Grammar check
Exeter, NH
Yes Paris, IMO it is possible. Hopefully this will not double post, since my first post did not appear to go through. There does seem to be a link to the some of the missing persons and murder cases in NH and VT. Is it a serial killer? Well, there are common factors of where the attempted abductions/abductions/murders took place. Silky has a map I will refer you to Although this is a map of missing persons, you can get a basic gist of what I am pointing out. You will need to add to the map Louise Chaput for starters as she is not on there. Brooke Bennett also.(I'll get to that later) Google "Storagehead Cygnus." What you will find is a coincidence of missing/murdered/attempted abductions that forms a pattern which lines up with the Star constellation Cygnus. Route 91 follows a curve of this constellation as does the Connecticut River. Take both Silky's map, Storagehead's map, and google Cygnus to find the image of the constellation. Map it out yourselves. Don't forget to add the persons storagehead mentions as well such as Lindsay Ferguson; not a successful abduction mind you, but nonetheless important.
Grammar check
Exeter, NH
In many of these cases there is a POI, in some cases, they are in prison. One common factor in the people is pedophiles or men prone to sex crimes against women. Are these cases separate because they have separate POI? Maybe not. What if..........there were sexual deviants who were rewarded in some way by another or otherS to not only commit a crime they would normally, but also get some form of payment for doing so.... It's not a usual profile by any stretch. This does require thinking outside the box.. What if there were a group that had more resources than some LE and were highly intelligent and very skilled in the latest technology. What if a group felt untouchable because they had the means and resources to satiate their deviant lifestyle without recourse.....Could such a group exist? Take for instance child pornography rings and their sophistication to satisfy their wants......We know they exist and have very sophisticated means so as to not get caught..... They are not the only sexually deviant group..........
Shallotte, NC
Grammar Check,
Silky's last posts on Maura's forum referenced a young woman who made a career out of indentity theft. The article can be googled under "Capture the Queen'. At some piont in early 2000 she obtained a driver's license out of Vermont using a vacant lot as an address.
This individual was an avid chess player, often thought about the chess tables in Burlington, VT. discussed by a PI using the alias Defective Detective, and welched her way through an amazing college/work career by using the identity of a missing girl down here in South Carolina.
Well to make a long story short, she communicated with a cadet via online from West Point. I believe it is mentioned in the online articles.
Uxbridge, MA
It was my understanding that Silky had died from illness or complications from diabetes. Is this not so? IMHO I think you're off base, Grammar, if you're implying otherwise.
sophie bean
Monkton, VT
White Wash wrote: "Sorry Sophie I didn't attend any court stuff for our "crimal element" of the likes of SBD or CW so if you would like to clear up that hear say. I'm listening." For one thing, "WW" it would be very helpful if you would say to whom your posts are addressed. It is sometimes very unclear. How dare you say that I include SBD and CW in a "criminal element"? I said absolutely no such thing! I said that there is a criminal element - which I named as Cary Indelicato, convicted murderer of Mr Powell in Warren, and people like him who are drug dealers, murderers (as in the yet-unsolved murder in Pike of Tom Conrad) and "scum." Yes, I define convicted, known felons as "scum" as does Shack. Neither of us is in any way saying, suggesting or implying that this is representative of all locals or even more than a handfull - and your continued INSISTENCE that we are doing just that serves ONLY to deflect attention form REAL questions and color all of us looking for Maura as local-bashing jerks. It is crystal clear that no amount of clarification by any of us will stop your willful mischaracterization. And you say that is is "incendiary" to observe the FACT that, in Woodsville as in any other place you might choose to name, there are criminals "on the loose"? And you say you're a "reporter"??? Astonishing!
White Wash
Lebanon, NH
Incendiary 2. somebody inciting trouble: an instigator of trouble or violence, especially with political motives ( formal ) sophie bean wrote: White Wash wrote: "Sorry Sophie I didn't attend any court stuff for our "crimal element" of the likes of SBD or CW so if you would like to clear up that hear say. I'm listening." For one thing, "WW" it would be very helpful if you would say to whom your posts are addressed. It is sometimes very unclear. How dare you say that I include SBD and CW in a "criminal element"? I said absolutely no such thing! I said that there is a criminal element - which I named as Cary Indelicato, convicted murderer of Mr Powell in Warren, and people like him who are drug dealers, murderers (as in the yet-unsolved murder in Pike of Tom Conrad) and "scum." Yes, I define convicted, known felons as "scum" as does Shack. Neither of us is in any way saying, suggesting or implying that this is representative of all locals or even more than a handfull - and your continued INSISTENCE that we are doing just that serves ONLY to deflect attention form REAL questions and color all of us looking for Maura as local-bashing jerks. It is crystal clear that no amount of clarification by any of us will stop your willful mischaracterization. And you say that is is "incendiary" to observe the FACT that, in Woodsville as in any other place you might choose to name, there are criminals "on the loose"? And you say you're a "reporter"??? Astonishing!
