


looking4amoose: what is a PA programme?
Comments (Page 412)
Judged: ![]() 2 ![]() 2 ![]() 1 looking4amoose: what is a PA programme? |
Judged: ![]() 4 ![]() 4 ![]() 4 or attempted to conceal any unpleasant truths. We have, for 4 years, of Maura's Forum, and now with Topix, had many assumptions, theories and thoughts. That is because that is pretty much all we have. Nobody is right or wrong. Literally hundreds of people wrote their thoughts and feelings on the MMM Forum. Some gave up. Speaking only for myself, I am not giving up. One thing I do know, is that I know when my old 95 Saturn is running on 3 cyclinders, I can still drive it 130 miles to Haverhill, NH It isn't a fun trip ...but, it is possible...ie a spark plug doesn't improve with time. duh..! It is 5 spd. std. shift...so it does take some "creative shifting"...Guess it would depend on the tenacity of a driver. I think Maura packed her car and Maura drove North. But, then again, do we really truly know that Maura's car had NOT been serviced, prior to 2/9/04...? Someone spoke earlier about Fred. I met and talked with him. Trust me ...He knows who is genuine in their feelings..and who is ....well......anyway..the difference....."naughty or nice"... I also know this discussion will not solve this crime. However, ignoring this crime, will not make it go away. |
Judged: ![]() 4 ![]() 4 ![]() 2 Fair-minded people don't need to resort to ugly namecalling. You stress you are "new" to the forum, but you are previously known to several here. How odd. Lobbying for 'justice'? Is Maura a victim of injustice? In NH or MA? Wow. Conspiracy theorists abound. |
![]() Joined: Jun 10, 2008 Comments: 299 |
Physician's Assistant.......it was said in an earlier forum that she was interested in pursuing a career as a PA also. |
Judged: ![]() 3 ![]() 3 ![]() 1 Helena had had a thread on the MMM Forum.. http://www.wcax.com/Global/story.asp... |
![]() Joined: Jun 10, 2008 Comments: 299 |
Judged: ![]() 1 ![]() 1 ![]() 1 Maura's family originally said she was in her first semester of clinicals yet she was actually in her second semester. Umass does have an honors nursing student program--here's the info on it "The Honors Program at the School of Nursing The School of Nursing offers a departmental honors track. Together with Commonwealth College, we offer outstanding academic experiences and a supportive community which prepares you for intentional engagement in a diverse world and in issues of social justice. For final projects our students have done amazing work such as: a cultural immersion experience in the Dominica Republic, development of a seminar series on complementary alternative therapy, and health teaching with homeless populations. Would you like to make a difference? Join us." There's also Sigma Theta Tau, the National Honor Society of Nursing that is present around the world that only certain third and fourth semester RN students are invited to join. I, too, am an RN. I don't though, find it stressful at all.I believe that we should all enjoy what we do and do what we enjoy. I'm also working on a Masters at UMass Boston so I have been able to learn some specifics about their overall programs. In fact, there is a male nursing student who is also missing from UMass Dartmouth. |
thanks L4M for the info, I was not aware of Maura wanting to be a Physicans' Assistant, we do not have such an a thing here, not a programme anyway, we have Nurse Practitioner, Nurses who have certain authorities like Doctor's but you must work under the auspices of a Doctor, writing prescriptions for antibiotics, certain medicines, ordering blood tests, treatments,, x-rays etc. As far as I know we have no honours nursing here. Thanks also for the information re: honors nursing in the post below.. |
Judged: ![]() 7 ![]() 4 ![]() 3 When people criticize police for refusing to share information with other agencies or with the families of persons reported missing, the police default response is to claim that sharing, particularly with non-police personnel, will compromise the investigation by revealing information known only by police and the perpetrator. They argue that such information must be kept secret so that they can distinguish between false and truthful confessions by suspects as well as screening tips they receive from callers reporting that a certain person is the killer. Both situations occur relatively often, particularly in high profile cases, so their argument has some merit. Sensitive and potentially embarrassing information about a victim, a suspect, or a member of their respective families might also cause undue harm if released and police have a legitimate fear that a member of a victim's family might give in to the urge to take justice into their own hands. If the cops who responded to the scene of Maura Murray's car wreck thought she might have wandered off down the road or into the woods they should have checked the roads in the vicinity for several miles from the location of the crash looking for her and, if they did not find her, they should have assembled a search party with dogs to search the woods for her starting no later than the following morning. Based on the information available, they had reason to believe that she might have suffered a head injury, been confused, and set off walking with no idea where she was going. She could have been hit by a vehicle if she was walking in the road or she might have become immobilized by a fall in the woods and frozen to death, or gotten lost and frozen to death. She