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Franconia, NH

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Sep 9, 2008



Weeper wrote:
<quoted text>
Yes I did report the conversation I overheard to the authorities along with descriptions date/time and registration numbers from two vehicles, I have a duty to do so. These guys were not sitting next to me, they were behind me and they didn't seem to concerned who may have overheard them. The location was actually in Haverhill accross from the Nooktia Motel (incorrect spelling, I'm sure) not Swiftwater, my error. I am not putting all people in an area into the same catagory as a few bad apples, Wowzer I simply stated my experiance at that encounter. I also mentioned "the good Christian, loving, caring people who have assisted and participated in the searches for Maura" from that same area, they are certainly not in the same catagory as those four criminals. I live in the largest city in this state, downtown in fact so I don't have to travel any further than accross the street to bump into "really bad people", yet I love this city and never said there wasn't any bad people here. If you found any insult in my post maybe you are lookng at it wrong, I don't know.
Thank you for answering my question Weeper. I'm glad you reported them.
I think you were actually eating breakfast in Woodsville at the Barge in (across from Nootka).
It's been sold and is a real restaurant now.


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Sep 9, 2008
Wowzer wrote:
<quoted text>
Thank you for answering my question Weeper. I'm glad you reported them.
I think you were actually eating breakfast in Woodsville at the Barge in (across from Nootka).
It's been sold and is a real restaurant now.

You are 100% correct, it was the Barge Inn, my mistake on the location. They did serve a pretty good breakfast there though. Hope the food as as good or better this year, I'll be back up again thank you.


Bristol, CT

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Sep 10, 2008





Weeper wrote:
<quoted text>I do have a question for you Bill, did we meet at the Mt. Lakes Search?
I wish I would have been able to participate in the Lakes search but no I was not able to do it so we have never met. I think it would have been a pleasure.

As far as the entertainment value. Since we are on the subject. I hope most understand that much of what I say is to lighten the mood. Yes, I am serious about what I am saying but much of what I say tries to blunt some of the edge with some humor. I know that sometimes it’s at others expense. I also know I have slammed a few people by name a few times and I don’t mean to imply I didn’t mean what I said but it doesn’t mean I would not buy them a coffee if I met them or pet their ducks and no I wouldn’t expect reciprocity. I may believe that they are wrong and may tell them so, even being blunt at times. I do believe they are being honest and that goes some way with me.

One last comment while I am showing my feminine side. The “only two searches needed” comment was talking about flat properties, cut lawns, not forested areas with difficult terrain. Those types of areas may require more than two searches maybe many more depending on a lot of factors. I have been involved with several searches and each has that taught me something. One of the most interesting ones was the one where the child was last seen in her bedroom and parents thought she ran away because of a bad report card. Bedroom was initially searched including the closet and searchers were called in. Over ten searchers started searching almost immediately and others from surrounding towns were being brought in to scour the area and initially they were having no success. Finally someone went to search her room again and this time looked under her bed and that was where she was hiding the entire time – she didn’t want to face the music. Start simple, work towards complex only after simple doesn’t work and don’t be afraid to do simple more that once. Just sayin’.


Shallotte, NC

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Sep 10, 2008






Thanks for the kind and sincere advice. I smiled while thinking about a conversation Sophie Bean and I had about rest stops re: Audrey Groat. We both agreed that highway rest stops always gave us the creeps.

It is just as well that I take a break for a bit and hope that Wowzer's & Bill's presence prompts locals to possibly begin contributing to this Topix thread.

The reason why I am posting today is because Weeper's experience last fall prompted me to remember a blog I posted.

I noticed my blog received some traffic over the past couple of days.

I am not a liar, two faced, or a hypocrite.

Although I certainly do not agree with everything Mike Barnacle wrote I believe the article has some value just the same.

Hayward, CA

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Sep 10, 2008





[/quote]I have a low tolerance for stupidity.[quote]

Then leave I will.

Mind same never was after Count Choculitis I caught.

