Columbo, You need to call. I tried to call you but can't get through.Time for a conclusion to this mystery.
Remember the boat right after the driveway at the cabin....That should ring a bell....look us up
I have an important update for you!
Comments (Page 41)
Columbo, You need to call. I tried to call you but can't get through. Remember the boat right after the driveway at the cabin....That should ring a bell....look us up I have an important update for you! |
OH-MY You seem to know a lot about this Moulten guy and his gang. Have they implied a location or general area that would be worth searching?
Also, how well did you know Thomas Conrad? What color was Claude's vehicle in June 2004 and what kind of vehicle did he operate? I'm not trying to test you, just interested....Thanks |
Ouiija, I believe the defensive post by LE was in the Journal Opinion (Bradford) 2/13/2008. I hope this is helpful. |
any question,
thanks for the quick answer! And your info rings a bell now. |
I wanted to inform people that even though I may be new to this sight, I am not new to searching for Maura. I have been an active searcher sinse this started. I have spent my summers in the woods searching mainly around haverill and the surrounding areas.
If anyone has suggestions as to possible search areas....Please let me know...Thank-You |
tinkerbell, Thank you for your post. Despite the wrangling within these forums, there are many of us that just go about doing our own thing! I too search all the time. Maybe it is just as you feel, it is the best I can do. It is heartwarming knowing the number of people out there that just tromp around in the area...I do know that the family appreciates it!
any question...I have known Fred and searched with him on several occasions, going door to door with Fred was interesting. My last search ended yesterday. I have assembled a crew of my own and have been searching since the incident. |
Tinkerbelle, This is awesome, too bad we cannot team up but keep up the good work!
This is a copy/paste from the early MMM forum,~a good reminder as to the reported vehicles at the scene that night.
It was parents night, a meeting at school, something of that nature and 3 more separate vehicles of concerned parents stopped there as well. I only heard of that later from one of the moms who protested that they Did indeed try to help that night. ========== I might as well kick off the discussion on the new site with a controversial posting about the number of vehicles reported to have been in the area of 112 between the Stagecoach store and Bradley Hill Rd the night of Maura's disappearance on 2/9/04. Maura's Saturn; the ambulance and fire trucks dispatched after 7pm; the mysterious red truck; officer Monahan's cruiser; C Smith's police car; Atwood's schoolbus and SUV; another police like vehicle at the scene although this may have been Monahan's?; CW's blue panel truck; and other passing vehicles as reported by Atwood from his porch and by C Smith in his approaching vehicle, and by other witnesses including one who evidently kept going on 112 after 7.45pm or so and did not see anyone walking or jogging along 112 after 8pm. When was each vehicle in the area and where? Based on what we know of the timeline which I am not going to fill in here, I believe the two most suspect vehicles would have to be CW's panel truck and one of the other unknown passing vehicles. The red truck passed by RobinsonOrdway too early perhaps around 7.15pm to have still been lingering or lurking by the Weathered Barn ready to apprehend Maura without being seen? |
scooter wrote: Pike.. I found the post below from the old forum from Robinsonrdway. I think Weeper talked to CW and recently posted his discussion - haven't found that yet. >>>>> Okay, here is what I know..... CW was questioned by police at his door and asked if he had seen anything. He said no, I was probably in bed. He was told by a friend or something that the accident occurred at 1:00 a.m., which is why he told the police he was in bed and didn't hear anything. His neighbors were talking with him after the fact and when they said it was between 7-7:45 that it all happened, he said, oh wait a minute, I thought it was at 1:00 a.m. They told him no. He told them that he was travelling back and forth from Franconia at that time and would have been just coming home. Then he said I wonder if it was the night I saw someone running on the road? The neighbor said, you saw someone running? He said yeah, but I can't remember what night that was and it looked like a guy to me, with a hooded sweatshirt on. This neighbor told Winni, who in turn, told Fred. The police did question him and because he couldn't remember if it was that night for sure, that was the end of that. With all due respect to Roinsonordway ... that was not the end of that. In fact after the police spoke with CW, they planned and executed an official search in the 112-116 area. One would think that if CW's information was important enough for LE to use their time and resources to search the area of the his siting, they had something to go on. The article in the paper quoted Scarinza as saying they believed the CW actually saw Maura that night. I understand that CW never said he saw Maura specifically, that he saw a youth running. Thing is, he must have given LE something that made the expenditure of time and money seem worthwhile or they would not have had an official search. I know that many people have contacted Helena and the forum to report that they contacted LE with possible information and never heard from LE again. Possible pieces of the puzzle just lying around out there with no effort to put them together. LE never even checked the last number dialed on her cell phone (Salomones sp.?) for months after and yet an official search was planned and executed on some vague recollection of someone walking on the road, at some time, on some day three months before? I don't buy it. One other thing, in reading Robinsonordways account, it strikes me that it reads like an Urban Legend. No specific dates or times .... some friend told him it was 1 am so when the police questioned him .... you mean when LE talked to him they didn't mention the time or the day they were seeking information about? |
It appears that CW walks in the right circles! IMHO!
This is the same person whom was a next door neighbor where Mauras vehicle was found and the very same person who would not let his property be searched. By the way, THE ONLY one in that neighborhood!
I saw a red truck months after maura's dissapearance involved in suspicious activity, just after the thaw to be exact. Has anyone heard or seen anything in regards to this?
