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Thanks Alden for bringing some sense to your previous writings.
I wonder how likely it is that others will make sense of it. Yes, the name A. Murray Sinclair came up in research attempting to find a link between the Sinclairs and Maura. I do think Regan knows something, Van Bowman too but not likely who exactly abducted Maura.Just because the link may not have been found by others regarding these disappearances does not mean it does not exist. It should be obvious that there is a link between Holly Piranian and Molly Bish as well. Maybe the problem is that this defies usual LE logic and profiles. Sure some like Regan have been imprisoned yet there could be others who also may have been involved indirectly. That is actually more plausible at this time to me. There lies the problem. It makes sense to me, the armchair detective. Pirania, Molly, Ammonoosuc, Indian Joe whose wife was named Molly may have been involved in the battle of Saratoga in 1777. Saratoga is thought by some to mean "Place of Swiftwater" although it is also said to mean place of floating scum.....really..... lol. The Native Americans called it like they saw it. I just hope I'm not the brightest bulb, there must be a brighter lightbulb in the package too???? I have learned a great deal from history recently and the writings of Ben Franklin and George Washington. I am after all an idealist. Honeypots and sock puppets: I find it frightening if I am the only one to realize..........smile] So, Indian Joe is buried off Route 5 in Vermont which is, conceivably a Route Maura may have taken, and it is adjacent to the Connecticut river. Has everyone been looking in the wrong State? Should they be looking in Vermont instead? Just across the river? Off Route 5? Near the Connecticut River? Near Indian Joe? At the Rivers Edge? Columbo, Does the Wells River Falls dam have a catch in it that would catch a large item such as a body should it come in contact, or does it allow for large items such as trees to freely flow down river? |
Thank you Firecat, I appreciate that. If you cannot produce it , I understand. But please understand my skepticism. That's all. |
Judged: ![]() 1 ![]() 1 At the time of John Regan's arrest for attempted sexual assault on the 21 year-old girl, Neil asked him if he would agree to have a DNA sample taken. Regan agreed. On October 22, 2004, my husband and I were called down to Neil's office where he told us Regan's DNA matched that of the perpetrator in my case. ABOVE FROM: http://janedoenomore.com/story/index4.shtml ********** Without Regan's DNA taken by police as part of their investigation into the August assault, there would have been no way to match any DNA on the bed sheet from the Palomba case. The August assault was not reported until a month after it happened. It was strictly a he said, she said case. There was no evidence. Even Palomba admits the evidence against Regan in the rape (kidnapping) case could easily have been called into question. The entire Palomba crime scene was totally contaminated. If Maura Murray was in fact abducted and murdered, then I think Regan may be able to help LE discover what happened. He may not be able to say exactly who was involved, but I bet he could at least sketch the general outlines of what happened. |
Judged: ![]() 1 Still confused why he left his car with Maura, when she was staying on campus with the girls, and she could have walked home. Yes they were going car shopping in the AM. But it does not make sense why Fred wouldn't pick her up in the AM. She didn't have any reason to have the car other than to pick Fred up. Did Fred ask her to stay at the hotel? |
Correct me if I am wrong but the Sinclairs were supposedly missing and presumed killed by Bowman. He didn't appear to be a traveler. I'm confused as to how you are connecting Maura with Tina & Bethany. |
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Ye of many ooo's and OOOO's:
Though not officially engaged yet, he said it was clear to everyone the couple planned to marry, and he was going to get out of the service so they could start a family. New Hampshire State Police let family members retrieve Maura's belongings from the Saturn. reported in (and quoted from) Valley News 2.19.04 ...and.... Rausch said he flew out first thing Wednesday morning. When asked how he is connected to Maura, he said, "Well, her father didn't know this, but we are engaged to be engaged." reported in (and quoted from) Caledonian Record 2.13.04 That's what I've been able to find so far today. I'm still searching for the particular discussion of the wedding for fall of 2005. I remember that date very clearly, because I just saw the correspondence within the past couple of days. Thanks for your patience. |
Judged: ![]() 1 ![]() 1 ![]() 1 see page 365 of Karen Pyrek's book,'Forensic Nursing', in it she descrives the directive given by Rumseld to the Undersecretary of Denfense to investigate all allegations of sexual assault in the militay. There are 88 complaints, of assault, harrassment, supressing information and complaints of inadequate medical and social services resources available for victims. This directive was given Feb. 05, 2004. The coincidence of the announcement of this enquiry and Maura being upset, and her life seem to spin out of control on this date, does beg the question,if Maura was being harrassed by someone from the past, someone who might be under investigation of sexual assault in the military? Unsettling information which gives rise to speculation if there was a motive in Maura's disappearance. |
presuming the information in the above post is know by law enforcement and the military, and the PI and detectives it is fair to assume this line of investigation has been followed. Don't know if this is wishful thinking?
