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White Wash

Lebanon, NH

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Oct 28, 2008




Like the FIT and PI with the lost carpet from the A frame?
Not sure I follow you here what is you think I'm covering up?
Oh trust me I have zero issues going to LE
especially if it means sending a young lady home!
FireCat wrote:
<quoted text>
Care to share this information with us lesser privileged non-reporters, White Wash? Don't give me the line about protecting your source, either. Even as a reporter you are obligated to provide information to the police (with whom you are friendly, after all) if it will lead to uncovering or solving a crime. As someone--perhaps you yourself--recently posted regarding the PO Box.
White Wash

Lebanon, NH

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Oct 28, 2008





FireCAt nice equals nice pull in you the claws or
I will SOB thanks!

I'm not your child I'm not your employee I'm not anything but someone trying to present many sides
to this MYSTERY!

I can be just everyone who has gone tired and LEAVE and let the ducks just quack amongst yourselves!
FireCat wrote:
<quoted text>
Care to share this information with us lesser privileged non-reporters, White Wash? Don't give me the line about protecting your source, either. Even as a reporter you are obligated to provide information to the police (with whom you are friendly, after all) if it will lead to uncovering or solving a crime. As someone--perhaps you yourself--recently posted regarding the PO Box.
White Wash

Lebanon, NH

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Oct 28, 2008





I will bet 100 that Mr. Fred Murray can not
produce such said RECEIPT of mailed knife!

How do we know it's with LE one has been lost!
FireCat wrote:
<quoted text>
It is my understanding that there were TWO carpet samples taken, and that one is actually with LE.
<quoted text>
The knife was given to Fred because the man did not want to go to the police. And Fred TRIED to give it to LE, but they didn't want it. That's why he had to resort to mailing it, because once they open the mail they have to log it as received. You should know that, White Wash, with all your LE information. Those two statements are misleading, and I can only think they are intentionally so.
<quoted text>
Once again, am I the only one who is just now hearing that they did in fact ask for DNA samples?(which from what I knew was standard procedure, not something they waited to do until they had evidence)
Furthermore, that doesn't answer the question directly. A yes or no will suffice, White Wash: Was there DNA evidence discovered on the airbags (or elsewhere for that matter) by means of testing?
White Wash

Lebanon, NH

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Oct 28, 2008





I would like to point out the reconstructionist
has not seen the car in person!!
Has not been the area!
Has not seen actually photographs from that night!

So for me Personally I'm passing on this theory!

You are entitle to do as you wish!

You have posted it now let others do as they wish with the information!
FireCat wrote:
<quoted text>
It would not, however, prove WHERE Maura was driving when she had an accident that caused airbags to be deployed. Remember that accident reconstructionists have determined that the accident was not the scene where the car was found. And I also believe that it was determined (perhaps in fact by relatives of yours, whom I am certain you trust and I personally have no reason to doubt) that the air bags were NOT deployed at that same scene.
All DNA on an airbag proves is that Maura's head or face came in contact with the airbag at some point. It does not determine WHERE this happened, nor does it determine the CAUSE of those airbags deploying. Maura could have been forced off the road at a prior location, struck something that caused the airbags to deploy, and then taken somewhere.
I am not even saying that someone necessarily did this out of malice. Someone may have struck her car accidentally and then (god forbid) loaded an incapacitated Maura into another vehicle and dumped her car where it was found.
There are many scenarios not taken into account here.
I'm going to get the usual "occam's razor" reminders to keep it as simple as possible, and I would love to. However, this is clearly not a simple situation. Someone is missing. That's not simple.

Bristol, CT

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Oct 28, 2008





White Wash wrote:
I would like to point out the reconstructionist
has not seen the car in person!!
Has not been the area!
Has not seen actually photographs from that night!
<quoted text>
I strongly agree with this statement. I have always felt that I would have as much confidence in an accident reconstructionist that would make a determination by photos only as I would a doctor who would diagnose someone by photos only. Doesn’t give me a lot of confidence.

But maybe that is just me.

White Wash

Lebanon, NH

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Oct 28, 2008
I believe it was the first one I do believe
put together by Sharon!
So I think the BEGINNING STORIES should all be relooked at in my opinion.

Then WMUR camped out in N.Haverhill at HPD.
whiston wrote:
hi looking4amoose thanks for the help with the above do you know if this was the first the first actual news conference after Maura vanished.just trying to get an idea of which reporters were actually up in N.H. and which were getting the story over the phone etc. take care philip
White Wash

Lebanon, NH

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Oct 28, 2008



Harry can you share some more on this please.
Harry wrote:
Was the Saturn hauled to the Woodsville area by an enclosed trailer registered to a business in New Britain, Connecticut?

Concord, NH

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Oct 28, 2008




White Wash wrote:
I would like to point out the reconstructionist
has not seen the car in person!!
Has not been the area!
Has not seen actually photographs from that night!
So for me Personally I'm passing on this theory!
You are entitle to do as you wish!
You have posted it now let others do as they wish with the information!
<quoted text>
I could never figure this out. How could they possibly know what happened without physically seeing the car and the scene.
Would'nt they need to be there to examine the car for evidence?I'd also pass as this doesn't seem to be very reliable IMHO.

