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sophie bean

Richmond, ME

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Jun 5, 2008
I'm really amused by the notion that Lady Gray and I are trying to "control" an unmoderated public forum. I am clearly unaware of my powers. Darn.

A while ago, someone posted here that police didn't eant to make it look like DUI - huh? LE has tried from the very beginning to portray Maura as drunk, when there was no evidence of that whatsoever. Look hard for facts proving the presence of alcohol IN the car - you won't find it. There are rumors that a bottle smelling of alcohol - though never tested!- was found outside the car. Not inside. Even if alcohol spilled inside the car due to a crash, that does not prove that Maura was drinking or driving drunk.

Yes, it is possible that she was. However, I do not for a moment believe that she fled the scene under conditions which she would have recognized as life-threatening to avoid a DUI charge.

I have never, ever, not once, said anywhere that I find any reasonable scenario impossible. She may have been suicidal. She may have been drunk. She also may have met with foul play.

I do not believe that she was abducted so that her DNA could be harvested, or taken by aliens. I find both, and some other, scenarios to be ridiculous.

Claysoup speaks of "4-5 cases" that might be related. No doubt. Are you aware of the dozens, upwards of 100, cases within a 50-mile radius (or perhaps more) which could be related, and which SB/Beth documented so meticulously?

I am enraged, frankly, at some people's eagerness to condemn Maura, and at some people's hatred for her family and viciousness toward them long into their fourth year of terrible doubt and suffering. If anyone has a problem with that, I could care less.

Greenfield, MA

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Jun 5, 2008



any question wrote:
I wanted to say I have read and reread your scenario, I find it interesting and informative.
Thanks. It’s definitely interesting stuff, but it can drive you crazy real fast, too. Especially when a certain someone who received combat training in the military, who worked at an Amherst area athletic club, who attended UMass, who worked for CUC, who claims to be investigating one or more well known western Massachusetts abductions, whose father or grandfather beat and shot his wife to death at a truck stop before going home to tell his kids,“Mommy is dead,” who imitates Frank Kelly chapter and verse, who fancies herself “The Closer,” and who also says she might steal your trash and follow you around… Gee, it sort of makes you wonder what the point of all this crap really is.

Marlborough, CT

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Jun 5, 2008 seem to have a very well researched theory, great job....especially the way you connect Molly Bish..interesting that Molly sent a note to Holly Perrienen(?sp) family 10 years prior to her own disappearance, don't ya think?
But honestly, I miss your point on The Closer...
sophie bean

Richmond, ME

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Jun 5, 2008
Claysoup, I know this will come as a big shock to your ego, but this is about Maura. Remember her?

Maybe the intent isn't to "drive you crazy" but to drive you, literally, to distraction, where the facts are so muddied as to be unrecognizable. If Maura actually was the victim of a crime, would anyone benefit from distracting genuine discourse?

Greenfield, MA

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Jun 5, 2008
sophie bean wrote:
I'm really amused by the notion that Lady Gray and I are trying to "control" an unmoderated public forum. I am clearly unaware of my powers. Darn.
A while ago, someone posted here that police didn't eant to make it look like DUI - huh? LE has tried from the very beginning to portray Maura as drunk, when there was no evidence of that whatsoever. Look hard for facts proving the presence of alcohol IN the car - you won't find it. There are rumors that a bottle smelling of alcohol - though never tested!- was found outside the car. Not inside. Even if alcohol spilled inside the car due to a crash, that does not prove that Maura was drinking or driving drunk.
Yes, it is possible that she was. However, I do not for a moment believe that she fled the scene under conditions which she would have recognized as life-threatening to avoid a DUI charge.
I have never, ever, not once, said anywhere that I find any reasonable scenario impossible. She may have been suicidal. She may have been drunk. She also may have met with foul play.
I do not believe that she was abducted so that her DNA could be harvested, or taken by aliens. I find both, and some other, scenarios to be ridiculous.
Claysoup speaks of "4-5 cases" that might be related. No doubt. Are you aware of the dozens, upwards of 100, cases within a 50-mile radius (or perhaps more) which could be related, and which SB/Beth documented so meticulously?
I am enraged, frankly, at some people's eagerness to condemn Maura, and at some people's hatred for her family and viciousness toward them long into their fourth year of terrible doubt and suffering. If anyone has a problem with that, I could care less.
Please list what elements comprise a useful working theory and describe how to assemble them. Please provide an example of what a good theory looks like and why it’s a good theory. Do you have a theory or a partial theory of your own? If so, what is it? If you have no theory, why not? If you find the tone or intention of discussion on a public, unmoderated board unacceptable, then exactly what contribution are you willing to make to improve the discussion? Thank you very much.

