Joined: Nov 24, 2008
Comments: 360
Bristol, CT
dawn wrote: WTF - I work for the phone company and a local call can be traced. All calls go through the central office. Even if in the same building unless you are on VOIP which I highly doubt they had back then You are telling me you know for sure that in 2004 a three (or four) number call would go through the central switching office? I am also farily certain that it wouldn't be VoIP. Bill
Omaha, NE
anyone consider this has to do with westpoint ? the same year is when female cadet's filed charges against the male cadets. Took months of investigating - it came out Nov 04. Just a thought - we don't know if she is the one that packed her belongings and that would be a disturbing call for sure
White Wash
Lebanon, NH
So what kind of poles are on that street where he was hit? Street side? Side walk crossing poles? Ect So maybe it wasn't human contact that did the damage but what she hit afterwards? The phone ringing right to Maura was for sure someone who knew where to find her and the direct line. Mason wrote: <quoted text> Part 1 I'm not certain about this, but I'm inclined to believe that the caller may have been a passenger in the car Maura was driving who agreed to find out as much information as she could about the condition of the victim and call Maura with an update. The friend's information, such as it was, probably confirmed Maura's worst fears. It's difficult to get information on the condition of a patient, given the strict patient confidentiality rules under HIPPA. I know some of the posters on this site are nurses and I will defer to them to address that issue. Two other reasons why I believe the caller may have been a friend are (1) the caller knew where to reach her, and (2) Maura didn't seem to be fearful of being attacked by anyone. She was in a hurry to get out of town but not desperately so or she would have been on the road long before 4 or 4:30 Monday afternoon. She delayed her departure to take care of some business and I think she trusted her friend not to snitch her off to the cops. Mr. Vasi was alone I think because no one ever stepped forward and said they were with him and he doesn't recall anything. My guess is he looked directly at Maura an instant before the impact and she was afraid he would identify her when he regained consciousness. My theory may be hogwash though because the dent in the front left side of her vehicle doesn't appear to have been caused by striking a human body. Imagine her panic on Sunday when her father was trying to be nice her and took her shopping to find a car to replace the beater. Instead of making her feel better, it would have freaked her out because I'm sure he told her he was going to trade it in for whatever discount the dealer would agree to give. Meanwhile, she's starring in a Cohen Brothers movie thinking about the dent and how she's going to explain it to daddy after running his new Toyota into guardrail. Well, I just kinda ran over this guy, dad. Situation four alarm fire. Watch daddy turn into a suddenly punctured balloon flying all over the lot screaming swear words he'd long forgotten that he knew.
White Wash
Lebanon, NH
That has always been my guess! Who just quits West Point especially after making it as far as she did. That has never made sense to me! Billy was there why would she leave him her sister! That has never made sense to me! dawn wrote: anyone consider this has to do with westpoint ? the same year is when female cadet's filed charges against the male cadets. Took months of investigating - it came out Nov 04. Just a thought - we don't know if she is the one that packed her belongings and that would be a disturbing call for sure
Paducah, KY
White Wash wrote: So you measured where the damage was to the that of height of balls/hitches? I found that to be very helpful. So how do you explain the photograph LE has of tire track into the tree from that night? Fred never saw the car the weekend he was there so do we really know what shape the car really was in prior to the accident? <quoted text> Tracks or no tracks, trees don't start growing 3 feet above the ground. The lowest point of the dent in the front end of Maura's car is above the fender and unless ya'll have some mighty weird trees up yonder, that dent was not caused by an impact with a tree. The damage to the lower front end seems to have been caused by hitting a snowbank, but like I said, I'll defer to a certified and respected accident reconstruction expert. Got any nucular plants in the area?
Joined: Nov 24, 2008
Comments: 360
Bristol, CT
I checked with our "phone guy". He says it can be done if the reporting is turned on. On our particular system it is not. The report would be local at our location though, not at the main phone company office.
White Wash
Lebanon, NH
Nothing is free I can not image that phone isn't being billed! WTF-the-original wrote: <quoted text> You are telling me you know for sure that in 2004 a three (or four) number call would go through the central switching office? I am also farily certain that it wouldn't be VoIP. Bill
White Wash
Lebanon, NH
According to family there where only 5 pills missing it was the 9th when she went missing what a 4 day lag? If she returned the scrubs/clothes they where clean so somewhere in this time she did laundry! Whiston where is the laundry in Maura's dorm? Thanks! Mason wrote: And one more point. Why would Maura take her birth control pills with her on the trip north if she drove up there to kill herself?