Grammar check
Exeter, NH
Let's remember the police officer who formerly worked in the North Country of NH who was caught with bondage materials trying to abduct a young boy. Sexual deviants have to make a living too. Some are in positions of power (Eliot Spitzer, various politicians, pastors, priests, etc etc) Recently, a 15 year veteran officer was arrested in Salem NH for kidnapping and raping a woman. Sad but true facts. Who do you trust? It is hard to know. Can you look at a person and know if they are a pedophile? A necrophiliac? We may have an image of some goof who works at a fast food chain,who plays play-station in all of their off-time, but what if that person is your executive next door neighbor? What if torture turns them on? You can't tell by looking at a person what their mind holds. The internet has become a haven for people with deviant lifestyles to find what satisfies their desires regardless if it is illegal. They can now connect and more easily find new unsuspecting victims. For my theory regarding Maura: I think it was very important that she was a runner and attended West Point. The abduction of Maura was a great challenge to someone who has great interest in the life of Henry Knox. Maybe obsession is a better word than interest. I do find it important also that she worked at an art gallery. I think that factor may have a link to her abductor, be it a visitor, the person who suggested the job.... my theory says there is a link.
White Wash
Lebanon, NH
Sophie Bean- Rose Color Glasses probably made it hard for you to see the "Sorry Sophie" right at the beginning indicating WHAT? Addressed to you! Attack on but I will not longer read your post or reply to the "Attacks". Good Day! sophie bean wrote: White Wash wrote: "Sorry Sophie I didn't attend any court stuff for our "crimal element" of the likes of SBD or CW so if you would like to clear up that hear say. I'm listening." For one thing, "WW" it would be very helpful if you would say to whom your posts are addressed. It is sometimes very unclear. How dare you say that I include SBD and CW in a "criminal element"? I said absolutely no such thing! I said that there is a criminal element - which I named as Cary Indelicato, convicted murderer of Mr Powell in Warren, and people like him who are drug dealers, murderers (as in the yet-unsolved murder in Pike of Tom Conrad) and "scum." Yes, I define convicted, known felons as "scum" as does Shack. Neither of us is in any way saying, suggesting or implying that this is representative of all locals or even more than a handfull - and your continued INSISTENCE that we are doing just that serves ONLY to deflect attention form REAL questions and color all of us looking for Maura as local-bashing jerks. It is crystal clear that no amount of clarification by any of us will stop your willful mischaracterization. And you say that is is "incendiary" to observe the FACT that, in Woodsville as in any other place you might choose to name, there are criminals "on the loose"? And you say you're a "reporter"??? Astonishing!
White Wash
Lebanon, NH
This is what I had received not sure on the diabites. Just what I heard. "Suspect her death had a lot to do with the complications from the carbon monoxide poisoning a couple of years ago. She had moved back to Minnesota in August I believe and I wondered then whether her health might be deteriorating." Saturnus wrote: It was my understanding that Silky had died from illness or complications from diabetes. Is this not so? IMHO I think you're off base, Grammar, if you're implying otherwise.
Franconia, NH
sophie bean wrote: White Wash wrote: "Sorry Sophie I didn't attend any court stuff for our "crimal element" of the likes of SBD or CW so if you would like to clear up that hear say. I'm listening." For one thing, "WW" it would be very helpful if you would say to whom your posts are addressed. It is sometimes very unclear. How dare you say that I include SBD and CW in a "criminal element"? I said absolutely no such thing! I said that there is a criminal element - which I named as Cary Indelicato, convicted murderer of Mr Powell in Warren, and people like him who are drug dealers, murderers (as in the yet-unsolved murder in Pike of Tom Conrad) and "scum." Yes, I define convicted, known felons as "scum" as does Shack. Neither of us is in any way saying, suggesting or implying that this is representative of all locals or even more than a handfull - and your continued INSISTENCE that we are doing just that serves ONLY to deflect attention form REAL questions and color all of us looking for Maura as local-bashing jerks. It is crystal clear that no amount of clarification by any of us will stop your willful mischaracterization. And you say that is is "incendiary" to observe the FACT that, in Woodsville as in any other place you might choose to name, there are criminals "on the loose"? And you say you're a "reporter"??? Astonishing! Oh please Sophie stop the crap. As long as your little group keeps defending this drama queen and troublemaker the insults and deflection from what this forum is supposed to be about will continue. For anyone that can read and has a brain there is no mistake what was meant by her remark. "Quote:when my father died, there was reference to his mother's maiden name, Moulton, in the obit. I do not and will not defend the name. Any kin was in E.Charleston, VT. I met a few, a few times up there. They would blend well into the environment and mind set of the Haverhill area. To be delicate, they couldn't spell Mensa..."two to change a light bulb"....Quote" And I say it must be nice to be so much smarter than everyone else including your own family.
Grammar check
Exeter, NH
Saturnus et al, I am not looking for agreement. My theories are just that, my theories. You may agree or disagree, I am simply presenting them regardless.