Greenfield, MA

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Jun 5, 2008
mcsmom wrote: seem to have a very well researched theory, great job....especially the way you connect Molly Bish..interesting that Molly sent a note to Holly Perrienen(?sp) family 10 years prior to her own disappearance, don't ya think?
But honestly, I miss your point on The Closer...
I've only seen small parts of a couple of episodes, but the person I'm referring to likes to identify herself with the lead character in the TV series "The Closer."

Greenfield, MA

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Jun 5, 2008



sophie bean wrote:
Claysoup, I know this will come as a big shock to your ego, but this is about Maura.
Don't worry, no shock at all. Indeed, it is about Maura, not us. Which is why, if Maura did meet with foul play, someone might want to spend more time figuring out who did it - when, where, and why - than spending their time hurling insults.

Greenfield, MA

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Jun 5, 2008
sophie bean wrote:
I have never, ever, not once, said anywhere that I find any reasonable scenario impossible. She may have been suicidal. She may have been drunk. She also may have met with foul play.
So what scenario do you find the most plausible? The most likely? Why? The least likely? Why?

Greenfield, MA

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Jun 5, 2008
sophie bean wrote:
I am enraged, frankly, at some people's eagerness to condemn Maura, and at some people's hatred for her family and viciousness toward them long into their fourth year of terrible doubt and suffering. If anyone has a problem with that, I could care less.
Who is eagerly condemning Maura? Where? When?

Framingham, MA

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Jun 6, 2008
quija wrote:
claysoup - Aha - OK, I see how one's previously stable orientation on earth can be shaken....
As far as I know it was a cardboard box of wine, I think Franzia, I think 5 Liters, which does not have several bottles inside. Instead, it is filled with either a foil or heavy plastic (or combo) bladder (sorry) of wine, wine being accessible when the tap/spigot attached to it is pulled through a removable hole in the cardboard to access like a keg. There is a carrying hand-hold-hole on the top of the box.(There had to be a way to say this in far fewer words.)
You might want to check the MMMM forum because the video tape and liquor store were discussed, but now I can't remember --- just know that the tapes were not released.
How do you know what Maura drank for alcohol?, How do you know she was bringing a gift?,How do you know the video tape wasn't secured for evidence as well as frame of mind?,How do any of you in here know what Maura did in Woodsville area when she might have seen something so bad happen that she was abduted?,How do any of you know anything about this young lady other than what you in this forum have read in the news reports that Chief Williams talked about in his newspaper article?, Isn't a news paper article just another tool used for damage control? I have more questions than answers and always have! In my opinion Maura had met someone from that area and it looks like they were a bad crew, unless she was at a bar and saw or overheard people talking about something she should not have heard! I am sure the Detectives in this case are well aware of all this information and when they are ready they will strike like a cobra taking the people responsible for this crime into custody!
We don't know the real truth unless we are a Detective or are the people responsible for her dissapearance right!
2004 was a bad year for alot of people, Maura #1 Tom Conrad for #2 Brianna Maitlan #3 The Chalet in Woodsville burned #4 Sgt Smith of HPD might have had a poor year or he might know more than we know!#5 Then you have the victums of the families #6 I could continue but that might give somethings I have seen away and I cannot do that so I will stop at #6 as number 7 is a lucky number and it might just be the apprehention of the morons who were involved in all these cases because I believe it is all connected and I believe these morons are laughing at the Justice Dept. but The Justice Dept. may just have that #7 last laugh hahahahah and I will LMAO when it happens as this Ghostrider is looking in all the Nook and Crannies for dirt and there is plenty of that in Woodsville, Haverhill, Mountain Lakes Area! I hate to say!
Wierdo's hang out up there in the country as it is easier than hiding out from Police other areas, Sorry HPD but it is true! I am so glad we have others looking out for the people up in Woodsville area! This is Happening in other Departments and towns as well! This case has many people involved and I believe it will be solved as soon as there is a mistake or there is new information and I seek it every damn minute I am awake by listening very carefully as I am not an investigator or a Detective because I am not smart enough to ask the right questions ok! I am just an over looker! Looking in all the right places and people know who I am and they Flock to me with info on this case as well as others and I will not confuse everyone by bringing in other cases unrelated to Maura's case into this forum other than just mentioning the name if I feel there is a connection well thats differnt!!!!!!
God Bless all of you out there and remember there is alot of info not brought in this forum as it would hurt this case!
God Bless you all and keep up the good work from Ghostrider!
God Bless the Murray Family and all those who knew Maura!