Beth said that red trucks were pulled over all night, the night that Maura went missing. Still waiting to see if there are any papers when we go to storage. Police did ask a local there what she knew about the truck with NH/MA plates but they told her it did not matter anyway. Now I can understand this but before that talk they were pulling red trucks over so they were keen to something. I have also asked to have Beths computer so I can get some of my things back but also turn it over to the people trying to find Maura. I was told many things when Beth moved here but not taking notes as we talked and so I hesitate to say more about that night. |
I knew Tom and he was a friend and God Bless the family for thier loss. I am still looking around the area when I am there and I am being told by people what has been going on in town! As far as a search well I am still reseaching where it wouldbe most effective!!!! |
and what happened to the black custom van? |
The following is from Click and Clack.
Dear Tom and Ray: True or false? In our clubhouse parking lot, I came across a car that was left with the engine running, keys inside and doors locked. Security was not able to help find the owner. I mentioned this incident to friends, and someone said that if I had put something, like a potato, in the tailpipe, the engine eventually would have shut off. Would this really have happened? Would it have caused any damage?-- Mary TOM: It certainly would have happened, Mary. Assuming the exhaust system is intact and not leaking, you can stop an engine by plugging up its exhaust outlet. RAY: Here's why. If the exhaust gases can't escape from the cylinders, then there's no room for the fresh gasoline and air to get in. So the engine gets starved for fuel. TOM: Think about it this way: If someone stopped you from breathing out, you wouldn't be able to breathe in, would you? No room! And your engine would stop, too. RAY: Now, a potato is the time-honored vegetable of choice in the fraternity community because of its wide availability, appropriate selection of sizes and tendency to stay put once placed firmly in a tailpipe. But the truth is, holding a thick rag over the end of the tailpipe would cause the engine to stall, too. TOM: In fact, we do that as a test in the garage, to see if a car has an exhaust leak. If you plug up the end of the tailpipe and the car keeps running, you know the exhaust is escaping from somewhere else (i.e., leaking). RAY: There's one other consideration in your case, Mary. When the engine dies, the key will still be in the "run" or "on" position. That means that any electrical accessories that are turned on (blower motor, lights, CD player) will continue to run off the battery. So there's a chance that the battery will be dead if the car is left all day like that. TOM: Of course, if you leave it running, it could run out of gas and THEN run the battery dead. RAY: So it's a judgment call, Mary. A car with a properly functioning cooling system won't be harmed if it sits and idles for hours. TOM: But if the car is in a place where it's unsafe to let it idle -- if it's indoors, near people, in a place where it might be stolen -- or if it's clearly overheating, then plug up the tailpipe and kill the engine. The owner may have to get a jump-start later, but the tow truck presumably will be there anyway to help him break back into his car and get his keys. "You say potato, I say patata." |
Then watch a few videos on You Tube about picking up cars with tow trucks - not the flat bed kind, but the ones that used to be called wreckers, the ones that actually tow the car. Could the bar at the back of the tow truck have caused the damage to the front end of Maura's car?
#1 How often was Maura comming in the Haverhill area? #2 I had heard she had a friend in that area. Is this true? #3 I can think of ways a person could get into the wrong situation. #4 Is it possible she might have had a second boyfriend or girlfriend in the Upper Valley area? #5 I have been told that Maura might have been dating or seeing The crazy Veteran's son up in Franconia or Easton whatever town that is and on 05/11/2007 this man's dad shot and killed 23 year old Liko Kenny. #6 There could have been a disagreement between Floyd's son and Maura which if is true and Maura saw or heard something that was not for hereyes or ears they might have harmed her. #7 Floyd's son put in a cellar hole for a home and the town told him he could't build on Hummingbird Lane so there is a place to look. Floyd and McKay were selling drugs I heard and if Maura saw this and wanted to report it there is a motive for those 2 wierdo's Father and Son to harm her if she saw these men in action! #8 If she was harmed by them they could have her under that cement cellar hole if they did harm her. #9 Daniel Marsh who owns Jetstar had also just built a levy for a junkyard in back of jetstar also, so there is another place to look since the cadaver dogs had a hit on Claudes A frame house where he lived in 2004, I do notknow the color of his truck in 2004 but it is easy enough to find out through the motor vehicle dept. in Concord!! #10 I am collecting information about what might have happened on the last day and the other days she was in the area and if anyone saw Maura in Haverhill/Swiftwater area around the time she was being drove off the road on that afternoon. #11 I have given up on findng Maura alive, May god have mercy on the people who are covering this up, as they will need help if we find out!There are 2 ways to get things done the right way and the wrong way! If the Police don't take care of these bad people I hear that there is a person that is ready to activate and deal with them, how they will do this I havn't a clue but I am sure they won't be nice and I am sure it won't be done in a court room so the Police better get on the ball and solve this case before others do take care of these creeps in an unlawful way! I think it is time for the Police to followup on some of the leads they have been given and solve this case! There is alittle BRAIN FOOD foreveryone to ingest See you all l8tr and I send my love from my family to the Murray Family and God Bless you all! From the Ghostrider OG. It is time for an arrest or arrests in this case!!!!! |
“Boom,Boom, Boom ” Joined: Sep 21, 2007 Comments: 1820 USA ISP: AOL |
About the only things the Floyd's haven't been accused of is 9/11 and the Iraq war.
Floyd's son JUST turned 18, so Maura would have been dating a 14 year old boy when she disappeared. Now what are the chances of that anyone care to answer? |
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