- Posted in the Franconia Forum
Comments (Page 44)
I know this is supposed to be about Maura but some of you keep talking about Tom so here it goes....Tom supplied more people in the north country than you can ever imagine he did. Benton flats has more to do with Tom than with Maura.....seeing as how one of the last places Tom went was to his friends' out in Pike on the flats and he spent most of his free time with these particular friends...there was a pickup truck spotted several times driving up and down the private road Tom's friends lived on off and on all day the day Tom died. That same make and model truck was spotted scoping out Brad's place days before Tom's murder and racing down Route 25 within minutes of Tom's murder....most of the people Tom was involved with were pretty laid back people that just wanted to smoke a little pot and keep to themselves....doesn't make sense to have their drug supply dry up on them now does it by having something happen to him....even another dealer taking Tom out makes no sense because the cops are going to be all over the area looking for anyone and everyone connected to the drugs...drug dealers are all about the money and getting the money now not later...it's not like they are going to take out another dealer...wait a year or two until the dust settles, the cops aren't looking anymore and then start drumming up business....they wait too long and their supply/connections are going to dry up not to mention the money that they are going to lose everyday....the supply as it is now isn't even back to where it was when Tom was alive...it is believed that Tom's murder has nothing to with drugs whatsover but rather due to his getting involved with the wrong woman's young daughter. This mentally unstable woman who orchestrated Tom's murder being the same one who taught/made her son's and daughter to burn down their own house and how to get away with it...
If this is the arrest list why aren't their more specific names...I don't believe the names on arrest warrants typically are his wife, her better half, or all employees etc...and just to help you out...her name is Maria not Marie...nobody local ever calls him Daniel...and as far as Mitchell goes it seems strange to me that you don't know that most people call him booby and have for years...why no mention of Debby? the only thing that Joe and Lee are guilty of are being drunks....and for curiosity sake are you implying that Steve had something to do with the chalet burning down or was it Laura? |
Agreed. Dispatch log shows that after Maura's car was found, a BOLO was sent to the fire departments. Didn't show a BOLO being sent to neighboring LE. What kind of sense does that make? Fire doesn't patrol the area. They go back to their firehouse. Part of LE's job is to patrol; hence, they are the ones the BOLO should have been sent to. Makes you think that Sgt Smith didn't want Maura found. Also, Fire was never interviewed by LE as to what they saw that night.....just like not interviewing surrounding neighbors. Makes me think that LE didn't WANT any witness info. A couple of days after that night, Fred Murray went into the office of a neighboring Vermont LE agency, which is just immediately across the river, this Vermont agency did't know anything about Maura.......... I like reading all the theories posted.....good communications! |
![]() Joined: Jun 7, 2008 Comments: 137 Arizona ISP: Denver, CO |
I didn't know Maura, but I sincerely doubt that she was a pot-smoker. It is known that she did not smoke cigarettes and in fact really hated smoking, so seems unlikely she would smoke pot. Further, she was a nursing student and a runner and both those things as well would tend away from her smoking pot.
If however we briefly consider that maybe she did smoke pot, it makes no sense whatsoever that she would go to the Haverhill/Woodsville area to buy it. It's pretty available on most college campuses, so surely she could have found it around the UMass area. Further, the pot-smokers I have known prefer not to buy from "strangers" -- they would rather buy from known sources that they trust to give them "safe" pot that has not been doctored with other substances. It is a lot less likely that a pot-smoker will go looking to make a buy in an area that he doesn't know ... it's not like they can walk up to someone on the street and say "where can I buy some pot" the same way they'd say "what restaurant would you recommend around here." If Maura left Amherst around 4:30 PM on Monday Feb 9th, which is the best assessment so far on her departure time, she could not have driven to the Haverhill/Woodsville area and then had time to go sitting in bars or rambling around the area before her car ended up on the Weathered Barn curve at about 7:20 or thereabouts. The earliest she could have arrived in that area would have been around 7 PM give or take a few minutes. |
Outsider, Your posts bring us closer to the real truth!
I believe it is Meth that makes people hyper-sexual. Maybe that was the only motivation for someone to abduct her.
