- Posted in the Franconia Forum
Comments (Page 83)
Rausch said family members were told by at least one person living near the accident site a man was seen in Maura's car after the accident.
Sharon Rausch said, "It's obvious to us something has happened to distress her." She said Murray had called Bill Feb. 8 and was crying because of the previous Saturday accident, though he didn't feel that was it. "He told her on a scale of 1 to 10, it was only a 3 or 4," she said. "He had to talk to her a long time to calm her down. We are convinced something happened at school and her Amherst friends know." Rausch speculated that what happened at the college has nothing to do with what happened to Murray after the accident on Route 112 in New Hampshire. He said police arrived within minutes after Maura was last seen by an eyewitness. "This means that when the police reached the scene, Maura could have been no further than a couple of hundred yards up the road around the first corner walking away," Murray said in his letter. Police, including Sgt. Cecil Smith of the Haverhill Police Department, were told the driver of the car was a young woman about 20 years old. "There was an empty beer bottle found in the car and in addition, there was a spider hole in the driver's side of the windshield indicating that she had struck her head at impact," Murray's letter reads. "There were indications inside the vehicle, specifically we found what we believe to be red wine, spilt on the driver's door, on the headliner and front seat of the vehicle and we found a container that we believe was holding red wine immediately outside the vehicle on the ground," said Haverhill Police Chief Jeff Williams. A GOOD LINK http://www.unionleader.com/article.aspx... |
4) on the night of 2/5/04 Maura knew going into the weekend that her Dad was coming to help her look for a new car. According to posts above her 96 Saturn had been towed by AAA back to the UMass lot more than two weeks earlier, and she had not even been willing to drive it to the local stores.
Reread the news reports that state he arrived on the 7th. |
hi all.i spoke with AAA maybe 5 times .they said without a doubt that the only record of a call from Maura Murray was when she crashed her fathers car the weekend she vanished . i still dont know if this was an accident or not.as i understand mrMurray drove the car back to the amherst lot after the christmas break from bridgeport c.t.so he was likely the last driver .we are told Maura was afraid to drive the car because of its poor condition.if it happened who towed the car back to the amherst.college street motors towed the toyota .did they have the exclusive AAA contract for that area.i doubt it but will look. one more thing which still amazes me .AAA calls from grafton county nh are processed through portland maine.they have NO ZERO ZIP calls coming from grafton county on feb 09 04 in february in N.H.What are the chances of not getting a service request for such a big rural snowy area.take care philip
White Wash, this is excellent piece of advice for every woman who happens to be travelling alone, kudos and thank you. Firecat, Someone thought you and I were one in the same? Gee whiz, he/she must not have followed Maura's forum very closely. I was pulled aside by English professors in college letting me know that I needed to be more diciplined with my spelling and grammar. One professor gave me his copy of 'The Little Brown Book'! Here it is twenty years later and I'm still a rule breaker! No, I'm a native New Englander (who has used the same identity since 2002) with a fairly good education, I have no excuse. Your being an English Professor, I'm sorry about the mistake with our identities. We are both Aquarius so maybe that was it (wink). The FBI aided the MA authorities in devising a timeline for the weeks following up to Maura's departure from Amherst. This was the FBI's main focus during their brief involvement in the case. I don't recall this ever being mentioned so I figured I'd toss it out there. |
![]() Joined: Jun 16, 2008 Comments: 472 |
Still going through some of my notes from the old MMM Forum. I have seen at least two pictures (probably on the former MMM Board, but I´m not certain) of Maura and a friend (?) of hers, who looks a bit like a much "bigger" version of Maura. In one of these pictures Maura and this other girl of about the same age are standing next to each other wearing similar black evening dresses. At first I thought this photo was of Maura and one of her sisters, but that is apparently not the case. In another picture Maura is seen sitting by a table in some kind of restaurant or bar, being surrounded by quite a few other girls of a similar age, possibly friends from either Hanson, MA, or Amherst, MA. One of these girls pictured is the same girl as in the other photo (mentioned above), who´s seen holding her arm in a slightly proprietorial or "chummy" way around Maura´s shoulders. Anybody here knows who this other young lady is??? Any ideas? Thanks! |
![]() Joined: Jun 16, 2008 Comments: 472 |
Hello again,
Just another question: Did Maura ever run in some races of any kind in the White Mountains, NH, area, and particularly so in the Bartlett, NH, region, where she and her family spent so many hiking holidays. I´ve never seen anything on this particular angle, but this might be worth having a look at when considering people Maura might have met in various locations, whether in NH, MA, during her time as a student at West Point Academy, NY (of which we know practically nothing), etc, etc. Thanks! |
Elsewhere, no....er, offense....with an S....taken.:) I don't understand how it could happen, you're MUCH taller than I.
Yes, I have to constantly spell things out loud whilst writing on the board in front of my class so as not to confuse them. Especially since I have no accent, unless I've been imbibing, which as a rule I try not to do too much of during class. Euro, I believe this young woman is one of Maura's close friends from high school.(I could be mistaken) I know both photos of which you speak. They do look strikingly alike--except for those dimples.(Oh, those dimples!) |
A few observations and questions...
