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Detective Columbo

Littleton, NH

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Jun 22, 2008
LE (Cecil Smith) kept them from getting to close to the car. They (EMS) were only at the scene for 6 minutes. How could they be sent away so quickly if the driver could be injured. Something smells fishy to me.....EMS arrived 11 minutes after Smith, so in that 11 Min. Smith had secured the scene , talked to neighbors and did an immediate search of the area around the car and that is all. With this info Smith decides EMS is not needed. Feb. 9th. 2004, cold and dark and possibly and injured driver. Odd actions on Smith's part.


Marlborough, CT

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Jun 22, 2008
Smith said he "passed 5 or 6 cars". Were a couple of these the same cars?

Saint Johnsbury, VT

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Jun 22, 2008
Detective Columbo wrote:
LE (Cecil Smith) kept them from getting to close to the car. They (EMS) were only at the scene for 6 minutes. How could they be sent away so quickly if the driver could be injured. Something smells fishy to me.....EMS arrived 11 minutes after Smith, so in that 11 Min. Smith had secured the scene , talked to neighbors and did an immediate search of the area around the car and that is all. With this info Smith decides EMS is not needed. Feb. 9th. 2004, cold and dark and possibly and injured driver. Odd actions on Smith's part.
I agree! When they brought the dogs in to find Maura the dogs smelled her if it was done properly and they actually were looking for Maura so how could that be staged? The dogs would have had her scent but they lost her scent in the middle of the road so she got in an auto with someone maybe that red truck with Mass. plates but that doesn't mean that truck came up here from Mass. that day and the dogs could have been fooled if someone was wearing something of Maura's around thier feet or ankles.
I am left with many questions and no answers when it comes to where Maura has gone to and with the records sealed by the AG's office it makes this crime very hard to solve!
Alot of people have left the area since the disappearance of Maura so I have many questions and no answers.

Saint Johnsbury, VT

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Jun 22, 2008
We all have to stay focused on Maura's disappearance and all you good folks helping to try and figure out where she might have gone is the only way we will ever figure out what happened to Maura!
I know alot of people near the MMM area are helping more than we might think along with everyone else on this forum. We need to stay focused as that is the only way we will ever find out the truth!

Greenfield, MA

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Jun 22, 2008
Detective Columbo wrote:
LE (Cecil Smith) kept them from getting to close to the car. They (EMS) were only at the scene for 6 minutes. How could they be sent away so quickly if the driver could be injured. Something smells fishy to me.....EMS arrived 11 minutes after Smith, so in that 11 Min. Smith had secured the scene , talked to neighbors and did an immediate search of the area around the car and that is all. With this info Smith decides EMS is not needed. Feb. 9th. 2004, cold and dark and possibly and injured driver. Odd actions on Smith's part.
Does the term EMS signify only EmCare personnel? Or does EMS refer to firefighters or other first responders on scene, too? How many people, beside the police officer, were there altogether? In what capacity? Firefighters? Paramedics not part of EmCare? After EMS left the scene, was anyone there other than the police officer?
Detective Columbo

Littleton, NH

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Jun 22, 2008
There was 1 LE there, Smith. the fire dept. was having a meeting and 8 people went to the scene. 2 EMT (EMS) were there. LE was there for 1 hr. 40 min. EMT'S were there for 6 min. and Firefighters were there for 1 hr. 4 min. Firefighters cleared the scene at 8:49 PM. EMT at 8:02 PM. This left Cecil there with the car alone for 37 minutes. LE and Lavoie's towing would most likely left at the same time.

These are facts....



