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Charleston, WV

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Oct 26, 2008





You've got more information about people who you think may have murdered Maura Murray than you have that she was, in fact, murdered at all. You don't even have ANY proof that she was even IN Haverhill, let alone murdered there.

This one story alone could put Stephen King out of business forever.

Joined: Oct 16, 2008

Comments: 269

Oakland, CA

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Oct 27, 2008




Hey look - I'm talking to a ghost here. HAHAHAHAHA.

Owwwwwe yeah - sure - were all chasing a fanatsy -

Any uh reason you think its important to know the details about our "fantasy" investigation?

You think were stupid or something?

Charleston, WV

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Oct 27, 2008
Who's we?

Charleston, WV

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Oct 27, 2008
Denmark will see you in the AM. He was waiting for London to open, but fell asleep.

Cheshire, CT

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Oct 27, 2008





hi quija and all,just thinking about what was found and was not found in Mauras room.what about a third place she may have had personal items that she did not bring.we here dont know what was foud in her room at Kennedy Hall.Apparently there was a computer that was searched whilst it was stiil in the room.the Murrays were given the car conntents ,actually they were first given to Billy.If theuy could post the car contents i am sure they would.i really dont believe that the contents of the saturn were just were held by the family and not looked at.i hope they are ready to talk about the car and dorm room contents they will. As someone said whwt was not there might say something or indicate if Maura packed it.Citigirl i am not second guessing or Monday morning quarter backing any is my opinion .i think that someone in the Murray family has an inkling as to why Maura left.they know here history .they spoke every day.these are my opinions based on what i have read or seen.cousins dont bother with the judgement speach it is worn thin.i am here to find Maura and verify her prior lif as much as i can which is everything that happened before she vanished.take care philip

Cheshire, CT

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Oct 27, 2008
hi all again can anyone tell if the great photo of Feddy and Cathleen on a frozen pond is French Pond.This would show for sure it was frozen enough to take a vehicle out there.thanks take care philip

Cheshire, CT

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Oct 27, 2008
hi all, about the phone pings .did this come out because WhiteWash looked for the search warrant at the town hall.what about all the others that may be out it a town county or state search ,any thoughts please.take care philip

Middletown, VA

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Oct 27, 2008





philip, I believe the phone pings were discussed several times on the highly desecrated MMM forum. I still appreciate WW efforts. I believe if you look back over the MMM forum you will find a list of items that were in the Saturn. Or, maybe White Wash can get the list.

Cheshire, CT

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Oct 27, 2008
hi Anne and all .do you know where more phone pings were located and can you post where.can someone post the car contents list ,i assume Billy signed for them as he was the one they were given to first .take care philip
White Wash

Lebanon, NH

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Oct 27, 2008





Just my opinion but she told the girl
she rode with that she was going home!
Told her teachers death in the family going
Items packed appear to be just those of
someone going home!
Chances are she had clothing there!
Here is someone who has KNOWLEDGE of the North East and comes in bowling shoes?
Doesn't add up given her favorite book!
Quija wrote:
Some random, rambling thoughts... Why did Maura bring so little with her on her trip north?
I don't know all of what Maura brought with her, but these are some things I'd bring on a one-week get-away (or even for 3 days). Living simply, there are things I'd bring that i'm not sure Maura brought:
a few changes of clothes if i knew there would be access to a washer and dryer (this i think she did)
my own soap, powder, shampoo and conditioner (since motels might have crummy stuff)
Creams, lotions, minimal first aid stuff like bandaids and bacitracin. Nail file, clippers.
"flip-flops" for the shower or walking around in a motel room....
camera, binoculars for hiking... maybe a field guide for birds or wildlife.... trail maps...
some bottled water for hiking (to avoid paying $1.25 a bottle when they are 20 cents each in a carton) since Maura wasn't a spend-thrift
magazines or journals (that've been piling up)... something for idle time, like when on the phone, like word puzzles or Game Boy or portable CD player, whatever...
some kind of boots for walking or hiking outside.
Or if she was going to just relax in a motel you'd think she'd bring a cozy robe or extra long t-shirt and fleece socks to laze around, study those nursing books that were in the Saturn, whatever...
blank notepad and pen
ziploc bags for leftover foods, box of tissues, paper towels, empty plastic bags (left-over from store purchases or else a real box of "kitchen trash bags") for car trash or even hiking trash to put in backpack
some postage stamps, return address stickers, address book, just in case...
I really don't know --- did Maura bring this kind of stuff? What was she planning to do on her get-away? She'd want more light reading than she brought (you'd think)?
There's something strange about the things that she did not bring. IMO. Please let me know if she actually had this kind of stuff with her. Thanks.
White Wash

Lebanon, NH

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Oct 27, 2008
Key Words are Sick!
That is his trump card he's not giving anything
Maura's case is high profile Rooney can
see the family suffering so he will continue
to feed off that.
Reality Check wrote:
Brian Rooney was working in the area of Haverhill when Maura went missing. I know this for a fact as I know his employer and he told me this in person. He was also driving a red pickup back then, a coincidence, I think not. It will all come out soon HOPEFULLY.!!!!!...Rooney is a sick person and capable of just about anything. Someone needs to go see Rooney and talk to him, maybe he will confess seing he is in prison for LIFE.