Bethlehem, NH

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Sep 10, 2008





elsewherebriefly wrote:
Thanks for the kind and sincere advice. I smiled while thinking about a conversation Sophie Bean and I had about rest stops re: Audrey Groat. We both agreed that highway rest stops always gave us the creeps.
It is just as well that I take a break for a bit and hope that Wowzer's & Bill's presence prompts locals to possibly begin contributing to this Topix thread.
The reason why I am posting today is because Weeper's experience last fall prompted me to remember a blog I posted.
I noticed my blog received some traffic over the past couple of days.
I am not a liar, two faced, or a hypocrite.
Although I certainly do not agree with everything Mike Barnacle wrote I believe the article has some value just the same.
I didn't even finish reading that piece of crap.
There is absolutely no mistake now how you and some others feel about us in NH. You just had to throw one more punch and try to blacken the other eye of NH before leaving didn't you? It doesn't matter if you agree with everything he says or not, you evidently agree with some of it or you would'nt have posted it unless it was just to try to humiliate the NH people once again.
Don't leave on my account. I'm done with people that seem to think we are a lower form of life in NH.
I was silly to think Weeper's kind replies might actually be a beginning to making this forum more fruitful. I was dead wrong!
You are a cruel, rude, obnoxious and mean spirited person to even put something like that on here.
If you think I will prompt locals to contribute here think again. As soon as I'm done with this reply it will be copied along with your article and I will be sure that all my friends and neighbors receive it. I might even go to Shaw's or WalMart and pass it out.
Just LOOK at the article you posted and tell me if it was about you would YOU want to help the out of staters that think that about you????
You and Shack can go into the tent now,giggle at giving us yet another slam and while you're at it give those attack ducks a kick in the a** from me.

Danvers, MA

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Sep 10, 2008





Wowzer wrote:
<quoted text>
I didn't even finish reading that piece of crap.
There is absolutely no mistake now how you and some others feel about us in NH. You just had to throw one more punch and try to blacken the other eye of NH before leaving didn't you? It doesn't matter if you agree with everything he says or not, you evidently agree with some of it or you would'nt have posted it unless it was just to try to humiliate the NH people once again.
Don't leave on my account. I'm done with people that seem to think we are a lower form of life in NH.
I was silly to think Weeper's kind replies might actually be a beginning to making this forum more fruitful. I was dead wrong!
You are a cruel, rude, obnoxious and mean spirited person to even put something like that on here.
If you think I will prompt locals to contribute here think again. As soon as I'm done with this reply it will be copied along with your article and I will be sure that all my friends and neighbors receive it. I might even go to Shaw's or WalMart and pass it out.
Just LOOK at the article you posted and tell me if it was about you would YOU want to help the out of staters that think that about you????
You and Shack can go into the tent now,giggle at giving us yet another slam and while you're at it give those attack ducks a kick in the a** from me.
Rest assured, Wowzer, that this forum, and similar blogs, are insignificant in the grander scheme of your community. Neither profoundly positive or negative in their influence beyond a limited sphere of gossip, negativity, previously mentioned...junior high mentality... they serve to feed the nest of busybodies, whackadoodles (term borrowed!), and woo woo artists.

Bristol, CT

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Sep 10, 2008





Wowzer wrote:
<quoted text>Don't leave on my account.
They are not leaving as much as starting thier own coffee clutch. Fine by me. I have better things to do. I really wanted to just monitor but the level of BS between here and the Patric blog was high enough it needed a response because it was so public. SB is already pleased with the groups ability to say anything she would like about the states including QC. I am not sure what state that is exactly. I have already joined the blog but haven't contributed yet. Hopefully I won't have to talk here anymore either. And providing it is just the converted on the blog (the gang of 5) I really have no need to talk there either if they aren't warping the publics views.

Tootles everyone,

Danvers, MA

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Judge it!
Sep 10, 2008
WTF wrote:
<quoted text>
They are not leaving as much as starting thier own coffee clutch. Fine by me. I have better things to do. I really wanted to just monitor but the level of BS between here and the Patric blog was high enough it needed a response because it was so public. SB is already pleased with the groups ability to say anything she would like about the states including QC. I am not sure what state that is exactly. I have already joined the blog but haven't contributed yet. Hopefully I won't have to talk here anymore either. And providing it is just the converted on the blog (the gang of 5) I really have no need to talk there either if they aren't warping the publics views.
Tootles everyone,
Enjoyed reading your smart stuff...and funny stuff. If, indeed, you are posting from's home...know it well. ;-) Carry on, and thanks for your positive energy and good sense.
Benjamin Franklin

San Jose, CA

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Sep 10, 2008




Before I start here - I want to say two things.

