Mason would you happen to have a link available regarding this information. I would really like to read it also. Thank You<quoted text>
The SAR people reported finding lots of animal tracks and snowmobile trails, but no sign of a human on foot alone.
They searched the area within a 2-mile radius of the accident site.
- Posted in the Franconia Forum
Comments (Page 581)
I also know, FWIW to those of you currently engaging in that discussion, that there were discrepancies in the weather reported. It was originally reported in news outlets that it was much, much colder than it was later discovered to have been.
I have been reading here forever....finally will take a chance at posting something.
I think it is easy to see why this case has garnered so much passion and attention -- it truly is a mystery. A case where one simply vanishes. Anyway, two things: 1.) If you apply Occam's Razor, which is "The explanation requiring the fewest assumptions is most likely to be correct." you can go with either a murder or runaway theory here. Scary thought. 2.) I always wonder why posters find it so hard to believe the "SBD" didn't see anything. I live in an area where the houses are much closer than where this occurred and just the other day an ambulance pulled up across the street. We looked for a moment, then went about our business. A bit later, I looked out the window and it was gone. I heard nothing, saw nothing. It only takes seconds for something significant to occur.... Lastly, can anyone tell me where this case is at right now?? Thanks, Lavende |
Judged: ![]() 1 Everyone has their preferred route to drive. 116/Benton RD is mine in the winter. Less frostheaves to put you into a skid and not as far to a house if you do go off the road. I didn't say he went that way, I asked what if he went that way. I've driven these roads extensively for over 30 years including most of the back roads and 116/Benton Rd is the smartest way for me to go in the winter. You feel free to take whatever smart route you need to take. |
“ Adopt Shelter Animals ” Joined: Jun 12, 2008 Comments: 425 |
Judged: ![]() 2 ![]() 2 ![]() 2 Logically speaking, how can one continue to develop useful theories (online) with "so few facts to work with"? Theories based on misinformation may be creative, but would seem hardly credible as working theories, IMHO. Is someone hoping to 'crack' this case by chance? By creating opportunity? By perseverance? Without factual |
Judged: ![]() 5 ![]() 2 ![]() 1 Just a point I want to make....*** What point exactly ARE you trying to make? You ask questions and want answers but I asked you a question on post #11408 about 3 days ago that still hasn't been answered so I'll ask again. You've had no trouble using names before of the people in this vicinity so I'm asking who pointed guns at you? If not names then what street were you on when the guns were pointed at you.Since you stated "guns" and "driveways" in plural can you tell me how many people pointed guns at you. You are supposed to be the professional here that everyone looks up to but your statements are saying something different and I wonder why you are stuck on this corner in North Haverhill and refuse to even talk about another area or Maura's past or the phone call that upset her so or any of her college friends. The point you are trying to make is not a professional one and I think it was made with intentions of leading the new people to believe that this area is a dangerous one with dangerous gun slinging people. This can't be further from the truth. Please answer the question. If this did not happen then I think an apology is in order for your damaging statement to the community and to everyone on this forum. |
Judged: ![]() 2 ![]() 1 ![]() 1 I am very proud to live in NH and let me say I am not trying to harm anyones community, I am trying to solve the disappearance of Maura Murray and will continue to do so. If this happened near my home I would be doing the same thing I am now, looking for answers and supplying info that is truth. Sorry to say, but bad things happen everywherere and you have to deal with it. Sorry your neighborhood is in the limelight but she went missing on rte. 112 so this is where we are concentrating are efforts. We have also been in Pike, Benton, Warren, Woodsville, Lisbon, Littleton, Bethlehem, Franconia, Easton, Lincoln, Lyme, Landaff, Monroe, Sugar Hill, NH. Also Amherst, Hadley, Hanson, Hanover, Littleton, concord, Warren, palmer, Massachusetts. So PLEASE don't feel singled out in any way, start at the last place she was seen and work outward from there. That is a lot of towns and a lot of square miles. I have only used a very few names in talking about this case. If a name was used it was most likely after someone else brought it up. I have not accused anyone by name of anything. I am here to do a job and will continue to do so. That mission is to find Maura Murray, whether she is alive or dead. If feelings are hurt in the process, I am sorry for that. Just remember if something bad did happen to her in your neighborhood, don't you want to know? I also have never said it is a dangerous place, just stated the facts. People will read what they read and believe what they want. I love NH and the North Country and don't want to hurt it in any way, but I also want to live where it is safe for You, Me, and anyone else who may come here. |
