

It's also full of a PI who doesn't want some information made public.This place is full of nuts.
Comments (Page 553)
Judged: ![]() 2 ![]() 1 It's also full of a PI who doesn't want some information made public. |
Or don't you like the idea about the phone calls. Why be so catty? Why continually try to draw out instead of constructively contribute to solving this case? |
Which One....!
anyone want answer ?????????? about possible invovlement of michael nicholaou
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Few believe that this board, as a kind of collective Sherlock Holmes, will actually SOLVE the disappearance of Maura Murray. But the endless bickering, attacks, bashing, etc. might reveal some fault lines. |
are you suggesting someone here has the key. i think its more likely you are board |
Thanks for the info about roads not plowed in winter. Whitcherville Road intersects Rte 116 0.4 miles east of the Long Pond Road intersection with Rte. 116, according to my Google map. Again according to my map, Long Pond is marked Whitcherville Pond. Assuming Maura is dead, her killer would have been limited to disposing of her body near a plowed road, unless he used a snowmobile which I doubt because I don't believe it would be suitable to effectively conceal a dead body no matter how cleverly wrapped. It would be much easier to conceal a body by wrapping it in a tarp and placing it in the bed of a pickup truck. I also believe the killer would have been extremely reluctant to dispose of the body during the day. He would have wanted to use the cover of darkness at a time when the risk of encountering another vehicle would have been as close to zero as possible. |
Judged: ![]() 1 ![]() 1 ![]() 1 The biggest player in that scandal is the best friend of someone I have known very, very well for almost 58 years. So when I see some of the same groups and people involved in the Rowland corruption case appearing to show up very close to the Bish and Murray cases and a couple of other cases, I do have to ask why. |
If she was killed, where do you think she was killed? |
Mason, when you were looking for the corpses that were the victims of serial killers, were you representing any of the serial killers who killed the victims you were looking for?
QUOTE "Isn't it possible that she was spending considerable time, including nights, at a property whose mortgagee was involved in the Rowland corruption case?"
It is possible, but why would she be staying there, for what reason? What are you stating here? |
Judged: ![]() 2 ![]() 2 ![]() 2 I would suggest that many of the posts on this thread are designed to prevent the crime from being correctly solved. |
If it was Maura on the cell phone to Billy on Feb. 11th when he heard whimpering and sobbing we can assume a couple things. She could have been held right there in the area and killed on Wed. or at a later date. She also could have been taken away from the area and 2 days travelling could get you to many destinations in the US or Canada. If she is dead her body could be in several different locations, maybe never to be found.
Judged: ![]() 3 ![]() 3 ![]() 1 You see, that's where detectives - honest detectives - might come in handy. They might see something and take it to the next level because THAT'S THEIR JOB. On the other hand, PI's are often dishonest and paid to obscure the truth, sometimes lawfully, sometimes not. They are often used to shut up people with some knowledge of or insight into illegal activity. For example: Tomasso's PI's from Litchfield in the Rowland case. They were ex-cops, too, out to discredit a valuable government witness. The FBI saw it as an act of intimidation and confronted the PI's. Just because you're a PI doesn't mean you are trustworthy. Too many PI's and LE are not. And that's a fact. |
I proposed a theory, based on the reasonable probability that Maura was not living in her unpacked dorm room at Kellogg, that she might have been having an affair with a professor that both took considerable pains to hide because, if discovered, the professor would have been fired. I never mentioned an architect although I do recall a Benji post in which he mentioned the name Asher Benjamin. Putting 2 and 2 together, I now understand your point. I strongly suspect that she was having an affair with someone who wanted to end it (or vice versa) and the reason for the trip north was to go someplace private for "the big talk." At least that's what Maura thought. However, I think the man may have had a different idea and killed her to prevent her from revealing the affair (assuming she had threatened to do so). I think of this scenario as one of several possible explanations for Maura's disappearance. As such, I regard it in a mathematical way as a type of equation that can be experimented with by adding, changing, or subtracting parts such as the possibility that she might have recently discovered that she was pregnant as a stressor in the relationship that might have provoked some unpleasantries from the man as an explanation for her emotional breakdown at work around 1 am on Friday morning. The male need not have been a professor. Any male young or old, student or non-student, professional or non-professional, married or unmarried could have been the object of her affections so long as he had a place of his own and a strong, if not desperate, need to keep the affair secret. A variation of this theory would be that Maura and her lover ditched their lives and settled somewhere else. As you can see, I don't have a particular man in mind. Since you mentioned an architect, would you feel comfortable identifying him or providing sufficient particulars regarding why he might have been the affairee? |
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Judged: ![]() 1 For whatever reason, Scarinza skirted the truth when he mentioned the Red Cross. AMRC is NOT the Red Cross. AMRC is, however, sometimes used to designate the ambulance company American Medical Response (Corp), which is known as EmCare in NH. SBD's employer, who has the office by Kennedy, also owns, or has owned, the ambulance company. So it is certainly possible, though far from certain, that the calling card may have had a connection close to Kennedy. First Student and Emcare certainly have. |
Judged: ![]() 2 BTW, I never mentioned the movie theater either and I've never been to Amherst so I don't know much about the city other than what I see on my Google Earth Satellite view and what's available on the various layer views. You wouldn't happen to know this Benji chap, would you? |
Judged: ![]() 1 Fired? Not at UMass, I don't think. |
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