Joined: Jun 7, 2008
Comments: 137
Denver, CO
sophie bean wrote: I do keep circling back to Dr Godwin's opinion that Maura was attacked by a serial rapist who lives "locally" and who has done this - abduction - at least twice before. I can think of just two ways she could have been abducted quickly from the site of the Saturn. Either someone came along and physically just grabbed her up, or someone came along and offered her a ride that she took. If someone came along and physically just grabbed her up, he/they were taking a heck of a risk at that time and place, considering that people were on the road driving home, etc. CS passed 5 or 6 cars en route to the scene ... SBD said several cars went by while he was calling 911, etc. Those cars no doubt slowed down a bit upon seeing the Saturn. Big risk that someone would come around the curve, or down Bradley Hill, or from Rt. 112 East, and catch the whole thing in their headlights. If it was a local person, big risk of identification of his/their vehicle that way. Same risk to someone offering her a ride, because even if she was getting into his/their vehicle willingly, their vehicle could have been seen and remembered. Other thoughts on her accepting a ride: if she wouldn't go with a school bus driver, why would she go with anyone else? I don't think she would have accepted a ride in an official LE (appearing) vehicle, either, because if she accepted a ride at all then it has to be that she wanted to get away from the Saturn ASAP. If she wanted to do that, then it is likely the reason was to avoid having to talk to the police. If she didn't want to talk to the police, why would she accept a ride from an official looking vehicle? Am not saying she was not abducted or did not accept a ride -- just pointing out what the risks of abduction would have been at that time and place. The red truck. What if the occupant/s (I think more than one, that was ROrdway's impression) were driving around "trolling" for a victim? Slowed down to check her out, then waited at Stage Stop for a better look, decided she was not the type wanted and headed out in the direction of where the Saturn would be shortly found. The more I think about that red truck, the more I feel it is of major importance in this case. In ROrdway's account, the red truck headed East on Rt. 112 from Stage Stop just after she arrived in the store's parking lot. Her recall was that she got to the store around 7 PM. Shortly thereafter, she and the store's owner saw the police car go by in the direction of the accident, then EMS go by (at the time they didn't know yet that there had been an accident). What if ROrdway's sense of the time was off by a little bit, maybe as much as 20 minutes or so? Would this put the red truck on the scene of the Saturn in time to abduct Maura? I think it could. RO didn't say she saw the SBD's schoolbus go by, did she not notice it or did the SBD take a route that put him on the Weathered Barn curve without passing the Stage Stop store? If RO is mistaken about the time, then things could fall into place: Saturn has accident ... SBD stops briefly ... Red truck picks up Maura ... Police car arrives on scene ... EMS arrives on scene. RO was in the store a while, shopping to get what she went there for, and talking to the owner who is a friend -- easy to lose track of time by 20 or 30 minutes. .
Joined: Jun 16, 2008
Comments: 472
Stockholm, Sweden
Hello again, May I say that Iīve always been somewhat surprised by the fact (as reported in the media) that the people in the house more or less opposite Mauraīs supposed accident at the Weathered barn, never seemed to feel any kind of curiousness as for what happened in their immediate neighbourhood on that fateful night of 9th February 2004. If one of them had actually walked a few steps from their house to Mauraīs Saturn, things just might have developed differently. Maura may not have seemingly disappeared and at least there would have been some kind of corroboration of the SBDīs witness reports as for the supposed driver of the Saturn. Is this lack of "normal curiousness" as displayed by Mr & Mrs W. in this instance just the way people would be expected to react to an incident such as this in rural NH? Just as a matter of human psychology and responses to unexpected events...
Cheshire, CT
hi Shack and was reported in the press that Maura 'packed up her belongings be fore she left.i think it was p.d that said her room contents were in boxes and there was a letter to Billy.this was said do be not true by Sharon R on the old forum. i think Sharon got the info. from Billy as he was the first person close to Maura to inspect her room in kennedy.whether umass police had another student in kennedy that could inspect the room, i dont know.i dont know when Billy was ever in Mauras dorm before that day.take care philip
Medway, MA
| I don't know if this has been discussed, but in this picture there are what seem to be white threads below the gas tank cover, like gas dripped down and was wiped with a white rag and some fibers snagged where the car panels join. Those white fibers did not look like the grass below. This could, again, be way off, but if they are cloth fibers, maybe it can be checked to see if it was from the towel in the tailpipe --- those long cotton loops on a towel snag more easily than those in a rag sometimes. Just something to think about.... the fibers are probably long gone anyway. The only reasons that area would be wiped down would be if gas dripped while filling up or if a criminal put gas in and wiped down where he leaned his hand while pumping.... make sense or am i ticcing?