Middletown, VA

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Oct 28, 2008
Yes, it is interesting that most of the beginning articles and news spoke of the accident occurring at 7pm.
get real

Summerville, SC

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Oct 28, 2008



White Wash wrote:
Lady Gray since you are the family spokes person and seem to have so much information.
My question is this was the inventory listed as
What exactly was the termnology used on the inventory list?
<quoted text>
This is an interesting question. What's the answer? I don't see one posted. Please give the post number in case I missed it.
get real

Summerville, SC

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Oct 28, 2008
FireCat wrote:
<quoted text>
Wowzer, do you know who owns that PO Box? You don't know that info is going to "family and friends". It could well be going to the investigators from the Molly Bish Foundation. Or the SP or the FBI, via the owners of that PO Box.
And frankly, can you blame Fred for not wanting any helpful info to go into the sinkhole of information that is his daughter's file at HPD?
According to post #7033:

Quote Lady Gray: Submit tips to "us" means one Murray family member.

Anonymous means that the person who submits the tip can remain anonymous. Someone may have info on another person but is afraid to go to the police. So, the submittor can remain anonymous.

All tips and info received in this manner is provided directly to law enforcement. It's just an avenue for people to take that don't want to approach law enforcement themself. Quote
White Wash

Lebanon, NH

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Oct 28, 2008

Interesting Site!

Anne you're KILLING ME but still waiting on
Hanover's Dispatch records or the Concord records
since my gut says they called 911.

There is nothing in the Grafton log! Sorry!

Not saying you didn't hear something just can't support it being on Grafton's.
Anne wrote:
Yes, it is interesting that most of the beginning articles and news spoke of the accident occurring at 7pm.
White Wash

Lebanon, NH

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Oct 28, 2008
I also think they say around or appox!
Anne wrote:
Yes, it is interesting that most of the beginning articles and news spoke of the accident occurring at 7pm.
get real

Summerville, SC

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Oct 28, 2008



Wowzer wrote:
I had a conversation this evening with someone which brought to mind some questions.
When was the last time that any family member inquired as to any updates on the case with either HPD or SP and did they receive an answer to their questions? Anyone???????
This is an interesting point.

As I have read the bashing on the police for not updating the family, I have wondered exactly that, did the family contact the police and ask for an update.
Lady Gray

Austin, TX

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Oct 28, 2008





Wowzer wrote:
<quoted text>
Funny how someone that doesn't live here can speak for the residents but when an actual local stands up for them they are jumped on and accused of speaking for the citizens.
How would you know for a fact that a lot of people do not trust the LE except for the fact of a certain few coming up on the weekends and saying they were told. What consists of a "lot" to you? 1, 10, 20, 50?
OMG, please, get over it. I'm talking about people not trusting ANY law enforcement ANY WHERE in the ENTIRE world. I'm not referring to area LE.
Lady Gray

Austin, TX

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Oct 28, 2008





get real wrote:
<quoted text>
This is an interesting question. What's the answer? I don't see one posted. Please give the post number in case I missed it.
It's been answered already in a posting by Firecat. See below:

White Wash wrote:
Lady Gray since you are the family spokes person and seem to have so much information.
My question is this was the inventory listed as
What exactly was the termnology used on the inventory list?

Firecat wrote:
If you read the post after that closely, you'll see she corrected herself immediately, and that sports bras for running and regular bras were both found, but not drawers.
Lady Gray

Austin, TX

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Oct 28, 2008




In a posting to Harry, you made the following statement:

"Dude, I came right out and told you where the dog was buried after you verbally attacked Helena and the MMM forum."

I missed something somewhere, can you please shed light? TIA!
White Wash

Lebanon, NH

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Oct 28, 2008





Why don't you just post the inventory for us all to see cause I personally find these terms
sports bras for running and regular bras were both found, but not drawers? Interesting terms
for cops? Drawers?
Lady Gray wrote:
<quoted text>
It's been answered already in a posting by Firecat. See below:
White Wash wrote:
Lady Gray since you are the family spokes person and seem to have so much information.
My question is this was the inventory listed as
What exactly was the termnology used on the inventory list?
Firecat wrote:
If you read the post after that closely, you'll see she corrected herself immediately, and that sports bras for running and regular bras were both found, but not drawers.
White Wash

Lebanon, NH

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Oct 28, 2008
Kind of interested in how many guys here
know what a sports bra looks like?
Would you say bra and underwear, panties?

How many men say drawers?

Just wondering.
get real

Summerville, SC

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Oct 28, 2008





Lady Gray wrote:
<quoted text>
It's been answered already in a posting by Firecat. See below:
White Wash wrote:
Lady Gray since you are the family spokes person and seem to have so much information.
My question is this was the inventory listed as
What exactly was the termnology used on the inventory list?
Firecat wrote:
If you read the post after that closely, you'll see she corrected herself immediately, and that sports bras for running and regular bras were both found, but not drawers.
I can't seem to find that post.

In fact, all of the posts by Lady Gray after that have nothing at all to do with that question.

Interesting, won't or can't answer a question, and then lie about it.

Why would two people do that?
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