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Off the track, the Saratoga Springs runners are enmeshed in a conflict over whether their coaches, Linda and Arthur Kranick, are dedicated, health-conscious mentors or control freaks who have forced their runners to take
large doses of vitamins. Cross-country running has helped stamp an athletic identity on Saratoga Springs High School, where the girls team won the state championship from 1987 to 1993. Last year Saratoga Springs was ranked No. 1 in the country by Foot Locker; ABOVE FROM: http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html... The same Kranick(s) who chased John Regan out of the high school parking lot. Were the coaches who chased Regan advising their student athletes to take nutritional supplements or performance enhancing drugs? Did it stop at B-complex vitamins? Is there a reason Saratoga Springs High School girls track is so nationally prominent? For so many years? |
“Honesty and justice for all” Joined: Sep 22, 2007 Comments: 343 |
http://www.ncdsv.org/images/Rumsfeld_Order_Mi... |
Joined: Oct 16, 2008 Comments: 320 |
Judged: ![]() 1 No Dawn - it is YOU that have been outed. Shame on you! |
Espey is located almost next to Saratoga Springs High School.
The track medals from the auction gallery that became a work out facility/gym almost certainly came from a building in which Espey owns a condo. For some odd reason, Espey used the same auditor as a nutritional supplement company in Amherst, a company with clear connections to the work out facility/gym that replaced the auction gallery - the same auction gallery from which came the books previously owned by the rapist, who was in repeaded contact with the house in which lived a member of the Bish-endorsed SAR group at the same time Bish's bathing suit was first found. The track medals, the rapist's repeated contact with the house of the Bish-endorsed SAR member (at the same time as Bish's bathing suit was discovered), the Amherst nutritional supplement business, Espey, the old auction gallery, the work out facility that replaced the auction gallery... these are all closely connected to each other. It is NOT a case of six degrees here. Regan was a stocky, muscular former wrestler in Waterbury. The Saratoga Springs High School track coach(es) who chased Regan were very strongly suggesting that members of the girls nationally prominent track team take large amounts of Vitamin B. Was there some kind of connection between the Saratoga Springs High School track team and John Regan? Maybe something to do with performance enhancing drugs? The Bish, Murray, and Saratoga Springs cases are, I believe, very, very closely connected. |
Judged: ![]() 1 ![]() 1 ![]() 1 But, if Maura was side-lined for a while, might she have been ready to come back strong in the spring? There seems to be something hard to reconcile about the track records she set while a high school student and, from what few records are still available, her actual sort of mediocre perforances from race to race. Is there any chance she would have "exploded" onto the running scene once the spring track season began? |
Is Rotenberg Accounting sort of the equivalent of Grassano Accounting?
If Maura Murray was not a very religious person, in the conventional sense - say, a devout Catholic - did she have a spiritual side?
Was she involved in any - for lack of a better term - "New Age" kind of spiritual activity? Anything along those lines? |
Joined: Oct 16, 2008 Comments: 320 |
I can't answer this question completely - but I can tell you what I do know, from experience. In High School I was on the "Cross Country" and Track teams. "Cross Country" was a 3 mile race over various terrains, in track I was a distance runner racing 2 miles if I remember correctly. While on the team - the Coach's regiment included our running up to 40 miles a week. Our most naturally talented runner went to the State Championships, but did not win, but our team won our little league of perhaps 10 schools, but in no way was top in the state, we as a team did not qualify - even though we ran about as much possible as High School students could in their time available. I would bet a lot of money that no one on our team took steroids or amino acid suppliaments. When I was injured with a shin splint - I took up interest in lifting weights - and over time my interest in weight training surpassed my interest in running. I don't remember if I took amino acids, I know I never took steroids and that as my ability to lift heavier weights increased, my distance running ability never improved at the same time, despite my running perhaps 35 miles a week - 5 miles short of the precribed goal. Weather taking steroids will help running - I know not - I'd think it would - but do have an ounce of an idea that it may hinder it - but only if taking steroids has the same effect as weight training. I wouldn't be surprised if the small ounch of doubt I express is patently incorrect - but I trust that the nurses here will speak with greater authority then I. |
Joined: Oct 16, 2008 Comments: 320 |
