


Comments (Page 183)
![]() Joined: Jul 8, 2008 Comments: 206 |
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Judged: ![]() 4 ![]() 2 ![]() 1 My feeling after all these years still centers around the "white washing" from those at the scene.......I think they know what happened by now. JMO |
Judged: ![]() 4 ![]() 3 ![]() 2 I wish it hadn't gone like it did. Not blaming police, just wondering, why all the stories when they already knew and did a brief 15 minute search for *her* |
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Judged: ![]() 3 ![]() 3 ![]() 2 #3671 said helpful, interesting and agreed after I had responded to the X I had just seen. Then it came back, if that makes me clueless then so be it. I don't want to nit pick, I respect whatever you think as long as it's a possibility, why not. So many things were on Maura's mind that she got in her car and drove away, or did she? If she did, what happened along the way.......did someone see her, was a friend really along to help her get to something for whatever reason? Did the red truck have anything to do with things? Monahan asked RO if she saw anyone walking, I have no reason to doubt that. I thought she just said no and told Police a couple of weeks later about the red truck incident. Does anyone recall this as being so? If RO didn't mention the red truck, funny that 4 or so were pulled over. The real mystery to me is if it was even Maura at the Saturn. I believe the SBD did not harm her personally and likely did talk with someone he thought looked different than the pictures. I do wonder what all he saw though and why he got in his 4x4 to go down French Pond Road. Is this what people would do on a same type of situation? Why have A-Wood help look? Monahan was around, Smith was around and three cars of parents according to one helpful passerby. They all looked and yet when it comes time to talk with family it's hush hush now, we'll do the notetaking Mrs. Raucsh, you'll get a copy and then no copy. We thought it was Fred driving, we thought it was someone snowmobiling and just leaving the car like they sometimes do. Why did they have to go and do that? Why? W-Mans call said, man seen at the car and she wasn't talking about A-Wood. She stopped looking when she saw him. So all this bugs me to this day. I will keep an open mind and explore everything possible to find Maura. I hope she had to go into a witness protection program, that might help explain police accounts. This thought is just a thought, I realize I know nothing. But clueless? Come on now, give me a little credit please |
Judged: ![]() 3 ![]() 2 ![]() 1 I think I'll even quit reading because this is nutts, not me, this. Who the hell are you to give me shit and change the settings? And before I go I hope for shits and giggles you get caught. |
Judged: ![]() 1 I don't know for sure but from what I see there is only 3 characters allowed, period. I think but can't prove that agrees (green check) cancel disagrees (red x) and visa-versa. I also believe that clueless cancels brilliant and visa-versa, etc. My guess is that there are other combinations that also will cancel each other. No conspiracy. Its just the way it works as near as I can figure it, but I'm no expert. J |
Judged: ![]() 1 ![]() 1 ![]() 1 J |
![]() Joined: Jul 8, 2008 Comments: 206 |
Jefferson, Thanks for the probable explanation on the 'judge it' icons. It makes sense.
Paris, good questions and I certainly would not call you clueless. For that matter, I have rarely used that judge it feature. I cannot understand how anyone can judge until all the facts are in. |
![]() Joined: May 15, 2008 Comments: 140 |
Hi Paris --- You raised excellent questions about the strange behavior of LE and witness(es) at the snowbank site.(post #3676)
Because the Sheriff's Log that was released to the public appeared doctored, I think they knew something had happened. LE reactions, including allowing Atwood to drive around, seem a bit frenzied, almost like they knew a crime occurred and they couldn't stop it? That things were out of control. A search warrant issued for the Saturn so quickly that it was examined the next morning at 11AM (IIRC). Would they have stopped 4 (out of the 6 vehicles stopped that night) red trucks just to see if that driver picked up a girl leaving the scene of an accident? I don't think so. And Jefferson, I had no idea about judgments possibly canceling each other out. But that sounds right. Thanks. |
hi all.does anyone know how long a search warrant is good for. i am ssuming it is only good for a very short period maybe even a 24 hour thing.i still dont get what the point of searching the car was if the car was not in a secure place it was a waste of time.how normal is this in N.H.or anywhere else.i am not knocking N.H. or P.D. it just seems odd that if anyone could have been in or at the saturn after the tow then anything found in the saturn would be useless without a confession of a crime.take care philip
The search warrant was obtained by HPD on Feb 10th. The car was impounded that night which meant it was in a secure area by Lavoies. Two officers came with the warrant and seached the car Feb 10th appox 11 AM. After a period of time it was released to Mr. Murray. I also took ride on Swifterwater Circle with a camera and Annie that is a Deputy not a Super Trooper that house 2/10th of a mile from the site. It is also surrounded by descend trees not to mention the 2 corners and a Large Barn on one of them! Now how you can imply that Deputy could have seen anything is beyond my eye sight and len!
Judged: ![]() 3 ![]() 2 ![]() 2 See your own quote below! You clearly state the FBI wasn't invited but they worked on the case so which is it? They worked on the case period! I have stated nothing that has not been PRINTED by LE on this forum too bad you can read all the information with an open mind! Sadly YOU CAN NOT SEE BEYOND YOUR OWN WHITE WASHING how sad you can you be with your little bully slap of Photogirl! SLAP AWAY you look just as you are WHITE WASHED!
![]() Joined: Jul 8, 2008 Comments: 206 |
White Wash, Thanks for checking it out.
Judged: ![]() 1 Not only that, I don't see anything Lady Grey wrote on that post. It's all you talking. |
Judged: ![]() 2 ![]() 2 ![]() 1 Save your bullying! D O N E you have ZERO desire in allowing an open forum! You have proved again the beatings those endure for stepping up to say what they have seen and heard or know! Any United Force is stronger than a divided! Keep Dividing!
Judged: ![]() 1 By Anne Saunders, Associated Press Writer February 9, 2005CONCORD, N.H.-- The father of a Massachusetts woman who disappeared a year ago met with Gov. John Lynch on Wednesday to ask for his help in getting records of the investigation. Fred Murray, whose daughter Maura vanished after a minor car accident in Haverhill, wants state police to release their records so he can pursue leads himself."I asked, failing that, to have it declared a criminal investigation rather than a missing person investigation, and, if he didn't want to do that, I asked him to accept the offer of the FBI to come in," Murray said after the meeting with Lynch. Boston.com __________ Mass. dad asks N.H. gov for help finding daughter By Marie Szaniszlo Thursday, February 10, 2005 The father of a University of Massachusetts at Amherst student who vanished a year ago on a New Hampshire road asked Gov. John Lynch yesterday to release records of the investigation and accept the FBI's offer to help find her. ``Right now, I am the investigation,'' Fred Murray said.``That's why I want the information.'' New Hampshire state police have declined the FBI's offer to help find Maura Murray, saying there is no evidence of foul play, even though the nursing student and former West Point cadet left behind her car and belongings after it skidded into a snowbank on Route 112 in Haverhill. Boston Herald __________ |
Judged: ![]() 2 ![]() 1 ![]() 1 All I see is Lady Grey saying the FBI was not wanted nor welcomed. Which does seem to be true, from all appearances (which is all we have to go on here). She does not say anywhere that I see that the FBI wasn't invited or involved. Just that local LE seemed to not be welcoming to their presence. What it seems to me is like this (totally fictional, thank you very much!) analogy: I, not the world's best cook by any means, but nevertheless the only one in my household, am grilling in my backyard. My next door neighbour, a four-star chef, comes over because he smells the smoke of my charring dinner. Says, "Hey, can I give you a hand with that?" In response, I send him inside to set the table while I continue to turn my steak into a charcoal briquet. See how much sense that makes? |
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