Framingham, MA

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Jun 6, 2008
claysoup wrote:
<quoted text>
Who is eagerly condemning Maura? Where? When?
As I am also about that! Don't feel lonely as there are others who feel the same way ok!

Framingham, MA

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Jun 6, 2008
sophie bean wrote:
I'm really amused by the notion that Lady Gray and I are trying to "control" an unmoderated public forum. I am clearly unaware of my powers. Darn.
A while ago, someone posted here that police didn't eant to make it look like DUI - huh? LE has tried from the very beginning to portray Maura as drunk, when there was no evidence of that whatsoever. Look hard for facts proving the presence of alcohol IN the car - you won't find it. There are rumors that a bottle smelling of alcohol - though never tested!- was found outside the car. Not inside. Even if alcohol spilled inside the car due to a crash, that does not prove that Maura was drinking or driving drunk.
Yes, it is possible that she was. However, I do not for a moment believe that she fled the scene under conditions which she would have recognized as life-threatening to avoid a DUI charge.
I have never, ever, not once, said anywhere that I find any reasonable scenario impossible. She may have been suicidal. She may have been drunk. She also may have met with foul play.
I do not believe that she was abducted so that her DNA could be harvested, or taken by aliens. I find both, and some other, scenarios to be ridiculous.
Claysoup speaks of "4-5 cases" that might be related. No doubt. Are you aware of the dozens, upwards of 100, cases within a 50-mile radius (or perhaps more) which could be related, and which SB/Beth documented so meticulously?
I am enraged, frankly, at some people's eagerness to condemn Maura, and at some people's hatred for her family and viciousness toward them long into their fourth year of terrible doubt and suffering. If anyone has a problem with that, I could care less.
So am I along with others enraged about some of what has been said both out of forum and in forum by some!!

Framingham, MA

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Jun 6, 2008
claysoup wrote:
<quoted text>
Thanks. It’s definitely interesting stuff, but it can drive you crazy real fast, too. Especially when a certain someone who received combat training in the military, who worked at an Amherst area athletic club, who attended UMass, who worked for CUC, who claims to be investigating one or more well known western Massachusetts abductions, whose father or grandfather beat and shot his wife to death at a truck stop before going home to tell his kids,“Mommy is dead,” who imitates Frank Kelly chapter and verse, who fancies herself “The Closer,” and who also says she might steal your trash and follow you around… Gee, it sort of makes you wonder what the point of all this crap really is.

Framingham, MA

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Jun 6, 2008
sophie bean wrote:
Claysoup, I know this will come as a big shock to your ego, but this is about Maura. Remember her?
Maybe the intent isn't to "drive you crazy" but to drive you, literally, to distraction, where the facts are so muddied as to be unrecognizable. If Maura actually was the victim of a crime, would anyone benefit from distracting genuine discourse?
Right! Amen to that statement....