To my mind - anyone that sets a record at any high school with a historically active program, is noteworthy. However, there is a smaller pool of athletes at the College level, may of which were among the best runners at their high school, probably not all record setters. Staying in shape as a runner requires a lot of time and consitancy. A 4 or 5 mile run can take an hour - and doing this every day is a significant committment. Any injury could set back a runner significantly compared to colleagues. I don't see it unusual that Maura could be a big fish in the smaller High School pond compared to College. |
Warren Water District
xxx Comins Pond xx. Warren MA Warren Water District obtain (sic) its water supply from a tubular wellfield located on the eastern shore of Comins Pond… ABOVE FROM: http://www.mass.gov/dep/water/drinking/231100... Molly Bish was last seen near this source of public drinking water. ********** WELL WATER TREATMENT PLANT IN BRATTLEBORO: The Retreat Meadows wells and treatment plant were constructed in the 1960’s and 70’s in response to a series of dry years. At that time, water was not metered and summer usage was higher than it is today. This plant had not supplied water to customers since 1989 when the Pleasant Valley Filtration Plant was constructed. It has been kept operational during this time, but was in need of modernizing upgrades. With the dry year we have experienced in 2001 and a slight increase in demand each year we plan to begin using this plant on a regular basis. Pleasant Valley will remain our primary supply and the Wells used as a supplement. This plant is located on Route 30 just north of the Brattleboro Retreat. Plant upgrades completed in 2003 included new chemical feed systems, modern control systems for the filters and a loading door for taking deliveries. ABOVE FROM: http://www.sover.net/~brattdpw/index_page0007... Tina and Bethany Sinclair were last seen leaving a movie theatre near this source of public drinking water. I believe it was reported that Tina Sinclair worked in Amherst, possibly as a home health aide, CNA, or LPN. ********** The City of Saratoga Springs receives its water from two sources; surface water from the Loughberry Lake Watershed and groundwater from the Geyser Crest well system. The Geyser Crest source comes from seven wells, which is chlorinated and pumped into the system. The two water systems are interconnected with the main source, Loughberry Lake, supplying most of the City and the Geyser Crest source supplying the Geyser Crest Subdivision and a small portion of the southwest section of the City. ABOVE FROM: http://www.saratoga-springs.org/docs/BDBinDoc... The track used by the Saratoga Springs High School girls cross country team is near Geyser Brook and not far from Geyser Crest well field. ********** One of the most prominent suppliers of chemicals used to treat drinking water, ChemTura, is based in Waterbury (Middlebury, actually) CT, where John Regan is from. Chemtura is closely connected to Loeb Partners, a large holder in Dove Interests, which paid Regan's attorney a retainer fee shortly after Regan pleaded guilty in the Saratoga Springs case. Dove Interests is otherwise a very obscure, inconsequential real estate company near Albany, NY - but notorious for their (suspected by the feds) relationship with former NY State Senate Leader Joe Bruno. |
I hear what you're saying. Big in high school is nowhere near big, usually, in college. It's just that the record(s) Maura set were, according to reports, STATE WIDE records, not local high school records. These state wide records stood for at least a few years. They may still stand for all I know. Setting a state wide high school track record in Massachusetts should tranlate into at least some kind of track accomplishment at the UMass level. |
Here's Wikipedia on Marion Jones:
Marion Lois Jones, also known as Marion Jones-Thompson (born October 12, 1975 in Los Angeles, California), is an American former world champion track and field athlete. She won five medals at the 2000 Summer Olympics in Sydney, Australia but has since agreed to forfeit all medals and prizes dating back to September 2000 after admitting that she took performance-enhancing drugs.[1][2] In October 2007, Jones admitted she doped, having taken steroids before the Sydney 2000 Summer Olympics and acknowledged that she had, in fact, lied when she previously denied steroid use in statements to the press, to various sports agencies, and—most significantly—to two grand juries, one impaneled to investigate the BALCO "designer steroid" ring, and the other impaneled to investigate a check fraud ring involving many of the same parties from the BALCO case. As a result of these admissions, Jones accepted a two-year suspension from track and field competition, and announced her retirement from track and field on October 5, 2007.[3] The United States Anti-Doping Agency stated that the sanction "also requires disqualification of all her competitive results obtained after September 1, 2000, and forfeiture of all medals, results, points and prizes". On October 5, 2007, Jones formally pled guilty to lying to federal agents in the BALCO steroid investigation in the U.S. District Court. On January 11, 2008, Jones was sentenced to 6 months in jail.[4] She began her sentence on March 7, 2008[5] and was released on September 5, 2008.[6] At the time of her admission and subsequent guilty plea, Marion Jones was one of the most famous people to be linked to the BALCO investigation.[4] 41 days later, Major League Baseball player Barry Bonds was indicted on one count of obstruction of justice and four counts of perjury linked to his own testimony before the BALCO Grand Jury in December 2003.[7] ********** Check cashing AND steroids. |
