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Joined: Jun 16, 2008

Comments: 472

Södertälje, Sweden

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Thursday Dec 11




Hello all,

Is it possible that Maura might have had an additional, "secret" cellphone apart from the "official" one.
Could it be that a "helper" of hers had her "official" cellphone near Londonderry, NH, and that the Saturn was already with this person in that area at the time of the "ping".
Then the Saturn and its driver (Maura´s possible "helper") goes north from somewhere near Londonderry with enough time for the Saturn to end up near the Weathered Barn "in time".

Worcester, MA

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Thursday Dec 11
Just for the record the mobile home
was in front of the current house as
it stands now!
It was under contrustion at the time Maura disappeared.
How do you know LE had a search warrant?
Maybe the current owner invited LE not
requiring a search warrant would it.
Detective Columbo wrote:
Someone has been misinformed....
The CW still lives in his house where he did when Maura went missing. I do believe it is for sale though.
Also his trailer was searched after it was sold by him. LE got a warrant to search it where it was located in Lyme, NH.

Worcester, MA

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Thursday Dec 11



Faith Westman stopped watching once Atwood arrived!
But the PI's star witness kept watching
and even swithched windows!
Of course we have never been given that
information hopefully LE was!
But just another example of how the PI's and others have made this case very difficult to work.
looking4amoose wrote:
<quoted text>How many people actually live in that area during the week?? Most of the houses on and around 112 are not full time residences..... chances are, a lot of people weren't there. Technically, why didn't RO see where the red truck went? Did it head toward the Weathered Barn? Did it head West on 112, turn onto French Pond then onto Valley and up Swiftwater Circle to the Weathered Barn? Maybe it picked up whomever was in the Saturn?

Joined: Jan 25, 2008

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Shallotte, NC

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Thursday Dec 11





that I needed or wanted it. The reality is there were MANY warning signs that something was amiss in Maura's life --- and those sign
looking4amoose wrote:
<quoted text>as well as passing judgment on people in and around the area..... I am in the area---I know what I see on a regular basis, and that is caring people who have always offered to help if there was any inkling s were apparently ignored by family and friends. Again, hindsight can be 20/20....but share with us what was wrong and it may help to solve this case.
Uhm, she was in one of the most difficult nursing programs and according to the Dean she was at the top of her class, she was holding down (2) jobs - the job at the gallery and the job at the security desk until the wee hours of the morning, she racked up her dads's new Corrollo with an estimate of 10K damage, and there was discussion that MA insurance carriers would not cover it because Maura was not on the policy.

Information about Maura's prior life has been disclosed by Maura's family.

Worcester, MA

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Thursday Dec 11





Who is brushing off the carpet?
PI's lost theirs that's more of a brush off in my opinion.
Weeper hops on and off the forums stirring the pot with opinions.

LE tested a pair panties why wouldn't they test the air bags,knife,and carpet,
and everything from the mobile home.
Because you don't know about it doesn't make it a fact.
How is a court of law has the access to all we don't and they refuse to release it?
Could it just maybe be there are actually facts and finding that need to preserved? Do you really think any court
would cover up LE?
Detective Columbo wrote:
Licensed or not I will always speak my opinion and bring known facts into light. I hate when the obvious is overlooked or brushed under the carpet.

Joined: Jan 25, 2008

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Shallotte, NC

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Thursday Dec 11





If Maura was having a 'mental event' was 'suicidal' or planning to 'runaway' then why contact her supervisors, obtain an accident report from the DMV, bring her text books with her......?

These are all telltale signs that Maura was very much planning on returning to U-Mass.

Maura took the majority of funds in her account with her.

I'm pretty sure it was also disclosed by her family that Maura had checks coming to her from her (2) jobs.

