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Brighton, MA

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Dec 6, 2008
Helena and Firecat sent out letters and appeals
to all the areas places of worship a few years
ago...don't recall date. Any feed-back would
only have been recorded by Helena.

Wallingford, CT

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Dec 6, 2008
hi all, Lookin4amoose made a great point .Maura would have needed a CNA license to get a job in nursing anywhere in the U.S .Just looking over jobs for CNAs'.It seems they require one year prior registration as a C.N.A from applicants.Can anyone tell where the job was and what it was.Also what did Maura do for work that prior summmer.Pansie and firefly welcome and until this is solved there is no waaaay of base.If we were on base it would be concluded.take care philip

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Katrineholm, Sweden

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Dec 6, 2008
Hello all,

Just some possibly uncoordinated thoughts:

1. The sound of an accelerating car and a subsequent thud as heard by Mr & Mrs W-n at the Weathered Barn:
A possible explanation by Mastermind in his recent post above would be that Maura had to push the Saturn hard to keep it going due to mechanical/technical problems.

2. The rag in the tailpipe:
IIRC it has been established that the rag originated from the emergency kit in the boot of the Saturn and also that the rag was reasonably clean. If it was indeed reasonably clean it must either have been put into the tailpipe at the Weathered Barn accident site or alternatively shortly before the Saturn came to a stop there.

3. The bottle with the strong alcoholic odor, which was found under the Saturn when it was being towed from the accident spot.
What was the bottle doing under the car?

4. Apparently both rubber mats in the front of the Saturn seem to be burnt, according to information here by other posters.
Could they have been used by Maura (or whoever was driving the Saturn) in order to get the car out of a ditch/snowbank in a possible earlier accident in the area?

5. According to previous information on this site one of the rear windows was slightly open when the car was found at the Weathered Barn site. Why?
It was a reasonably cold night so there would have been little need for extra ventilation, if anything rather the opposite.
Was Maura (or whoever drove the Saturn) having problems with the heating/ventilation system of the car and therefore needed to open a window slightly to keep some air circulation going?

6. The car was found locked at the accident/incident site. It would seem unlikely that a criminal(s) would be making the extra effort of locking a hijacked car.
The fact that the car was apparently found locked makes it, IMHO, more likely that Maura was indeed the driver at the time.

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Woonsocket, RI

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Dec 6, 2008




pansie wrote:
If Maura was alive, what would she be doing? One option might be caring for the elderly, either for an individual in their home or in a small group home. Less likely to be connected to the internet. If I was looking for her, the first place I'd go is to churches and other places of worship where older people might go on a regular basis. I'd leave a copy of her photo with church leaders and ask them to circulate it amongst themselves but not post it, as that might just make her move on were she to see it.
Great thought...doea anyone know if she planned to pursue any specialty area of nursing or what type of nursing she was interested in? If she were a caregiver in a nursing home or any type of facility, she'd require some type of licensure anywhere in the US, but if she works in a private pay domestic siutation (household "servant" is the way the RI Nurse Practice Act terms it) she wouldn't require any certification or proof of education.

Does anyone know of a national database to search professional licensure or certification? I know it can be done online in most states, but one clearing house certainly would be convenient!

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Woonsocket, RI

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Dec 6, 2008




"2. The rag in the tailpipe:
IIRC it has been established that the rag originated from the emergency kit in the boot of the Saturn and also that the rag was reasonably clean....." Was the rag hanging out of the tailpipie or was it stuffed into the pipe? If it was stuffed into it, and the vehicle had run at all, wouldn't it be pretty well saturated with waste? Especially if the vehcile has been running on 3 cylinders, the fuel would be burning excessively inefficiently.

"4. Apparently both rubber mats in the front of the Saturn seem to be burnt, according to information here by other posters.
Why?" Burnt as in melted?
"5. According to previous information on this site one of the rear windows was slightly open when the car was found at the Weathered Barn site. Why?" Did Maura have a pet while at Amherst? I would imagine there are no pets allowed living in the dorms, but I don't truly believe that Maura was living in the dorms--I know she had one in her name, but there's little proof that she was actually staying in it.

Did Maura have one of those school issued credit cards do purchase food, drinks, books, etc, on campus? It would be interesting (and maybe even useful) to see the activity on that immediately prior to her disappearance.

