Marlborough, CT
Quote H.P Albarelli Jr: Fred Murray became particularly upset when, for unexplained reasons, the Haverhill and New Hampshire State Police would not provide John Walsh of America's Most Wanted television show a copy of their report on his daughter's case so that Walsh could feature her disappearance on his show. Since this incident, Fred Murray has become increasingly frustrated with the lack of information shared with him. I guess Lindsay and Albarelli are both wrong.
Marlborough, CT
Quote: All American Girl part three and four: According to John Walsh, the Haverhill authorities would not provide them with a police report so that they could feature Maura on their show.(A Missing Person’s Police Report is a public record.) This happened a short time after Maura was missing. I guess even John Walsh himself is wrong.
Marlborough, CT
This is the criteria for AMW straight from their website. To Submit a Case to AMW can only accept missing person cases that have been reported to police. If you have not yet reported your case to local authorities, you should do so immediately. To have your case considered for America's Most Wanted and , send a letter with the following elements to: America's Most Wanted Missing Persons Unit P.O. Box Crime TV Washington, DC 20016 Your full name and contact information. Be sure to include phone numbers and e-mail addresses where we can reach you during the day. Name and contact information of law enforcement personnel assigned to the case Your written description of circumstances surrounding the disappearance
Joined: Jun 10, 2008
Comments: 299
Woonsocket, RI
WHITE WASH wrote: Sorry I don't have AAA and a little spoiled on the towing issue so can you explain how this works? You are on the side of the road you have an 800 number and you call they send a tow truck or do you pick? We just had a teenager start driving do you think AAA is worth the cost? Thanks <quoted text> Well, let's see...if you're in or around Mt. Lakes you have to go into a house to call because I have yet to find a cell signal except for that one little spot on the dock of the lake on the side of the offices....LOL and only if you stand with your right foot up in the air and you're left arm at a 45 degree angle to your hips.....but anyway. Yes, you call the 800 #, give your location and they send the next company that is on the list that is in the area.
Joined: Jun 10, 2008
Comments: 299
Woonsocket, RI
It's come in really handy for me because I drive a lot....transmission dies at LaRonde amusement park in Montreal one year and we got towed to our place in Lisbon (EXACTLY 100 miles so there was no charge!!) and then in 2004, the engine on the suburban froze (as I said, the weekend before Maura disappeared) and they towed to Lisbon Chevrolet. As far as a family plan that was mentioned in an earlier post, I've had AAA for about 20 years and know of no family plan. You can add people on the primary account but they have a name associated with it. As long as they have your name on the card (you do have to show the card to the tow truck driver) they will tow whatever vehicle you are with.
Needham, MA
Saturnus wrote: Anyone here have a copy of the Hadley Accident Report? If so, could you please clarify by checking the intersection street names where Maura crashed Fred's Toyota? According to the Whitman Hanson Express it was at the T intersection of North Maple Street and North Hadley Rd. However, when checking with Google Maps, North Hadley Rd connects between Sunset Ave and Lincoln Ave, not North Maple. Perhaps they meant Mass Ave, as this one does come to a T at North Maple. Thanks. The report is correct. Maura was traveling w/b on N. Hadley Road into the "T" intersection of N. Maple. It's approximately 4 mi from her dorm.
Joined: Jun 10, 2008
Comments: 299
Woonsocket, RI
WHITE WASH wrote: Ok so let's say Smith took Cementary Road which takes him to the lower part of 112 he still needs to come by the bridge and up over the hill. So the "Witness" is on a much shorter route so the "Witness" would pull out in front of Smith. Sorry we drive Goose Lane a lot from Woodsville to Mt.Lakes. The whole exchange on Goose Lane isn't cutting it for me. So this "Witness" should have been right on top of Maura if this timing is all correct. But they claim to have not seen her? <quoted text> Agreed...... I was just explaining how the officer could have been coming up from the west......the "witness" timing doesn't seem right to me---probably would've had to be traveling at pretty quick speeds on those roads to have kept the posted timing of the trip.
Marlborough, CT
Great to see you Sooz!
United States
The only people who are part of the problem are those who may have done something to Maura. Give up the vendetta. It's not becoming.
Needham, MA
mcsmom wrote: Great to see you Sooz! Thanks, Mcsmom! Was up north for a spell. Good to be back! Response to posted who asked about Maura crossing over into Canada and if it could be checked out...the answer is "no." At the time of her disappearance no documentation (passport/birth certificate)was required to cross the Canadian border. One might be stopped by Customs going into Canada (or returning), but no documentation would be recorded unless there was something to declare or one was stopped for illegal activity.