Danvers, MA

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Oct 27, 2008





Harry wrote:
No one has demonstrated even a little, tiny bit that a murder took place. Is there any FACTUAL information that Maura Murray was murdered?
If it had been your daughter who had disappeared in THAT Haverhill area? THAT Haverhill area? Maybe some people don't quite like the sound of THAT.
What is it with all the hatefulness? You go first, since it all comes from you for the purpose of staging a town/gown conflict more intriguing and distracting than any so-called staged car crash.
The time-line, when corrected, reads like a long list of zeros. She called an unknown person and left a message of no importance. She called an out-of-order resort phone line and spoke with no one. The car she did not own was found at a "crash" site where no crash occurred, in a town she had never seen before, and on, and on, and on, and on. She didn't live in her dorm room. She did not have a roommate in the dorm room. She did not work at a non-existent gallery. No one on her dorm floor remembers having seen her. She did not dine with others. She did not compete in almost all the UMass Women's Track Team races despite a history of competitive running. No photo of her at an undisclosed ATM was shown to even her immediate family for the purpose of positively identifying her.
The list of zero descriptive factors pre-disappearance is absurdly long.
And yet when this barely existing person no one knows disappears, anonymous tips should be sent to a PO Box south of Boston - a PO Box no one knows anything about - instead of conveying the information to the local police in the town in which it is claimed she disappeared!
A phony crash took place in a town totally unfamiliar to Maura. You want to siphon off information from the local police, castigate them for not doing their job, then piss on them for not providing what information they do have so that the whole world can learn what the police know and do not know.
Harry, your keen observations, rational thought processes and decent delivery are much appreciated. Please keep up the good work.

Danvers, MA

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Oct 27, 2008



Harry wrote:
You've got more information about people who you think may have murdered Maura Murray than you have that she was, in fact, murdered at all. You don't even have ANY proof that she was even IN Haverhill, let alone murdered there.
This one story alone could put Stephen King out of business forever.
Once again, making sense out of nonsense.

Danvers, MA

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Oct 27, 2008



I'll qualify the "rational" to say that some quips/remarks are unusual...but nevertheless, I share your views on the heart of the matter as expressed in your posts above. ;-)

Concord, MA

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Oct 27, 2008



The past few pages of posts have been illuminating (to me). It does sound like Maura was going somewhere where a lot of "her stuff" was. More random thoughts... excuse the rambling please.

If she didn't leave the Amherst area, was she just going to hide away from her stresses at a boyfriend's apartment nearby? Some of her stuff might be there. Also, another computer.

Whichever poster(s) said it sounded like Maura was going home... THAT seems to fit what she had and didn't have with her!! I never thought of that! You can see (a sad, but powerful) picture of Maura's sister Kathleen, sitting on the floor surrounded by Maura's things from the Saturn in Amelia Kunhardt's (sp) link a few pages back.

It really doesn't sound like she was heading off for a week away alone. Alarm clock? Flashlight? Compass? Whistle? Extra batteries for the portable electronics (she did or didn't bring)? Sunglasses for snow glare? Swiss Army Knife? Little laundry bag? chapstick? Matches? Emergency Radio?

Was she going home to her mom's house or to Bridgeport? Although Laurie "was home" to Maura too, I doubt she was headed that far west.

Did something happen at a possible off-campus boyfriend's apartment after the ATM and liquor store? Or on the way home? Or at home? Perps relocating the Saturn THREE HOURS north doesn't make any sense. So maybe the best answer is she really did have a friend (who had some of the "stuff" Maura didn't bring) up in NH or VT?