Worcester, MA

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Dec 6, 2008
Yea we are only seeing pictures taken
downward Mason!
I still want pictures taken from the ground up of the car!
Dude not far from the Alien pick up there anything is possible my friend!
But we also have zip proof of the what
shape that car was in when it left UMASS.
Mason wrote:
<quoted text>
Tracks or no tracks, trees don't start growing 3 feet above the ground. The lowest point of the dent in the front end of Maura's car is above the fender and unless ya'll have some mighty weird trees up yonder, that dent was not caused by an impact with a tree.
The damage to the lower front end seems to have been caused by hitting a snowbank, but like I said, I'll defer to a certified and respected accident reconstruction expert.
Got any nucular plants in the area?

“ Adopt Shelter Animals ”

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Gloucester, MA

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Dec 6, 2008





Mastermind wrote:
ITA with the possibility of her having a psychotic break/mental illness. I suggested this to a lesser degree (alcoholism) and was thoroughly bashed for that comment. Although it may have been the manner in which I suggested it, you may want to watch out for the warhawks, who apparently like to reach down and thrash new posters now and again.
The damage to the front end of her car, as it is shown on the photos I've seen from the mm site, are consistent with a trailer hitch, a guardrail, or a tree (if the back end of the car was airborne and the car was moving clockwise, which seems unlikely). My guess, the guardrail. If she's been drinking, then it's possible she dozed off at the wheel, went into the oncoming lane and hit the guardrail off the left side of the road, causing her airbags to deploy (which is very easy to do in this type of Saturn), continue going until the car gave out.
On the matter of bashing, Mastermind, why not let it go and take the lesson?
Is this about finding Maura?

Certainly a psychotic break or break with reality was a possibility, depending on her reason to run which is, as yet, unestablished.

Good thought...that Maura might have dozed while driving if she had been drinking.
If that were true, she'd be less likely to attend to locking the car door and making her way on foot anywhere too quickly.

Middletown, VA

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Dec 6, 2008
Euro, I have thought often these passed years about the fact that the car was locked. It seems sensible to conclude that only Maura would know of the valuables in the car and lock it. Maybe she did that when she had an earlier accident prior to the weathered barn. There were heavy snow squalls in the area that day with several cars sliding off the roads and maybe someone offered to tow her to the nearest garage and she locked it and got into the helpful stranger. In our area, it is common for people to help pull someone out of a ditch , unofficial and neighborly.

Worcester, MA

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Dec 6, 2008



Sorry for butting in!
Frost Heaves are from HELL!
When the ground freezes it pushes the
pavement upward!
HELL HELL on ones car!
That road is horrible!
Actually starting our annual trek for
skiing will let you know later how
bad they are now.
Some can get you air bound if you're traveling fast enough or bummer damage!
Mason wrote:
BTW, would someone please explain what a frost heave is. Until I started reading this blog, I'd never heard of it.

Worcester, MA

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Dec 6, 2008
New comers welcome to the Melting Pot!!

“ Adopt Shelter Animals ”

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Gloucester, MA

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Dec 6, 2008
Anne wrote:
Euro, I have thought often these passed years about the fact that the car was locked. It seems sensible to conclude that only Maura would know of the valuables in the car and lock it. Maybe she did that when she had an earlier accident prior to the weathered barn. There were heavy snow squalls in the area that day with several cars sliding off the roads and maybe someone offered to tow her to the nearest garage and she locked it and got into the helpful stranger. In our area, it is common for people to help pull someone out of a ditch , unofficial and neighborly.
Agree. Wise of you to suggest 'when' she might have locked the car.

Living in a campus environment, it would be second nature to lock a car, especially with any valuables visible.

Under normal circumstances, that is when someone is unimpaired, it makes sense to take a ride if one if offered, especially since cell service was limited/unavailable.
Again, if unimpaired, one is able to make a reasonable assessment about the driver - thanks or no thanks according to their manner and appearance.


