Middlefield, CT
Woonsocket, RI
FireCat wrote: <quoted text> THERE WAS NO NOTE TO BILLY FROM MAURA. THIS STATEMENT IS UTTERLY UTTERLY FALSE. It has also been retracted by its speaker, Lt. Scarzina of NHPD. The following is quoted directly (copy and paste) from the Websleuths site, by "Peabody" who is a close family friend of the Murrays: "It is a FACT that Maura did not leave a note for her boyfriend in her dorm room or in any other place. LT. Scarinza in his remarks ***First**** said there was a note and alluded to the fact that the note was a suicide note. Because UMass Police told the family they found no note and the boyfriend was in the room and found no such note, the family insisted that the content of any such note be shared with them IF such a note was in existence. AFTER ***much*** insistence that he correct this error, and the boyfriend's mother publicly stating that Lt. Scarinza was a "liar" in the Caledonian Express in July 04, Lt. Scarinza posted a press release on the internet (which has conveniently been removed for some time) saying "I meant to say that there was a note from the boyfriend to Maura." He did not address the issue of his insinuation that it was a suicide note. The boyfriend said all along that the only notes in Maura's room were notes and letters FROM him to her that were dated over the several years during their relationship. FYI: For those of you new to this forum, I am a close friend of the family, and have been helping them since first learning of Maura's missing." From Peabody on Websleuths Who was the first person in the dorm room? I recall that it was Maura's sister.
Woonsocket, RI
FireCat wrote: <quoted text> For one thing, at that point you were not able to transfer directly into UMass's nursing program (they have recently changed the requirements, per UMass's nursing school web site). One used to apply for admission at UMass, and THEN, once accepted, APPLY INTERNALLY to the nursing program. It was two steps. She could not at that time go directly from West Point's chem eng to UMass's nursing. Also, I believe Billy had graduated West Point by that time. I know he was a few years ahead of her. She transferred from WP to Umass as a chem eng student in the middle of the academic year with the help of the track coach -- she then applied to the nursing program once she was accepted into the college
Paducah, KY
QUESTIONS Maura reacts hysterically to a phone call she receives early Friday morning. Did she sleep that night, or was she too upset? Maura gets up early and attends a clinical program all day. She works at the art gallery that evening. How much sleep did she get? She goes car shopping with her dad, but he doesn't buy her a car. He takes her to dinner at a brew pub and lets her borrow his new car. She goes to a party and wrecks his car at 3:30 am. She has it towed to the motel where he's staying and wakes him up with the news around 4 or 4:30 am on Sunday morning. How much sleep did she get Saturday night? Her dad drops her off at the dorm and she works a shift at the art gallery. He calls her at 11:30 pm to discuss accident forms. How much sleep did she get Sunday night? Does this situation look like a developing crisis due to anxiety, hysteria, fear, and sleep deprivation? Was Maura even capable of rational thought when she left town Monday afternoon?
Woonsocket, RI
oo00oo wrote: <quoted text> Peabody also stated (on websleuths)that Maura & Billy were on the verge of getting married. Which they were not even engaged. And Fred had no clue they were talking about an engagement, never mind marriage. I don't think Peabody's word is fact. Who is Peabody?
Paducah, KY
Looking4AMoose wrote: <quoted text>Who is Peabody? A friend of Bullwinkle?
Dedham, MA
Moose..Peabody was an old time Poster... and I believe a friend of the Murray family...
Woonsocket, RI
Shack wrote: Moose..Peabody was an old time Poster... and I believe a friend of the Murray family... thanks Shack....but Bullwinkle's friend was EXACTLY what I was thinking--thought Peabody could lead me to my moose once and for all. Going to bed now...these 12 hour shifts are taking on toll on me.
United States
Anne wrote: A question for all. Wouldn't it make sense to carpool with such a long drive to clinicals? My daughter went to nursing school many years ago and even then they carpooled everywhere! My brother went to nursing school in Tennesee and they carpooled 110 miles to clinicals. By the way, he received straight A's in his classes and dropped out because of clinicals, pediatrics at that! They did carpool. The info that Maura had clinicals in Norwood came from the person who drove with her.
