- Posted in the Franconia Forum
Comments (Page 424)
...err, that would be "exhaust" systems. And other typos. Sorry.
Judged: ![]() 1 Distressed, just slid off the road AGAIN (for hte second time in three days, as a relatively new driver) under emotional stress, in unfamiliar geography, possibly in shock, just possibly hit her head pretty good on the windshield, possibly just got walloped pretty good by the airbag coming up into her face......all of these things can imitate a pretty good drunk. Also, conflicting accounts have SBD looking at Maura across the hood of the car at street level, Maura in the car, SBD on the bus nose-to-nose with the Saturn, etc etc etc. So who the hell knows what he was really able to see? Especially if his illumination was a set of headlights. FYI, someone recently posted SBD said it wasn't her. What he actually said was that it looked different, because her hair was down, but I believe he remained pretty sure that it was her. Anyone can confirm or contradict this bit, please do. Preferably politely.:) |
ok, I can't type straight, meaning it's past my bedtime. Carry on!
Maybe tomorrow will be the day we find her. |
That would have to be a VERY rare case indeed, I would think, especially if the car is in an open area, but I'm no physicist. And yes, this rag-shooting-out-the-back-of-t he-car scenario has been tested by various members of this and previous forums, and that's in fact exactly what it does. If you want to scare the pants off your friends, you're better off using a potato, but you didn't hear that from me. |
Firecat, The only source of information regarding road conditions on 2/9 are in the NH Uniform Accident Report filled out by Sgt Cecil Smith. One page of the report lists a series of topics with descriptions underneath each one. Officers are supposed to circle the most appropriate description. Smith circled these answers. Road condition: Normal Surface condition: Dry Light: Dark - No Street Light Weather: Cloudy There are other categories that don't relate to road or weather conditions. Basically, he says she struck a tree beyond the right shoulder while heading E/B. Under apparent physical condition, he circled "had been drinking." You can get a topographic map of the area that also displays the roads on Google Maps. |
Judged: ![]() 1 I'm going to make an educated guess here and predict that the cops's theory is Maura stuffed the rag in the exhaust pipe intending to kill herself by carbon monoxide poisoning. I doubt that would have worked in an outdoor environment while driving down the road and with her background in chemical engineering and nursing I think she would describe such an effort to commit suicide as ludicrous. |
![]() Joined: Jun 10, 2008 Comments: 299 |
So was this the person in Norwood? If so, she travelled to Norwood (about a 2 hour drive one way) to return them......that has her arriving back in Amherst sometime after 4:00. |
Firecat at 8525
My Dear Firecat, You must expand your horizons. May I suggest an AK-47 to scare people's pants off? Perhaps a small thermonuclear device? Many of our customers have reported spectacular results with them, and we just happen to have a sale going on. Potato? |
Judged: ![]() 1 ![]() 1 ![]() 1 ROFLMAO. I guess it depends on what you do with said potato. They can be some darn scary tubers. I was, of course, referring to it as the object of choice for tailpipe insertion, but I think you win the prize for funniest post. |
Judged: ![]() 2 ![]() 1 ![]() 1 Mason....if this help the rag theory... blowning up the photo of Maura.s car reveals what looks like melted passenger and driver side plastic floor mats. Back seat window drivers side cracked open. WW...why didn't HPD give a copy of the police report to John Walsh, America's Most Wanted so he could air the disappearance of Maura within the critical first days following her disappearance? Or refuse the help of Tim Miller, Texas Eqqusearch? |
Judged: ![]() 1 For my prize, I would like to receive a gift-wrapped small thermonuclear device, and don't forget the card! Must have card. Thank-you. Thank-you. I'd like to thank my father. I'd like to thank my mother... Despite my best efforts, I haven't been able to make the No-Fly List. I've really been down lately and it's been hard to get up in the morning and put one foot in front of the other. Sigh. I couldn't afford to buy a T-MO device, so I've been forced to spread this special salve on my wings to make them disappear, but people still think I'm a fly. This is my last chance to make the list. Send me my Precious, now! It's hell having wings when you're not an angel. Fly, My Lord. Fly. And may angels wing thee to thy rest. That would be better than flies, methinks. Good night. |
As usual, I haven't kept up....But, just wanted to add that RO said the plates on the red P/U were red n white, like MA.