Greenfield, MA
Greenfield, MA
Eurobserver wrote: If one of them had actually walked a few steps from their house... Chinese?
Greenfield, MA
Greenfield, MA
United States
quija wrote: bums/n10/Murraydwyer/RearDrive rsSide.jpg I don't know if this has been discussed, but in this picture there are what seem to be white threads below the gas tank cover, like gas dripped down and was wiped with a white rag and some fibers snagged where the car panels join. Those white fibers did not look like the grass below. If you look carefully at the photo you will see that they are the blossoming/flowering/seed heads of a tall stalk of grass that is growing beside the hubcap.(If it's hard to see, export the photo into preview/photoshop/whatever photo viewer you use and enlarge it; it becomes fairly obvious.)
Greenfield, MA
An awful lot more than Google-ing my name, I'm afraid!!! Lincoln Labs??? This is Lincoln Laboratory??? I'd call it DoD Direct!!! of several sensitive locations which have their satellite images censored by Google Maps. I'm glad Sec. Gates is soooo interested in how I'm feeling!!!! Folks, lurkers, and posters, don't feel neglected. Your every thought is listened to. Or spoken for you. From Fanconia to the far reaches of the Universe. Your friendly Defense Intelligence Agency is here to keep you all company!!!! Warm and fuzzy people that they are!!!! Is LL where De Beauport came from, too? Why don't one of your men in black just ride in the front seat with me and save the government some gas money???? JFC!!!!! I cannot believe this. My own GDF government!!!!
Greenfield, MA
Would Sec. Gates like to stroll the beach with me picking up shells, rocks, feathers, and items only an eavesdropper would know about???? I am disgusted beyond belief!!! Not that it matters.
Joined: Jun 16, 2008
Comments: 472
Stockholm, Sweden
Some interesting points of yours there.
If, however, witness RO at the Stage Stop Store in Swiftwater remembers the time line correctly, then the mysterious red truck (possibly MA reg) set off in the direction of the Weathered Barn just AFTER the LE/EMS vehicles had gone by the store on the 112.
Provided ROīs memory is correct on this point, then the LE/EMS vehicles would surely have arrived at the Saturn well before the red truck could have got there. Or am I missing something here?
Also, considering that Maura had been through three terms of gruelling West Point military training she would have been no easy victim for an abductor. Iīm not saying itīs not a possibility, just that she would have been fighting back with a vengeance, West Point training being what it is.
With at least three (if not five, according to the Google maps/aerial views of the area) houses in the immediate area of the Saturn and intermittent traffic on the 112 passing by, an outright abduction attempt at the Weathered barn does seem fairly unlikely.
Just my humble opinion.
Greenfield, MA
Beagle wrote: Would Sec. Gates like to stroll the beach with me picking up shells, rocks, feathers, and items only an eavesdropper would know about???? I am disgusted beyond belief!!! Not that it matters. totally beyond belief
Greenfield, MA
The SCUM is at Hanscom Field.
Greenfield, MA
Is that why I was endlessly badgered to meet with McCandless? "He needs - really, really NEEDS - to see you in Paris." "He wants - really, really WANTS - to go to the auctions with you." "He really, really wants YOU to help him assemble a respectable library." "No, no," the auctioneer says. "I want YOU to sell these books yourself. I want YOU to sell this first edition James Joyce to Tom Fiske, aka DW, who works at V Investment Corp. in Stamford. Which has no phone number. No, no deliveries please. Just send it to this address." Now I get the picture. USAF Lexington. With govt groups like this involved, it's frankly impossible to know whether there ever even WAS a Maura Murray. Or IS a Maura Murray. Or, if she did exist, whether she was ever even abducted. With govt groups like this involved, it's no wonder this case is so weird and has so many blind spots. With DoD poking around posters' private lives, and obviously abusing the Patriot Act, you can bet this case will NEVER be solved. If it even existed in the first place!!! Once the DIA is involved - and conveniently enough, they may not be able to comment further or deny this notion - there is no way to trust that anything about this case is real. Even the very case itself. What a waste. What a total and insulting waste. And a fearsome invasion of privacy - not by someone unable to resist Google-ing a name, but by the United States Department of Defense, Lexington, Massachusetts.