I have continually requested that people show actual proof of Maura's so-called misbehaviors. I was unaware that requesting facts and not frivolous, groundless and slandering accusations was the same thing as insisting that Maura is a saint. Honestly, if some small misbehavior that could be proven led to her being found safe I would be absolutely thrilled. What does Frank Kelly's right to carry a gun have to do with the search for Maura? "Secondary interest" in finding Maura is indeed very interesting. Care to define "secondary interest" because if you don't, many inferences might be made. If anyone has direct knowledge of the circumstances of Vasi's injuries or Maura's disappearance, it is unconscionable to not convey that information to authorities. I could care less about "they weren't interested...blah blah blah" - whatever, then you find authorities who ARE interested. If it was your child, how would you feel about "well, I tried to tell somebody but they wouldn't listen." and "harassment"? Really? prove it. If Maura was thought to be guilty or even a POI in some crime, wouldn't MA police be looking for her? Wouldn't NH police be looking for her as if they cared about finding her? In any missing persons case, there are two possibilities -one, that the person vanished intentionally, and two, that the person vanished unintentionally. I'd say that both possibilities need to be examined exhaustively. Neither should be dismissed. |
![]() Joined: Jun 16, 2008 Comments: 472 |
Sophie Bean,
I wholeheartedly agree with your concluding words that both options (voluntary/involuntary disappearance) must be exhaustively examined without any preconceptions. Based on what we seem to know right now (and not knowing what LE, etc, might have found out) I would say that we know far, far too little about either of these two possibilities. After nearly 4 1/2 years, I find that exceptionally remarkable and deeply worrying. Sophie Bean, do you know whether Maura ever ran any races up in the Bartlett, NH, area? Thanks! |
Thanks, Eurobserver. I don't know if she ever ran races in the Bartlett area. I can't off the top of my head think of any colleges in the immediate area which would have races there.
Do you know whether Maura ever ran any races in the Moosehead Lake area?
Did Maura ever travel routes 2 to 150 to 6/15? Did she ever go to the Greenville or Jackman area? Mt. Katadin? Baxter State Park? Possibly work as a housekeeper or CNA? Did she ever have anything to do with the Maine North Woods? Just wondering whether she might have turned east around Wells River, or even St. Johnsbury, heading for Maine? Maybe if she got off I-91 in Wells River VT, then Barlett NH represented a convenient stop for the night on her way into Maine?
![]() Joined: Jun 16, 2008 Comments: 472 |
Sophie Bean,
Thanks for your response. I "recognise" your name from the old MMM forum and much appreciate your input here. Actually, I was perhaps rather thinking of things such as charity runs, etc, which Maura might have joined in the Bartlett, NH, area in particular and also otherwise. Another question: Did Maura mainly visit the White Mountains in the winter or did she also go there with her family in the summer months? I was thinking of the timing of any possible races she may have joined in the area. BeagleBart, Would that be Moosehead Lake in Maine? I can´t remember having seen any such information posted anywhere, but you and I certainly seem to be following a kind of similar trail here. Also: Is there any truth whatsoever in the rumours I have seen on various boards that Maura may possibly have had a friend or acquaintance with some kind of connection to the Lime Kiln Road area of Haverhill? Thanks! |
Euro, You are just too funny! Keep blazing away!
"BeagleBart" aka (your choice of screen name) "Doppelganger" - as you are perfectly well aware, there are no colleges in or near Moosehead Lake in Greenville, ME, and no "races" to be run there. I have never heard that Maura spent any time in Maine.
Perhaps you'd like to tell us where you're headed with this latest distraction? Eurobserver, I have not heard that Maura may have had some acquaintance with someone on Lime Kilm Road. I don't know that I'd give much credence to rumors to that effect. We also heard for a long time that she was "involved" with Gregory Floyd's then-teenaged son, which we now know to be (at best) in error. Or something. As regards the excitement a while back about "watching" - rest assured, this forum is being "watched" more closely than you realize, by many more people than you apparently realize. If anyone here knows something about Maura's disappearance, don't think that it will go unnoticed. It is obviously possible to derail the discussion here, but it isn't possible to derail attention. |
The rumor that Maura was involved in any way with Floyd Jr. just makes me want to puke! Who the heck came up with that one?
sneaking. snaking to Maine, I doubt it!! Remember. she may not have left Amhearst...BUT THERE IS NO DOUBT HER CAR LANDED IN GRAFTON COUNTY! We need to pay attention to facts and stop being LED ELSEWHERE!! Come on folks, we are continually being lead astray.
Who said anything about colleges or races in the Moosehead Lake area? |
Judged: ![]() 1 Is this a friendly, helpful warning to a possible abductor, telling him that he might draw the attention of the police if he posts on this board? Isn't that what the police are hoping for? Why would you warn him away? I'm sure he appreciates your assistance in avoiding detection. |
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