Reading back in the Log..for the next day 2/10/04...5 Motor Vehicle stops by PO MC between 4:45 and 6:36 Tuesday AM 2 red pickups ....one red Ford 250 NH reg. 58xxxx red/wht temp. The other was VT xxxxx (other 3 Mar(oon?) Silver, Grn). Seems I recall this PO was new to the force....he since transfered to nother PD. a few towns South. Potato in the tail pipe..? That was something my father told about that was done in the 1930's...of course, he never did that ;-] |
Judged: ![]() 4 ![]() 4 ![]() 3 will come, without bile. |
Someone asked recently about Weeper ..and a recent Posting..
I did find this #4032...from August 2008. copy/paste.......... " I would like to recap some information that has previously been posted on the MMM Forum and partly on this site as well, with reference to the first “call-out” about an accident on route 112 at or about 7:00-7:10 PM on February 9, 2004. A witness returning home from her/his place of employment at Cottage Hospital on Goose Lane stated she/he observed a black “Bronco style” police unit with #1 stenciled on it passed her/him heading (with blue lights flashing) toward the intersection of Goose Lane and French Pond Road in Swiftwater. Please have a map of this area to follow along as it gets confusing since these routes twist from Haverhill into the Swiftwater portion of the town of Bath and back into the northern section of Haverhill. Goose Lane and the Cottage Hospital are in Haverhill, then into Bath where it continues south-south west back toward the Woodsville portion of Haverhill. As the witness drove further up Goose Lane she/he observed the police unit continue on Goose Lane back toward Swiftwater. As this witness turned off Goose Lane in Bath and onto French Pond Road and the very short distance on French Pond Road to the intersection with route 112 (the Wild Ammonoosuc Road as it’s called) almost across from the general store, she/he observed the same unit (#1) pass her/him at that intersection heading east toward where the Saturn was ultimately located. When the witness came to the corner at the Weathered Barn she/he saw this police unit, nose to nose with the Saturn (ass-end into the snow bank) but did not see any officers or people around the two vehicles (it is assumed Sgt. Smith was at this point either speaking with the Westermans or down speaking with Mr. Atwood. The witness then continued along route 112 East heading home and flashed her/his high-low beams to oncoming traffic (universal signal to slow down ahead) due to the location of the accident on the sharp curve." |
Part 2...Weeper 8/2008
This witness’ account of what she/he saw that evening supports the postings about an “earlier accident” where “female left in private vehicle”, which was heard by others over the scanners up in that area. What does all this mean then? It means an officer was responding to a “vehicle slid off the road” call, but rather than take the most direct route to the Weathered Barn the officer went back toward Route 10 where it intersect with Goose Lane up in the Woodsville section of Haverhill, before turning back toward the corner at the Westerman’s Weathered Barn. Could there have been two separate women sliding off the road into snow banks that evening within thirty minutes of one another, I doubt it but it is possible none the less. This information has been posted so I’m not telling you anything your own research would not have revealed. This information is only part of the reason I/we place Maura’s disappearance somewhere within 1-3 miles of where the Saturn came to rest. Again, keep in mind this is only “circumstantial evidence” as are all eye-witness accounts. In my many years experience (statistically speaking) there are more convictions based on circumstantial evidence than on “physical evidence”. Long post but I feel this will help you in your scenarios and theories. Respectfully Weeper |
So if FireCat is correct then the Hanson Express Article quoting Helena
is wrong! Thank you Mcsmom!
Now I have useful information?
You're killing me!
Sawyer Hill could be.
Well every officer at the Woodsville Fire Dept is lying then! They where actaully in a Month officers meeting! So if there was a call at 7PM then they would have gone. Second if you look in the JO article the you will the only person who can turn around the fire dept is the Chief not HPD. So there is ZERO ZIP record of such call on Grafton. There is zero evidence to support this call. Now I have not seen the Hanover Disp. log could it have been a call for them? Sure but Woodsville Fire Dept has received no call and Fred Murray has their paperwork they all have met with the PI's for the him.
Judged: ![]() 1 ![]() 1 |
This has always bugged me!
I could never ever get the time to match up! Thanks as I re-read this DING! My question is this if Sgt. Smith 01 went by the witness on Goose Lane then again on Swiftwater Road with there being no traffic why wasn't this witness behind Smith? Where did this witness go from the intersection to Westman's that Smith was so far ahead of them? This has never made sense to me and now it makes even less!
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