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Joined: Dec 7, 2008

Comments: 78

Northern MN

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Wednesday Dec 17
White Wash wrote:
Interesting you state close by not close enough
to share in the hardest of times?
Why Not?
Not trying to be a jerk but in the hardest of hard times for me is when my Family bonds and
pulls together!
<quoted text>
Well - it is a bit of a jerky statement but I'll family and I absolutely bond and pull together in the hardest of times. But when I was younger and insecure, I lacked the self confidence, thinking they wouldn't understand. Which was my point! That Maura possibly had these same insecurities.

United States

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Wednesday Dec 17
White Wash wrote:
I've lived the OH MY GOD moment.
I had a parent missing!
I guess depending on who's shoes you are in
we where lucky he was found by his son and
Until one lives the OH MY GOD moment what you
think you will do and you do is very different
that much I'll tell you for fact.
<quoted text>
EEGAD. I'm glad he was found, White Wash. And you're right. We never know how we'll react until that moment is upon us. I'm sorry that moment found you, but I'm glad it worked out ok.

United States

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Wednesday Dec 17
ScooterD wrote:
<quoted text>
Well - it is a bit of a jerky statement but I'll family and I absolutely bond and pull together in the hardest of times. But when I was younger and insecure, I lacked the self confidence, thinking they wouldn't understand. Which was my point! That Maura possibly had these same insecurities.
Yup. Been there done that. Still tend to, actually. It's a dumb pride thing, in my case.

Joined: Dec 7, 2008

Comments: 78

Northern MN

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Wednesday Dec 17





WTF-the-original wrote:
<quoted text>
It matters not one wit what it is you believe to me. You may worship the moon, believe in little angels or devils or even drink other consenting adult’s blood if you wish. I care not what your belief system is. If on the other hand you are going to try to pass off shit as Shinola or you cannot tell the difference. That matters and will be challenged......Bill
Bill, where in Shack's post did she state she was trying to "pass off shit as Shinola..." as you so eloquently put it? I read her post as her simply telling us about her hobbies/beliefs/experiences.
You and WhiteWash wake up on the wrong side of the bed today?!?! Geesh - lighten up! And for everyone - I think it would be extremely helpful when referencing a newspaper article to paste the link.
(s'pose now I'll get slammed for trying to be a moderator...or a 'I don't care what you think' or.....<sigh>) How appropriate was the lightbulb analogy.

Concord, MA

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Wednesday Dec 17




Wowzer --- it's cool. Early on here, a poster mentioned you had plain old common human decency, so you'll just have to live with that label.

Fred's reaction to Maura's disappearance --- What I've read here made me think that since he spoke with her around 11:20PM Sunday night before she left that he might've had an inkling of SOMEthing... something more than writing accident reports...

Whatever that inkling was, Fred has sadly and relentlessly searched the area around the abandoned Saturn, extending outward for a good distance.

This brings up lots of ideas, including Fred knowing Maura well enough to know where she might've run off to in order to get away for a bit.

It also makes me wonder (this will be controversial) if he was between shifts in Bridgeport, CT and arrived in Amherst, MA (by 4:30PM Monday) to drive in tandem with Maura for some reason, like getting rid of the Saturn?.(Was the Saturn used by some driver and involved in the Petrit Vasi hit and run?) If so, if they were driving together in 2 vehicles, and if at some point he noticed Maura wasn't in his sight anymore, maybe he turned around to see what happened and arrived upon a scene with the Saturn and SBD in bus, or a little later and Maura gone! What the heck do you do in that case? I don't know what I'd do if I was protecting a loved one or my family and I felt the Saturn might (after one or two skidding accidents in NH) still have evidence of a hit and run. I don't know if I'd talk to the officer at the scene. I don't know if I'd drive back to Bridgeport for my next shift, believing Maura being smart and resourceful found a place to stay overnight. The posts I've read here led me to this, including the fact (?) LE had been trying to reach Fred over a 20-hour period from Monday evening to Tuesday late afternoon. Fred returned the call at 6PM Tuesday and the police log (if correct) indicated Fred was frantic --- as anyone would be in that situation.)

This would explain his initial fear logged in the police report that Maura may have run off ("old squaw walk") to end her life. It would explain him stating Maura was endangered. And, sadly, later, when she didn't contact her close family, it would explain the shock of realizing it was also possible she was abducted during that small window of time. Far-fetched scenario? I don't know... but it's the same huge pain for a father.

It's what dads do --- help their kids. Did Fred try to help Maura with this problem?

Last upsetting thought: With my family having alcoholism in its genes, if, as primary sources have said, the same is true in Maura's family... maybe with everyone trying to "help" Maura, she ran from the "threat" of rehab? I'm not trying to slander anyone -- we all have "stuff".

I hope I don't submit this post.