Acton, MA
sophie bean wrote: ... This behavior in itself indicates that Maura did not just happen to go missing and cheerfully started a new life. By your illegal and foolish actions, you are creating your own "smoking gun." Clearly, you think that you can't or won't be caught, that you are "above" responsibility for your acts. Misc. Comments: Sophie - I am confused about there being any connection between computer crimes and Maura being missing. Or did you mean that crime in general is so rampant that it's likely Maura was a crime victim? Or am I just not understanding? I wish the poster who suggested everything started at West Point would post more about that. Elsewhere --- thank you for reposting Weeper's posts re the SBD! Paris -- hi there. In your post last night you said you think it's more likely that Maura (in the convenience store) was being watched and controlled by the man with her since maybe she wasn't trusted to stay alone in the car? Did LE truly check out this man and find him "OK". Do you remember? The other sighting in the Barton Church, by a father of several daughters also sounded credible and possible. We've been told with little additional information that these sightings have been dismissed. I wish we could hear from the Barton man (Mr. Stone?) directly. His detailed ID and the girl, Raykel, quickly leaving the church in a seemingly emotional or fearful way sounded suspicious to me. Her impulsive behavior actually sounds a little like the way Maura was acting that night 2/5-2/6/04 at her security job and on the Saturday night that she had an accident in her dad's car.
Grammar check
Exeter, NH
Thanks I am familiar w/ Silky's carbon monoxide poisoning and her handicaps and health issues due to that. I know in the end, Silky was not at all herself.
Half Moon
Exeter, NH
I am at work, but couldnt resist! A lot has happened since I signed off last night! I just skimmed all the posts, but someone mentioned psychic.(sorry dont have time to go back and see who) Now you have me wondering..........that was one of my questions yesterday! Grammar, I asked because I was thinking of a little girl named, Tammy. I, too, believe there are no coincedences. We are all here for a reason! I believe we all have more in common than we Rte 125, bikes, but most importantly Maura!!! I wasnt going to bring this up, because I am new here..........I dont need you all thinking I am nutso. But, Friday at a convenience store half-way between my home and Raymond, near Exeter, ON ROUTE 125 , I was slowly walking into this store as a gentleman walked right out the door into me! He was wearing a RED sweatshirt with white letters that said BARTON, VT! So , for those who dont believe in coincidences, what do you think of that??? I have a feeling I will see a lot of peanuts above my post when I come back to check! Also, is Emily back as someone else already?
Joined: Jul 8, 2008
Comments: 206
Middletown, VA
Grammar check, Thanks for staying on the subject of our search for Maura. I am local and have never felt attacked.
Uxbridge, MA
Grammar check wrote: Saturnus et al, I am not looking for agreement. My theories are just that, my theories. You may agree or disagree, I am simply presenting them regardless. As I wasn't looking to agree or disagree. I had forgotten about the prior CO2 poisoning and NDE. Carry on.
Half Moon
Exeter, NH
Wow, I was confused before that my comp. was saying I was in Reading, MA. Now this one has me in Exeter, NH. WHICH I AM NOT !!! Coincedence?
Just also throwing this out anytime in this forum, does anyone just through out all the clues and similarities to other crimes and say,"hey, maybe Maura had an accident, and maybe none of it was pre-planned or calculated. Then a random bad guy picked her up and still has her? " I guess I am just wishing that it was so simple.
However, when I first found this site a couple weeks ago, I then wondered if anyone thought that someone here was either a) Maura or b)her captor.
Okay, now you are convinced I am nuts?
Half Moon
Exeter, NH
Lost another post!!!!!!!!! Anyway, when I first came here, I wondered why my posts said Reading,MA. Now I am at work and NOT in Exeter, NH! Coincedence????????
Grammar are you right behind me????
Grammar check
Exeter, NH
Wow Half Moon, You work where I live. Hard to justify paying MA taxes when you work in NH huh? Yes, I get your point. I happen to live precisely between Route 125 and the Raymond Route. Yes, I get the point that you know where I live. Did that pedophile from Barton get out of jail already? I'll make sure I keep an extra watch on the children... I assume your friendly coincidence to be a threat regardless of how your attempt to disguise it to others.
Weare, NH
Half Moon wrote: Wow, I was confused before that my comp. was saying I was in Reading, MA. Now this one has me in Exeter, NH. WHICH I AM NOT !!! Coincedence? Just also throwing this out anytime in this forum, does anyone just through out all the clues and similarities to other crimes and say,"hey, maybe Maura had an accident, and maybe none of it was pre-planned or calculated. Then a random bad guy picked her up and still has her? " I guess I am just wishing that it was so simple. However, when I first found this site a couple weeks ago, I then wondered if anyone thought that someone here was either a) Maura or b)her captor. Okay, now you are convinced I am nuts? I do not believe you are nuts! lol But I do agree her captor may be on the board or lurking.