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Joined: Oct 16, 2008

Comments: 269

Menlo Park, CA

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Friday Dec 19
FoolsGold wrote:
I don't really see the relevance of her career path choices. Former member of the Corps of Cadets? Former major in basketweaving? It makes no difference to what transpired on a snowy road in the wee hours of the morning. Whatever her long range intentions and short range intentions, whatever her problems with alcohol or automobiles, it was that final spin-out on the road that led to her death. It had nothing to do with her entrance to or exit from West Point. It may be a curiosity as to her motives, but it doesn't relate to her murder. That happened then and there! Somewhere in the immediate area she either accepted a ride from a passing vehicle or approached a nearby home and ran into trouble.
Yes - better put. Sireously.

Joined: Nov 24, 2008

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Bristol, CT

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Friday Dec 19
FireCat wrote:
<quoted text>
Yeah, but it really helps if they have verbs so I know what they're trying to say.
LOL. Very funny. Thanks for the laugh. Why should I be the only one tortured by the way the kids speak today and their abbreviated text messages that they attempt to pass of as writing?


Joined: Oct 16, 2008

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Menlo Park, CA

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Friday Dec 19





Except for this:

"It may be a curiosity as to her motives, but it doesn't relate to her murder. That happened then and there! Somewhere in the immediate area she either accepted a ride from a passing vehicle or approached a nearby home and ran into trouble."

Which you coulld only be certain about if you were the murderer.

Joined: Nov 24, 2008

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Bristol, CT

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Friday Dec 19
And of course me not proofreading my own stuff.

...that they attempt to pass off as writing?

Joined: Jun 10, 2008

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Woonsocket, RI

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Friday Dec 19
Dawn wrote:
Looking for a moose
You are correct - on your "handset" that is what it says - not on your statement. We don't have Maura's handset/phone. Statements/bills and internal billing systems show incoming call or your own phone number. To get the incoming call phone number you have to work with an engineer. Hope that helps.
but if they know a ping went off of the londonderry tower, wouldn't they know th enumber inititating the ping?

Joined: Oct 16, 2008

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Menlo Park, CA

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Friday Dec 19
Mason wrote:
The serial killer theory is a cop-out. It should only be regarded as a possibility after all of the more traditional motives for homicide have been investigated and ruled out.
Why, because there is no way to prove or disprove it unless somebody gets caught in connection with another homicide and confesses to killing Maura. It's another way of saying I want to give-up working and thinking and investigating her disappearance.
It's also a way to continue to pretend that Maura was a saint and her family is perfect.
How can anyone seriously believe that during a 6 to 8 minute period on a Monday night in February, Joe the Serial Killer just happened to appear as if by magic on Rte 112 and somehow coax Maura to get into his car?
Whether the SBD was watching or not, he could be seen sitting in his bus. Plus lights were on in houses along both sides of the street. Obviously no one was watching, but that doesn't mean that a hyper-alert serial killer with murder in mind is going to take that risk.
On the other hand, someone she knew could roll up, say "hop in," and be on his way without coming to a stop.
Don't fall for the serial-killer theory. They usually don't take those kinds of chances. It's lazy thinking to give-up and say the boogeyman did it.
Where are your critical thinking skills?
I agree with a lot of the points here, but the last one. You must be a defense attorney, the last sentence is a fast ball on the outside corner, a hypnotists "unheard" words.[Supposed to be a compliment and a little banter.]

For the most part I am on the same page with you here - except that, it could happen, even unlikely -> example the young boy that was kidnapped on a lonely road in Missouri, eventually reunited with parents.

Now this is probably the only thing I can think up that could be important or poof, nothing.

The kidnapper in that boy's case, I am going to guess [no warrant that I'm familiar with the case] I'm going to guess that the boy was walking along that abandoned road because it was the kidnapper's pizza route, i.e. idnapper frequented it, eventually the kidnapper will find a vulnerable person alone.

That above realization I overlooked before, my mistake. It doesn't make anything certain, and I always had in mind it is possible.

But I will add I agree with everything you said up to the last sentence.


Call me a scizo!:)

Omaha, NE

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Friday Dec 19
I am not sure why everyone says her dad is keeping her past private. I have not seen one article where he tries to protect her. The reason for the gallery not being named is probably a request from the police and the gallery - after they determined it had nothing to do with her vanishing. Just a thought. I am very close to my dad and I think he would react the same way.

Summerville, SC

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Friday Dec 19
Yes, and that boy was held as a captive for how many years?

Brainwashed, or whatever, into willingly staying until the younger boy was taken, if that's the case you are referring to.

