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United States

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Oct 14, 2008





"Benjamin Franklin wrote:

BeagleBart wrote:
Watching - The name Adam Hart ring a bell?
Not on page 76 - but I saw something about that on page 310 or so."

Hmmmm. Thanks for digging that up. Obviously Alden's up to something....the question is, as always, WHAT. And WHY?

Marlborough, CT

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Oct 14, 2008





elsewhere...if I recall Pauline Clark was found in 1984, the same year SBD relocated from Taunton.
Briannas Olds was a 1985.

Charleston, WV

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Oct 14, 2008





Dropping off a crashed Corolla 3-4 AM Sunday at a relatively small motel must have caught someone's attention. Headlights. Flashing yellow lights. Mechanical noises. Must have woken up at least a couple of guests.
Benjamin Franklin

San Francisco, CA

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Oct 14, 2008




The Spirit of N'Orleans in this thread. It aint going away no matter what happens. We goina find her bring her home.

Oh look a trail o'crumbs and my name aint Hansel or Gretel
White Wash

Lebanon, NH

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Oct 14, 2008





Amazing a few short pages ago
everyone was working together!
Ideas flowing every ways!


Half Moon wrote:
Just thought I would pop in and watch this place self distruct. I think a private group of REAL people is in order for Maura, how about a face to face? I know that the WV's wouldnt be there. I am serious. In a bookstore or something. Twice a month, human to human, where no one can hide behing their monitor. Southern NH , maybe? Bet the group of actual sincere people would be small. I have already realized who they are! And then there are the ones who have to look themselves in the mirror every day and wonder what the hell they have done!!! SAD for them!!!
White Wash

Lebanon, NH

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Oct 14, 2008





Very well said!
Harry wrote:
Yes, please remind me how a crime investigation that has continued for 4.5 years is nothing at all like a jigsaw puzzle. I'll bet every detective in the world thinks a crime like this is nothing at all like a puzzle.
Your frayed nerves don't count. Impatience, especially if there is already one person dead, does not justify adding another death. Information can be researched and filtered only so fast, no faster. It comes in at a speed and in a sequence that cannot be controlled.
And, to your probable shock, this information ain't provided for your entertainment, control, or benefit. People write what they write. You don't like it? Tough.
Where's all the information FC and Shack and SB and EWB and all the other attack ducks have put on the table so damn fast and easy to understand?
Some people do the best they can with what they have. Their style may not be fashionable or pretty. If you want to poke fun at it, undermine it, savage it, that's your perogative. Doing so does nothing to help find a lost loved one or someone who took her. This is Topix, a relatively unmoderated board. It does not exist to honor anyone's memory.

Shallotte, NC

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Oct 14, 2008




Thanks for the info.

Brianna really loved that car, it was her grandfather's.

United States

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Oct 14, 2008





mcsmom wrote:
elsewhere...if I recall Pauline Clark was found in 1984, the same year SBD relocated from Taunton.
Briannas Olds was a 1985.
Thanks Mcsmom. I looked but couldn't find it either.

United States

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Oct 14, 2008





actually on closer reading, you'll notice I didn't say it wasn't LIKE a jigsaw puzzle. I said it WASN'T a jigsaw puzzle. Indicating (with a little, ahem, sense) that the pieces are not cutouts of cardboard or wood, but ACTUAL PEOPLE loved by others.

Something I am certain any good investigator bears in mind as he or she searches.

Charleston, WV

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Oct 14, 2008





Worst, most desperate and defensive case of pretzel logic I ever saw. The simile was clearly implied, but now denied.

Middlefield, CT

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Oct 14, 2008





Maura Murray is missing.Can we please stay on that.Anyone new coming here would be hard pressed to know what this FORUM IS REALLY ABOUT.I want to know where she is and why she left.take care philip

United States

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Oct 14, 2008





I came across this forum last night, this is my first post. I've been following the Maura Murray story for some time now.

I spent last night checking out the first few pages of this forum, and almost couldn't stop reading. It was really awesome to still see people working together and trading stories/theories, etc.

So today when I got home from work, I decided to check out the last 10 pages or so. That's when I decided I'm never coming back to this forum. It's absolutely pathetic that some people are using this as a "checking their myspace" equivalent. "Ooo! I wonder what such-and-such said about my taunting post?!" Pathetic.

To the people who actually care, and have posted some real good stuff, thats awesome, keep up the good work. To the drama kings and queens, go get a myspace account, there's plenty of drama to take part in.
Jeane Dixon

Charleston, WV

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Oct 14, 2008





To the extent that her location can even be determined at all, there are probably more people a little south and west of Hartford, Connecticut who can say what happened than in MA, VT, and NH combined. You might find answers in places like Farmington, New Britain, Middletown, and Waterbury, among others in the I-84/91/691 area. But the idea of a single resting place is, frankly, kind of naive when you're talking about large constuction companies.

Most likely, she learned something in that distressing phone call that made her a liability.

Guaranteed, clearly, there's a lawyer ready to go ahead with Vasi's case if he can just pinpoint how Vasi sustained his injuries. It was dark, late, Vasi was drunk, can't remember. No witnesses. The information, it would seem, has to come from the person who directly caused Vasi's injuries, probably a motor vehicle operator. Or anyone the operator told about having hit Vasi.

Just a guess, but maybe the operator can't recall anything more about the hit than Vasi can. Maybe he or she doesn't even know about it today. Certain drugs, not to mention alcohol, can erase the memory very easily. But that doesn't mean the operator didn't say something right after the hit. To two people. Maura and someone else. Then he fell asleep and woke up with no memory of the previous night. Happens. A lot.