might also have been inside a nearby house negating the need for a search. Time was critical because she could not have wandered far and the temperature was below freezing. They did not actually have to search through the woods that night because she would have seen their spotlights and emergency strobe lights and heard them shouting her name from the road. She would have responded if she was there. They also could have scoped out the nearby town relatively quickly. Of course, they also should have called her family. If these tactics had been tried without success and she did not attempt to recover her car in the morning, the police would have realized that something was very wrong and they should have commenced an aggressive investigation, including BOLOs, knock-and-talks, and requests to walk through every house within a mile of the crash site. The police deserve to be criticized for what they did not do that night and the following days because even though they lacked evidence that she had been kidnapped, at least initially, they certainly had good medical and safety reasons to make a reasonable effort to locate her. |
Judged: ![]() 4 ![]() 2 ![]() 1 Shack, thanks for the information on the missing man who has been found, I was unaware that he was missing, tragic, my profound sympathies go out to his family.... thinking out loud to add to my above post regarding the sloppy work of Sgt. Smith's accident report, Ouja wrote a list of some of the inconsistencies see post 4280-4283, good job Ouja. In Nursing we have an expression, not charted!, not done! We are not allowed to leave our shift without something being charted. We are premitted to write L.N., which stands for late notation, however, this would mean, that say we did something at 1000 and forgot to chart it, we write what time we are charting something , and denote late notation and chart what we forgot to write at 1000. We would not be able to do that a day or two or six days later. Not a chance, and an incident report also has to be completed immediately, or at the end of shift, not days later. Nursing notes like a police report are scroscant...any errors must be initialed, and only the words in the chart are interpreted in a court of law, we would not getting away explaining what we wrote, what you see would be all that would be admissible. I realize that Smith was called to another incident with a youth attempting suicide, however, Maura's report given that she was possibly missing should have been done immediately...and not days upon days later especially since Maura was missing and endangered. presently reading up to page 220, it is a tough go... |
Judged: ![]() 4 ![]() 3 ![]() 2 I will do a search on the missing student you mentioned, this is curious, is there any news in the media... p.s. I was a coronary intensive care nurse and nursing supervisor of a whole hospital, STRESS PLUS, I enjoyed my profession but there is little question that the stress is enormous in certain areas of nursing. Also, we have free medical care, and the door is forever rotating....and no one here wants to be a nurse, and I understand there is a nursing shortage in the states as well as everywhere else in the world.. thanks again for the info |
Judged: ![]() 4 ![]() 2 ![]() 1 L4moose...this is a link to the missing student, Charles Allen Jr. from Haverhill, he was a psychology major, living at the time in New Bedford, he has been missing over a year! My sympathies to his family, and hopefully he is alive and well. |
Judged: ![]() 2 ![]() 2 ![]() 2 you...although, I would guess the ones who do not agree are area people who are defensive. Their taxes pay the salaries of the Town Employees, such as the police department. |
Judged: ![]() 4 ![]() 4 ![]() 3 I already know that I am an intelligent person, and I don't need to come to a forum topic to prove that to myself. That being said, I don't really care how intelligent here anyone thinks I am, since I am posting anonymously. It really doesn't matter what people think of me here. I never wanted to state what "I know" about Maura's disappearence, because I don't know anything. Just like everyone else. We don't know anything at all. We are all speculating, while some of us are just here to bash other people and not engage in constructive dialogue. Anyway, I did want to express what "I think" or what "I feel" because I felt inclined to do so, and I want to challenge those people who want to jump straight into consipiracy theories because they think it is fun and interesting to make this case all about conspiracies and the bad guys, or they have some personal interest in making Maura not possibly capable of any mistakes herself. Perhaps I make some assumptions, yes, but I make much fewer of them than the conspiracy theorists around here. I don't think that her being an alcoholic is an assumption, unless that wasn't her in the video buying a box of Franzia, Bailey's, Vodka, and whatever the other thing was that I don't remember. Also, if you were on a boat with a book that was about a character that jumped off a boat, and you became missing while that boat was at sea, and this book was left among your very few possessions, then, you bet buddy, the first assumption I would make is that you jumped off that boat. I am not saying that I think assumptions are bad things onto themselves, but that in solving a missing persons case, the scenario involving the least amount of assumptions usually solves the case. This case is an anomaly in that regards, I suppose, because the poor girl was never found. When I make these statements and offer up my analysis, it's because I feel that too much emphasis has been placed on finding the bad guys, when I just don't believe there are any bad guys to be found. I think that this investigation, if you want to call it that, will be best solved by attempting to determine Maura's motives, her actions, and her location. Now that four years have gone by, the latter of these three will be extremely difficult if not impossible. |