Paducah, KY
White Wash wrote: Nothing is free I can not image that phone isn't being billed! <quoted text> Wait a minute. I thought ya'll live free or die up there. Damn! I was all packed and ready to move. My final illusion, busted. I need a drink, seriously.
Paducah, KY
White Wash wrote: According to family there where only 5 pills missing it was the 9th when she went missing what a 4 day lag? If she returned the scrubs/clothes they where clean so somewhere in this time she did laundry! Whiston where is the laundry in Maura's dorm? Thanks! <quoted text> Just curious, but why did they think it was their business to check that out. It would never occur to me to count my daughter's birth control pills. What's up with that?
Joined: Nov 24, 2008
Comments: 360
Bristol, CT
Mason wrote: <quoted text> FYI: The turn at the Weathered Barn is a 90 degree left turn that she negotiated successfully. The accident happened approximately 500 feet farther down the road in in the middle of a long stretch of road that is straight. Sometime yesterday, I came across a link in one of the posts and clicked on it to see 3 Google Earth images and a chart prepared by Silky Boxer showing 2 locations on the 112 where guardrails were knocked down during the early evening hours on Feb 9th. One is west of the convenience store and the other is east of the scene of the accident. A news photographer named Beth supposedly heard about both accidents over a scanner, so she grabbed her camera and headed out to take pictures. If Maura was in an accident on the 112 before the accident just past the Weathered Barn, she must have collided with the guardrail that's west of the convenience store. Beth didn't see a vehicle at either scene. Looks like some folks may have been out playing bumper cars with the guardrails that night. I don't know which side of the road that guardrail is located. If the damage to the driver's side of the front end of Maura's vehicle was caused by that collision, she would have to have swerved across the oncoming lane to hit it. Since it would not have been a glancing blow, the airbags probably would have deployed at that site. Obviously, her car still would have been driveable so she would have headed on down the road without waiting for help to show up. It would help us out a great deal if the investigators would share the info they got from an accident reconstruction expert, wouldn't it? FYI: In my scenario she did not negotiate it successfully. I’ll try to explain this again. As she rounded the left hand turn her rear wheels broke loose causing a condition called oversteer having the rear of the car swing out to the right. To correct that you would turn the steering wheel to the right. If you over correct then the rear end now swings even wider to the left now facing you into the snowbank/trees farther down the road with momentum spinning the car clockwise. If enough time elapses you will eventually make contact with the snowbank/trees and may actually contact the left front of the vehicle at which point the car pivots (still clockwise rotation) and starts heading backwards winding up with the rear of the car in the snowbank in the eastbound lane facing westbound. Another FYI. Check some of my old posts under WTF. I have been involved with this on the MMM site since 2005. As far as the accident reconstructionists. I have heard nothing about them, their qualifications and how they did their exam. I would be leery of anyone that would make an “expert” interpretation based solely on the photos. It has never been made clear if they ever actually examined the car. Bill
White Wash
Lebanon, NH
Oh no that was MA of course it's not free! Come on up to the Middle of No Where where we live free or die without free phones! Mason wrote: <quoted text> Wait a minute. I thought ya'll live free or die up there. Damn! I was all packed and ready to move. My final illusion, busted. I need a drink, seriously.
White Wash
Lebanon, NH
Just like no panties in the car! But we couldn't copy the hard drive we had for 5 months! Dude if you got some answers I got that drink you need! Mason wrote: <quoted text> Just curious, but why did they think it was their business to check that out. It would never occur to me to count my daughter's birth control pills. What's up with that?