Greenfield, MA
Wow! I just noticed the latest advertising on this Topix page for . Totally mainstream these days, apparently. Into just about everything.
sophie bean
Whitefield, ME
Shack, it had completely slipped my mind that from Littleton to Woodsville, Rt 10 and 302 are the same road. Thank you for the reminder! Wonderful point!
Whiston, my understanding was that she hadn't unpacked, not that she'd packed up her room.
Thank you, elsewherebriefly, for reminding us that NH does have a constitutional commitment to justice. Concern for unsolved crimes and missing persons really isn't just "obsessive" and pesky. It's a civil right.
Medway, MA
Beagle wrote: An awful lot more than Google-ing my name, I'm afraid!!! Lincoln Labs??? This is Lincoln Laboratory??? I'd call it DoD Direct!!! of several sensitive locations which have their satellite images censored by Google Maps. I'm glad Sec. Gates is soooo interested in how I'm feeling!!!! Folks, lurkers, and posters, don't feel neglected. Your every thought is listened to. Or spoken for you. From Fanconia to the far reaches of the Universe. Your friendly Defense Intelligence Agency is here to keep you all company!!!! Warm and fuzzy people that they are!!!! Is LL where De Beauport came from, too? Why don't one of your men in black just ride in the front seat with me and save the government some gas money???? JFC!!!!! I cannot believe this. My own GDF government!!!! Uh, folks here, altho I was joking around with Beagle, he's now talking strange about me and my family and I'm scared about what I got myself into. Beagle --- what the heck are you thinking?
Boston, MA
Now back home, to my piles of disarray....thinking again and still..that time framebetween 7PM scanner call (heard by Anne) and CS arrival at 7:46P...that was the time frame that RO was walking to the store...when she encountered SP Monaghan...He said something to her like "oh... it's you" ..(because he knew her) Westman call was at 7:27P....aarrggh! So after 7:27...then SBD encounter ..then call at 7:43 directed from dispatch from SBD.... RO left the store just prior to the closing of store at 8. So between 7:27 and 7:46...Maura was gone. 9 minutes...? Leaving her belonging behind. I don't recall the time(s) of red truck..or if it was stated.(after 7:30?) All those people..and nobody saw anything.!?... (I am not even taking into consideration the eyes of FD/EMS) SP Monaghan HAD to be interviewed/questioned. The silence is deafening. I remember how some of us couldn't believe that a neighbor didn't at least run out to see ..or do. (Cripes, an incident here, I brought out hot coffee for 2 frozen cops)
Sorry for repetition....scroll on by...this is a recording....
Sophie.. that's what I thought too...that Maura had NOT unpacked as yet.... But nobody should rely on my memory.
Where is Maura Murray?...I keep hoping a brave person with a conscience will........
Medway, MA
Beagle wrote: Would Sec. Gates like to stroll the beach with me picking up shells, rocks, feathers, and items only an eavesdropper would know about???? I am disgusted beyond belief!!! Not that it matters. Beagle (and all), you (Beagle) are quoting what I joked about my favorite things -- collecting stones, feathers, etc.. But you don't sound like you're joking around! What do you think might be the motives of a housewife and normal (well, normally weird) almost-retirement aged family? Topix folks, since Beagle gave his name and several of us called to check on him when it seemd her was in trouble, I guess on a second unanswered call I left my caller ID and Beagle's "checked out" our family and... well, Beagle, the stuff you've said above about my family and where we work and stuff is pretty scary. All I did was google you and see (1) you had your house up for sale and (2) that your folks came from the Cape. And I was kidding you about that stuff. You're sort of linking me and my family to SCUM and the government and stuff. Guess I made a big mistake thinking you were joking around when you're really working on conspiracies involving innocent people like us. I suppose I should alert some friends about what's what if anything bad happens in our family's usually mundane life. Posters, besides telling me I was stupid for being so chatty and open about my life, what should I do?