Paducah, KY
WHITE WASH wrote: Ok so let's say Smith took Cementary Road which takes him to the lower part of 112 he still needs to come by the bridge and up over the hill. So the "Witness" is on a much shorter route so the "Witness" would pull out in front of Smith. Sorry we drive Goose Lane a lot from Woodsville to Mt.Lakes. The whole exchange on Goose Lane isn't cutting it for me. So this "Witness" should have been right on top of Maura if this timing is all correct. But they claim to have not seen her? <quoted text> Part 1 I've been confused about the timing ever since I read Weeper's post (message #4020 @ p. 201)in which he said, "I would like to recap some information that has previously been posted on the MMM Forum and partly on this site as well, with reference to the first “call-out” about an accident on route 112 at or about 7:00-7:10 PM on February 9, 2004. A witness returning home from her/his place of employment at Cottage Hospital on Goose Lane stated she/he observed a black “Bronco style” police unit with #1 stenciled on it passed her/him heading (with blue lights flashing) toward the intersection of Goose Lane and French Pond Road in Swiftwater. Please have a map of this area to follow along as it gets confusing since these routes twist from Haverhill into the Swiftwater portion of the town of Bath and back into the northern section of Haverhill. Goose Lane and the Cottage Hospital are in Haverhill, then into Bath where it continues south-south west back toward the Woodsville portion of Haverhill. As the witness drove further up Goose Lane she/he observed the police unit continue on Goose Lane back toward Swiftwater. As this witness turned off Goose Lane in Bath and onto French Pond Road and the very short distance on French Pond Road to the intersection with route 112 (the Wild Ammonoosuc Road as it’s called) almost across from the general store, she/he observed the same unit (#1) pass her/him at that intersection heading east toward where the Saturn was ultimately located. When the witness came to the corner at the Weathered Barn she/he saw this police unit, nose to nose with the Saturn (ass-end into the snow bank) but did not see any officers or people around the two vehicles (it is assumed Sgt. Smith was at this point either speaking with the Westermans or down speaking with Mr. Atwood. The witness then continued along route 112 East heading home and flashed her/his high-low beams to oncoming traffic (universal signal to slow down ahead) due to the location of the accident on the sharp curve. This witness’ account of what she/he saw that evening supports the postings about an “earlier accident” where “female left in private vehicle”, which was heard by others over the scanners up in that area. What does all this mean then? It means an officer was responding to a “vehicle slid off the road” call, but rather than take the most direct route to the Weathered Barn the officer went back toward Route 10 where it intersect with Goose Lane up in the Woodsville section of Haverhill, before turning back toward the corner at the Westerman’s Weathered Barn. Could there have been two separate women sliding off the road into snow banks that evening within thirty minutes of one another, I doubt it but it is possible none the less." I agree Sgt Smith must have cut over to the 112 on Cemetery Rd and I have been assuming that he may have turned left onto the 112 and after some fruitless searching, he gave up trying to find the other vehicle when dispatch told him to check-out the accident called in by FW & TW at 7:27 pm. He heads E/B on the 112 and arrives at the scene of the accident at 7:46 pm.
Paducah, KY
Part 2 It's only 3.6 miles from the intersection of the 302 and the 112 to the scene of the accident. I don't know what time he was dispatched to the scene, but assuming it wasn't any later than 7:30 pm, where was he when he received the call? Even if he drove all the way to the 302, he should have been able to drive the 3.6 miles to the accident in a lot less than 16 minutes. Witness RO saw him drive by the convenience store heading E/B on the 112. That’s approximately half way between the 302/112 intersection and the scene of the accident. Mr. or Ms. Slow-Boat-To-China (AKA the hospital employee) was almost directly across the street from the convenience store on Goose Lane approaching the 112 and also saw Sgt Smith heading E/B on the 112. S/he turned right on the 112 and headed in the same direction as Sgt Smith. When he gets to the scene of the accident, he sees Sgt Smith's Bronco nose to nose with the Saturn and start's singing Ain't Nobody Here But Us Chickens, Ain't Nobody Here At All. And s/he drives on down the 112 past the Bradley Hill Road intersection on his or her way home. At least that's the story s/he told the cops. S/he must have been driving a Model T Ford to drive that slow. Okay. Do we have a viable suspect, Ladies and Gentlemen? Going once, going twice, Sold! I don't want to hear it, if this person is a 17-year-old female nurse's aide. Sheeesh! 