Paducah, KY
WTF-the-original wrote: <quoted text> FYI: In my scenario she did not negotiate it successfully. I’ll try to explain this again. As she rounded the left hand turn her rear wheels broke loose causing a condition called oversteer having the rear of the car swing out to the right. To correct that you would turn the steering wheel to the right. If you over correct then the rear end now swings even wider to the left now facing you into the snowbank/trees farther down the road with momentum spinning the car clockwise. If enough time elapses you will eventually make contact with the snowbank/trees and may actually contact the left front of the vehicle at which point the car pivots (still clockwise rotation) and starts heading backwards winding up with the rear of the car in the snowbank in the eastbound lane facing westbound. Another FYI. Check some of my old posts under WTF. I have been involved with this on the MMM site since 2005. As far as the accident reconstructionists. I have heard nothing about them, their qualifications and how they did their exam. I would be leery of anyone that would make an “expert” interpretation based solely on the photos. It has never been made clear if they ever actually examined the car. Bill Doesn't speed affect the analysis? Her car wound up 100 feet past the blue ribbon tree and, according to the Uniform Accident Report the road was dry and from another source the temperature was high 20s or low 30s. Also, I believe the snow was piled pretty high alongside the road, so some of the time, her wheels would have been on dry pavement. Sure wish we had the photos the cops took.
Marlborough, CT
Bill expert reconstructionists have seen the car and the site firsthand. Westmans 911 call "the car was facing WB in the WB lane." Neighbor across the street peeling an orange at the kitchen sink states he saw the car backup parallel with the street.
Marlborough, CT
correction: Westman 911 call" the car is facing WB in the WB lane."
Joined: Nov 24, 2008
Comments: 360
Bristol, CT
Mason wrote: <quoted text> Doesn't speed affect the analysis? Her car wound up 100 feet past the blue ribbon tree and, according to the Uniform Accident Report the road was dry and from another source the temperature was high 20s or low 30s. Also, I believe the snow was piled pretty high alongside the road, so some of the time, her wheels would have been on dry pavement. Of course it does. It might have been dry. The yaw also might have started a considerable distance before the car went off the road. There was also likely sand and maybe frost or water may even run over the road on that corner and some ice may have been there. Other factors such as her reaction time and the fact she was such a novice driver and her response may have been very poor to the car yawing. Her speed could easily be attributable to fleeing the scene of the first accident if such and accident occurred. There are lots more questions than solid answers. None of this is guaranteed but to me it fills in all the blanks that I have looking at this case for over 3 years. Can I guarantee it, of course not but it satisfies all the questions I have about what happened before she left this scene. I have no idea what happened one second after she disappeared from that site. She could have been murdered/kidnapped/ran away anything from one second after she disappeared to a year after. Based upon the information that I have read and re-read ad-nauseum I am absolutely sure we are not going to figure this out until something new about Maura shows up. The best I can hope to do is to try to keep out totally erroneous information and maybe help (to the limit of my ability) when something that has been gone over a thousand times before is talked about, which is most stuff. Bill
Dedham, MA
Mcsmom ...went to the AMW site...found "Making Noise! Bringing Attention to Your Missing Loved One". It all made sense to me. However, I guess it is ultimately up to Laurie and Fred, as to how much Noise. Helena told me some time ago that Fred didn't read Forum. She passes on anything she feels pertinent, to Fred. A liaison ..? of sorts..? After almost 5 years, I dunno. Perhaps the family will want an airing on or around Feb.9th..?
Dedham, MA
Det.C..Thank you for re-re-reminding us that the damage was NOT done by tree(s) My Saturn's nose/bumper sticks out much further than headlight.
From old Post of mine... I have hit another car with my bumper and it didn't show anything....on either car...the sound was a little whomp...both going slow...whoops..! It seems to me that whatever the car struck...OR struck Maura's car, was above 18 inches.
My Saturn front end measurements...ground to bottom of rubber bumper 11 1/2"....ground to top of rubber bumper 18".... Then 4" of plastic lip/shelf to bottom of headlight.....headlights 4 1/2" to bottom edge/lip of hood. Headlights 17 1/2" L. In between 2 headlights 15 1/2" L Middle of hood lip 24" from ground...(this was accomplished by placing a length of flat board on hood ....because front middle hood slopes a bit.
Wallingford, CT
hi all The saturn was found hundreds of feet from the bend in the road .Weeper measured them and posted where the saturn was actually found.The blue ribbon tree is not where it was found.I am now working on the idea that Maura was asked to leave umassAmherst AND MR MURRRAY WENT TO THE TOYOTA ON SUNDAY OR MONDAY.That maybe why nobody will talk about Maurs prior life .Where did Maura get the contents of the hockey bag that she was seen with sunday morning .Was she going to or from Kennedy hall.Was mr.Murray in Amherst on Monday Feb 09 2004 to look at the toyota .