- Posted in the Franconia Forum
Comments (Page 74)
Watching knows her whole plan could collapse because it hangs by a mere thread - or in this case, a copper wire. You know, the kind insulated red, black, green, and yellow?
A dispatch log is a legal document and no changes should ever be made to it after the fact. I am a Police Dispatcher and can tell you this for fact. |
I got your e-mail and I sincerely wish I had answers to give you but I do not. To humour Alden ( I can't keep up with all of his identities), my sleuthing skills are as good as my spelling. I was back home in New England when Molly Bish went missing and I actually spoke to a young rookie cop from that area who aided in the ground searches that were conducted. He immediately piped up about the runaway theory. I remember being astonished and saying,“She was in her lifeguard uniform, a bathing suit!”. I didn't feel any better learning that I was right and I certainly don’t feel very whole in knowing that her murderer is still at large. I’ve felt the same way about Maura and throughout the years the expert's opinions have reassured me not to be swayed so easily this time around. |
![]() Joined: Jun 16, 2008 Comments: 472 |
Hello all,
I´ve been struck by the fact that Maura seemingly hardly ran at all for the UMass Amherst team while a student there. According to previous posts on this forum I´ve only seen one single race confirmed for Maura´s entire time att UMass. Any thoughts about this? Why does such an avid runner as Maura stop competing for her college team? Overwhelming stress, perhaps? Thanks for your input on this, I think, potentially rather important point. |
whiston, i found this, altho you've probably seen it -- I think (?) this was helena and below refers to an art gallery connected to the campus:
murraydwyer03-24-2006, 06:47 PM Does anyone know if any valuables that Maura owned were missing? (This info about the jewelry being left behind did not come from a verifiable source and I am not sure any news report commented on it.) Those forms, according to Rausch, were found in Murray's car along with school books, clothing and expensive jewelry. Caledonian Record 2/27/04 and again Maura had 2 jobs and was frugal and only $280 in the bank? That doesn't add up..... Both part time jobs were connected to the University...Maura worked security and at an Art Gallery connected to the campus. I don't know what campus pay periods are, however, school had only been back in session (after Christmas break) since January 28th. I have also been told, but cannot verify that she was to have been paid the following Friday. Murraydwyer...you were asked to look at Billy and Maura's bill?? Are you family? I am a member of Maura's very extended family Also, did LT Rausch try to get in touch with Maura on the evening of the accident or the next day? Yes |
Believe i read Maura had a foot/leg injury that kept her out of competition and required taking OTC analgesics for some pain. She was able to run but generally not in competition. |
You having identity problems, seague? Thanks for info on the dynamics of this forum. I didn't understand why people who were drawn to Maura's disappearance (one look at her flyer and many of us were pulled into it) might include people trying to disrupt. Tossing out ideas, even if way out, and critiquing (big word, probably misspelled) them rather than attacking the person expressing them does sound like the way to go. So --- what about Euro's idea of checking out any calls Maura made when she got back to her dorm Thursday night/Fri a.m. at 1:00-ish? OR...any chance she DID have someone (not a roommate) waiting for her there? Way out, not a fact, but perhaps someone who had borrowed her car? |
In the Grafton County Sheriff's log I have, the part that was cut and filled with duplicate paragraphs from another page MIGHT have replaced logging around the time of a "first accident".
If 5 or 6 cars went by the scene of the Saturn in the snowbank, wouldn't a similar number of cars a half hour earlier have gone by/witnessed the FIRST accident? Where are those witnesses? It would be great if some of Maura's good friends could've posted anything over 4-1/2 years that might've helped! Even now isn't too late. Besides boyfriend issues, most girls talk about fantasies of "what I'd really like to do is...." or "I'd really like to leave school and join my boyfriend until I find a course of study that is JUST RIGHT for me." OR... in the case of one friend of mine: "I'm heading for Barrow Alaska if one more thing goes wrong!" Can the friends offer anything? |
Beagle...thanks for the bone..... Everyone knows meth users sell copper to pay for their drugs and so your point is...... |
![]() Joined: Jun 16, 2008 Comments: 472 |
Thank you for your info regarding Maura´s foot/leg injury which stopped her from competing while at UMass. I believe I did once see that mentioned on the old MMM Forum, come to think of it. Also, I very much agree with your last post (#1484) regarding the almost complete lack of postings by Maura´s friends at UMass Amherst and from her days in Hanson. I can´t help wondering about this near silence on their part. Why? As for your suggestion that the theoretical, unknown driver of Maura´s Saturn conceivably could have been waiting in Maura´s dorm room when she got back from her security desk job after her crying attack - well, the very thought has struck me once or twice, and for some reason I don´t like that picture it at all. More a foe than a friend, I would say... |
![]() Joined: Jun 16, 2008 Comments: 472 |
Hello all friends of Maura,
I was just returning to BeagleBart´s post # 1455 regarding the web site he had once seen with a picture of a young lady somewhat resembling Maura. A very quick browsing of the web brought me to the site www.agapeministriesinc.net . This organization apparently runs a kind of summer camp for children in the Irasburg/East Albany area in Orleans County in northern Vermont. Judging from their web site they all seem to be very good, genuinely Christian people and doing a lot of good work, mainly involving children and young people in need. Now, what really made me look at this more than in passing is the strange coincidence that this camp is situated just a short hop by car from Barton, VT, where a young lady very much looking like Maura was seen and briefly spoken to by a highly reputable witness in a Barton church on Father´s Day in June 2005. This witness afterwards stated that he was 99 percent sure that the lady was indeed Maura, that she had "unmistakable runners legs" and quickly ran off when the minister started mentioning fathers in his Father´s Day sermon. Just a strange set of co-incidences, maybe, but even so.... Debate, please! Thanks! |
Busy though she was this must have been quite a depressing development for her given her love of competitive running.