Joined: Jun 10, 2008

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Woonsocket, RI

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Thursday Dec 11





Faith Westman stopped watching once Atwood arrived!
But the PI's star witness kept watching
and even swithched windows!
Of course we have never been given that
information hopefully LE was!
But just another example of how the PI's and others have made this case very difficult to work.
<quoted text>
And the "star witness" says what? Maybe LE can't publish it because its part of the investigation?? Hell, when they contacted me about someone's laptop being stolen from a nearby house in Mtn Lakes, they wouldn't tell me who's house it was...... what makes the public privvy to what the witness saw?

Joined: Jun 10, 2008

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Woonsocket, RI

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Thursday Dec 11





elsewherebriefly wrote:
If Maura was having a 'mental event' was 'suicidal' or planning to 'runaway' then why contact her supervisors, obtain an accident report from the DMV, bring her text books with her......?
These are all telltale signs that Maura was very much planning on returning to U-Mass.
Maura took the majority of funds in her account with her.
I'm pretty sure it was also disclosed by her family that Maura had checks coming to her from her (2) jobs.
maybe the text books were in her car already from being at her clinicals? There's usually a lot of research to do at the clinical site on medications, diagnosis and nursing care plans..... If she worked the week before her disappearance, of course she'd have checks forthcoming. Maybe the decision to leave was made after she picked up the accident reports? Did she definitely change dorms over the Christmas break or has that not yet been determined?

Wallingford, CT

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Thursday Dec 11





hi all, if i remember Faith Westman stayed on the phone withh 911 until sgtSmith arrived.I assume she would have seen anyone or any vehicle going west towards woosville.The contents of the car at Amherst could have been left there for who knows how long .What shows anything being taken from Kennedy Hall to the saturn.If Maura did not plan on returning the emails would buy her time to go wherever.She also emailed a friend to say she would not need a ride that week .To me this all ponts to not letting anybody awy from school knowing she would be gone.I have read mixed reports about the accident report and i still dont' know if she went to Hadley get the accident report from officer Ruddock or the forms in the car were from D.M.V. and were generic forms for her insurance company. i have heard both .Did she leave so late becausw she was waiting for the police accident report.I should state the obvious she did not want her family knowing she was leaving.TAKE CARE PHILIP

“ Adopt Shelter Animals ”

Joined: Jun 12, 2008

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Danvers, MA

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Thursday Dec 11





To my way of thinking, care must be taken not to cross the fine line where innocents are blamed...which could easily tip toward a lynch mob mentality.
This may sound harsh, but it is amazing and not unlikely that frustrated and/or emotionally invested people can draw momentum, and unjustly move toward accusing a perceived offender.
To repeat...always a fine line...


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Thursday Dec 11
FireCat wrote:
<quoted text>
That phone call has NOT been definitively traced to the Red Cross. AT&T has told the family that unless they have the PIN (which is on the back of the card) it's a dead end. Billy did PLACE some calls through the Red Cross around that time, as they were helping Sharon coordinate his emergency leave. But the origin of that call that Billy believes was Maura has NOT been definitively determined.
Thank you for answering my question:)


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Thursday Dec 11




Wowzer wrote:
<quoted text>
Stand inside a house on a country road with the lights on and maybe the TV on and look out the window. What do you see?
There is a light not far from me but I cannot see if someone is walking right by my house on the road. Why is this odd to you? It was dark out.
Good morning, could you please explain how the SBD and his wife knew she was gone if it was too dark to see? Did the SBD go back to the accident and see that she was gone?


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Thursday Dec 11





looking4amoose wrote:
<quoted text> maybe the text books were in her car already from being at her clinicals? There's usually a lot of research to do at the clinical site on medications, diagnosis and nursing care plans..... If she worked the week before her disappearance, of course she'd have checks forthcoming. Maybe the decision to leave was made after she picked up the accident reports? Did she definitely change dorms over the Christmas break or has that not yet been determined?
I have asked this question about if she lived at that dorm prior to x-mass break about three times with no answer. I guess nobody knows for sure or they are just not telling us.
L White

Roslindale, MA

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Thursday Dec 11
I never received an answer to post #9217. Perhaps the facts do not exist or remain in question, but the issue I raised links directly to what Mason is keen to determine with the cell phone ping and ATM transaction: Events that might help to clarify the situation. Speculation clouds objectivity. If evidence is available regarding the deployment of the air bags, e.g., testimony of the bus driver or a police report, please provide the links, otherwise, a variety of scenarios remain plausible.

