Saint Paul, MN
whiston wrote: hi Firecat and all.i want to know where Maura worked to simply know who she was around and when and wwhat her schedule was espcially for the day of feb 08 2004.take care philip Sadly enough, Dru Sjodin may have been the target of all the hang up calls to her job. Her killer would sit in the mall and watch her at times, level 3 sex offender allowed to live free. There was a truck watching her one day too, but it didn't get the radar up enough to be on guard CONSTANTLY. I wonder if Maura saw any of this coming.....for all we know, there is something incriminating in the car. ....Just giving the idea of what Maura was doing and with whom some credit now. I used to think why bother, but doggonnit maybe it would help.
sophie bean
Bristol, VT
WTF and JMO, if I am not mistaken, you want us here to stop looking for Mura, to stop asking questions, to let the authorities do their job. Are we being somehow unclear about the fact that we are not going anywhere until Maura is found? What opart of that is unclear? I'm interested and, as Lady Gray, says, saddened by the anger directed at those of us who simply wnt to find Maura. I'm disappointed that clarification about who among the locals we are concerned about goes unacknowledged - and the next time one of us says a word about perpetrators, there it will be again - "you hate NH." Obviously, we have an "agenda." I think that's been established. No one answered about Maura picking up hitch hikers? That's not true - it was discussed, but no one was able to say whether she did or not. It is not being secretive or anything of the kind- did it ever occur to you that no one here may know, or is it required (in your worldview) that every poster here answer the question?
Saint Paul, MN
A while back someone said the liter of wine was perhaps brought down to the car. I don't know the rules of campus living, but I'm guessing they frown on keeping that in your room. So it was already there when Maura left in her car? A dorm mate saw Maura leaving with a bag in her hands? Maybe that was the backpack and the mudslide stuff went to someone else upon returning from buying it. I'm just feeling blue and reaching out for reason..........
Saint Paul, MN
Thanks for posting that article Sophie Bean and just thanks for being here too. It's true that there are many avenues to use while gathering information and I am just glad so many give a care.
Shallotte, NC
Hey Paris & Sophie Bean, Try your hand at googling Brian Knippers from Newmarket, NH. A real nice clean but guy with lots of photos of him ice fishing in New Hampshire. Lady Gray, Thanks for your recent post, it is heartening to know that there are so many people up in the North Country who feel the same way I have for the past four and half years. Whiston, Thanks for replying to my question. There are so many unkowns and I think it is fairly evident that the family members who contributed to MMM and who are contributing to this forum just plain don't have the answers. I specifically recall Helena once saying that there are no secrets just unknowns and I've always been respectful of this.
Gloucester, MA
sophie bean wrote: WTF and JMO, if I am not mistaken, you want us here to stop looking for Mura, to stop asking questions, to let the authorities do their job. Are we being somehow unclear about the fact that we are not going anywhere until Maura is found? What opart of that is unclear? I'm interested and, as Lady Gray, says, saddened by the anger directed at those of us who simply wnt to find Maura. I'm disappointed that clarification about who among the locals we are concerned about goes unacknowledged - and the next time one of us says a word about perpetrators, there it will be again - "you hate NH." Obviously, we have an "agenda." I think that's been established. No one answered about Maura picking up hitch hikers? That's not true - it was discussed, but no one was able to say whether she did or not. It is not being secretive or anything of the kind- did it ever occur to you that no one here may know, or is it required (in your worldview) that every poster here answer the question? No, Sophie...I don't want anyone to stop looking for Maura, and I believe her disappearance should be kept "alive" by way of discussion and in seeking. Understandably you're not "...going anywhere until Maura's found", but I don't believe resolution can be forced, either. WTF seems quite logical in his thinking, and is often factually supported so it may appear I lean toward his viewpoint. I have little to add by way of novel insight to the actual solution of her disappearance. I am less patient with concepts originating from "pure speculation", although with time I've come to realize there may be a seed of truth identified, exposed and explored as a result of this creative process. That said, I hope you will allow for my generalized that is removed from any family relationship or emotional attachment to the process and outcome., but no less compassionate. I sense a momentum here that can be as much about the social relationships and bonding that have quite naturally formed around Maura's loss over these past 4+ much so that it seems perspective is sometimes lost. Specifically, there appears to be a dismissal of police work and their ongoing investigation. I still have a basic trust in "the system". After all, the official investigation truly rests with the authorities. In addition, I see a tireless interest in and pursuit of tying together any and all crimes over many years and from surrounding states. Just as you are unable to prove a hitchhiker was or was not involved, so, too, are we unable to prove a serial killer was or was not involved. The implication, however, is always that there is some criminal on the loose ready to kill again... Please consider, also, the extent to which each/any of you as regular contributors may be so invested in the daily "chatter" that it would be unthinkable to comment less often, but with more quality. There can be a compulsion about blogging that begins to take sense and make nonsense of it all. I don't think there's any harm in slowing you have been...or in pausing to see the bigger picture from all the details that have been gathered and discussed over time.