United States
oo00oo wrote: Peabody Peabody is offline Registered User Join Date: Dec 2004 "Posts: 706 Quote: Originally Posted by Peabody However, Billy and Maura were only months from being married. If Maura had gone missing only a few months later, then Billy and Sharon would legally be considered family." REALLY? Maura and Billy were planning a wedding for the fall of 2005. So, yes, in a matter of a few months (18 is, after all, only a few)
United States
whiston wrote: hi MASON AND ALL I HAVE 2 PEOPLE TELLING ME THERE WERE NO CLINICALS IN NORWOOD IN 2004 FOR MAURA TO ATTEND.THE SCHOOL OF NURSING IS CLOSED TODAY BUT I WILL CALL TOMOROOW AND LET YOU KNOW. TAKE CARE PHILIP Soooo....this person who drove with Maura to clinicals is confused about where she was driving to? She's lying to the family? For what ridiculous reason do you think this, Philip? It has been stated as a fact, by someone WHO WAS THERE. WHEN IS A FACT GOING TO BE A FACT FOR SOME OF YOU PEOPLE???? This? This, philip, is EXACTLY the reason you were unsubscribed from the old forum. This continual assertion that the family is lying, or hiding the truth from you. THEY'RE NOT. THEY TOLD YOU THE TRUTH. MAURA WENT TO HER CLINICALS IN NORWOOD. END OF DAMN STORY, GOOD NIGHT.
benjamin franklyne
Tampa, FL
Those of you that are surprised after reading the posts of "propaganda firetruck", I urge you not to be. He is doing much better mentally. To see the progress that this troubled young soul, also known by the ridiculously ironic nickname "mastermind" and the corny nickname "thomas jefferson", please check out a few of his earlier posts. "mastermind" has some classics here on topix. Read the following three posts: #8222 #8234 #8246 And then, my personal favorite, somebody explaining to "mastermind" that he looks pretty foolish when he writes "when you have the least amount of assumptions, my analysis is the most reasonable" when that said analysis itself is in fact made up of more assumptions than any other theory: #8268 For him in particular to remark "the people who think they're the most perceptive are usually the most close-minded" is irony at its best.
benjamin franklyne
Tampa, FL
propaganda firetruck wrote: Part Two It's rather absurd for the PI's to say that these inquiries are not important when anyone with half a brain knows otherwise. It is a blantant attempt to detract inquiry. What's the pupose of this forum, if not to find Maura Murray? I'm not saying that anyone on this forum has a snowball's chance in hell of finding her, but why all the inconsistency? In my mind, someone like Mason or Alden will probably find Maura or who ever is responsible for her dissappearance before Weeper or Columbo. Anyone with half a brain here can see something is not right. Just go back and read all the posts on this thread and see for yourself. Snowy, you are going to have to accept that not eveyone who posts or lurks on this site trusts the PI's, LE's, or family. The proof is in the pudding. You can read it in between the lines with certain posters, and the way the conversation is angled. The reason for this is that anyone with even the slightest analytical mind can see how conversation on this forum is controlled. The posters here often get frustrated with the impenetrability and stop posting. I'm guessing that many of us, like myself, feel very compassionate towards Maura because we have also been victims or no someone who has been a victim of injustice. We know how secrets can play a part in this. So before going into a "right to privacy" tirade, just think about how much injustice has been done in the world because of coverup and secrets. We know for whatever reason that PI's, LE's, etc., have problems doing their jobs when their objectivity is compromised. I don't doubt for a minute that there are posters on this board who know more than they are letting on, and participating in the cover up through their very clever detraction tactics. Like you, when I see something going on here that I don't like, I'm going to speak up. So your just gonna have to live with it. Everyone, This is synonymous with, "MY feelings get hurt when you smart people don't agree with my sci-fi fantasy conspiracy theories. I have these disturbed fantasies in my head where I WANT this case to be a huge, complex 'mystery', filled with all sorts of twists and turns, starting out with Maura's personal life and escalating into her delving deep into alcoholism while driving while suicidal through NH all while reading 'Not Without Peril' out loud to herself.' If you people don't agree with my ridiculous theories to help pamper my self-confidence, then I'm going to just say your theories are wrong because you did it to me!!" mastermind, you can cry all day and night when people call you out for your stupidity. Everyone has read between the lines. Every single investigator, whether independent or hired or LE, that has done their work and analyzed the *FACTS*(keyword) of this case have all came to the same conclusion, which is that she was abducted to some extent. You don't seem to be able to comprehend yet that the reason everyone laughs at your theories is because you are convinced you see something that isn't there. No one is holding back information from you; this isn't some huge conspiracy to prevent the "mastermind" in Boulder, CO from solving the case and finding out the sinister truth! Go watch "National Treasure" some more you little dweeb.
