


olumbo, thank you, finally, the voice of reason!Hello.....
SBD is not former LE, or F & G or anything else. This is a fact.
Comments (Page 667)
Judged: ![]() 1 ![]() 1 ![]() 1 olumbo, thank you, finally, the voice of reason! |
Judged: ![]() 1 ![]() 1 ![]() 1 This is the same group that owns Stemcells, Inc., which pursues adult stem cell research, the acceptable alternative to embryonic stem cell research for those who oppose abortion. In fact, it's a very safe bet that BOTH contributions to the Molly Bish Reward Fund have their roots in the anti-abortion movement. |
Judged: ![]() 2 ![]() 1 I never said he was a F&G officer. I said he was a Hunter Safety instructor for F&G. Are you saying he was not? How do you know these things to be fact? Can you please provide some proof? Thanks |
![]() Joined: Jun 7, 2008 Comments: 152 Arizona ISP: Denver, CO |
Judged: ![]() 1 ![]() 1 I believe it was Weeper who told the MMM forum that the SBD was never a police officer. However, per MCSMOM on 10-18-07 … Page 398 of MMM Forum, the SBD was in a peripheral department associated with LE in Taunton,MA. So he may have thought of himself as "LE" in that context although strictly speaking he was not.(my comment) |
Judged: ![]() 2 ![]() 1 ![]() 1 In any event, Maura Murray's disappearance is almost certainly connected to the disappearance of Molly Bish and the attempted abduction of the Saratoga Springs High School track star. The evidence is circumstantial, but it is nearly overwhelming. |
![]() Joined: Jun 7, 2008 Comments: 152 Arizona ISP: Denver, CO |
Judged: ![]() 2 ![]() 2 ![]() 2 I've had email contact several times with 2 of them, and have checked the IP address of a 3rd and feel personally confident they are who they say they are. Generally speaking however -- and this would be true of any forum (I've been participating in forums for nearly 15 years ... probably not as long as some)-- no one is holding a gun to anyone's head to make them read and respond to posts or posters they don't like, don't agree with, etc. How long did it take you to go through and add up all those "clones" and the numbers of pages involved? Topix is a wild and free forum, and anyone can come in here and post on this thread. Time being spent on trying to connect the dots from one poster to another, or trying to "out" this poster as also being that poster, or complaining about posts/posters seen as distractions ... is a waste of time IMHO. And it detracts from true discussion about what has happened to Maura just as much as these particular other posters are being accused of in terms of distraction. If you don't agree with even the subject matter of a poster's thoughts, if you think it is preposterous or at worst an attempt to distract, the fix is simple: don't respond to it and go on to the next post that makes sense to you. |
SBD said the driver DID NOT LOOK LIKE THE PHOTOS OF MAURA. And Sharon said that Maura NEVER wore her hair down as SBD described. |
Thank you Advocator for that information. |
Judged: ![]() 1 ![]() 1 ![]() 1 |
Forgot the citation. From: Opposition and Intimidation: The Abortion Wars & Strategies of Political Harassment. By Alesha E. Doan. Published by University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor, 2007. |
Yeah, I figured it out later down the page when someone offered to plug my brain back in. I seem to have tripped on the cord. Thanks, though, for clearing up my Duh moment! |
I do, actually. Don't remember in what capacity either. And yes, it was Taunton MA. |
Well, he's probably former SOMETHING, C, even if it's just former resident of NH. ;-) Sorry, it's late, I've just read 100 very confusing posts on here, and I'm tired. |
For some light reading, there's always...
Stem Cell Wars: Inside Stories from the Frontlines. By Eve Herold. Published by Palgrave MacMillan. |
Of course, I am Not Alden but what I have found is that a name Alden chooses to write a post will sometime go along with the post to better inform. Especially if there are links to follow. My 2 cents. PS.. Need to check out all links and you will also be better informed. |
From: Opposition and Intimidation by Alesha E. Doan.