sophie bean
Bristol, VT
"The implication, however, is always that there is some criminal on the loose ready to kill again..." Wow. I just don't know what to say to that - maybe best to let it stand on its own "merits." Or not. You see, there are dozens and dozens of families of women and girls in northern NE, and hundreds more in this country, who deserve to be remembered, who need answers to questions that you can only pray that you'll never face. As long as the culture is full of people eager to minimize and ridicule the fact of mssing persons and unsolved murders, and to minimize and ridicule the concern of ordinary citizens about those cases, those questions won't be answered. LE, even if well-intentioned and highly competent, can't do it without the public's help. I would have thought that that would be obvious. The "best" response to your derisive attitude toward the FACT of "there's always a criminal out there" the article that I posted. Or think for a second of Brooke Bennett, and how many others affected by that crime and those criminals. Once again, comment and ridicule (however thnly veiled) about "blogging" and "social relationships" is attempting to divert attention from facts and real questions. VERY interesting stuff.
Gloucester, MA
sophie bean wrote: "The implication, however, is always that there is some criminal on the loose ready to kill again..." Wow. I just don't know what to say to that - maybe best to let it stand on its own "merits." Or not. You see, there are dozens and dozens of families of women and girls in northern NE, and hundreds more in this country, who deserve to be remembered, who need answers to questions that you can only pray that you'll never face. As long as the culture is full of people eager to minimize and ridicule the fact of mssing persons and unsolved murders, and to minimize and ridicule the concern of ordinary citizens about those cases, those questions won't be answered. LE, even if well-intentioned and highly competent, can't do it without the public's help. I would have thought that that would be obvious. The "best" response to your derisive attitude toward the FACT of "there's always a criminal out there" the article that I posted. Or think for a second of Brooke Bennett, and how many others affected by that crime and those criminals. Once again, comment and ridicule (however thnly veiled) about "blogging" and "social relationships" is attempting to divert attention from facts and real questions. VERY interesting stuff. There is no intended ridicule coming from me with regard to the well-intended and their efforts in seeking answers to Maura's disappearance...nor do I harbor any ridicule for those who are missing across this country. I fully acknowledge that...there but for the grace of God...oh, absolutely. By your response, I am beginning to suspect that your emotional overidentification with Maura/her family may be so deep and pervasive that the fear of a criminal on the loose extends everywhere you surrounding communities, other states, and back to many years ago. This brings me back to Wowzer's position...if I understand her correctly...which is that NH is a reasonably safe to live and visit. Life does not offer us any supernatural protections. Bad things happen. If Brooke Bennett's killer hadn't been identified, I'd assume you'd have grouped her in with this nest of 'murderous rampage', as well. Feeling great empathy and compassion for victims does not exclude reason and a balanced perspective, IMHO.
Saint Paul, MN
What a drag it is to read that this Brian guy is referred to as "an all American guy" by most all who know him. I'll bet his girlfriends head is spinning about now. It's not as easy and/or obvious to you men how it feels to be stared down, followed........intimidated, hit on, etc What I'm saying is you will never really know how it feels to be the lesser sex. Now don't bombard me ladies, I know we are tough, but without self defense training and if unarmed, even if it's just mace, we are no match for a boxing match like a man might be. So give us a little credit for our fears, they are many times different than yours.
Saint Paul, MN
In fact, maybe you've heard of the biker gal with the order of protection who was strapped to her motorcycle after being killed and it was all staged by the father of their child and his brother. There are better articles but it's too sad for me because I will miss seeing Natasha.
United States
looking4amoose wrote: <quoted text> That information will show the gallery she worked at by the FIN #. Oh. Duh. Roger that. Also Whiston's follow-up. Sorry, Whiston, I didn't associate that with finding out what gallery she worked at, and I should have.
United States
WTF wrote: <quoted text> And I should point out that only the police are “dealing with a human life, a tragedy, and ongoing criminal investigation”. Everyone here (including weeper who I respect and am sure is skilled) is doing this as a diversion. They have no actual power to “deal with” or “investigate”. Bill "Pro bono" and "donated services" does not mean "as a hobby." In this particular instance, it means "retired and as such no longer accepts payment for services rendered." And, as an independent investigator, while he does not have the ability to prosecute someone or even necessarily arrest them, Weeper sure as heck has the actual power to investigate. He also has the authority. He's an investigator, not a dilettante. Regardless of how true it may or may not be to the rest of us (and I do believe that almost all of us here have some form of emotional investment in this case) saying that Weeper does this simply as a diversion is an insult to all professional private investigators. I'm fairly confident most police departments would even agree on that.