Joined: Oct 16, 2008

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Menlo Park, CA

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Friday Dec 19
WTF-the-original wrote:
<quoted text>
I know what we have been told for the last almost 5 years. If we have been lied to for 5 years that is of interest. If they just said we don’t want to discuss it because we don’t feel its relevant that would have been different than making something up and lying, IF THAT IS WHAT HAPPENED and I don’t know if it is. Is it relevant if during her time at WP she was found to use drugs? How about stealing? What about cheating? What about a psychiatric disorder? Is any of that relevant? Doesn’t that open more possibilities for places to she might be? Doesn’t it also change the crowds you might want to look at as suspects or associates? If it doesn’t than I don’t think you are really thinking with any depth.
There have been several times that I felt as though the collective was jerked around. While they spent weeks and months on certain information trying to figure it out, others in the group knew all along what the answer was and didn’t say anything while everyone cycled through the same scenarios over and over. I wish I could search the old forum for specific examples but I can’t. Then certain tidbits would be released to titillate, such as the missing panties. How long did they know about that before it came out? Is it even relevant or just another hook to keep people involved? There plenty of people who want to hammer the police about what was done but there is plenty of blame when it comes to how this was and is being handled by the family as well.
Ok Bill - yes - all the above duly noted, taken seriously and endorsed.

I do see some validity to what I said before and I keep in mind that the West Point ask to leave could be poof.

Joined: Oct 16, 2008

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Menlo Park, CA

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Friday Dec 19



Laurieisgone wrote:
can someone post a link to the advocator forum that I would like to see? I know it's been asked 3,000 times, but no one is responding.
I've done this several times, as had Advocator, but the folks at Topix seem to think it clever to hide these posts from anyone but us.

I've tried to search google for it - yet to be found, but my wife has ideas on a resolution.

Go ahead greybeard, call me a dope!

Keep in mind that we are trying to do something of dire importance here and that we have given over 10,000 pages of advertising here - and the topic probably won't die -

so do the decent thing and let the folks see the link.

She has tools and setups there that are helpful - or email me at and I'll let you know what we want. Also note - I don't live or work too far from your headquarters.

Thank You.

Omaha, NE

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Friday Dec 19
Also - from the article posted earlier - Fred said she went to NH because it was familar to her. Since she didn't have alot of friends at Umass - doubt they would know that was familar to her....
Lady Gray

Austin, TX

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Friday Dec 19





WTF-the-original wrote:
<quoted text>
Then certain tidbits would be released to titillate, such as the missing panties. How long did they know about that before it came out? Is it even relevant or just another hook to keep people involved? Bill
I have wanted to address this issue before but decided against it because I didn't feel it necessary to explain myself.
However, I am so sick and tired of the negativity on here. Things are taken out of context and misconstrued to be deceitful, etc.
I AM THE ONE WHO POSTED THE INFO ABOUT THE MISSING PANTIES. Did you get that? Not the family. This was when Helena was seriously ill. I came across this info and felt it MIGHT have some relevance. Didn't release it to titillate.
Read that sentence again.
Why would one even think that? Why be so negative and suspicious? People WANT WANT WANT WANT WANT information all the way to where did Maura get her oil changed.
So, I post it on the forum and the family is immediately viewed suspiciously.
I got permission to post it and there has been nothing but grief ever since.

Concord, MA

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Friday Dec 19
anyone see my post #10648?

it's sitting here right on my screen and i posted that new site's address twice on it!

Bethlehem, NH

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Friday Dec 19





Snowy White wrote:
<quoted text>
Truly bizarre. I double-checked before replying to you.
The whole scene here is strangely toxic...not hopeful...starting from the re-emergence of BeagleBart.
It's time to detach. Some will do anything to not hear the truth and to chase away the source of the truth. My question is why.

Omaha, NE

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Friday Dec 19
Sorry.. i'm new - what about missing panties? There weren't any in her dorm? Her car? What about other undergarnments? That is a odd one for sure. Maybe she didn't wear them. I know people who dont.

Joined: Jun 10, 2008

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Woonsocket, RI

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Friday Dec 19



Quija wrote:
anyone see my post #10648?
it's sitting here right on my screen and i posted that new site's address twice on it!
post # 10648 is nonexistant.......on my screen anyway.

Paducah, KY

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Friday Dec 19




“One other quick ? for you Mason: Only curious - did you find out Maura's birthdate? As you stated before - it does make a difference in accuracy. Wanted to keep that in mind while I re-read your post - thanks!"