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Joined: Oct 16, 2008 Comments: 269 |
Judged: ![]() 1 And not to say I am not thankful to those I recognize - I am - When you read an argument and walk away from it - know that if both participants are honest - that a clearer picture of the truth about that aspect has been worked out by both arguers. An unfortunate but necessary pain - to find a solution - almost requiring a "Klingon" ethic "It was an honor to do battle with you..." It is always a very good thing to read the thoughts of new people and and consider both new and subtle differences in ideas and approach. Shack Wrote: One thing I do know, is that I know when my old 95 Saturn is running on 3 cyclinders, I can still drive it 130 miles to Haverhill, NH It isn't a fun trip ...but, it is possible...ie a spark plug doesn't improve with time. duh..! It is 5 spd. std. shift...so it does take some 'creative shifting'" Shack - you may or may not know the complete answer to this question - I'll understand.:) When its on 3 cylinders - does it take painfully long to accelerate, is the car still able to get to its top speed? Now the paradox about this subject matter - we have an inexperienced driver, driving a disabled vehicle on icy roads on a possible route that would require Mario Andretti's driving skills to arrive "on time" for the accident from Amherst (if we believe the generally accepted time line and agree with the battleship map drawn by police.[now showing some doubt and damage])- this factor group is supportive of an Amherst scenario -(but truth is I can see under what situations a number could be) JMO -> I suspect and respect a professional reason for a recent response (desire does not reconcile with role) but consider if this is correct - its cause. It is only fair for me to accept ignoring of my garble here - but know that I am both apologetic and inquisitive. |
Judged: ![]() 2 ![]() 2 get real, on reread, "unsubstantiated accusations...made against innocent people" is the concise phrasing to describe the exchanges on this thread. true negativity. despicable...whether these "unsubstantiated accusations" are directed to Maura and/or local citizens. i condone neither. |
Judged: ![]() 3 ![]() 1 who donated his time to the family. The reconstructionist came to this conclusion all via photographs mind you. All pointless since LE do have photographs that had and will continue to stand in a court of law. For such a crappy job of investigating there seems to be 3 large binders just at HPD of photographs,statements,reports ,labs. For those who don't own rose colored rims I perfer to wait and see the photographs taken that night up close my self.
Judged: ![]() 1 ![]() 1 Phillip: I do not know the answer to your question regarding whether or not Maura's computer was searched PROFESSIONALLY prior to it being taken into evidence, does anyone know the answer to that? I know that the emails were searchec, as we have the email from Billy quoted, and there has been discussion regarding the email to her professor re: taking week off because of death in family...sorry I don't know... |
Judged: ![]() 2 ![]() 2 ![]() 1 (CAPS for emphasis) Mastermind states: " I never wanted to state what "I know" about Maura's disappearence [sic], because I don't know anything. Just like everyone else. We don't know anything at all. *** SPECULATION MAY BE INEFFECTIVE IN SOLVING MAURA'S DISAPPEARANCE GIVEN "We don't know anything at all." ONE CONSEQUENCE OF SPECULATION MAY BE PUBLIC ACCUSATIONS AGAINST INNOCENT PEOPLE, TO INCLUDE MAURA. IT IS NO WONDER LAW ENFORCEMENT PROPERLY SAFEGUARDS THEIR INVESTIGATIVE FINDINGS, IMO, GIVEN THE TREND TOWARD CIVILIAN PSEUDO-INVESTIGATIONS. "We are all speculating, while some of us are just here to bash other people and not engage in constructive dialogue." *** CORRECTION. WHILE SOME SPECULATE, OTHERS HOPE TO INTERJECT REASON AND PERSPECTIVE. IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO ACCURATELY DETERMINE AND STATE THE MOTIVATIONS OF OTHERS; FYI, BASHING IS NOT THE INTENT. YOUR RIGHT TO FREELY SPECULATE EXTENDS TO THE FREE SPEECH OF OTHERS WHO MAY DISAGREE AND WHOSE RESPONSES ARE EQUALLY VALID. YOU CHOOSE TO LIMIT OPPOSING VIEWPOINTS BY LABELING AND DISCARDING. "I don't think that her being an alcoholic is an assumption, unless that wasn't her in the video buying a box of Franzia, Bailey's, Vodka, and whatever the other thing was that I don't remember." *** IT IS LEGAL FOR A 21 Y/O TO PURCHASE AND TRANSPORT ALCOHOL. TO BE IN THE PRESENCE OF ALCOHOL, OPEN OR CLOSED CONTAINERS, DOES NOT PRESUME MAURA'S DRINKING HABITS OR IDENTIFY HER AS AN ALCOHOLIC. "I think that this investigation, if you want to call it that, will be best solved by attempting to determine Maura's motives, her actions, and her location. Now that four years have gone by, the latter of these three will be extremely difficult if not impossible." *** IF YOUR EVIDENCE IS FAULTY, YOUR CONCLUSIONS WILL BE FAULTY. |
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