Lady Gray
Austin, TX
Quija wrote: Lady Gray, Oops! You weren't talking about ME ridiculing, were you? Ha ha! I guess i AM challenged! I just went into a long rant for nothing! Reminds me of Gilda Radner on Saturday Night Live, when she totally missed the point and ranted about "Violins in America". Sorry! No, I wasn't talking about you. I was referring to the guy who feels no pain.:o)
Boston, MA
Philip, I agree, back to normal, as to why we are still here...the basics.. I can do without the long posts of snide. I don't care how Maura is found, whether it be by dowsing, prayer,crystal ball, psychics, voodoo, whatever....The answers don't seem to be coming from anywhere or anyone else. Basic...Maura drove her packed car to Woodsville area. Maura can't be found. LG glad to see you around the corner....
Ben Franklin
San Jose, CA
Jerry Fletcher said: "When I read the following, I am left wondering just what BF means: Jerry Quoting BF: "Also it occurred to me that it is possible - at least in my mind - that Maura crashing her Dad's car may have actually been an unsuccessful attempt to accomplish whatever was accomplished with the second crash. Whatever was accomplished I can guess." It means that it is possible that she crashed her dad's car on purpose to accomplish [?], but that didn't work so she did it again in New Hampshire. Jerry Fletcher said: "Just how many timelines and what sources of information would be believable so some people is a mystery to me. Ben you indicate that your responsibilities preclude active involvement in helping prepare another timeline and yet you seem to be the strongest advocate and yet you seem to bop in just when there is some serious discussion to bring the subject back to YOUR theory." I dunno Jerry. This strikes me as odd. First - everybody here posts what they want to post. I can't make anyone do anything, nor do I want to. Second - The public has been asked to think about this case and try to figure out what happened. Yet once again, someone that represents the family openly expresses their anger when they don't like some of the ideas. Its happened a lot and its well known.
Ben Franklin
San Jose, CA
Jerry says: "I’ve always reacted somewhat negatively to your posts and well as a few others." That's clear and its out of character to a person trying to figure out what happened. What is strange is the adversarial stance you take here. Because I haven't come up with really offensive scenarios like maybe she was a drug dealer or God knows what. And yeah, they are possible too. Instead I have: 1.) Suggesting that we should look for Maura somewhere else since we haven't found anything looking in the same place after four years. 2.) Recognized the clear evidence that Maura did some things without telling anyone and applied that to the situation. It stands to reason that she may have done additional things that no one still knows about. All I did was come up with possible reasons why. You don't like the theory - so now you say you are offended. 3. I analyzed evidence and explained how different possibilities could be ruled out. 4. I explained why I believed that the car had likely traveled straight to where it was found. Jerry says: "There is one word that particularly troubled me…”accomplice”. The following are excerpts from a google search for the term “definition accomplice” Yes her being involved in a crime is possible. So is her being victimized. But I didn't have crime in mind when I wrote it. I used "accomplice" mostly in the "secret boyfriend theory" in which I speculate that she went to New Hampshire with a secret boyfriend that only she knew about (because she might have had an inner conflict in deciding what to do) and she either started a new life with that person or ended up having foul play committed against her (a crime) by harming Maura. But accomplice doesn't always mean a crime was committed. And you knew that. I'm not going to start footnoting words in anticipation of your hypersensitivity. But on the other hand - just because you're doing some chest pounding doesn't make it impossible that Maura might be doing just fine and not want to come back. That is a possibility too, just like her being killed is one too. I don't know why you would expect the folks here to not explore possibilities. Especially if they want to find her. What do you think were here for? Jerry writes: "What exactly are you implying with your comments about an ‘unsuccessful attempt to accomplish whatever was accomplished” and ‘whatever was accomplished’ you can guess. I’m not being obtuse, I’d really like to know what you’re talking about…what could possibly have been accomplished by having an accident in her father’s car on Saturday/Sunday? And, if you are using the word ‘accomplice’ correctly, what exactly are you saying?" I think you are reading too much into a possibility in which no reasons have yet been stated or explored. I'm just stating what I think could be possible. This kind of reaction could prevent the actual solution from being found. No one came here to pick a fight - but I've found it after I arrived, once the possibilities I provided were the ones you didn't want to hear. It is only after witnessing these backlashes that I really have to wonder if there is more to the whole situation then meets the eye.