Judged: ![]() 1 But this depends on which "facts" you trust, and who you "assume" is telling the truth. We can't even get to Occam's Razor on this forum. |
Judged: ![]() 2 ![]() 2 ![]() 1 Why is it that these 2 reports from the same night have missing text as well as times which do not match. If it is the same log, same night, same people on duty, why should this paperwork differ 9 months later. This log is an official piece of information which has been changed for some reason and to do that is ILLEGAL. These logs are often used in criminal cases by lawyers to give them more info as well as maybe even to help find someone not guilty or for use in a conviction. The fact that this log has been altered is a criminal offense and if in fact is found to be true would make the person or persons who did it guilty of a crime. If found to be true they should be accountable for their actions. Columbo |
Judged: ![]() 1 ![]() 1 You know, you're not the first person to ask this question, Columbo, and I'm glad you brought it up again. I'm also interested to see what the response will be (if any) this time. Maybe I should make some popcorn. Anybody else want some? |
Judged: ![]() 1 Columbo |
I like my popcorn with real butter, salt and parmesan.
Thanx....Columbo |
“ Adopt Shelter Animals ” Joined: Jun 12, 2008 Comments: 425 |
Mason, there is much appreciation for your extensive work in piecing together theory after theory...angle after addition to the work of so many others.
No one can be faulted for not caring or trying hard enough. Quite a few have given nearly 5 years of themselves. I hope some critical piece of information will soon become known. |
Judged: ![]() 2 Is there a link to this log? Can the information be shared? Thanks, truth |
Judged: ![]() 2 ![]() 1 ![]() 1 I am currently thinking that IF she wanted to get away from the car (and Old Peters was covered in deep snow), she would have likely headed NE, away from the busdriver. If she was trying to flee the scene, perhaps hitching a ride with a friend/accomplice or some stranger, she might not have wanted the SBD to see her do so (maybe he was calling LE), so she headed toward BH rd. Also, to allow for the car possibly being towed - if the car broke loose or was simply ditched at the curve, the towing vehicle would probably have been headed east and may have continued that direction toward BH rd.(they weren't seen, so left quickly after "thud", leaving little time to turn around and head west) Maybe they later came back from that direction, Maura got in at the intersection (again, to avoid being seen by SBD) and rode away. If Maura got on the bus she probably would not have walked more than 20 yards or so, as the bus pulled up fairly close to the accident site, according to witnesses. |
Also, Det. Columbo, can you possibly confirm/deny that the brother of the man who gave Fred the knife did live in the A-frame?
Here is a link to the Original GCSD Log for 2/9/04 and printed out on 2/10/04. It differs from what was released to the Murrays on 11/04/04. There are at least 10 differences I have found. |
Yes....He lived in the a-frame at the time of Maura's disappearance.
Judged: ![]() 3 ![]() 3 ![]() 2 So much has been written lately. So much of it appears to be supercilious writings from some angry people. It seems that some have forgotten the feelings of the Murray family. Instead of wanting Justice for them, it turns into childish personal affronts directed at those who want to help. I am humored by the personal attacks directed at me. I haven't been hated since I was a young gal (when an insecure female..etc.not pertinent). Weeper's impromptu words of Forum Investigation Team (FIT) seems to irritate some. Too was/is not exclusive...but,was meant to be inclusive, of all those on the Forum who are sickened by the seemingly lack of a solution to a criminal situation. To those who feel "put upon" or "picked on" and voice it continually, do realize that it puts a community in a bad light. I am sure that you don't want me to be right. |
![]() Joined: Jun 16, 2008 Comments: 472 |
Judged: ![]() 1 Hello Pointer & all, Some good points there. However, Bradley Hill Road is just at the very intersection with the then home of the SBD. If Maura, or whoever it was, actually got into a passing car at this location, it would seem likely that she at least could have been seen doing so by the SBD sitting in his bus. Unless he was so engrossed in his paperwork that he actually didn´t notice, which is quite possible. |
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