...the dynamic between pro-life protesters and the object of protest can quickly change, as activities progress toward the more aggressive end of the continuum. Two [abortion] clinic employees explained why the changes in recent anti-abortion protesting felt harassing and intimidating compared to the pro-life group's earlier protesting. The move toward more aggressive and individualized protesting that had a personalized tenor was also noted by another clinic employee. "When they [the protesters] call you by your first name, call you by your husband's name, call out your address, and know different, little things about you that are personal - it is very, very threatening. It is the closest thing to stalking that I have ever seen." (Interview with an employee at a women's health clinic, August 1999) ********** These are the tactics of the extreme pro-life movement. |
"When they [the protesters] call you by your first name, call you by your husband's name, call out your address, and know different, little things about you that are personal - it is very, very threatening. It is the closest thing to stalking that I have ever seen." (Interview with an employee at a women's health clinic, August 1999)
********** These are the KNOWN tactics of the extreme pro-life movement. |
Judged: ![]() 1 ![]() 1 ![]() 1 I've been one to believe, just like every single LE official and PI that knows the intimate details of this case and have worked it intensely for years, that Maura was abducted. The specific theory I'm referring to, however, is that Maura may have been using drugs at the time, perhaps something addictive that changes peoples behavior, such as cocaine or painkillers or heroin, and was heading up to New Hampshire to see her drug dealer (for any number of reasons) or a drug-dealing or drug-using friend. A number of theories can spread out from there, one being that perhaps the drug dealer was out to get her, maybe because she didn't pay for something, and it was a setup to get her. Or he could have had plenty of other motivations. This could explain the red truck, if the red truck ever even existed. I'm not accusing her of being on drugs at the time, but if she were, it would certainly explain a lot. And a college student being on drugs without their parents knowing about it is something that I remember occurring a lot during my years. My question is, can we locate Maura's hair fibers in the car and have them tested for drugs? Some of us believe that if we figure where Maura was going to begin with, we'll find out what happened to her. Others believe that the reason she went up there and her disappearance are completely independent of each other. I firmly believe the "scent trail" has nothing to do with her disapperance. I know the science of dogs well and 39+ hours of New Hampshire wilderness gusting winds in the winter time will wipe out intangible scents. The "scent trail" in this case is nothing but a dog walking around in the attempts to pick up a scent, something they will always initially do. |
Judged: ![]() 4 ![]() 3 ![]() 2 Columbo, since he stated in the media that he WAS former LE, I hope that you have PROOF that he is not. I'm sorry, I'm not just going to take your word because you say that he wasn't LE or FG. I need more than just your saying it's so. I can't accept that as a fact on face value, and that's nothing personal at all. I wouldn't accept that as fact from anyone. You're accusing him of lying in public, and you can't do that without proof. |
Judged: ![]() 4 ![]() 3 ![]() 1 1.) Dozens and dozens of links to "stem cell research" - but no FACTS about why this should or even MIGHT be viewed as relevant to Maura's case. "Oh, she's a woman, she's got eggs, she must be the victim of a plot out lf the X-files. Ridiculous, at best. Again, figures on how many women are vicitms of such crimes? Right, I know, a secret NGO is hiding the information with help from the Skull and Bones Club. By the way, if there were so much as a shred of evidence that this was a possibility in Maura's case for any reason, I'd be behind it 100%. It is merely someone's agenda. 2.) "eames" (hello, again, Alden) wrote: "SBD said the driver DID NOT LOOK LIKE THE PHOTOS OF MAURA. And Sharon said that Maura NEVER wore her hair down as SBD described." Yes, I am aware of that. However, it is in the police record that he identified her at the car. This is EVIDENCE that she was at the car. It may ot be good evidence, and it isn't proof, but it's one of the closest things we have to evidence, and it's part of the official record - so it cannot be dismissed as irrelevant. Basic cognition. 3.) Advocator, you sure are bent on defending Alden by saying (!) that there are 2-3 of the 60 identities that I listed that you don't think are Alden. You don't know anything more about them than email. Gee, that only leaves about 57 that ARE Alden. I feel a whole lot better about that. What are you saying, that 57 identities are acceptable, but 60 might not be? The point is that Alden is constantly changing identities which at very least slows discussion to a crawl, even when he doesn't consume dozens and dozens of pages of this forum all by himself. Apparently you think that that's perfectly OK. I don't agree. |
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