Wayland, MA
Maura drove her packed car to Woodsville area. ...and disappeared. Maura can't be found. Years of "what ifs". Some thinking she is to blame, some thinking of harm done. Doesn't matter ..she is gone...
To all, if I may intercede
We’ve all been discussing theories and building supporting scenarios to solidify our theories and then breaking down the scenarios with “what little facts we are given” or in some cases with “incorrect factual information”. Sounds weird huh,“incorrect factual information”, let me see if I can explain this differently. We (meaning the general public) tend to mistrust governmental agencies such as law enforcement, our politicians and lobbyists (everyone loves firefighters!) because we feel they always have a hidden agenda that doesn’t include what’s in our best interest. Yet we place our trust in Main Stream Media to provide us with “facts” in their stories, an Investigative Reporter for the New York Times is to be believed over the Police Commissioner of New York City. However, reporters sell stories which in turn sell newspapers (or TV time) because it is a business. To support the reporters’ story the reporter will conduct interviews with “witnesses”(to an event, a person’s character, back-ground information etc.) and will pick-and-choose the interview information to fit a “story”(put a spin on it, if you will). Police officers filling out reports do the same thing and can get into serious trouble if the information is misleading. A personal example of this “incorrect factual information” is as follows; I was to meet with a reporter from Fox 25 on location at the Weathered Barn for an interview in this case a couple of years ago. I normally stay away from the media but the investigator who deals with them was tied up in Boston and couldn’t make up to Haverhill, NH. During the course of the “off-camera” interview the reporter asked me about what types of investigations I’ve done to which I answered everything from assaults to murder cases, child abuse to molestations, run-away to domestic violence and so on. When the camera was turned on and the “public interview” started I was introduced by name with “…….a Private Investigator who specializes in murder cases….” I do not “specialize” in murder cases; my specialty is criminal defense investigations. This was “incorrect factual information” with the reporter’s spin on it making it very clear to the viewers that Maura Murray was not just a missing person. Now I know some of you choose not to believe me when I give you some facts about this case, the one major fact I did give to you all is the physical evidence on scene, to wit the Saturn and its placement ass-end into a snow bank with “overhang” front end damage! You don’t have to take my word for it; physics should speak for itself here. Any scenario or theory you develop that leaves this one known fact out of it will not stand the test of truth! Time and time again, every TV show, newspaper report and “talking-head” repeats the same line “Maura Murray disappeared on a dark February night after sliding off a slippery, winding road and striking a tree….blah, blah, blah”….she didn’t slide off the damn road and hit any trees. So why all this talk about run-away, new life, suicide….let’s get back on track here and start at the one point we know about…keeping in mind the actual location of the Saturn was one hundred feet east of the “blue-bow” tree…..”no evidence of foul play”, there was also no evidence of an accident there!
I should have been a fireman like my uncles rather than a cop like my dad….lol
Respectfully Weeper
Wallingford, CT
hi Firecat and all.there does appear to be sticker on the book spine .i am curious if the book not without peril was taken by Maura from her room or was it one of those books that just got left in the car in the past.also when was that picture taken.I read somewhere that Billy was in NYC over christmas break with Maura.i am only assuming that the picture with Billy was taken in Mauras dorm room but i really dont' know where or when it was taken.
Lady Gray
Austin, TX
Shack wrote: [text deleted] LG glad to see you around the corner.... Back at 'cha!