United States

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Thursday Dec 11
Dawn wrote:
interesting.. we do a FAQ.. just curious when was the first call placed to mr murray? Is it the 330 call ? or did they try and just not get thru.
Dawn, there's some conflicting information about that. An article in the Journal Opinion states that the police had tried unsuccessfully to contact Fred beginning that night (2/9). This was the first time that LE had gone on record as saying that. Fred flatly denies this, saying that the first message he received was that 3:30 call, which he returned as soon as he retrieved, at 6-something.(I believe it was on his home answering machine, for those of your wondering why he didn't return the call immediately.)

Joined: Jan 25, 2008

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Shallotte, NC

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Thursday Dec 11
L White wrote:
I never received an answer to post #9217. Perhaps the facts do not exist or remain in question, but the issue I raised links directly to what Mason is keen to determine with the cell phone ping and ATM transaction: Events that might help to clarify the situation. Speculation clouds objectivity. If evidence is available regarding the deployment of the air bags, e.g., testimony of the bus driver or a police report, please provide the links, otherwise, a variety of scenarios remain plausible.
I didn't answer your question because I believe Mason is mistaken regarding the cell phone ping.

It was determined that the cell phone ping was from another party attempting to contact Maura's cell phone number. This late afternoon call to Maura's cell phone number was made within a (20) mile radius the tower in Londonderry.

There are photos and links to the accident report on Maura's webpage.

I am currently working off a new laptop and do not have these links available. They should be easy enough to find though.

In the accident report Srgt. Cecil Smith declares the airbags were deployed.

Henniker, NH

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Thursday Dec 11




Mason wrote:
<quoted text>
Don't have the reference for you, sorry. One of the more perplexing facts about what happened between 7:30 pm and 8 pm on that 225 yard long stretch of 112 between the Weathered Barn and the Bradley Hill intersection is that parents were coming and going picking up their kids from the ski trip at the nearby school where the SBD dropped them off. This stretch of road could not reasonably be described as a lonely country road in the middle of nowhere.
The school where the kids were dropped off was several miles away almost to the end of 116. The parents would not have been driving past the SBD's house to pick them up. Does anyone know where that bit of information came from?

United States

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Thursday Dec 11
Pointer wrote:
From what I've read, the PI's apparently turned their carpet sample over to LE b/c they didn't have proper storage facilities. Regardless, there were 2 samples. Where are they now? Why are we assuming Shack knows the results for sure when no one else seems to?(no offense Shack, just saying, if results are in this should be easily confirmed. Perhaps it HAS been, but I didn't see it anywhere here or in what else I've seen.)
It gets confirmed in one of WEEPER'S posts. Keep digging, it's around here somewhere. I"ll try to find it, but can't guarantee results any faster than you looking also.:)

Marlborough, CT

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Thursday Dec 11





My sense of frustration is on par with Chevy Chase's "Christmas Vacation", when his decorated home Christmas "lights failed to go on"

Some light bulbs don't work here either.

If a cadaver dog, which is a dog trained to hit on HUMAN decomposition, hits on the carpet, what does that tell you?

(I'm getting a visual for all menstruating women at the search that day)

I'm off to make a cell phone call that will never exist on any network phone record ever anywhere. Even if police search for the exact number that I'm going to call.

Concord, MA

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Thursday Dec 11




Off Topic... does anyone know how long TOPIX allows its forums to get? Do they let them go on forever, or are they shut down/deleted at some point (I, being a worrier, was thinking, 10,000 for example).
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