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Jun 22, 2008
OH MY wrote:
<quoted text>
One thing bothers me and that is the Chalet Shaffer in Woodsville was burned down by a new heater that was just installed and the person who owned that sports bar left in kind of a hurry.
Another thing that bothers me is that the person that owned Gary's Fuel and Linda's One Stop started selling off everthing he owned right after 2004 and he left Woodsville and moved to Las Vegas before he had sold everything he owned and seemed to be in a hurry. but they didn't seem to put up much of a fight when told to shut down the junk yard by the town........
Just to name a few people and places that just seemed to either close up shop or move away after 2004 and they all seem connected in one way or another.
Maybe I have a vivid imagination and maybe I am way off but these people seemed to scatter after 2004 when the pressure was put on the town of Haverhill.
Laura left the area due to a domestic/custody dispute with Bill. she didn't own the Chalet she leased it. Steve the owner of the building still lives in the area. Danny Marsh has been told to shut down countless times for a variety of violations. Not everything he has done has been up to state specs and the EPA has been involved more than once for illegal dumping. Danny ran into bigger financial problems when he purchased the property from Lee Jackson and the IRS seized it. To date he hasn't recouped. As far as him putting a lot of money into anything again is untrue. Most locals don't do busy with Danny unless they get paid upfront in cash. Most wont even barter with him anymore because he doesn't hold up his end. Several local businesses won't even take his checks anymore because of his reputation for not paying or putting money into things. What should be of more concern to you is the fact that Claude who everyone knows has a violent nasty side and penchant for woman half his age wasn't the only type of person working with Danny or hanging around JetStar who did. He had two David's working for him. One of whom has had several restraining orders etc against him and is known for being abusive physically and mentally to women and children. He has also been deemed abusive by the court and ordered to receive treatment by a shrink and attend a batterers program. He has sexually assaulted woman before. That Dave took off many times to Alabama and stayed gone for months at a time. He even evaded the police who were looking for him when a missing persons report was filed for quite some time. He has conned many people, especially woman. The other Dave, who was Danny's friend and employee for years finally had to be let go because of the creepy things he would say and do to woman. Joel, Claude's son also spent a great deal of time at JetStar after being released from prison for attempted murder, also obviously has a nasty violent side. Right down the road from JetStar you have another garage. The owner of that garage sexual assualts extremely young woman when he is more than twice as old as them. He frequently travels 112 and 116 and has a tow truck. When he was fifty something years old he sexually assaulted and terrorized a girl barely 18 years old girl in her home. That woman had the guts to go after him. That girl fit the description of the serial rapist that has been running around that everyone is talking about. After going to court several times, he was convicted of sexual assault but managed to plea his charge down to simple assault. He was able to do that due to his last name and being a prominent business man etc. How many other predators like that are running around the north country with no one paying any attention to them?
There are a lot of scary people in the haverhill area that should be looked at....


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Jun 22, 2008
elsewherebriefly wrote:
I believe Fred signed the vehicle over to Lavoie's in lieu of towing charges. Although this is purely my opinion I do not believe anyone fully understood the magnitude of Maura's case at that particular point in time.
You asked when NHSP got involved in the case. I read a direct statement somewhere, tried to go back and retrieve it, that NHSP were actively involved within 72 hours.
This is somewhat off topic but important information..........
In 2005 a Missing Adults Law was adopted in NH.
The law requires that LE file a report and submit the missing person's info to the National Database within 72 hours.
This is one set protocol for every aspect of LE throughout the state of New Hampshire.
I also read that there have been recent demands for an updated computer system/sex offender registry in the state of New Hampshire.
Down here in North Carolina
- Every person who applies for a drivers license has his/her ss# run through the National Sex Offender Database.
- Anyone with prior sex offenses are required to register on the spot and contact the Sheriff's Dept within 10 days or a warrant is issued for his/her arrest.
- Sex offenders are also required to remain on probation 5 years after his/her release from incarceration - 1st offense. Newcomers are placed under probation whether or not they were required to in other states.
- During the five year probation period they are required to attend weekly classes. This is moreso a form of weekly monitoring in my opinion.
- Sex offenders names, photographs, and offenses are made public in the computer registry for a ten year period.
- If the offender repeats an offense they automtically fall under 'Jessica's Law'.
- Sex offenders are prohibited from residing in households with children (Re: Tina & Bethany Sinclair case) and from residing in homes that are within 1000 feet of schools, parks, etc.
These are just a few restrictions/laws off the top of my head that NH currently does not exercise.
I'm a property owner/taxpayer in Vermont and have had a number of people who work in the field (DOC) here in NC openly state how disturbed they are by VT's laxness of attitude toward these types of offenders.
Given that Vermont sits hip to shoulder to with NH the latter seemed worth noting.
What you wrote is very true but if someone manages to plead down a sexual assault charge no one is the wiser of what kind of sexual predators are living and working in their town. They aren't required to register anywhere.


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Jun 22, 2008
mcsmom wrote:
and...what did they see? Or rather, didn't see?
Please understand this person was a relatively new first responder...according to them being a newbie they were more inclined to watching, listening and making note of everything being said and done etc. Maura's disappearance has bothered them for years which is why they brought it up after a night of drinking themself...they said that they initially expected that Maura's accident was like many that happen in the northcountry where someone has been under the influence leaves the scene of an accident in order to avoid getting in trouble with the police etc. They did clearly state that the car smelled faintly of what was believed to be alcohol and the their was a bottle in the car believing to have alcohol in it. They also stated that judging from the way the car looked they expected that someone had injuries resulting from the accident. Is there a list somewhere of all of the people who arrived on the scene?