The mother of the cross country athlete Regan is accused of trying to abduct
watched from the last row of the courtroom with cross country coach Art Kranick and Saratoga Springs Police Chief Edward Moore. Police said the girl was walking by herself through a busy parking lot following cross country practice on Oct. 31. They said Regan grabbed her from behind and tried to drag her into his van. The 17-year-old high school senior kicked, screamed and broke free. A school staff member confronted Regan, slowing him down, giving time for Kranick to get in his car and follow Regan as he got in his van and drove as far as Beekman Street, where police arrested Regan without incident. ABOVE FROM: http://newsgroups.derkeiler.com/Archive/Alt/a... ********** I think Regan was almost certainly trying to abduct the student, but what an odd way to kidnap someone. An athlete? From a busy parking lot? If the student was running on the cross country course earlier, maybe Regan bungled the job then? Whatever Regan's intentions were, he could have easily defended himself at trial, especially with Jones as his lawyer. A dozen years or more in jail for crime like this is not ordinarily something a robust, strong willed, successful, well liked guy like Regan would just accept if he had a chance to get out of it. If Regan was a regular and real criminal and he had an excellent chance of being acquitted, why would he just fold his hand? If he's so bad, wouldn't he have wanted to get off? Get found not guilty? The DA offered no deal - said so right from the start. I truly believe there is a connection between the Saratoga Springs case and the Bish and Murray cases. If LE learns more about Regan, then I believe more can be learned about the Bish and Murray cases. |
Maura is known to have been nursing a nagging injury to her hamstring which kept her from running competitively at UMass. Those take a long time to heal (often several months) because they're such a major muscle, and this may contribute significantly to her race times. Which I have not checked, so I cannot vouch for them being "mediocre." If what you are alluding to is what I think it is, it is EXTREMELY doubtful that Maura was using performance enhancing drugs. Maura was a distance runner. Performance enhancing drugs don't generally work on distance runners. They're more geared toward sprinters and other fast-twitch-muscle sports. I'm a marathon runner myself, and have seen and read all sorts of discussions on performance enhancements in endurance runners. It's not done, because it doesn't work. So again, highly unlikely that Maura was using performance enhancing substances. |
Marion Jones is a fine example of a sprinter taking performance-enhancing drugs.
Someone like Paula Radcliffe or Joanie Benoit would actually SUFFER, performance-wise, from taking them. (unlike the whole cell phone discussion, running is one area where I can hold my own in discussion) |
If the feds are involved, and I think they probably are, then their progress may possibly be slowed by a problem on the federal level.
One of the leading characters in this play, even if they are not directly involved in a crime against Maura Murray, is a company that regularly transports very high ranking members of the Defense Department, the military, and top military contractors. Additionally, there is strong reason to believe that two investigators in the Bish and Murray cases have been on the payroll of this company. |
Judged: ![]() 2 ![]() 2 ![]() 2 |
Thanks for the distinction between the long distance and short distance runners. I wasn't actually alluding to the notion that Maura herself was taking performance enhancing drugs. I think it's possible, but that's not what I meant. Sorry if I wasn't clear about that. However, I think it is very realistic to think she associated with one or more persons who consumed or sold or imported a wide range of drugs. Not street drugs like heroin or cocaine or marijuana. But more along the lines of "natural" drugs. Body enhancing or body building drugs. Or performance enhancing drugs. Or drugs believed by some to cure cancer (like laetrile or "Vitamin B-17"). There are a million of them, from energy drinks to steroids, some legal, some not. There is simply strong reason to believe that Maura's disappearance is connected to people in this sort of "natural" world of (usually quack, phony) cures, or alternative kinds of medicine, or whatever umbrella term you can think of. |
For Alhabeeb, an artist whose traditional Islamic calligraphy was recently displayed in a
university gallery, the memory of the interview remains unsettling. ''Every Iraqi has this fear,'' he said.''For Americans, it's hard to comprehend.'' Here's sort an interesting look into how the UMass PD and the FBI work together: http://www.commondreams.org/headlines02/1124-... |
I wonder whether Chuck W can vouch for this PI.
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