If I had $100 for every young woman who at a glance looks like Maura that I've seen in NH and VT in the last three years, I could retire now. I am extremely reliable, but I never met Maura personally, so my chances of idenbtifying her even if I did see her would be minimal.
I don't question that the purported witness was well-intentioned - she may have been. I just am not too sure about her accuracy. |
Hey, Doppelganger (oh, sorry, you didn't choose that name? got a dictionary? if the name fits...)- so the copper wire relates to the "colleges in western MA" [whatever their proclivities, eh?] from which students come in droves to the "big resort hotels in Bethlehem NH" [whatever they are]. Or it doesn't relate, just another distraction intended to accomplish what, precisely?
Again, if someone is here actually looking for answers about what happened to Maura, that's fine with me. If anyone's purpose here is to make Maura appear guilty of something no matter what, I've got a problem and I will say so. Little "offhand" comments about "copper wire" which are completely irrelevant to discussion, which aren't intended to be helpful in any way - gotta question whether that is looking for Maura or someone dead set to make her look bad. News flash - I'm visiting friends next week and they asked me to bring margarita fixings. I'll have to go to the store and buy margarita makings for ten people, then drive about three hours with the makings in my car. Unfortunately, I've got a cold and need to take some of that red Nyquil. It tastes awful, so I'm putting it in a soda bottle and mixing it with some Dr Pepper to kill the taste...Thank goodness I don't need to go through NH! see what I mean? |
![]() Joined: Jun 16, 2008 Comments: 472 |
Hello Sophie Bean,
Actually, the witness that I referred to (Post # 1487) in the Barton, VT, church sighting back in June 2005 was a gentleman, not a lady, and a well-known member of the church congregation. His name is known and has been mentioned in various forums, media, etc. and can fairly easily be found. Has this potential lead ever been thoroughly, and I stress throughly, followed up? |
Judged: ![]() 2 ![]() 2 ![]() 2 situation wouldn't you think instead of letting lots assume what happened! Just by chance you do have an accident stay in your car with the doors locked until the Police arrive and just explain! Really most are reasonable!
![]() Joined: Jun 10, 2008 Comments: 299 |
I SERIOUSLY doubt that 4 or 5 cars went by on a weeknight at that time of year. Even in the summer on a weeknight there are probably only 4 or 5 cars that go by in that time frame and there are far fewer people in the area in February during a week that schools and colleges are not on break. Its not an easy road to travel in the winter so most people choose an alternate route if at all possible. Wouldn't RO have seen some of those cars pass by the Stage Stop while she was there also? |
The New Hampshire Primary had just ended the week before. |
![]() Joined: Jun 16, 2008 Comments: 472 |
How dearly I wish that there would be less internal infighting between the contributors to this board.
I fear that this bickering tendency just deflects our determined efforts to try to find Maura and to somehow figure out whatever happened to hear. Let´s all try to remember to put Maura first and foremost. She has been missing for nearly 4 1/2 years and there are still no firm clues to explain her vanishing. This is truly frightening, and her family and friends must surely be experiencing a kind of personal hell every day not knowing what happened to this lovely young lady. Thank you for reading. |
Hey moose and others,
i remember reading that there were a number of parents on the road that night at that time --- related either to a school-related meeting and/or picking up the students who were dropped off by Butch --- SBD after a day's ski trip. I could be wrong. Also remember Butch himself saying (in media) something about 6+ cars passing by in the period he watched from his bus, doing paperwork, after talking with the saturn's driver about hazard lights, calling police, etc. I'll look for a link for you guys. |
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