So first, right after hitting Vasi, the operator tells Maura. Then the operator tells a second person. And maybe that second person had something to lose. But that second person didn't have any concern about the operator because by the next day it was obvious that the operator had no memory of what had happened the previous night. Only Maura knew about it.

"No problem. Not to worry. Get some sleep. See you tomorrow. Hey, you tell anybody else about this?"

Vasi was found on Triangle St. Think about insurance, or the lack of it. But not auto insurance, exactly. Think about it from a tort lawyer's point of view.

There's probably a very bad reason for her having disappeared like she did. It probably happened closer to Amherst than Haverhill, NH.

Charleston, WV

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Oct 14, 2008





Hey, bagel. Could you please be a little more specific? Who should leave and who should stay? Who are the drama kings and queens? Just in general terms, but a little more specific than what you described. What's your definition of posting "real good stuff?" Thanks. Your input is appreciated.

Sorry to see you go so soon. Just curious. What kind of bagel? lol.

United States

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Oct 14, 2008





Harry wrote:
Worst, most desperate and defensive case of pretzel logic I ever saw. The simile was clearly implied, but now denied.
I am beholding the irony of this.


United States

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Oct 14, 2008





Jeane Dixon wrote:
To the extent that her location can even be determined at all, there are probably more people a little south and west of Hartford, Connecticut who can say what happened than in MA, VT, and NH combined. You might find answers in places like Farmington, New Britain, Middletown, and Waterbury, among others in the I-84/91/691 area. But the idea of a single resting place is, frankly, kind of naive when you're talking about large constuction companies.
Most likely, she learned something in that distressing phone call that made her a liability.
Guaranteed, clearly, there's a lawyer ready to go ahead with Vasi's case if he can just pinpoint how Vasi sustained his injuries. It was dark, late, Vasi was drunk, can't remember. No witnesses. The information, it would seem, has to come from the person who directly caused Vasi's injuries, probably a motor vehicle operator. Or anyone the operator told about having hit Vasi.
Just a guess, but maybe the operator can't recall anything more about the hit than Vasi can. Maybe he or she doesn't even know about it today. Certain drugs, not to mention alcohol, can erase the memory very easily. But that doesn't mean the operator didn't say something right after the hit. To two people. Maura and someone else. Then he fell asleep and woke up with no memory of the previous night. Happens. A lot.
So first, right after hitting Vasi, the operator tells Maura. Then the operator tells a second person. And maybe that second person had something to lose. But that second person didn't have any concern about the operator because by the next day it was obvious that the operator had no memory of what had happened the previous night. Only Maura knew about it.
"No problem. Not to worry. Get some sleep. See you tomorrow. Hey, you tell anybody else about this?"
Vasi was found on Triangle St. Think about insurance, or the lack of it. But not auto insurance, exactly. Think about it from a tort lawyer's point of view.
There's probably a very bad reason for her having disappeared like she did. It probably happened closer to Amherst than Haverhill, NH.
See, now THIS? This is interesting. And definitely food for thought. And sounds like the good old Alden with his head on pretty straight underneath his tin foil hat.

THIS is stuff we can use more of.

Middlefield, CT

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Oct 14, 2008





hi all.Can anyone suggest here why Mauras family refuses to speak about her prior life. i ask you to please look at any other missing persons case and the pleas from there families.They always always give information about where there loved one was last seen was working etc.please dont' give me the usual we dont' knows or this is an ongoing investigation these responses are either weak or worse.where is Mauras' family and friends with some answers about her prior life.or are they just waiting for these people that care to go away .speaking for myself this woll not happen.i was banished from the former MMM site for asking about Mauras prior life... take care philip
Lady Gray

Austin, TX

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Oct 14, 2008





bagel wrote:
I came across this forum last night, this is my first post. I've been following the Maura Murray story for some time now.
I spent last night checking out the first few pages of this forum, and almost couldn't stop reading. It was really awesome to still see people working together and trading stories/theories, etc.
So today when I got home from work, I decided to check out the last 10 pages or so. That's when I decided I'm never coming back to this forum. It's absolutely pathetic that some people are using this as a "checking their myspace" equivalent. "Ooo! I wonder what such-and-such said about my taunting post?!" Pathetic.
To the people who actually care, and have posted some real good stuff, thats awesome, keep up the good work. To the drama kings and queens, go get a myspace account, there's plenty of drama to take part in.
Bagel, it's extremely regretable that this is the time that you've come on board because there are many caring people who have stayed with Maura and her family over the years.

There has also been an influx of trolls lately who have a Sybil complex. It's a sad, tragic thing. All around.

Woonsocket, RI

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Oct 14, 2008





Arbella wrote:
Dropping off a crashed Corolla 3-4 AM Sunday at a relatively small motel must have caught someone's attention. Headlights. Flashing yellow lights. Mechanical noises. Must have woken up at least a couple of guests.
Great point! Was it ever discovered what company did the towing? What kind of conversations Maura had with the tow truck driver?

Charleston, WV

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Oct 14, 2008
Yes, Whit, there are some things about Amherst that are important. However, a good portion of these would be regarded by the general public as more relevant and possibly even more sensational than they really are. There is absolutely no reason for that portion of those details to emerge here or in any public venue.

But Amherst and Northampton, like many other small cities (or large towns) contain an ugly cancer that needs to be faced down and stricken from the community - lawfully stricken, a point I cannot emphasize too much. The trick with Amherst/Northampton is to surgically remove the cancerous cells while leaving the healthy ones intact. IOW, no collateral damage.
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