Middlefield, CT
hi all the 20/20 show about Maura and Brooke Wilberger is now on youtube take care philip
Bristol, CT
And there it is. No direct response to what I have written. Instead they come out of the wood work to accuse of being mean. Putting words in my mouth. I never called it a hobby. Find where I wrote hobby. Also never said that Weeper wasn’t skilled. I thought I explicitly said I thought he was skilled. There is certainly question about some other people on the forum. Kind thoughts and butterflies aren’t going to solve this. I agree with JMO that there are very certainly some people here with heavy emotional investment in this that is far out of proportion to what would be considered normal. That in itself is probably a borderline psychotic disorder since most of you haven’t even met Maura. But even that in and of itself wouldn’t be a problem. The issue comes in where the emotional investment is so deep that it doesn’t allow for people to think straight. That is why surgeons don’t operate on their own children. Detectives don’t investigate crimes against their own families. Detachment helps not hurts the process. Detachment doesn’t mean there is no caring. I wouldn’t be involved if there was no caring but it also is the reason that family members shouldn’t look on at the process itself but that is entirely up to them as this is public forum. When it gets to the point that you care to where you have convinced yourself that you are “family” you probably should look to other diversions as this has become unhealthy. Notice that nowhere did anyone say that what I wrote was incorrect. I have relayed correct information. JMO seems to recognize it as apparently some others do. JIMO if I am putting works in your mouth certainly feel free to disagree. So instead of going after what I have written they instead have a writing hissy fit and start screaming about the mean people in the area. It is so childish and transparent and talk about knocking the train off of the tracks. Everything has come to a standstill with respect to the main pursuit of this forum which is trying to find Maura. Continue on with this barrage. I will wait it out and when real questions get asked I will try to find answers if possible. I will also ask any questions that I think may lead somewhere. Speaking of that, I didn’t know that someone else asked a question about a possible hitchhiker. Can someone point me to that? I apparently missed it if it was asked. I would find it hard to believe that a simple question like that couldn’t be answered when we are lead to believe that the family can be asked question by some on this forum. I also don’t believe that people are actively preventing that question from being answered. I am just trying to remind whoever that when they next see Maura’s family or friends if they could check on this it would be useful. Bill
Bristol, CT
Sophie, there is so much wrong with what you said that I don't have enough time to try to correct it. People who actually read what I and some others write I believe know what is being said. I do believe that most see your writings for what they are. So a response is probably not even necessary. Bill
Professor Plum
Hayward, CA
"And there it is. No direct response to what I have written. Instead they come out of the wood work to accuse of being mean." That's his/her/their game. I recognised it long ago and haven't taken the group siriously. It pays to read the thread first. If you get close to the right answer - they bombard you with nonsense->> say you're not helping, pull out the gender card, make multiple posts about psychics, or a random serial killer, accuse you of not caring while they do -so the your correct conclusions gut buried a few pages back or you scamper away crying. Its worked for them for years - why would they stop now? The best way to help Maura is to ignore them and keep the discussion going.
Bristol, CT
I should have added that JMO seems to have a pretty good on handle what was wrong with it though. Bill
Shallotte, NC
Professor Plum wrote: The best way to help Maura is to ignore them and keep the discussion going. That statement can certainly go both
Danvers, MA
Hi, Bill ~ Many thanks for your obviously positive contributions to this endeavor, and I trust you will continue to ask and answer questions as you deem them to be appropriate. I hope you intend to disregard any accusations made to suggest you are anything less than a caring, intelligent contributor. The fear-based lashing out serves to insulate a group of like-minded individuals who seem threatened by other opinions. The emotion is palpable. I remain a dispassionate observer, and have come to believe Maura's disappearance has tapped into the emotions of several who are focused on "the missing" in general. I may have been the one to ask the hitchhiking question, and might have missed any previous discussion. It's a reasonable theory to consider, but no biggie, otherwise. How much emotion/hysteria is too much? Well, we can only express our opinions. I didn't like seeing Wowzer piled on for daring to state her views...that was an obvious symptom to me that something was/is not quite right about the give and take on a public forum. There also seems to be an issue of "ownership" such as to include and exclude - a rather curious feature. It is seemingly based on the long history of relationships over a period of time. I understand and appreciate the amount of work that has been done, and do not devalue that effort in any way. The suggestion that progress is being halted in terms of finding Maura, or that any effort is being derailed by dissent is off the mark. I'll add that I don't have a game to play, and neither do you - there is just hope for Maura's recovery. JMO
Saint Paul, MN
Do you realize that we are not so different in that we come here to seek and find reason for Maura? It's plain to see who cares or not and yes that's a matter of opinion. I don't give a hoot who has the brightest bulb.