Paducah, KY
Part 3 If Sgt Smith was dispatched to the scene of the accident somewhat later, it seems like the hospital dude would have had enough time to change a couple of flat tires and get to the Goose Lane & 112 intersection in time to watch the slowest police vehicle in modern history pass in front of him or her headed E/B on the 112. And I thought the Amish lived in Pennsylvania. Go figure. Well, sports fans. Don't mean to pick on the homies but Jeez Louise, how can an old attack dog like me pass up an opportunity like this. So, I agree with White Wash. Sure looks like the hospital feller got to the accident scene at least a few minutes before Sgt Smith and just in time to fill the gap between the SBDs see-ya-later and Sgt Smith's arrival. Dude, you got some splainin to do.
Seattle, WA
Hello- I'm new to this, so just thought I'd post some of my impressions. First, I think it's very important what was happening in Amherst. I got the impression that Maura knew she wouldn't be back for awhile, but wasn't fully prepared to leave. She had packed up all of her things, and yet she didn't have a reservation anywhere. Does anyone else find this strange, that she had made no reservations anywhere? I cannot imagine going on such a long trip without having a place to stay. Also, she took all the money she had, but it wasn't much. She really seemed like she had made preparations such that she might not return to Amherst, yet it was almost as if she had to leave when she did, as if she may have been trying to run/hide from someone or something. I found the fact that she attempted to return to her father's hotel room Saturday night/Sunday morning strange. The only thing I can think of that might explain this is that either she did not want to be alone and was possibly afraid to be alone, or that she knew that this would be the last time she would get to spend with him. Someone mentioned that an article came out the night of the crying episode at work, and the article was about rape at academies. Then she received a phone call later. So here is a theory that I will throw out, just a theory, as an alternative to the Vasi theory (which I think is also a viable theory). Maybe she was attacked when she was at West Point, and when the article came out the attacker threatened her, possibly fearful that she might spill the beans. After this, she takes a few days to pack up her things and leave town. If it was someone from West Point who was harassing her and/or following her, they would probably be well-trained in covering their tracks. Let's say there are two parts to Maura's disappearance: phase 1, before she leaves Amherst (BA), and phase 2, after she leaves Amherst (AA). If what happened to Maura BA is related to what happened to Maura AA, then it is possible that she committed suicide, ran away, or was taken by someone she knew. If what happened to Maura BA is NOT related to what happened to Maura AA, then she was probably taken by someone she did not know, someone she just happened to encounter along the way. So I think determining what happened to Maura BA is key: it will help determine which category of scenarios is most likely. A girl with West Point training- is it possible she had to go underground for military/government reasons?
peripeteia Nova Scotia
Digby, Canada
White Wash wrote: Whiston LE has photographs of tire tracks into the trees so going to have to disagree on the information that the Saturn did not hit those trees since I saw the photograph. If LE took photographs I'm going to go with the gut reaction SOMEONE has compared the tires to that car. So I do believe LE has done way more with the car than people are giving them credit for. <quoted text> W.W........I should read on as forum members have likely asked the question below. L.E. took photographs of the tire tracks you state this definatively? Were these taken the night of the accident? What other pictures were taken, surely some pictures were taken of the car? The pop can with the alocholic smelling liquid which was under the Saturn, and noticed when the car was towed away. You state you saw these pictures, where can these photos be seen? In your last paragraph, you state "IF" law enforcement took photo? This seems contradictory, or am I mixed up yet again? Surely LE took pictures of the footprints,,,,,,,,, that allegedly ran from where the door was opened into the show bank,(Sharon states she saw the impression of the car door in the snow bank when she first visited the site of the accident, I believe this was Thursday. Several news articles state there were no foot prints. The SBD states that he and Monahan looked for footprints after he returned from search by the local store, although he did not go in, as reported by R.O. from the MMM forum, then he drove down French Pond Road Way. No footprints, nor impressions of the car door opening are on the accident/police report. Odd everyone seems to have forgotten to mention or notate the foot tracks, or am I mistaken... If you have answered these questions? Just walk on by this posts? Guess I should have said that first! sorry... thank you
peripeteia Nova Scotia
Digby, Canada
Benjamin Franklyne wrote: <quoted text> Any chance we might find out from the Canadian border patrol if she crossed the border? LE would be able to obtain that information through either the boarder patrol or the RCMP, as the matter of Maura's disappearance is a criminal investigation
Paducah, KY
Part 4 I must be getting tired. I was just looking up stuff on the the construction worker that lives kitty korner from the SBD. I was reading a timeline chart that a very nice person put together for us and my eyes started blinking like crazy. This is what my brain did to me. "Has been reported that his yard is strewn with children, but his toys do not live with him." I'm thinking, Whoa Nellie! How'd we miss this? Case solved!
