ummm is this a miss print or was John Healy still a SP officer in Feb. 2004?Speaking of John Healy for those who printed the
entire DISPATCH LOG read it all to see who
just happen to be on patrol that night!
1Anne I am 100% that John Healy could and should
clear up all calls he heard that night while on
<quoted text>
- Posted in the Franconia Forum
Comments (Page 270)
RE: John M. Healy
Mr. Healy is a licensed, bonded and insured private investigator. He is one of the few investigators in New England to have earned the title Certified Master Investigator. He is Past-President of the New Hampshire League of Investigators and the New England Council of State Investigator Associations. He has been an investigator since retiring from the State Police at the rank of Lieutenant. (He was/is part of the TEAM with Weeper) |
Judged: ![]() 2 ![]() 2 ![]() 1 on the mmm forum you had asked if family would give you permission to put out into the public a description of this man you believe you saw with Maura. On the forum I gave you reasons as to why I was against this. This sighting that you believe to be Maura has been checked out quit a few times and has led to know where. At this point there is no proof that you saw Maura. You already have this man guilty and are pointing a finger at someone with no evidence whats so ever. This person could be totally innocent of any wrong doing and by putting a description of him out in the publics view could destroy this mans life. I have to advise against this. |
Judged: ![]() 2 ![]() 1 White Wash you are correct in saying that Mauras car was not found at the 3 trees where the ribbons hang. It is closer to the home of the M's. I personnaly spoke with Mr M and he told me and several others that he believed the person in the vehicle that night was pulled over because they were lost.He stated that the lady next street over was taking her dog for there nightly walk but the dog began growling and the lady headed back home. He also stated that the next day he saw footprints and pointed up toward the back of his house and assumed it was the fish and game. The search for Maura was not until Wednesday Feb. 11th. Out off all honestly we have been told the only witnesses outside was SBD. |
![]() Joined: Jun 16, 2008 Comments: 472 |
Hello citigirl, This is certainly news to me. Where did the dog of the lady out for a walk start acting strangely? When was this and was Maura´s car already stuck in the snowbank near the Weathered Barn curve at the time of this event? Please, tell. Thanks! Euro |
Judged: ![]() 1 Wow! This is new and very important! |
Judged: ![]() 1 ![]() 1 this is actually old. I posted it on the MMM forum several years back. Euro I was not told at what location the dog started acting strangely. Just that the woman normally walked her dog on 112 everynight but not on this night because of the growling of the dog. Mauras car may have hit the snowbank but it was not in the snow bank when emergency personnel showed up on the scene. I personnaly spoke with emergency personnel and this is when we found out the vehicle was not in the trees or in a snow bank. |
![]() Joined: Jul 8, 2008 Comments: 206 |
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Judged: ![]() 1 ![]() 1 ![]() 1 2) why is SBD lying, if he is? This is very important. I always wondered and repeatedly asked why the SBD's conversation with "Maura" in the Saturn/snowbank lasted 4-5 minutes per witnesses when the SBD's summary of their conversation was pretty brief. I understand that witnesses are often wrong (true) in estimating time (true). But if there was some kind of collusion, something the SBD and the driver had to work out, I can now understand needing that 4-5 minute talk between SBD and perhaps some male he knew? or knew of in the Saturn?... Still find it hard to believe SBD lied as I thought SBD would enjoy aligning himself with LE and being helpful. Uh.... maybe he was... to a special "youngster", a son of someone powerful... Just wildly speculating -- it's latish at night.. Uh, Sorry I miss crediting specific posters so often (NO SEARCH FUNCTION HERE)-- especially when I think it sucks to just name a few to give appreciation to who have been helpful, etc., and leave the rest of us out like we don't count. Apologies for that when I do that. Why was everyone heavily referring that night to "the GIRL in the Saturn"? To effect changes in perception and memory of the witnesses?[The Effects of Verbal Suggestion on People's Perception".)...just tossing out pieces of ideas since so many new possibilities have been opened today... Speaking of which --- were we tossed this because the forum was going in circles the last few weeks, quibbling, irritable, and some posters thinking of leaving out of frustration? What is regulating the periodic release of new information, some of which are bombshells?(Altho the menstrual fluid one seemed to have turned out to be a dud, just related to dirty clothes in a hamper at the A-frame, it DID stimulate talk and renewed interest for a while. I'm not angry at anyone in particular; it's sort of generalized frustration; just wonder about the whole process in this case at times... more lately! |
Judged: ![]() 3 ![]() 2 So the M family found footprints in their backyard Tuesday, before Fish and Game did their Wed. search? I guess no imprints were taken to determine if they were from the several people doing a reasonable, yet brief, search of the area around the Saturn area Monday night... Is it known if the prints led through the yard and continued on? Or were more consistent with a "look around"? I don't really expect an answer. Never really do anymore. Nothing personal! |
![]() Joined: Jun 16, 2008 Comments: 472 |
Judged: ![]() 1 ![]() 1 Just thinking out loud: Could the man seen with Maura (?) by gvmeabrk in the NH convenience store possibly be some kind of "minder" rather than an abductor, IF Maura is in fact in some kind of witness protection scheme or similar? It might seem like a far-fetched idea, but it´s come up here before together with many other seemingly outlandish theories. But this whole case is outlandish in the extreme... |
Judged: ![]() 1 ![]() 1 He pointed up toward the back of his house stating that he saw footprints up that way and thats all he said about the foot prints. He was not referring to his back yard. It was many months after Maura's accident that I had this conversation with him |
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Weeper, We don't have "search" here...could/would you find your Posts regarding "blood on carpet" and witness hospital employee's route home that night. It appears some remember employee driving on route 10 homeward bound..not the Swiftwater Road to Goose. Also, that blood was found on clothes in a hamper.
