republican, Stevens said that since last November, his contact with the Chicopee and State Police had “developed a unique spirit of co-operation.: He added,“Hopefully, we will stimulate development of a quasi-task power force that will bring Danny’s murderer to justice.” Chicopee Police Chief John R. Ferraro told the Observer last week that his department still has an active investigation of the murder, which occurred in his city 33 years ago. But, he added, his investigative team consists of the police and prosecutors from Hampden County District Attorney William Bennett’s office. “We welcome information from any investigation, from aliens, or from the man in the moon. But our team is this department and the district attorney’s office,” Ferraro said. Captain Peter Higgins, the commander of the State Police force attached to Bennett’s office, told the Observer that the prosecutor has given Stevens access to investigative materials “beyond what has been in the newspapers” about the Croteau case. In return,“we would expect reciprocity on his part,” said Higgins. “I can’t see how he [Stevens] could offer confidentiality to anybody if he has promised to share his findings with the DA,” Egan commented. Egan noted that some of the priests who received the letter had long ago cooperated with inquiring police investigators, who had told them not to discuss their observations with others. In a Republican article last year announcing the paper’s hiring of Stevens, publisher Larry A. McDermott said,“Our hope is that this combination of skilled news reporters and trained criminal investigators will shed more light on an unsolved murder that has haunted the community for many years.” The private investigator told the Observer he hoped to create a better timeline of Croteau’s last 24 hours. He said the youth had plans to attend a party the night he disappeared, but it was not known if he made it to the party or not. “We generally want to look at the 72 hours before the incident, and 72 hours after the incident. What was everybody doing?” he said.
Franconia, NH
Shack wrote: I stay and ignore all anger directed at me because I remember why I started. I didn't believe that any crime could happen in MY area of NH. I was all of the "Three Monkey's". I was wrong. Maura disappearing in MY area of NH, was my inspiration to open "my closed mind". In fact, more crimes have transpired, in MY area of NH, than here in my MA Town of 10K..... Sighhhhh. It is no wonder that anger is directed at you. You act like the town crier running through the forums and telling everyone with excitement every crime that happens withing 50 and more miles of the Woodsville area. I assure you Shack that just because you have a summer camp on a lake up here that does not make it YOUR area. Last I heard everyone in the area was still paying their taxes which would make it everyone's area. Love the capital letters you use in MY. With the complete lack of respect,and the disdain and disgust you have shown for the people of Grafton County and the Woodsville/Haverhill area with all the name calling and accusations that you have personally done thru the years you have a lot of nerve to say it is YOUR area, Your lake etc. Maybe if you stop instigating and causing friction with an us/them attitude then maybe EVERYONE could start working together on this forum. When you show no respect don't expect any back.
Charleston, WV
According, in the mid-1990's, to a state police detective, the amateur actor's death in his house on the river in Hadley was a suicide. This actor was an early member of HSC. Years before, he had performed at the Rusty Nail.
Charleston, WV
the southern avenger wrote: wanna rumble? Like in West Side Story? Sharks and Jets? Romeo and Juliet?
Charleston, WV
FireCat wrote: <quoted text> LOL, Southern Avenger, meet Alden. He really lives in Amherst MA. He's our resident crackpot. He's also posted as Eagle Art, Claysoup, Beagle Bart, and a whole crapton of aliases from WV. He's not here for damage control, he's here for whatever private agenda he's here for, which may be damage, or it may just be his personal instability. Who even knows. The objective avatar knows.
Charleston, WV
If the dorm room of Maura Murray was being used more as a storage unit than living quarters, would people other than Maura have access to it? If so, wouldn't they have to go past security? Wouldn't they have a key? Hey, it's kind of like what is recommended: 72 hours before and 72 hours after.