Also, there are instinces where people who do not do drugs distribute them. It would be easier to make money if you do not use. Anything is possible however unlikely. If Tom owed enough money to his supplier and others were aware, his supplier may have asked someone pay Tom a visit. Maybe that 'visit' just went wrong. Maybe Maura was doing a run for someone close to her who was in serious trouble. It would have to have been someone very close to her for Maura to have taken the risk and time off though. There is a possibility it may have been a close family member. |
If Tom made so much much money selling pot thenhy did he have a job ar rhe Hill Top Quaries in Piermont N .H.??????/ Tom was small time and he only broke even most of the time from what I hear! If you know the murderer of Tom which isn 't who you think it is why isn't she in jail? She isn't the murdeerer and if she was she should be in jail, the woman you are talkin g about is his relation and that bogus story is exactly that a story to throw the cops off track and from what I hear the big dealer in the area is a policman, so put that in your pot pipe and smoke it. |
His name is bobby or alias Mitch the bitch ok! In 2004 many people wanted to get out of Haverhill district which includes Woodsville and yes I am saying that the fire was set for insurance money but was not easy to prove and I am not goin g to go into where why and when with you ok! I was stating facts as I was told them but it is one thing to know the truth it is another thing to prove it in the court of law ok. I know way more but this is the Murray forum so even though these people may be directly connected to her case I am going to stick to the truth I can prove ok! |
Thankyou as I try to be on top of everything in that area like Chief Williams just got 2 dwi'sin the state of VT. he beat the first one but he won't beat the second one. BTW why is he drinking so heavily does he have some things bothering him mmmmmmm I bet Karma is catching up with him. I just talked to a local from Haverhill and he said the Chief has lost it and is out of control and needs to be taken off duty before he kills someone! BTW he has a red ford pickup, I wonder if he is the one who was driving in that area the day Tom was killed? there are alot of things being covered up and the police are the ones covering it up as well I think they are involved in some of the crime,about 40% of HPD are dirty in one way or another! Most of Haverhill are sick of paying dirty cops to do nothing but harrass innocent people and leave the real crooks alone. Who knows, the person who took Maura might be a Policeman. |
All these stories are just that just stories to throw everyone off track so the killers are ab le to keep commiting crimes since the little band of criminals up there are well hiden from the public eye and most of them are from Mass. and want to take over the drug trade in the Haverhill areea and beyond! It is a well known fact the drugs are comming from mass. now where it wasn't before. I have to stop before I release information that is secret. |
They are covering for someone and the stories are all lies to throw everyone off track!!!!! |
Google Meth and see what it does! Japn introduced Meth during ww 2 so the pilots wouldn't care if they sacrifised themselves and the workers that built the planes in Japan could work faster! |
The truth ya ok lmao! The truth about who? hahahaha Tom was a small time dealer,,Stop and figure how many pounds of weed just the Haverhill area uses in one week it sure isn't one person!!! |
OH MY I heard someone found an article of clothing near your area back in 2004...Have you heard anything about this?
I also knew Tom and for someone to say he was murdered over pot is the farthest from the truth. I bet that cop keeps his Ford pick-up prestine and emaculate. There is no doubt that the area is contaminated by corrupy cops especially B.F. and trooper M. What's your take, I have had run ins with both and can also tell you a few things about Warren... |
That just goes to show you that Maura was on some kind of mission in Haverhill, why else would she have been there!!!!!!!!!! |
I would like to hear more about your dealings with those 2 Policeman as I have heard Trooper Kawkawski cannot be trusted and Warre Davis I have bee told is as dirty as the rag they found in Maura's taile pipe but it is only hrearsay! I did though hear that staight from his boss who just retired at Troop F!!!!!!! Some policemen think they have a head ass big as thier cruisers omg thats messed up,,,,,,, |
BAD COPS>>>>BAD COPS.....What ya gonna do when they come for you...?
Corruption sucks.......... LO YO |
Judged: ![]() 1 |
OH MY I know for a fact that Warren Davis is corrupt...I myself went to the district attorney in Grafton county courthouse and filed some oaoerwork on him. Talk about a town where the cops favor people Warren is it. Warren Davis I was told by the states attorney was involved with the theft of my property, and that came from the states attorney's mouth.
I had found an old cabin that had fallen down some time ago. The cabin is red and sits on the right side of a trail could this be Tom's cabin? I have been looking for the stone memorial in the same area, do you perhaps know where it would be located? If you have any questions for me please let me know as every bit of information helps and if I can assist you in anyway let me know. |
OH MY I also heard that some guy was hiking with his family and found an article of clothing that was suspicious. I know this gentleman to be very trustworthy, so he goes and reports it to the police in Warren, the state police and fish&game. I spoke to the entire family who were out on the hike including children. They all claim the same basic story. However, 2 days after that, the article of clothing was gone. The problem with this story is that after he told authorities, and only 2 days later, it was gone! The area where it was found was not an area that it could be seen from the trail or road. This leads me to believe that it was a person of authority who retrieved the article or perhaps one of the murderers checking for a disturbance.
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