Bumping for whiston.Hi Anne,and all i dont' know why Maura left Westpoint.I only know she was asked to leave.How it ties in with the sexual assaults and Rumsfeld and the'shake up' i really, really, really dont' know yet but i am working on it.Take care philip
- Posted in the Franconia Forum
Comments (Page 621)
Judged: ![]() 2 I will ask again? Does anyone know what was in the call from on campus? |
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Judged: ![]() 1 ![]() 1 Registered User Join Date: Dec 2004 "Posts: 706 Quote: Originally Posted by Peabody However, Billy and Maura were only months from being married. If Maura had gone missing only a few months later, then Billy and Sharon would legally be considered family." REALLY? |
Judged: ![]() 1 have had the decency to fess up to the authorities by now....Like "I called her and yardi yardi and Maura burst out crying". What could possibly be the fear of being the caller....what's the worse thing...prison for life..? Death sentence? arrgh! |
Judged: ![]() 1 ![]() 1 ![]() 1 http://www.waterburyobserver.com/worxcms_publ... Regan, a short stocky man with a bull neck, was a former wrestler at Holy Cross High School in Waterbury. Despite being mistreated for 13 years by the legal system,[victim Donna Palomba] said she understood the dilemma Connecticut prosecutors faced. If the [kidnapping] charges had proceeded to trial there was a chance that Regan could beat the charges. The statute of limitations had run out on a rape charge, and the kidnapping charge was tenuous because Rachael had never left her own bed during the attack. There were also questions about how the Waterbury Police Department obtained Regan's DNA sample two years ago, and without that evidence, Rachael's case was a he said, she said. |
Yes, one would think. |
The Waterbury rape occurred 11 September 1993.
Shack, Did someone call her or did she call someone? I no longer am sure.
Obviously the point of the call was to upset her which was confirmed by her supervisor. Whomever called is important.
Judged: ![]() 1 ![]() 1 ![]() 1 within the campus?...and that "person moved on"? I dunno...am I getting 2 phone calls mixed up?...I confuse easily.... If I called you and you burst out crying..I would know why....and I would fess up to anyone who listen.... Bottom line is that I hope the MA investigators are as persistant as Weeper n Det.C |
hi Anne, whilst it is on my mind.No body was around to hear the phone call at the security desk.take care philip
Judged: ![]() 6 ![]() 5 ![]() 3 Is something in the water? Have people been put in a trance and are now just waking up? Some here have been saying for years that the phone call that upset her is important and may hold important answers only to be told that anything before she left Amherst wasn't important. What makes it all of a sudden so important now? |
She was not allowed or not able to make outgoing calls. The call was incoming. The call was traced and it was said that the person "moved on" whatever that means. Nobody witnesses the actual call. Someone probably knows who it is, if they know the person "moved on" Like everything else, WE just don't know. |
Judged: ![]() 1 ![]() 1 American River Nutrition, Inc. ********** Auditors [for HQSM] are Rotenberg & Co of Rochester, NY. The report is dated March 16, 2005. There are no qualifications. These auditors are not on the list of top auditors of SEC clients. They audited or are auditing CHFI (which I looked at earlier, can't find them elsewhere other than the FAQ), OZLU (OTC BB, seems ok), ZEOM (OTC BB), Epsey Manufacturing & Electronics Corp (ESP)[Saratoga Springs, NY], Contact Capital Group (which seems kind of scummy). Rotenberg & Co replaced Baum & Co who resigned. Baum had their own issues with the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board. Numerous infractions. ABOVE FROM: http://pink-sheets.blogspot.com/2005_10_01_ar... ********** Espey is located near Saratoga Springs High School. Why would a company like Espey use an accounting firm like Rotenberg? |
Judged: ![]() 2 ![]() 2 ![]() 1 I recall this topic coming up awhile ago. Someone posted a copy of the West Point Honor Code and I believe I recall a discussion in which someone pointed out that a cadet accused of violating the incredibly comprehensive code is given an opportunity to withdraw, or face prosecution for the violation. If the cadet opts to withdraw, the file containing the alleged violation is destroyed and no one is permitted to discuss the matter again. Another person pointed out that one of the ways sexual assaults at West Point were covered up was to threaten the female victim with an honor code violation unless she kept her mouth shut. I understood the bottom line of the discussion to have been that Maura was accused of an honor code violation and she accepted the invitation to withdraw. I don't recall anyone stating that they knew what the violation allegedly was, or whether she was a victim of sexual assault. Family members have stated that her decision to leave West Point was triggered by her realization that the Army wasn't for her. I have attempted to put together a timeline beginning with when she graduated from high school, which should have been in May or June, 2000 (she turned 18 on 5/4/2000). First year at WP would have been fall semester 2000 and spring semester 2001. Her older sister, Julie, and Billy would have graduated and received their commissions about 3 months before 9/11. I believe Maura withdrew from WP before the end of the fall 2001 semester and I don't believe she enrolled at UMass until the fall semester 2002. She could have been out of school for 9 months to a year. I assume she lived at home, but I don't know. I assume she worked somewhere, but I don't know. I believe she switched her major to nursing at the beginning of the spring semester 2003, and she had completed two semesters at the beginning of the spring semester 2004. I posted this timeline here on topix and asked for corrections and comments. There was no response, so I assume my timeline was correct. If she was basically kicked out of West Point, I wonder how the family reacted to the situation? Could Maura have fallen from grace all the way from daddy's favorite to the family's embarrassment and everyone's pet fix-it project? Did she choose to be a nurse or was nursing chosen for her because it would be the best fit for an officer's wife? I don't know the answers to any of these questions, but I think the indistinct idea we have of Maura would sharpen considerably if we knew the answers. |
Judged: ![]() 3 ![]() 2 ![]() 1 To change the subject of why she was asked to leave West Point. |
Carpooling makes sense as long as you have people going and returning from the same place at the same time. Maura refused to drive the Saturn so she hitched rides with students driving to and from Norwood and Holyoke. |
Judged: ![]() 1 ![]() 1 No one, except possibly the campus police, know who called Maura and no one knows what that person said. We can only guess at what was said by Maura's hysterical reaction to it, a reaction witnessed by her supervisor who let her off work an hour early, walked her to her dorm, and recommended she see a counselor. |
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