Greenfield, MA

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Jun 22, 2008





Detective Columbo wrote:
LE (Cecil Smith) kept them from getting to close to the car. They (EMS) were only at the scene for 6 minutes. How could they be sent away so quickly if the driver could be injured. Something smells fishy to me.....EMS arrived 11 minutes after Smith, so in that 11 Min. Smith had secured the scene , talked to neighbors and did an immediate search of the area around the car and that is all. With this info Smith decides EMS is not needed. Feb. 9th. 2004, cold and dark and possibly and injured driver. Odd actions on Smith's part.
Smith correctly maintained the integrity of the scene (i.e., the car and a very small area around it) by telling EMS to stay away from the car. No one needed medical attention. There were eight firefighters and one police officer on scene for over an hour. There was one state police officer in the vicinity. The ambulance was not far away.

Saying that Smith "turned away" EMS makes it sound like he hustled them off so they would not see Smith committing a crime. More likely Smith told them there was no victim to treat and could they please keep away from the Saturn so that a defense lawyer would not later complain the scene had been contaminated. This would take less than one minute. EMS stood by for five more minutes in case a victim was located nearby, then they left.

Two out of eleven responders left the scene at 8:04, possibly to be ready for a call where they could actually expect to be needed. The other nine remained on scene until 8:49 doing something presumably more important than whatever they were doing before they arrived.

These facts describe nothing odd or fishy. And there isn't a police officer – or ex-police officer – who would honestly think otherwise.
Detective Columbo

Littleton, NH

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Jun 22, 2008

I am just stating the facts and my opinion. Seems as though you know quite a bit about this case.


Greenfield, MA

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Jun 22, 2008
Detective Columbo wrote:
Seems as though you know quite a bit about this case.
Like what?
Detective Columbo

Littleton, NH

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Jun 22, 2008
I just mean that you seem like you have been following it closely, that is all...


Tolland, CT

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Jun 22, 2008
BeagleBart wrote:
<quoted text>These facts describe nothing odd or fishy. And there isn't a police officer – or ex-police officer – who would honestly think otherwise.
Or anyone involved with Fire or EMS.


Greenfield, MA

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Jun 22, 2008
Detective Columbo wrote:
I just mean that you seem like you have been following it closely, that is all...

Wallingford, CT

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Jun 22, 2008
hi all. elswhere .Mauras AAA plus would have covered her for the tow to Murray would not have gotten a towing bill.Detective Columbo any way to find out when and what time sgt Smith asked for search warrant.Is this normal in NH or with sgt Smith or the wodsville. i would love to know how often an abandoned car wil cause the police to wake up Judge Mckenna and ask for a warrant.also does anyone know .how is the law written does the warrant have to be in the hands of the requesting officer, the station house ,the officer doing the search,or is a fax with an electronic siganture good enough.Beagle your posts are very readable.'more likely Smith told them there is no victim to treat' is not a fact.sgt Smith knew before he arrived that a young lady was driving the did he decide that she was not in need of help and how long did that take.also WHAT THE HELL IS WITH THE SEARCH WARRANT .CAN SOMEONE POST AND TELL ME THAT THIS IS NORMAL IN N.H.WITH ABANDONED VEHICLES .NO I AM NOT YELLING MY EYES ARE TIRED AND I HAVE NO ISSUES WITH ANYONE ON THIS FORUM .TAKE CARE PHILIUP

Greenfield, MA

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Jun 22, 2008
whiston wrote:
Beagle your posts are very readable.'more likely Smith told them there is no victim to treat' is not a fact.
Which is why the word "likely" is used.

Marlborough, CT

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Jun 22, 2008
Outsider wrote:
<quoted text>
Please understand this person was a relatively new first responder...according to them being a newbie they were more inclined to watching, listening and making note of everything being said and done etc. Maura's disappearance has bothered them for years which is why they brought it up after a night of drinking themself...they said that they initially expected that Maura's accident was like many that happen in the northcountry where someone has been under the influence leaves the scene of an accident in order to avoid getting in trouble with the police etc. They did clearly state that the car smelled faintly of what was believed to be alcohol and the their was a bottle in the car believing to have alcohol in it. They also stated that judging from the way the car looked they expected that someone had injuries resulting from the accident. Is there a list somewhere of all of the people who arrived on the scene?
If the car was locked how could it smell faintly of alcohol? I'm not disputing your answer, I just wonder how the smell could be evident from the outside? The bottle was allegedly found by Smith after the car was towed. Your neewbie responder friend said it was on the inside? Smith said the driver left the scene of an accident or left the scene of what he responded to at the Weathered Barn.
Were the airbags deployed?

Greenfield, MA

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Jun 22, 2008

Greenfield, MA

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Jun 22, 2008
Did Maura or someone close to her know an architect in Amherst?
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