Joined: Dec 7, 2008

Comments: 78

Northern MN

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Wednesday Dec 17
White Wash wrote:
Yes it looks like a plastic bag to her left of
<quoted text>
I just can't get zoom in clearly enough to thing I thought of - I wonder if everything in that picture, including the bag you are referring to, is Maura's? In other words, maybe that bag is her sister's own travel bag.

“ Adopt Shelter Animals ”

Joined: Jun 12, 2008

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Danvers, MA

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Wednesday Dec 17
Quija wrote:
Wowzer --- it's cool. Early on here, a poster mentioned you had plain old common human decency, so you'll just have to live with that label.
Fred's reaction to Maura's disappearance --- What I've read here made me think that since he spoke with her around 11:20PM Sunday night before she left that he might've had an inkling of SOMEthing... something more than writing accident reports...
Whatever that inkling was, Fred has sadly and relentlessly searched the area around the abandoned Saturn, extending outward for a good distance.
This brings up lots of ideas, including Fred knowing Maura well enough to know where she might've run off to in order to get away for a bit.
It also makes me wonder (this will be controversial) if he was between shifts in Bridgeport, CT and arrived in Amherst, MA (by 4:30PM Monday) to drive in tandem with Maura for some reason, like getting rid of the Saturn?.(Was the Saturn used by some driver and involved in the Petrit Vasi hit and run?) If so, if they were driving together in 2 vehicles, and if at some point he noticed Maura wasn't in his sight anymore, maybe he turned around to see what happened and arrived upon a scene with the Saturn and SBD in bus, or a little later and Maura gone! What the heck do you do in that case? I don't know what I'd do if I was protecting a loved one or my family and I felt the Saturn might (after one or two skidding accidents in NH) still have evidence of a hit and run. I don't know if I'd talk to the officer at the scene. I don't know if I'd drive back to Bridgeport for my next shift, believing Maura being smart and resourceful found a place to stay overnight. The posts I've read here led me to this, including the fact (?) LE had been trying to reach Fred over a 20-hour period from Monday evening to Tuesday late afternoon. Fred returned the call at 6PM Tuesday and the police log (if correct) indicated Fred was frantic --- as anyone would be in that situation.)
This would explain his initial fear logged in the police report that Maura may have run off ("old squaw walk") to end her life. It would explain him stating Maura was endangered. And, sadly, later, when she didn't contact her close family, it would explain the shock of realizing it was also possible she was abducted during that small window of time. Far-fetched scenario? I don't know... but it's the same huge pain for a father.
It's what dads do --- help their kids. Did Fred try to help Maura with this problem?
Last upsetting thought: With my family having alcoholism in its genes, if, as primary sources have said, the same is true in Maura's family... maybe with everyone trying to "help" Maura, she ran from the "threat" of rehab? I'm not trying to slander anyone -- we all have "stuff".
I hope I don't submit this post.
Hi, Quija ~

Intersting, but admittedly, upsetting possibilities.
Maybe far-fetched, maybe not.

I've settled down to be more open-minded.

Everything hinges, as philip tells us, on WHY she left Amherst.
If to ditch the Saturn, this is a possible scenario.
sophie bean

Bristol, VT

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Wednesday Dec 17
Thank you, eslewherebriefly, for reporting "Benji." Mason declaring that he was "smoking too much pot" is a lighthearted attempt to dismiss the possibility that "Benji" wasn't just "looking for attention" in a ridiculous, pathetic internet way. I agree, it was more than likely some #@$%^&*!!! looking for a reaction, BUT what if it wasn't? I hope that LE has knocked on Benji's door.

I remain baffled by the confusion about who was interviewed (or not) by whom and what was searched (or not) by whom. Clearly, some of this information is not going to be released publicly, nor should it be. I worry, however, that there are pieces of the puzzle which have fallen through the cracks because it's been assumed that someone else investigated. I get the impression, as well, that very little information is shared by those investigating this case with others investigating.

Joined: Jan 25, 2008

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Shallotte, NC

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Wednesday Dec 17





White Wash wrote:
From the Hanson Express!
You can believe what you want but he said it as this article states why would he say that?
Please someone explain what other context
there is?
Also in the article, Haverhill officer Cecil Smith says Murray told him Maura was “depressed” over a previous accident and that he hoped she wasn’t “doing the old squaw walk,” a euphemism for suicide. Murray denies saying his daughter was depressed and claims the squaw comment was taken out of context.
<quoted text>
If Mr. Murray stated his words were taken out of context than I believe Mr. Murray and his words were taken out of context.

Joined: Nov 24, 2008

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Bristol, CT

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Wednesday Dec 17





If you want to use dowsing, witchcraft or astrology to find a missing human being. That is shit and will be labeled as such by me.

The not so subtle message was that we need to be touchy feely with respect to others beliefs. That these other belief systems are really just manifestations of sciences that we just don’t understand yet.


They are not and shouldn’t be allowed to be passed off as such.