Middletown, VA
Wowzer wrote: <quoted text> Is something in the water? Have people been put in a trance and are now just waking up? Some here have been saying for years that the phone call that upset her is important and may hold important answers only to be told that anything before she left Amherst wasn't important. What makes it all of a sudden so important now? Don't you think your sarcasm is getting old? I don't think anyone has dismissed what happened in Amherst. It has always been discussed extensively in my opinion.
Murphysboro, IL
FireCat wrote: <quoted text> Maura and Billy were planning a wedding for the fall of 2005. So, yes, in a matter of a few months (18 is, after all, only a few) When were they going to tell Fred? He seemed to be in the dark. Billy stated they were engaged to be engaged. What about the engagement part. Sharon never mentioned a fall wedding either. 18 is after all only a few? A few months? 18 is over a year and a half.???????
Murphysboro, IL
Anne wrote: <quoted text>Don't you think your sarcasm is getting old? I don't think anyone has dismissed what happened in Amherst. It has always been discussed extensively in my opinion. It (phone call) has been discussed very extensively, so I'm wondering too, why you had many questions about it yesterday. It was gone over pretty recently in fact.
Concord, MA
Just got an idea..... Since "the phone call that upset Maura" was at UMass IN MASSACHUSETTS, and the FBI were doing interviews of family and friends IN MASSACHUSETTS (and IIRC not working in NH), I wonder if the FBI did the investigation of that mystery call????? I'd like to think so.
holy roller
Boulder, CO
Mason wrote: <quoted text> I recall this topic coming up awhile ago. Someone posted a copy of the West Point Honor Code and I believe I recall a discussion in which someone pointed out that a cadet accused of violating the incredibly comprehensive code is given an opportunity to withdraw, or face prosecution for the violation. If the cadet opts to withdraw, the file containing the alleged violation is destroyed and no one is permitted to discuss the matter again. Another person pointed out that one of the ways sexual assaults at West Point were covered up was to threaten the female victim with an honor code violation unless she kept her mouth shut. I understood the bottom line of the discussion to have been that Maura was accused of an honor code violation and she accepted the invitation to withdraw. I don't recall anyone stating that they knew what the violation allegedly was, or whether she was a victim of sexual assault. Family members have stated that her decision to leave West Point was triggered by her realization that the Army wasn't for her. I have attempted to put together a timeline beginning with when she graduated from high school, which should have been in May or June, 2000 (she turned 18 on 5/4/2000). First year at WP would have been fall semester 2000 and spring semester 2001. Her older sister, Julie, and Billy would have graduated and received their commissions about 3 months before 9/11. I believe Maura withdrew from WP before the end of the fall 2001 semester and I don't believe she enrolled at UMass until the fall semester 2002. She could have been out of school for 9 months to a year. I assume she lived at home, but I don't know. I assume she worked somewhere, but I don't know. I believe she switched her major to nursing at the beginning of the spring semester 2003, and she had completed two semesters at the beginning of the spring semester 2004. I posted this timeline here on topix and asked for corrections and comments. There was no response, so I assume my timeline was correct. If she was basically kicked out of West Point, I wonder how the family reacted to the situation? Could Maura have fallen from grace all the way from daddy's favorite to the family's embarrassment and everyone's pet fix-it project? Did she choose to be a nurse or was nursing chosen for her because it would be the best fit for an officer's wife? I don't know the answers to any of these questions, but I think the indistinct idea we have of Maura would sharpen considerably if we knew the answers. I know that I should stop agreeing with you, since people think we are the same person. But I agree with you. It's a difficult thing for brilliant people that have no idea what they want to do, and feel like they must please everyone else. Expectations and demands can wear you down. If she decided to drive the Saturn north, she may have just been fed-up, done with nursing, wanted to start over. The timeline you provide Mason, if accurate, lacks direction. A lot of people go through this, wavering around after college. In the meantime, the people she likely compared herself to (her boyfriend, her sister) were in and out of West Point by age 22 (approx), and now her college experience was going to be 5 or 6 years, and possibly on the verge of making another change. Even a minor existential crisis can prompt us to get away, take a trip. It's been noted by many posters that Maura was going through MAJOR STUFF. We really don't know what this MAJOR STUFF was. But if she wanted out of Nursing, she may not have been all that concerned with failing her courses.
