Charleston, WV
Shack wrote: This is exactly why Helena shut down her Forum. We did have some frustrated Posters...but, when the angry wacko(s)arrived...all rolled up into one..that was it for her. There was a time when there was a conraderie of the concerned. Guess we will just have to continue to scroll by the nonsense. answer..without the crapola....Where is the empathy/sympathy..? Isn't there another forum? Where you can feel the empathy and sympathy? No one is stopping you from having your camraderie of the concerned online anywhere, or whatever you were getting at. This thread is the one place in the whole wide world of zillions of online threads that might not be a comfy place for you. So why keep coming back here and complaining about the place you keep coming back to?
Detective Columbo
Littleton, NH
Who is who....that is funny...LOL
Charleston, SC
dunkin doughnuts is fun to have donut fights at
Columubo you're right, happen to no so. whereeeees the sple chekck on this thinkg anyow
Charleston, WV
Or maybe in the case of Jack Reid, I could have included "all across the country," instead of just "east coast." Like, ah, people and businesses from Nevada to New Hampshire?
You know, a conspriacy theory involving a past and wealthy owner of a medical equipment maker, and a lowly junk man who lived in a trailer and thought someone was out to kill him. How paranoid!
Detective Columbo
Littleton, NH
Beagles are scent hounds, developed primarily for tracking hare, rabbit, and other game.
Charleston, WV
It's a little like a few rich guys get together and form a company and plaster retail stores all across the country.
The owners (aka investors) tell the CEO to tell the President to tell the regional managers to tell the district managers to tell the store managers to meet some kind of sales quota or there'll be hell to pay.
So every year or so one of the store managers does something really desperate in order to meet his quota, or maybe to exceed it by so much that he thinks he'll get a promotion or something. But his plan causes someone to die.
The owners of the company didn't exactly order the store manager to kill anyone, but they put all the store managers under so much pressure that the occurrence of this kind of crime was inevitable. And then the owners decided that the crime had to be covered up.
Charleston, WV
I firmly believe that if Maura Murray was abducted, then John Regan either knows who did it or can make a really educated guess. I think the same is true in the case of Molly Bish.
Mansfield, MA
"Where is Maura Murray?" is the heading of this Forum... That is why I, one of me, come here.. Why are you here..? Possibly because you don't have a you.... OK.... As you were...are...was..if you know.... what time is it?....send in the clowns..
Charleston, WV
Detective Columbo wrote: Beagles are scent hounds, developed primarily for tracking hare, rabbit, and other game. They're also the breed most commonly used in animal testing, if they don't make it as hunting beagles. But enough of this symbolic mumbo jumbo.(I can hear her saying it now. "I behold the irony.")
Charleston, WV
Shack wrote: "Where is Maura Murray?" is the heading of this Forum... That is why I, one of me, come here.. Why are you here..? Possibly because you don't have a you.... OK.... As you were...are...was..if you know.... what time is it?....send in the clowns.. If you have something to say, just spit it out because you sure have a mouthful.
Detective Columbo
Littleton, NH
That says it all...Thank You.
Charleston, WV
Detective Columbo wrote: That says it all...Thank You. Columbo The pleasure was all mine. By the way, do you know anything about trusting Puritans? And some guy named A. Murray Sinclair?
United States
Beagle wrote: Agenda? Is that a bad word? Or are you hiding "hidden" before agenda. Wouldn't that constitute your own hidden agenda? Just because someone's reasons for finding out what happened to Maura Murray differ from another person's reasons is, well, no reason to panic or get in a huff about it. One person's agenda - hidden or patent - does not necessarily conflict with someone else's here. Agendas may differ from one another, but that doesn't mean they don't compliment one another. I could just as easily say that there's a hidden agenda evident on this thread to make believe that Maura Murray's disappearance is absolutely NOT related to Molly Bish's disappearance or any other disappearance or attack. Just because I see Maura's disappearance as one disappearance among several related disappearances does not make me the enemy. If Maura was abducted and murdered, which most people seem to believe, then if you want to stop with the person who actually, physically kidnapped and killed her, that's fine. But some people may want to get to the root cause of violence related activity that has manifested itself in the disappearances (probably murders, or at least untimely deaths) of several young women. Just as an example, let's say Maura was a victim of roid rage by someone who was also a dealer in steroids. If you want to find only the steroid dealer who killed only Maura, then that's fine. I don't want to stop there. Because if you don't try to find the source of this cluster of disappearances (probable murders), then there's a good chance it will happen again. And that's not fair to the general public and it's really not fair to the victims who can no longer speak for themselves. I think there is a loosely affiliated group of people whose leadership, so to speak, did not order or directly cause Maura Murray or any of the others to become abducted or to disappear or whatever. But I think the culture of greed and deceit created at the top was so intense that one or more people at the bottom felt compelled to act recklessly or to achieve a goal by extreme methods, and that's why these women are no longer around. Maybe I'm wrong - I always leave room for that - but right now, that's not what is indicated. Well, it's only taken you two years of repeated asking to tell us in English what you are saying. That's all anyone has ever wanted of you, Beagle. This is information that is much easier for people to digest, and they are less likely to accuse you of having your hat off. There undoubtedly ARE people who think that Maura's disappearance is related to Molly's (I don't know enough about the latter) and no one has ever said you were the enemy, I don't think. The only enemy is the person who hurt Maura.
United States
For the record, I still don't know whether or not I agree with the finer details, but now at least, people can form some sort of informed opinion based on what you've been saying.
United States
Detective Columbo wrote: Who is who....that is funny...LOL Yeah, I was amused by that too. No one ever said you didn't have a sense of humour, Alden.
United States
Beagle wrote: <quoted text>They're also the breed most commonly used in animal testing, if they don't make it as hunting beagles. But enough of this symbolic mumbo jumbo.(I can hear her saying it now. "I behold the irony.") Irony and symbolism are two entirely different things. I've never minded either.
Weare, NH
Shack wrote: "Where is Maura Murray?" is the heading of this Forum... That is why I, one of me, come here.. Why are you here..? Possibly because you don't have a you.... OK.... As you were...are...was..if you know.... what time is it?....send in the clowns.. Shack, How do you or any other poster know for a Fact that what Beagle is stating is wrong? Have you check out the links he has given and followed the links within those links. WHY do you think this could be impossible? Have the PI's even looked into this. I hope so.
Middletown, VA
gvmeabrk wrote: <quoted text> Shack, How do you or any other poster know for a Fact that what Beagle is stating is wrong? Have you check out the links he has given and followed the links within those links. WHY do you think this could be impossible? Have the PI's even looked into this. I hope so. I have followed the links and read extensively info pointed to. It is interesting although I cannot seem to connect Mauras disappearance to such a wide area of mystique.
United States
I'm not averse to anyone checking into it, and I'm presuming the PIs or LE are on it.....but I can't cast a net that wide in my own efforts. In other words, the tin foil on my own head starts to chafe when I go in that direction. If it becomes more apparent that I need to look in that direction, I will. Right now I can't expend the energy.
Weare, NH
Detective Columbo wrote: Beagles are scent hounds, developed primarily for tracking hare, rabbit, and other game. It is the other game we should be worried about. I do not mean an animal in the sense of rabbit or or hare.