1. I invite, welcome, encourage and expect the outline that I posted to be modified to add what I missed, misjudges - any mistake I made.

I suggest as example: add 1c. Happened to be temporarily residing in the area.

This type of logic diagram is only a part of what I was ultimately hoping for - something more dynamic - editable without filling up pages of previous versions - this segment could be meshed against

2. I want to portray kindness to both Jerry and Euroobserver. I think I've figured out that Jerry is frustrated and with good reason (but I don't mean because of Eurobserver here.) Anyway that's what I think is going on. I was uncertain before what was going on and that's why I questioned his motives - but I'm going to apologize for that now.

I think Eurobserver was trying to subtley let Elsewherebriefly that he welcomes him here. Elsewherebriefly and I had our differences but I don't care. Truth cannot be found without honest criticism.

Now on the other hand - I have read some statements from several people that in my mind couldn't have been made with an attitude that reflects an honest persuit of the truth. Uncertain, I started to question their purpose. But I also don't know if the people making the statements realized they were doing so.

Anyone that belittles realistic possibilities, makes vast overgeneralizations about the folks in New Hampshire or doesn't hesitate at raising suspicion at people honestly trying to help, in my mind - has lost their intention of solving this mystery.

As to Eurobserver, he's a good person in my eyes. But don't let your mind think that I am close to pretending to speak for or against Jerry by that comment.

So perhaps we should get back to the topic.- I'm going to try to respect Jerry's desire to address his observations.

Jerry Fletcher wrote:

"Spent some time looking at the accident report…some observations:

*No indication that there were any tire marks in the street (only tire marks in the snow)"

To my mind by the report saying there were no tracks in the snow - it could mean two things:

a.) The officer expected to see the tracks based upon the level of snow in the street

b.) The officer really should have been clearer by saying the snow has been plowed from the street and therefore no tracks were left, even though it has recently snowed.

c.) The officer believed the car was driving for a noticable distance on the side of the road

Jerry Fletcher wrote:
"*Road Surface Dry…seems this is also important since you would be more apt to have visible tire marks without snow or ice on the surface"

I'd think the opposite - but I can't claim any expertise.

Jerry Fletcher wrote:
"*Apparent Pre-Accident Vehicle Action…following the roadway?????? Doesn’t seem right to me
Question…are these reports supposed to be what the officer witnessed or a combination of what witnesses observed along with the officer? Maybe I’m nitpicking here, but “a later search of the vehicle” could only conclude that Maura belongings were in the vehicle, not necessarily that she was driving."

OK I think these are good honest questions that In some cases I lack the expertise (or time right now) but I'd like to see what other folks say.

United States

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Judge it!
Sep 10, 2008





WTF wrote:
<quoted text>
I wish I would have been able to participate in the Lakes search but no I was not able to do it so we have never met. I think it would have been a pleasure.
As far as the entertainment value. Since we are on the subject. I hope most understand that much of what I say is to lighten the mood. Yes, I am serious about what I am saying but much of what I say tries to blunt some of the edge with some humor. I know that sometimes it’s at others expense. I also know I have slammed a few people by name a few times and I don’t mean to imply I didn’t mean what I said but it doesn’t mean I would not buy them a coffee if I met them or pet their ducks and no I wouldn’t expect reciprocity. I may believe that they are wrong and may tell them so, even being blunt at times. I do believe they are being honest and that goes some way with me.
One last comment while I am showing my feminine side. The “only two searches needed” comment was talking about flat properties, cut lawns, not forested areas with difficult terrain. Those types of areas may require more than two searches maybe many more depending on a lot of factors. I have been involved with several searches and each has that taught me something. One of the most interesting ones was the one where the child was last seen in her bedroom and parents thought she ran away because of a bad report card. Bedroom was initially searched including the closet and searchers were called in. Over ten searchers started searching almost immediately and others from surrounding towns were being brought in to scour the area and initially they were having no success. Finally someone went to search her room again and this time looked under her bed and that was where she was hiding the entire time – she didn’t want to face the music. Start simple, work towards complex only after simple doesn’t work and don’t be afraid to do simple more that once. Just sayin’.
Well, darn, Bill, if I'd known you were trying to be funny so much of the time, I would have read so many posts differently....even if I may still have occasionally disagreed with you (or, ok, sometimes more than occasionally.)