holy roller
Boulder, CO
benjamin franklyne wrote: <quoted text> Everyone, This is synonymous with, "MY feelings get hurt when you smart people don't agree with my sci-fi fantasy conspiracy theories. I have these disturbed fantasies in my head where I WANT this case to be a huge, complex 'mystery', filled with all sorts of twists and turns, starting out with Maura's personal life and escalating into her delving deep into alcoholism while driving while suicidal through NH all while reading 'Not Without Peril' out loud to herself.' If you people don't agree with my ridiculous theories to help pamper my self-confidence, then I'm going to just say your theories are wrong because you did it to me!!" mastermind, you can cry all day and night when people call you out for your stupidity. Everyone has read between the lines. Every single investigator, whether independent or hired or LE, that has done their work and analyzed the *FACTS*(keyword) of this case have all came to the same conclusion, which is that she was abducted to some extent. You don't seem to be able to comprehend yet that the reason everyone laughs at your theories is because you are convinced you see something that isn't there. No one is holding back information from you; this isn't some huge conspiracy to prevent the "mastermind" in Boulder, CO from solving the case and finding out the sinister truth! Go watch "National Treasure" some more you little dweeb. You try to be crafty with your twisting of words and name calling, but the truth is if anyone goes back and reads the posts you so thoughtfully provided, they will see you are wrong. My theories in the beginning were a reaction to many of the twists and turns that others were making. I wanted to throw something out there and see why people thought it wasn't the case. I wanted to be hit hard with disagreement, not have everyone agree with me. If I recall, only you (from Tampa) and one other poster made attempts to insult me, by going into your own specualtions about my personal life. I've never claimed to KNOW any information that I didn't. I certainly don't believe that I would solve this case. I never did. I was just extremely curious for one reason or another. There are enough people playing the role of detective around here better than I ever could. Sometimes I like to pose questions to others, to perpetuate ideas. Sometimes I like to call out discussion that appears rhetorical, or appears to have some kind of alterior motive. That being said, I do believe there is a consipiracy to withhold information in this case, and I believe that there is a difference between those who want to solve this mystery and those who have the means and information to solve this mystery. That's all. That's it. And that's where I am coming from. I may be a dweeb, but I've never watched National Treasure and I have no idea how that movie would indicate one's dweebiness. My original moniker "Mastermind" was in tribute to an old board game where you used deductive reasoning to break a code. I just thought it an appropriate name since that is supposed to be the name of the game here. But at the point I realized that it wasn't, I switched my name to "propaganda firetruck" because it seemed more appropriate. Today, I am "holy roller" because I became enlightened in a cave and am now practicing voodoo full-time, and posting on this most ridiculous of forums part-time. Good day.
Concord, MA
How many people do any of us know who have NOT had emotional problems at one point or another?(And I'm not talking about my fellow posters!) In college, everyone was always having crises and depression! I can see how NH LE, after learning that Maura was going through MAJOR STUFF (whatever that was), jumped to their initial conclusion that she was suicidal. On the other hand (the one with the dreaded Nintendo GameBoy player's thumb..... sorry, but it hurts) there'd never be any excuse for slanting things to support a theory. That isn't how investigations are supposed to go. And corrections should be made prominently and promptly in press releases too. I don't know first-hand the details of how things were handled by LE in Maura's case, so these are just general thoughts. Ever notice how HORRIBLE mistakes in newspapers are corrected in tiny print stuck in the Requests for Proposals for HVAC section?