Maybe you could copy/paste those sections...? If you can' problem....Keepin' on.....although sluggish at times.... Citigirl, thanks for the memory jump start.... |
quote:Quija What is regulating the periodic release of new information, some of which are bombshells.quote: Quija I rarely come to this forum because I'am emotionally connected to this case. When I read White washes posting I replied with what I knew. Whiston as I already stated to Euro I do not know at what location the neighbors dog got upset. Shack your always busy.
Judged: ![]() 2 But the maybe about her appearance and the below convinced me that maybe it wasn't her. If it wasn't her - but she resembled Maura enough to get a "Maybe" out of Mr. Atwood (Who at that point based on the below I believed did not commit the crime) then FOR THIS TO BE POSSIBLE IN ALL LIKLIHOOD - someone had to either plan to place the look alike there - or someone that was a criminal had to "shop" for a victim - which brings us back to Amhurst. But everybody's talking about the accident scene again and here we are running in circles. I don't know what to make of it except that unless we really know what the facts are - this will go nowhere. Frustrated, annoyed - but I blame nobody. ... It was said: "This answer either places Maura in the car or places Mr. Atwood as a participant in a conspiracy. At this point it is a matter of subtantiating Mr. Atwood's assertion that he did not abduct her. The fact that the scene was statged does not preclude Maura's involvement in the staging. Her actions show that she had an undisclosed agenda and because of this, I wouldn't put it past her to stage the accident. But I also see that the staging puts Mr. Atwood in a precarious position." Weeper said: "Your assumption is wrong on both accounts here, Mr. Franklin. 1. Assuming Mr. Atwoods statement is truthful, he saw a female who looked like Maura but different in at least one aspect, to wit: her hair was different. 2. Mis-identification is no basis (on its own standing) to assume an active attempt to deceive. Eye witness accounts are always circumstantial evidence”for this very reason, Mr.Franklin. Again, be careful how you set your questions and statements Mr. Franklin; Mr.Atwood does not have to assert he did not abduct Maura. Mr. Atwood at this point is merely a witness and not a person of interest/suspect. This is only one of many statements made by Mr. Atwood and a judgment of 'credibility' can not be made standing on one statement. As to Maura’s “undisclosed agenda”, your assumption may or may not be correct only if we (collectively) knew what that agenda was. Again, if Mr. Atwood played an active role in the occurrence of this incident, it would be foolish to place it in your own front yard. We feel the location was picked (in an area where there existed a locale full time; albeit small, Police Department and just shy of Federal property, to wit The White Mountain National Forest) for 'jurisdictional' reasons." |
Judged: ![]() 2 ![]() 2 The fact that you did not want me to do that had no impact on why this other poster on the MMM site did not want me to post the Maura posters. CITIGIRL WROTE: At this point there is no proof that you saw Maura. You already have this man guilty and are pointing a finger at someone with no evidence whats so ever. This person could be totally innocent of any wrong doing and by putting a description of him out in the publics view could destroy this mans life. I have to advise against this. Well, all I can say is the man with Maura is guilty. Maura is missing and he was seen with Maura. Or, is he someone the FAMILY knows and is taking good care of Maura? Do tell. If I had a daughter missing and she was seen by someone with a man I would want his description and pleas for tips as to his identity. Tell me, have the PI's found this man and it so, why not say so. IT can be put to rest and I am just an idiot that you think I am. I WILL be talking to the clerk to find out exactly what was asked of her, what she said and how many times she was contacted. Plus my own questions. You have to advise against that why my accurate post of what I saw that day never posted to topix?? |
Just so you know..I am now writing out that days siteing. Hope it will go through this time! It will take awhile but its on the way!
Judged: ![]() 1 ![]() 1 The line at the store was the longest I have ever seen it. Maura and this man was next in line behind me and my Grandson. My Grandson asked me about some candy on the rack and as I bent down to answer him in the corner of my eye I thought Maura mouthed "Help me". I raised up and looked at her. I had to remove my glasses as I cannot se close with them on. Maura just looked at me with no facial expression. She was wearing a slate blue cotton jersey with jeans. She was a little taller than me and I am 5'6". I did not take notice of her shoes. Her hair was the same as in her missing poster. She wore no jewelry that I could notice. Her arms were crossed in front of her at her waist. She was very thin. I thought to myself I know this girl. I did not speak to them and please forgive this reason but it is as it is. I had all my teeth removed and have dentures. The bottom ones were not in as they did not fit correctly. I cannot speak clearly with these dam things and it is embarassing and humilitating (SP) for me. So I said nothing. I then turned to the man. He was about 5'9". Guessing at his age only I would say 58 and up. He had a little part of his body directly behind Maura and close. He has totally gray white thick hair approx. 3" long, all combed straight back and cut at the nape of the neck. If he had any sideburns,they were short or also combed back. He has a large head, nose, chin and ears. As I did not for some reason want to keep looking him straight in the eyes, I would say his eyes are light blue-gray. He must have had light body hair as I do not like thick body hair and I would immediately noticed. He was wearing a white T-shirt with the ivory painters pants with the bib. They were spotless. NO dirt or paint. His arms, shoulders and chest were strong looking. Not bodybuilding kind. His skin was very light like it nevers sees the sun. Under his eyes were the U shape bags, not puffy but flat. I did not take notice of his shoes. His weight is approx. 180+. Most likely higher. I'm not good at guessing weight. He also had his arms folded together at the front waist. He had feminine (SP) looking hands. No tatoos that I could see. Why did Maura not yell out who she was? Well, I have no answer for that. I did not know who she was at the time. I left only because at the time I thought I must be mistaken because she said nothing and signaled nothing. |
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