It's REALLY hard to read moods on a message board, so knowing this information is just your general snarkitude helps me read your posts a lot better moving forward.

United States

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Judge it!
Sep 10, 2008





WTF wrote:
<quoted text>
I wish I would have been able to participate in the Lakes search but no I was not able to do it so we have never met. I think it would have been a pleasure.
As far as the entertainment value. Since we are on the subject. I hope most understand that much of what I say is to lighten the mood. Yes, I am serious about what I am saying but much of what I say tries to blunt some of the edge with some humor. I know that sometimes it’s at others expense. I also know I have slammed a few people by name a few times and I don’t mean to imply I didn’t mean what I said but it doesn’t mean I would not buy them a coffee if I met them or pet their ducks and no I wouldn’t expect reciprocity. I may believe that they are wrong and may tell them so, even being blunt at times. I do believe they are being honest and that goes some way with me.
One last comment while I am showing my feminine side. The “only two searches needed” comment was talking about flat properties, cut lawns, not forested areas with difficult terrain. Those types of areas may require more than two searches maybe many more depending on a lot of factors. I have been involved with several searches and each has that taught me something. One of the most interesting ones was the one where the child was last seen in her bedroom and parents thought she ran away because of a bad report card. Bedroom was initially searched including the closet and searchers were called in. Over ten searchers started searching almost immediately and others from surrounding towns were being brought in to scour the area and initially they were having no success. Finally someone went to search her room again and this time looked under her bed and that was where she was hiding the entire time – she didn’t want to face the music. Start simple, work towards complex only after simple doesn’t work and don’t be afraid to do simple more that once. Just sayin’.
PS, trust me. I am CONTINUALLY reduced to doing "simple" more than once, rofl! And thanks for the clarification on yard searches. You're right, it DOES make a whale of a difference. Some of the terrain up there is pretty sketchy, so I guess it depends on how much property any given person owns, what the topography of the property is, etc etc etc......still don't know that I'd call someone a PIA for looking for his daughter, but some people are more crotchety than I am. I am, as we all well know, just a big ray of sunshine... ;)

Shallotte, NC

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Sep 10, 2008





No Wowzer,

Like I said, I certainly don't agree with everything Mike Barnacle wrote.

However, I do believe there is one very important piece of information in that article and I'm leaving it at that.

United States

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Judge it!
Sep 10, 2008





Wowzer wrote:
<quoted text>
I didn't even finish reading that piece of crap.
There is absolutely no mistake now how you and some others feel about us in NH. You just had to throw one more punch and try to blacken the other eye of NH before leaving didn't you? It doesn't matter if you agree with everything he says or not, you evidently agree with some of it or you would'nt have posted it unless it was just to try to humiliate the NH people once again.
Don't leave on my account. I'm done with people that seem to think we are a lower form of life in NH.
I was silly to think Weeper's kind replies might actually be a beginning to making this forum more fruitful. I was dead wrong!
You are a cruel, rude, obnoxious and mean spirited person to even put something like that on here.
If you think I will prompt locals to contribute here think again. As soon as I'm done with this reply it will be copied along with your article and I will be sure that all my friends and neighbors receive it. I might even go to Shaw's or WalMart and pass it out.
Just LOOK at the article you posted and tell me if it was about you would YOU want to help the out of staters that think that about you????
You and Shack can go into the tent now,giggle at giving us yet another slam and while you're at it give those attack ducks a kick in the a** from me.
Actually, I read it as a pretty amusing piece of satire. Being raised in New Jersey, I'm familiar with just about every stereotype of the state there is, and have read some pretty scathing pieces like that regarding my fair state. I've also encountered those opinions verbally whenever I tell someone where I grew up. But I always knew, which you apparently don't, that they were intended to be read as they were written--tongue very firmly in cheek.