Framingham, MA

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Jun 6, 2008
claysoup wrote:
<quoted text>
I've only seen small parts of a couple of episodes, but the person I'm referring to likes to identify herself with the lead character in the TV series "The Closer."
Remember that is a tv show and is fiction and that the truth in real life is much more bizare and scary, I believe the criminal element in this case are in this forum and they come and go as they please..Becareful what is said in here we don't want to give away information that might harm Maura's case!

Medway, MA

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Jun 6, 2008





I just don't get it. Just don't. Scientifically figuring stuff out starts big and works toward a conclusion. Bad science quickly zooms in on an answer and looks for stuff to support it.

My brother is very sick with cancer. We adore him more than the world itself. But it isn't a betrayal of him that the family tosses around ideas: did he play in his cousin's pesticide-sprayed backyard garden too much? Did he drink just a bit more than he should? What about the beef he ate in England in 1989-1991? We examine his lifestyle and habits and it doesn't mean we are condemning him in any way. I understand it's different than a disappearance. But if I disappeared, I would want people delving into my friends, acquaintances, clerks I joked around with in stores, online buddies, my lifestyle, my choices, my habits. This doesn't ruin a person's character! Who is perfect? I'd own up in a second to the things I've done (the embarassing ones would be tough, but if they helped to catch a perp, so what!). We all have so many casual contacts --- workmen, building and maintenance people at school or work, etc. Just leave all doors open --- we are who we are --- doing some good stuff in life, and doing some less-thought-out stuff. Whatever my point was, I mean it.

Medway, MA

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Jun 6, 2008
oh my,
i forgot to thank you. you explained how to "right click" to select you post and then how to copy it. it really helps so that if you lose the darn thing you can still paste it back in.(Even if others may suffer! haha) thanks!

Medway, MA

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Jun 6, 2008
oh my, i can't remember now if i asked you (in reality HERE) or just was thinking it, but how do you know about so many people in your community? I just know about a dozen neighbors and can barely remember who is on what town board, etc. You are like at the heart of your town!

Medway, MA

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Jun 6, 2008
No-one's posting and I can't stand a void and I have no impulse control. So does anyone have ideas why police defended themselves in a (?Union Leader?--- will check) article saying they started trying to reach Fred Murray Monday night, Feb. 9, and continued trying to reach him several times later on Tuesday afternoon, while also calling Mass. police depts and UMass, when it seems Fred Murray only found ONE message on his machine Tuesday PM? Then, it seems, Fred tried frantically to reach CS around dinner time Tuesday and CS didn't get back to him until 8PM IIRC? What's with this discrepancy?

Medway, MA

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Jun 6, 2008
oh my,
you're right about so much in your post above --#802. We don't know what Maura drank. "they" said she liked irish creme in her coffee, mike's hard lemonade, and mudslides. didn't drink beer. we don't know if she was bringing a gift. we don't know what she might've seen in woodsville to make her a target. we all know... very little. that's why i hope us (uh, sometimes pushy) people from massachusetts don't get in the way of NH posters who know what's really going on up there, who's who, who to watch, etc. Here I talk from Mass., but I understand the real understanding lies in NH locals...

the time it takes to get from amherst, ma up to woodsville IMO doesn't seem to leave time for Maura to've stopped at a bar. Guess we should check the timeline on wiki or wherever. Had she been up there before, recently? did she have a friend up there like someone on TOPIX suggested? if she didn't stop at a store or for gas in that area, where would A PERSON WHO ACTUALLY KNOWS THE AREA guess she coulve've been driven off the road or abducted? I think a lot depends on locals who know the roads like the back of their hands reporting anonymously any struggle, accident, anything odd they saw that night, Feb. 9, starting, like, just before 7PM? oh, my, if it wasn't a bar, where do you think Maura saw something she shouldn't've? This is the important stuff. And... where the heck is everyone?
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