Bethlehem, NH

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Oct 27, 2008





Shack wrote:
Doesn't anyone here from the prior Maura Murray Forums remember the hell and anxiety that Helena went through just to get this private post office box...? Days of filling out multiple forms, standing in line...? One of the many stress related times that sent her to the hospital...? I don't know WHO picks up the mail...whether it is family or FBI, or whether is the MASP/
NHSP/local MA/NH LE. Perhaps NHLI/MA PIs....?
Citigirl...I don't know if you can or will answer this question. If not, I truly understand.(You know that)
Maura's family, Dad and Mom do have attorneys, so I don't worry about the legalities. What I do worry about is that a scum bag(s)and consorts are thinking that they got away with murder.
If this had been my "non-existent" daughter who disappeared in that Haverhill area,I would have been locked up by now, either in restraints and/or incarcerated.
Maura is either gone because of her own stupidity, or of circumstances.
What difference does it make? What is it with all the hatefulness...?
I remember why I started I hope all FIT folks do, "keepin' on".
Maybe there should be a Topix, "Bash Maura Murray Forum" (sickening)
The number one drama queen from day one has spoken once again. No one is bashing Maura Murray.
The only thing sickening here is you the queen of drama,bash and hatefulness.
Can you show any proof to this forum that a murder was committed in the Haverhill area? If not then stop bashing the people and the town unless you know for a fact a crime was even committed here.
Holy crap I'm sure glad you told us about what's involved to getting a PO box in MA. Days of filling out papers and standing in line long enough to cause enough stress to send someone to the hospital. I'll be sure I never move there as my mailbox that sits out front of my house causes no such stress and so far hasn't caused me to be hospitalized.
White Wash

Lebanon, NH

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Oct 27, 2008





To my knowledge items get released here and there!
There has never been a complete list released!
Lady Gray is the family spokes person sure she
had a copy and would be more than happy to release.
I hope with the phone records!
And receipt of the knife.
Anne wrote:
philip, I believe the phone pings were discussed several times on the highly desecrated MMM forum. I still appreciate WW efforts. I believe if you look back over the MMM forum you will find a list of items that were in the Saturn. Or, maybe White Wash can get the list.
White Wash

Lebanon, NH

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Oct 27, 2008
If one pulls up the actual court reports.
The will find that it was Dec 2005 that
Fred Murray filed in Superior Court.

It was after CW came forward in his letter to Gov Benson.

It was one year ago in his letter to Gov Lynch making that 2/9/05.

The Letter to Gov. Benson very interesting and worth the re-read
Lady Gray wrote:
<quoted text>
Oh oh wait a minute....sorry, I've taken a short break and just now back, but HELLOOOOOO!!!! And for a different reason.
I'm going to list a timeline here. This is a very important timeline, and I'm referring to everyone reading this (Shack?), so pay very close attention to the dates. And the YEAR. This year has been corrected before but it has been ignored.
2004, May 29 - Maura's dorm items and computer retrieved from her dorm room by family.
2004, June 15 - Fred Murray files 1st Freedom of Information Act.
2004, June 22 - Fred Murray is informed that Major Crimes is involved in Maura's case.(hope!)
2004, June 25 - SIU of Major Crimes (State Police) go to the home of Maura's sister and retrieve items for which there is a signed receipt.
At the same time, the computer is retrieved. Receipt of the computer, by NH State Police, is NOT noted.
The items in Maura's dorm remained there until May 29th, 2004. Fred Murray had the hope that she would return. A parent's hope. He left her items in the dorm so they would be there when she returned.
What does one have if you don't have hope? You don't have a daughter. As Sharon has said, you lose your luggage, you don't lose a child.
Fred Murray has been played like a fiddle.
White Wash

Lebanon, NH

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Oct 27, 2008





If there was proof we wouldn't be on this forum would we!
Nicely Said!
Wowzer wrote:
<quoted text>
The number one drama queen from day one has spoken once again. No one is bashing Maura Murray.
The only thing sickening here is you the queen of drama,bash and hatefulness.
Can you show any proof to this forum that a murder was committed in the Haverhill area? If not then stop bashing the people and the town unless you know for a fact a crime was even committed here.
Holy crap I'm sure glad you told us about what's involved to getting a PO box in MA. Days of filling out papers and standing in line long enough to cause enough stress to send someone to the hospital. I'll be sure I never move there as my mailbox that sits out front of my house causes no such stress and so far hasn't caused me to be hospitalized.
White Wash

Lebanon, NH

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Oct 27, 2008



Excellent Points!
Harry wrote:
<quoted text>
Thanks so much for providing an address for anonymous tips. I just have a few questions.
Sorry for being so insecure, but in what way are these tips kept anonymous? Are they anonymous if they contain really important, relevant information? Even if the sender licks the envelope?
Who is "us?" As in, "Write to us." A different LE organization? Hockey Moms? A religious group?
Don't go to local police? Why not? Why should the public provide tips to a PO Box instead? Who reads these tips? Do you want useful tips sent to the PO Box so that local police don't intercept useful information and keep it from... the police? How would local police handle an anonymous tip differently from the "us" you refer to?
Would an important anonymous tip ultimately be turned over to ANY law enforcement agency or office? If not, how would it ever have any value? Or do you act on some of these anonymous tips yourselves?
If some anonymous tips are conveyed, directly or indirectly, to LE, who determines, and how is it determined, which tips go to LE and which do not?
And what about those controversial Amherst Tips? Should they be sent to a special place such as Box 777, Cement Shoes, Connecticut? Or should they be called in to sevensevensevensixthreeoneone? Hard to tell the difference sometimes. When I think of guys like John Connelly. And all his buddies.
Thank you.
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