Paducah, KY
Part 5 Seriously, this is the guy who several months after Maura disappeared came forward and claimed he saw a young person walking on SR 112 about 4 or 5 miles East of accident scene –near SR 112 and SR 116-- at about 8 PM on Feb 9 2004. He said that this person wore dark colored coat and light colored hood and ducked up a dirt side road – he talked about this to other people, a couple of months after the accident. Said he did not realize there was an accident the night of the 9th as he was watching TV. Yeah, right. So, this dude is watching the tube around 7:30 pm on Monday night and he's so into the show he's watching that he fails to notice all the commotion going on outside his place. Sure, the joint is hoppin with cop cars, fire trucks, ambulances, and lights. Lots of cop strobe lights. Just like every Monday night in the hood, right? What's to notice? So, he decides to go for a ride in his van, which isn't a good sign because we people sitting here in the audience eating our popcorn have seen this movie before, haven't we? He's a freakin serial killer, I kid you not. Well, away he goes and by 8 pm, he's all the way out to the intersection of the 112 and the 116. Just as an aside, he ought to lend his van to the Haverford Police Department cuz they sure could use it. Well, whom should he happen to see way out there? Someone dressed like the girl that's been reported missing who waits till he's almost on her and in the nick of time ducks down a side road, quack-quack. Dude, come on! You can do better than that. Every freakin day you go outside your place there's posters everywhere you go and everywhere you look about this missing girl. You tellin us you live under a rock? Sheeesh.
Paducah, KY
Part 6 Really, folks. Doesn't this sound like a not too smart effort to create a bright shiny object in the form of a post-disappearance sighting to get people to believe that Maura Murray was not kidnapped and murdered? It was a cold, cloudy, and very dark night. Why would anyone be walking out there, and if this person was Maura Murray running from the cops to avoid being arrested for DUI, wouldn't she have been on the lookout for cars and seen the lights of the van long before the driver saw her? Meanwhile, I keep thinking about what that remote viewer had to say. You all remember don't you? The man who took her did not plan the abduction. He took advantage of an opportunity and he buried her where? At a construction site. Yeah, I know. The ground is frozen in February and it's impossible to dig a grave. I guess that explains why all the people that die during the winter in New England have to wait until spring to be buried. Construction workers work at construction sites. Before you build a building you have to build a foundation. To build a foundation you have to dig a trench. And what do you pour into that trench? Concrete. And don't forget that this guy was was living in a mobile home on the property as he did what? Built his own house. Now I know some of you snort at the idea that a psychic might be legitimate. Well, I used to think the same thing. I don’t anymore because I’ve worked on two cases where psychics gave precise directions to police about where to find a body. Not directions like near-a-body-of-water-in-the-sh ade-of-a-large-tree-that-block s-the-Sun kind of directions. I mean like googling the body. Enter where you are in the first box and type “the body” in the box where you put where you want to go. Hit enter. Then hit print and you’re on your way. Just don’t forget the shovel. Yeah, and call the cops too. I am very serious about this. And, as I recall, the woman was a remote viewer. Read about remote viewing and the double-blind studies conducted at the Stanford Research Institute (SRI), and Joseph McMoneagle. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying it works all the time, but when it does, it sends a chill up your spine. And it works far more often that chance would predict. I ain't saying he did and I ain't saying he didn't. I'm saying this is another guy that has some splainin to do.
Paducah, KY
Respoding to Pansie's remark at 8525: "A girl with West Point training- is it possible she had to go underground for military/government reasons?" I doubt it. Even after they graduate, West Point cadets are not combat experienced or trained in the subtleties of undercover espionage. If she was fluent in Russian, Chinese, Farsi, or one of the Arabic dialects, she might have been selected for some mission, but it would be over by now. Also, her disappearance would have been arranged more smoothly. Maura's disappearance has attracted national, if not world-wide interest. I agree with your other points.