United States

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Judge it!
Sep 10, 2008
WTF wrote:
<quoted text>
They are not leaving as much as starting thier own coffee clutch. Fine by me. I have better things to do. I really wanted to just monitor but the level of BS between here and the Patric blog was high enough it needed a response because it was so public. SB is already pleased with the groups ability to say anything she would like about the states including QC. I am not sure what state that is exactly. I have already joined the blog but haven't contributed yet. Hopefully I won't have to talk here anymore either. And providing it is just the converted on the blog (the gang of 5) I really have no need to talk there either if they aren't warping the publics views.
Tootles everyone,
Bill, my guess is that QC would refer to the Province of Quebec, though I haven't visited either link in your message. Not even sure I want to.

Joined: Jun 10, 2008

Comments: 299

Woonsocket, RI

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Sep 10, 2008



elsewherebriefly wrote:
No Wowzer,
Like I said, I certainly don't agree with everything Mike Barnacle wrote.
However, I do believe there is one very important piece of information in that article and I'm leaving it at that.
Do share.........
sophie bean

Bowdoinham, ME

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Sep 10, 2008





WTF, that is complete bull poop, to put it as deliately as possible.

Both Shack and I have said, DOZENS of times, in MANY places, that the only people we are "after" - for whom we have contempt and anger, are the actual perpetrators and anyone willingly protecting them. If you've selectively chosen to ignore both Shack and me when we've said this, that's your problem, but I'm not going to let the ridiculous statement that this view of mine is somehow news to you stand.
WTF wrote:
<quoted text>
Yep, you caught me. I'm one of the good ole boys that was laughing my a** off in the restaurant about the burning cottage or Maura’s disappearance. It couldn't just be the injustice of condemning an entire town’s citizenry was the reason. Sophie, do you see a conspiracy in everything you look at? It must be a terrible way to live. I don’t envy you.
I might add that this is the first time you have stated who you are talking about. In the past both you and Shack seemed to clearly accuse everyone in the town and you didn’t try to hide your disdain for the local citizenry. Wowzer wasn’t the only one that clearly interpreted it that way and it was talked about repeatedly on the MMM forum as I remember and at least some people left the forum because of it. I also clearly remember that it seemed as though whenever traffic on the MM forum was starting to die down Shack would kick that hornet’s nest by making the same accusations against the entire area again. It was crude, it was transparent what she was doing but it was a strategy that worked over and over again.
sophie bean

Bowdoinham, ME

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Sep 10, 2008





Let's see if I've got this straight - WTF aka Bill is offended, outraged, pissed off at some of us here because we have dared to criticize some elements of the NH local area.
By this, I mean specifically drug dealers, whatever else was going on at the previous incarnation of the Barge "restaurant" AND people who delight in others' misfortune. I have indeed criticized local residents who - while complete within their rights to do so - have been infuriated at Fred's desire to search their property.

So...WTF/Bill now says...
"If you think I will prompt locals to contribute here think again. As soon as I'm done with this reply it will be copied along with your article and I will be sure that all my friends and neighbors receive it. I might even go to Shaw's or WalMart and pass it out.
Just LOOK at the article you posted and tell me if it was about you would YOU want to help the out of staters that think that about you????"

You really intend to try your "best" to hamper the search for Maura out of spite toward those who aren't even related to her, Bill?
What, exactly, does that say about you?

Minneapolis, MN

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Sep 10, 2008




Wowzer said some of that, not WTF, but Sophie Bean, I hear you. This fighting fire with fire is not what any of us actually want. Why add to the problem with printed out misconceptions and pass them along? That is unless you really think it matters and means something. We have to be stuck in an elevator together I guess to realize we can do without the added stresses, and best to get along, find a way up and out..........

Minneapolis, MN

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Sep 10, 2008





Out there is a father with a broken heart. My sister, age two, died in Moms arms and she never got over it. The only good thing is she was with her baby and knew exactly what happened. I'm not even related but I mourn for Maura and want her to be found. Shack once said if Maura ever did show up alive, she'd get a good talking to.....
Does anyone agree with me that a copy of her hard drive should go to Fred? So he can do his own looking and if he doesn't know how, he can put a team on it, to dissect it.....
People speculate on this and that, someone who might know something and if Maura communicated online by email, rooms, forums, it would be worth looking at. Even just something eluded to can be traced and followed. What if the person who moved on sent an email.....that kind of thing. Police can only go so far if they have even looked at the hard drive since the one time we know of. But Dad might recognize a nick name or something.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. We can talk about doing this over and over again, but time's a wasting if there's something of value on there.
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