Holbrook, NY

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Dec 6, 2008
goat wrote:
NEW to forum! just learned about incident from cnn report. there is so much info some. when i ve read forum some contradict.
First I' ll say. everyone very critical of le. This may very well have appeared to le at scene like minor mva. driver had asked sbd not to call police. no indication of struggle, no yelling reported by neighors, no footprints in snow indicating driver went into woods. le stated in report he, assisted by fd and ems, did search of roadway. only a few minutes had passed. what would be most likely scenario? could your everyday work stand up to close to five years of cloe critisism. he didnot clear area to emergency call suicidal missing teenager came out. is what he did really unreasonable. that is the standard of le did he do what was reasonable
anyone agree or disagree

Holbrook, NY

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Dec 6, 2008
goat wrote:
I'm curious. What did the amherst investigation show. Why was it notpossible to show where the call that upset her so much come from. we asked aout tracing calling card ut how about the above call. Was there mention of the video in liquor store/bank show car. anybody in car.
If I may take a guess at the rag in tailpipe. The rag belonged to mm car. Find it highly unlikely that someone went in her car t0 get a rag to stick in her tailpipe in hopes she stall down road.
npw if you subscribe to the fact the ccar was planted which i have not fully decided if i do or don't. it might make sense that unk, subj. used rag to wipe down car of prints and when he/she was done( not wanting to open car again and not wanting to keep apiece of evidence linking he/she to car) looked for convenient place to stow rag why not tailpipe

Holbrook, NY

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Dec 6, 2008
tthe locked car may also be from someone wanting to slow investigation. may have been simply habit of person driving car. person may lock what ever car they exit

Wallingford, CT

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Dec 6, 2008




hi all ,just rereading an old Nancy Grace article in which mr Murray says a copy of the accident report was found in the saturn.i have asked beaucoup times.Did she go to Hadley p.d to get an actual report from officer Ruddock who was at the Hadley crash.I am not talking about the blank forms that she may have downloaded or got at the D.M.V. I think she would have needed to give something to the insurance company.i have always wondered if her waiting for officer Ruddock at the police station caused her to leave later than she planned.take care philip

“ Adopt Shelter Animals ”

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Gloucester, MA

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Dec 6, 2008



goat wrote:
<quoted text>anyone agree or disagree
I absolutely agree that the criticism of LE is unreasonably harsh, and suggest that it might have originated either from frustration in being unable to find Maura, Fred Murray's having to fight for information, or from folks who have an attitude toward LE, in general.

Seems to me hindsight is always 20/20.
This was a rural response team; they used their resources appropriately.

Holbrook, NY

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Dec 6, 2008



if you are going to dump car why there?! If maura is not in car(and once again don't know if I believe this) why there. It really draws attention to veh, people in veh and get away. much easier just leave it in empty lot. Much more likely to put time between search for maura and initial event. doesn't ring true. either suspect loses control there or it was maura. may have been 2nd accident in 4 miles

Holbrook, NY

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Dec 6, 2008
whiston are completed police accident reports avail online in mass.

“ Adopt Shelter Animals ”

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Gloucester, MA

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Dec 6, 2008
WTF-the-original wrote:
<quoted text>
I have no idea what happened one second after she disappeared from that site. She could have been murdered/kidnapped/ran away anything from one second after she disappeared to a year after. Based upon the information that I have read and re-read ad-nauseum I am absolutely sure we are not going to figure this out until something new about Maura shows up.
The best I can hope to do is to try to keep out totally erroneous information and maybe help (to the limit of my ability) when something that has been gone over a thousand times before is talked about, which is most stuff.
With considerably less time logged than your dedicated effort, Bill, it is also my belief and sentiment that "...we are not going to figure this out until something new about Maura shows up."

Practically speaking, there will either be a break and a find, or Maura's disappearance will remain unsolved no matter how much perseverance or kicking and screaming to beg a solution.

I'd still put faith in LE.

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Katrineholm, Sweden

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Dec 6, 2008
Snowy White wrote:
<quoted text>
With considerably less time logged than your dedicated effort, Bill, it is also my belief and sentiment that "...we are not going to figure this out until something new about Maura shows up."
Practically speaking, there will either be a break and a find, or Maura's disappearance will remain unsolved no matter how much perseverance or kicking and screaming to beg a solution.
I'd still put faith in LE.
Hello all,

While I´m certainly not at all despondent about the chances of eventually finding out what in fact happened to Maura, it is always sobering to consider the equally heartwrenching case of 18-year-old Bennington College, Vermont, student Paula Jean Welden, of Stamford, Connecticut, who disappeared without a trace on 1st December,1946, and whose case still remains unsolved after 62 years.
Maura, Paula Welden and the likewise haunting vanishing of 18-year-old Middlebury College, Vermont, student Lynne Katherine Schulze in 1971 are some of the most distressing cases of its kind that I know of.
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