Minneapolis, MN
Hello Ben and all. Maura got a call from inside the campus that upset her, could not have been dad, Billy or anybody but campus person. She went out with dad for dinner and wanted to go back to a friends dorm room. She decided to go be with her dad instead of going to her own dorm room or just staying put. Being a new driver, she ran into some guard rails on the way. She had to be driven to the motel where she told her dad what happened. She could have been driven anywhere, like back to UMASS if she didn't want to face her father. I'm sure there was relief when insurance said it would be covered. Next thing you know, she's decided to look into leaving. Looked some things up, made a few calls and niavely got in a car that wasn't dependable for whatever reason. First she went to get money then made the liquer store stop and was seen LEAVING CAMPUS awhile *after* that. This must mean she went back to campus, back to her room or someone elses room, or both. Because her messages were checked at 4:37, I'm guessing she was sitting in her car checking them before take off. There was apparently no one to call, just something to hear at that point.........maybe even an old message that was deleted. Was she expecting a call I wonder? Either way, she took off with alot of money and no known plans. Because she seemed stressed I have to wonder if she was told to do x and such, then go back home to her dorm. Someone thought she could be heading to Ohio, who said that I wonder? Sharon didn't think so but left her door open just in case. By the looks of the car, she was not going to Ohio. She did not back herself into that spot and talk to Butch after the car was seen nose to nose with the bronco. Maybe the bronco did the damage, is that possible? The car was sitting there and was skidded into by mistake? Probably not because the witnesses say this and that and I have a hard time believing a crowd of people would all lie about seeing a person there at the very least, who left a few minutes before police came
Bristol, CT
Does someone know why Maura was such a new driver? Most kids have their license at 16 and almost all have it by 18 especially college students. I think I keep reading that Maura was a new/inexperienced driver. Like 6 months I think I read. Does anyone know why it took her to 21 to get her license?
Bristol, CT
Some other questions I have?
Where does Sharon Rausch(?) Billy's mom live, is it Ohio? What relatives live in Ohio?
Was Billy expecting a leave or even an off post pass for the weekend in the next week or so?
United States
WTF, for one thing she was at West Point. They don't let you have a car there.
Paris, it was LE who told Sharon they thought she was heading for Ohio (and there was a HUGE arugment about that, about town names) which she thought was ridiculous. Because NH isn't on the way to Ohio from ANYWHERE.
United States
Yes, WTF, the Rausches live in Ohio. (Billy was stationed in Oklahoma at the time)
Bristol, CT
I remember that Billy was in OK at the time. Was he going to take leave or have a pass for that upcoming weekend? Does anyone know that? NH isn't on the way to OH but that may help explain why LE might think she was headed there. And even though it’s not on the way maybe she needed to accomplish something in NH first. I still maintain that knowing her motivation might help narrow down where she was headed. She may or may not have continued heading there after the crash but knowing and eliminating that as a possibility is still very useful. At least that is my thinking on the matter. Bill
Bristol, CT
I know that WP doesn't allow Plebes to have cars. I thought that Maura only spent one year there. So from 16 to 18 she didn't have a license? Is that correct? It also sounds like it was a while after she left the academy until she got her license. Was there a reason she didn't get it before she was at the academy?
United States
Dunno the answer to either of those questions, BUT I suspect that since Billy needed to (and was able to) obtain an EMERGENCY leave to go look for Maura, that he was not scheduled for any sort of upcoming leave.
Philip, favour to ask (or anyone else who has it in their notes, as my notes are currently inaccessible) Can anyone locate Sharon's comments on the Ohio/NH town name debate? The LE officer to whom she spoke insisted erroneously (and pompously) that a town didn't exist.....but I can't remember the details. It had to do with why he said she was going to Ohio.
Minneapolis, MN
FireCat wrote: WTF, for one thing she was at West Point. They don't let you have a car there. Paris, it was LE who told Sharon they thought she was heading for Ohio (and there was a HUGE arugment about that, about town names) which she thought was ridiculous. Because NH isn't on the way to Ohio from ANYWHERE. Thanks firecat, I remember that now. I wasn't remembering who said it but now I do. I can look for the article too if someone doesn't beat me to it. Thanks
Brighton, MA
Vague memory...very vague.. regarding the name of town...sound alike...Canton....? I do recall Sharon's frustration in dealing with the insistance of...... Guess I am not going to be able to "beat you to it", Paris...sorry...
Bristol, CT
I think Shack may have it. Canton sounds correct. Anyone know for sure.
Brooklyn, NY
Ben Franklin wrote: Also it occurred to me that it is possible - at least in my mind - that Maura crashing her Dad's car may have actually been an unsuccessful attempt to accomplish whatever was accomplished with the second crash. Whatever was accomplished I can guess. Hey Ben, Jerry Fletcher asked what I consider a legitimate question regarding above statement. You actually never answered Jerry. I find it an interesting statement but wish that you would expand on it. Would you? Could you give us your thoughts on what Maura might have been looking to accomplish? Thank you.