The use of belief and belief systems in general is done by people with a vested interest to perpetuate the myth. Usually to keep one group of people subservient to another. Study any faith. The church, Hitler, Jim Jones, Charles Manson, the Islamist fundamentalists even Christian fundamentalists. The true believers. They need you to believe and not question because if you use science or if you think, you can verify its worthlessness. You would tell them to pack up and get out or having your beliefs shattered might even go after them for taking advantage. If you didn’t believe you would try to prove or disprove and if you do that their house of cards crashes down. That is the real danger.

Also members, want to have the support of the un-initiated because by pulling them in gives their beliefs more power. Only the power of numbers but it allows for a feeling of power. It’s an “I must be right because how could so many people be wrong”. Herd mentality. Belief has a more important use. Maybe an essential use to humans. It allows a person to say “It was Gods will” or "there is a higher power working here". And of course if its Gods will we have no responsibility. If we took responsibility we would be searching for answers. We would be fighting for cancer research, Alzheimer’s research, Psychiatric disorders, pain research etc. It is an easy cop out to say it must be Gods will.

What if true believers looked around and asked the hard questions instead of taking it on faith? What would mankind be able to achieve, I wonder?

Trust beliefs if you want. You might even get lucky once in a while and if you have no skills, luck can sometimes be a very good thing.


New Haven, CT

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Wednesday Dec 17
hi Quija, and all. I have to say thank you for the courage to make your last post.[#10116].Maybe it will help others come forward .Take care philip

Joined: Nov 24, 2008

Comments: 360

Bristol, CT

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Wednesday Dec 17





May we now get back to searching for Maura?


Omaha, NE

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Wednesday Dec 17




I have to wonder if Benji and Beagle are the same person. Their messages are very similar - I don't want to think it is Mason......... I reported Benji for abuse also!

“ Adopt Shelter Animals ”

Joined: Jun 12, 2008

Comments: 425

Danvers, MA

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Wednesday Dec 17



WTF-the-original wrote:
May we now get back to searching for Maura?
Dare I say we have been...with each and every post?
As philip states, it was courageous for Quija to post her thoughts...and likewise, yours.
Having done my share of dancing outrage and feeling passionately offended, I believe we're coming to a better place where everyone is freely expressing their thoughts...most with sensitivity, and always toward the goal of finding Maura.
Maybe it always was that way and only my own perspective has changed, but I see more unity, even amidst disagreement.

Omaha, NE

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Wednesday Dec 17
I noticed someone saying how patient Lady Grey and Helena ?? I know Helena is her aunt - i don't see any posts here from here. Is Lady Grey related?
White Wash

Lebanon, NH

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Wednesday Dec 17
Why is it always a personal attack for you?

For record my mood has zip to do with finding Maura!

And since losing my Father I take every day as live it to best of my ability!

Thank You Dr. Phil the check is in the mail for
my mood disorder.
ScooterD wrote:
<quoted text>
Bill, where in Shack's post did she state she was trying to "pass off shit as Shinola..." as you so eloquently put it? I read her post as her simply telling us about her hobbies/beliefs/experiences.
You and WhiteWash wake up on the wrong side of the bed today?!?! Geesh - lighten up! And for everyone - I think it would be extremely helpful when referencing a newspaper article to paste the link.
(s'pose now I'll get slammed for trying to be a moderator...or a 'I don't care what you think' or.....<sigh>) How appropriate was the lightbulb analogy.
White Wash

Lebanon, NH

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Wednesday Dec 17
Well it appears I am in a bad mood but I am all for this getting back to Maura!
WTF-the-original wrote:
May we now get back to searching for Maura?

Paducah, KY

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Wednesday Dec 17
Snowy White wrote:
<quoted text>
5/4/82, right?
i don't know where.
go for it...if you can get the other piece of info.
you and Euro may make believers of us, yet...
well, it's a long shot.
Thanks. Will do what I can, but still need birth place and time.

Maura is exactly one year, one month, and one day younger than my daughter and they look alike.
White Wash

Lebanon, NH

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Wednesday Dec 17





My question wasn't rather you believe or not
it was asking what other context is there for the
elsewherebriefly wrote:
<quoted text>
If Mr. Murray stated his words were taken out of context than I believe Mr. Murray and his words were taken out of context.
White Wash

Lebanon, NH

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Wednesday Dec 17
It should be Maura's stuff they had not been
home yet so it all right out of the car so I would
like to get a closer look at the articles!
Running shoes comfortable clothes heading toward
the family spot of fun!
Also would like to point out Billy and Fred started the car with a hidden key!
Who else knew about the key?
If Mr. M saw back up lights it meant the car
to be in reverse correct?
Was she trying to turn it around and SBD showed up?
She talks to Fred at 11:20 and at what time
did start looking for directions?
ScooterD wrote:
<quoted text>
I just can't get zoom in clearly enough to thing I thought of - I wonder if everything in that picture, including the bag you are referring to, is Maura's? In other words, maybe that bag is her sister's own travel bag.
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