sorry that is Kelley Pyrek's book,Forensic Nursing
![]() Joined: Jun 10, 2008 Comments: 320 |
I have been communicating via email with one of Maura's friends from High School who, although they went to different colleges, stayed in touch with Maura. She stated that yes, Maura and Billy were planning on marrying but hadn't begun making the arrangements yet. |
“beauty ~ nature ~ the roar” Joined: Jun 12, 2008 Comments: 643 |
Interesting. Is this absolutely true, L4aM? A fact? Mason's post at #12519 suggests time away from school with the formal transfer made in the fall. It is extremely difficult to transfer mid-year, given the social, academic (course sequencing), financial and logical consequences of such a move. Monies are usually forfeited from the original institution, and the student most often cannot be easily accommodated mid-year. If L4M is correct, then there was, indeed, a compelling reason to leave WP and jump into a very difficult and stressful transfer situation. |
![]() Joined: Jun 10, 2008 Comments: 320 |
The friend was told that the Track coach helped her transfer midyear--she didn't want to owe too much money to West Point. At the time though, one couldn't transfer directly into Nursing at UMass---had to be accepted as a student first. |
Thanks, Moose. |
Speaking of the segment of article I just posted last night, it jiggled loose half a memory which was confirmed for me by a friend. Here's the quote:
"Though not officially engaged yet, he said it was clear to everyone the couple planned to marry, and he was going to get out of the service so they could start a family." People have speculated that Maura left because she was realising that the life of a military wife was not for her. Billy had plans to leave the service and start a family with her. She's wasn't going to BE a military wife. |
Judged: ![]() 1 I don't put the Sinclairs or Louise Chaput into the core group (although eventually I may) because some of the circumstances and general "properties" of their disappearance are a little different. This doesn't mean I don't think there is a strong and vital connection among all six disappearances, but it's easier to establish a connection for the three core victims that have the most common properties than it is to go too far afield by adding another three victims. I concentrate on the core group, but the secondary group is not far behind. Just to get Louise Chaput out of the way... There is good reason to believe that she was killed by someone involved in the Bish disappearance. (NOTE: Sometimes I say disappearance and sometimes abduction. Although I have been told by someone who worked on the Bish case that she was murdered, and although the Warren MA PD website claims she was murdered, I'm not sure Bish was officially declared a homicide victim. Maybe she was, but after all, only a few scattered bones were found in the woods. If these few bones provided proof or even strong indication of murder, then I've overlooked that claim. So, to be narrowly correct, she disappeared. Little to nothing more than that is known by the public. Realistically, she almost certainly died due to some kind of criminal activity, but it may not have been murder. It may have been manslaughter. More on the subject in a following post. |
Judged: ![]() 1 ![]() 1 ![]() 1 How convenient! |
Judged: ![]() 2 ![]() 2 ![]() 2 Yeah, maybe it wasn't about being a military wife, maybe she just didn't want to marry Billy. |
Judged: ![]() 1 People usually confine themselves to the notion that if a young, attractive, athletic, intelligent (and, shamefully, usually white) woman disappeared, then she must have been the victim of a lone rapist/serial killer. The average person with a strong opinion on a disappearance likes to say that some kind of Ted Bundy or dirty old man did it. This is what I call "Boo Radley" thinking. From "To Kill a Mockingbird." Most people with an opinion on a case like the Murray disappearance do not, for example, subscribe to the magazine Scientific American, or regularly read the science section of the New York Times (let alone have a letter comically bashing poor thinking by a Missouri psychologist published in it). The average person is completely unaware of how monetarily valuable the human body has become. And is therefore unaware of the profit motive, as opposed to the twisted sexual motive, that exists. There are lots of men who would never, ever abduct and kill a woman for free, but who would seriously consider the possibility if the pay were, say, a half million dollars. This fact alone increases the number of potential suspects by a large percentage. And many of this new group of potential abductors do not have criminal records, at least records consistent with the kinds of crime that would involve abduction, rape, and/or murder. Too, most people are unaware of the history of reproductive medicine and how huge a role in this field has been played by a few often related companies in Connecticut and Massachusetts. For example, almost everyone knows and has an opinion about Roe v. Wade, but hardly anyone knows that the legal path to Roe was cleared by Griswold v. Connecticut. And this, believe it or not, was the work of Precott Bush more than anyone else. That's right, W's grandfather. Who was also on the board of or an officer of UniRoyal (like rubber), based in Waterbury (Naugatuck, Middlebury, and so on). It is Uniroyal that, sort of indirectly, I believe, plays such an important role in the disappearances of Bish, Murray and SSHSstu.(The tire part was spun off years ago.) Waterbury is where Regan grew up and lived. It is where key components of the family of companies that paid Regan's attorney are located. And there is an abundantly clear and relevant connection between Waterbury (aka Uniroyal) and Amherst. Not to mention Haverhill and Worcester. |
Judged: ![]() 3 ![]() 3 ![]() 1 First, the connections, in the usual sense, are limited. Tina Sinclair worked in Amherst, as something of a PCA, LPN, something like that. I believe I read a post somewhere that indicated the person for whom Tina worked was relatively prominent or rich or notorious or something like that. I think the post read, in effect, "Yeah, and you wouldn't believe who she worked for." If you've spent much time in the Amherst area, one person automatically comes to the mind. Not that it couldn't have been a few other people, but there is one person who kind of stands out. Whether the post was true, or even correctly understood by me, I cannot say. But overall, it does support the notion of a connection that consists of health care, alternative health care, nutritional supplements, medical research (especially medical research) and so on. There are other connections between the Murray and Sinclair cases that cannot be discussed on this thread because their discovery and corroboration involve a local understanding of some of the circumstances. The advantage of looking at, say, a half dozen potentially related cases is that while there may not be much of a connection between case A and case B, for example, there maybe a bunch of strong connection between cases A and C and cases B and C. Which obviously means that there may be substantial connections between cases A and B. Sometimes connections must be inferred. It's kind of like inferring that a distant star exists. You may not be able to directly view the star, but you can know what is uniquely occurring around it. Sometimes two cases don't appear to have much in common directly with each other, but they each have a lot in common with a mutually connected case. And that can be plenty enough to work with. I think this is the situation in the Sinclair and Chaput cases. Sorry, wish I could say more about it, but this thread is not the place for it. If I think of other things, I'll gladly share them. |
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