Part 1 of 4
Maura's birthdate is May 4, 1982, which coincidentally is exactly 1 year, 1 month, and 1 day younger than my daughter whose birthdate is April 5, 1981. They even look similar. Bizarre, huh?
Maura was born in Hanson, MA. I wasn't able to find out her time of birth, so I used noon as the birth time splitting the 24-hour day in half. With the exception of the Moon, which changes signs approximately every two-and-a-half days and the Sun, which moves a little less than one degree every 24-hours, the planets don't move much during a 24-hour period. By splitting the difference, I figured that her natal chart would be pretty accurate as far as the positions of the Sun, Moon, and the planets.
What's missing is her rising sign, or Ascendant, which changes every two hours. As you probably know, the Ascendant symbolizes the personality that we present to the outside world. Maura's sun sign is Taurus, the sign of the bull, and it symbolizes her inner self without the make-up, or personality, so to speak. Taureans tend to be well-grounded, practical, methodical, patient, stable, reliable, thrifty, responsible, stubborn, pleasure loving, and sensual. Taurus is the most sensual of the 12 Zodiac signs and it's ruled by Venus, which also rules Libra. Astrologers refer to high Venus as the ruler of Libra (i.e, high mindedness, beauty, and love as intellectual concepts). Low Venus, which is an unfortunate term, is used to describe the Venus that rules Taurus. She doesn't think about it; she gets it on.

Paducah, KY

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Friday Dec 19
Part 2 of 4
Nevertheless, most of us are personality centered. We act and behave in a manner that is more consistent with our rising signs than our sun signs. Since I never met her, I don't have much of a basis to form an opinion regarding her rising sign. I suspect it's one of the fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) or possibly one of the air signs (Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius). Fire signs are action oriented and often act impulsively before thinking about the consequences of their acts. Air signs experience life through the mind. She has a Leo ascendant in the natal chart that I cast using the noon birth time. I did not consider the ascendant, or the positions of the planets in the houses in my analysis. If you don't know the Ascendant, you can't determine the houses in which the Sun, Moon, and the planets are located.
There is a process astrologers use to derive the birth time when the client doesn't know it, but the astrologer needs to ask questions and evaluate the answers carefully before casting the chart. I was hoping that someone who posts here would know her birth time, at least approximately, and share that information. Didn't happen.
My analysis is based on the Sun, Moon, and the planets in the signs; the aspects they form to each other, and the aspects they form to the transiting Sun, Moon, and planets.

Paducah, KY

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Friday Dec 19
Part 3 of 4
One of the most striking features that leaped out at me was that her natal Moon in Libra (emotional well-being directly linked to close loving and affectionate relationships) which is ruled by high Venus was less than one degree from an exact conjunction with her transiting Moon in Libra suggesting a highly focused and almost desperate need for such a relationship. At the same time, her natal Venus in Aries (romantic, warm, sensual, and loving inclinations expressed aggressively) also was less than one degree from an exact conjunction with her transiting Venus in Libra resulting in a highly focused and passionate desire. Not surprising then that her natal Moon and Natal Venus, as well as transiting Moon and transiting Venus are in opposition to each other, although the power of the opposition is fading at 5 degrees past exact the exact opposition. An opposition (two planets 180 degrees apart) is one of the so-called hard aspects because they represent separation that creates conflict in a person's life. The only way to solve an opposition is to find a new balance point between the opposing influences and the struggle Maura faced attempting to balance those highly focused and deep-seated emotional needs in her life must have been tearing her apart.

Paducah, KY

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Friday Dec 19
Part 4 of 4
Further complicating this struggle was a Neptunian square (90 degrees apart) in her natal chart to both the Moon and Venus. This planetary configuration is called a T-square and it's a life-long challenge for her to deal with. T-squares are usually resolved by releasing the tension caused by the opposing planets through the planet that is square to both of them. Unfortunately, Neptunian energy is extremely difficult for most people to handle because it manifests as a desire to merge or dissolve structure in the same way that a water drop disappears when it enters a larger body of water. Mystical experiences are typically Neptunian in the sense that the mystical experience describes a higher state of consciousness in which the self dissolves and merges with the one. What this probably meant to Maura that the way for her to balance the opposing influences of the Moon and Venus was to dissolve her otherwise well-grounded and practical self and merge into another reality, such as the dream world. No doubt you see where this is going and yes, Neptune is associated with escapism through drugs and alcohol. I alluded to this in my analysis.
However, her natal Neptune is in Sagittarius, a fire sign that is associated with higher learning, all things spiritual, travel, and foreign adventure. Fire signs don't sit around mope and daydream. They always take action and Maura may have solved the enormous tension in her life created by that T-square by disappearing, traveling, and starting a new life.
Her transiting Neptune was in Aquarius, which is an air sign. Aquarians experience life through the mind and value associations with groups that promote equality, independence, and freedom. If Maura is alive and we want to intrude in her new life, the places to look for her are places where people congregate in groups that value those principles because she will consciously or unconsciously seek out, join, and form lasting relationships with people who share those values.

There's lots more going on that is evident in comparing her natal and transit charts, but I will leave that to another time.

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