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Amherst, MA

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Thursday Jan 22



FireCat wrote:
<quoted text>They're all indicative, shall we say, of a certain personality type with which I prefer not to engage on an intellectual basis for a number of reasons.
Oh, okay, if you don't want to engage my certain personality type on an intellectual basis, I completely understand. Really, I do. Intellectual bases can get boring fast. But if you'd like another personality type, just let me know. I'm sure I can find one somewhere. Oh, dahling, I know, how about Zsa Zsa Gabor?

Amherst, MA

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Thursday Jan 22
FireCat wrote:
Short version: I find numerous flaws in the flow of your logic, enough so to question the veracity of much that comes bearing one of your names.

Amherst, MA

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Thursday Jan 22





FireCat wrote:
Short version: I find numerous flaws in the flow of your logic, enough so to question the veracity of much that comes bearing one of your names.
Let me try this again.

If - that means assuming, for the sake of argument - one person was

(1) known to have frequented - and been very familiar with and had access to - the area where Bish's body was found at the time of her disappearance,

(2) was known to be in Jackson, NH at the time Chaput was killed, and

(3) resembles the "person of interest" in the sketch on the Bish website,

would this person be worth a closer look by LE?

I've tried to word the question a little more clearly.

An answer does not need to predicate itself on whether or not you think the person asking the question is a paranoid lunatic or a "certain personality type" or anything like that.

It's just a simple question, nothing very deep. I'm not saying this person needs to be investigated as if he were Osama Bin Ladin. Just looked at closer.

I'm not sure what you mean by a flaw in the logic flow. I don't think it's that complicated. But if there's a logic flow within the question and it's flawed, please let me know and hopefully I can fix it.


Westwood, MA

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Thursday Jan 22





Lady Grey, no I am not Alden. I do not know who Alden is. Yesterday was the first time I ever posted here. I remember you Lady Grey from Helena's forum. You were a Helena worshipper, you were a Fred worshipper. Helena's forum had strict rules. If you followed these rules you would be accepted as one of the inner circle. The rules were simple. 1.LE is bad. 2.SBD is bad 3.CW is bad. 4.Helena is a saint. 5.Fred is a saint. 6.Maura is a saint. 7.Do no attempt to direct the discussion toward what happened in Amherst. If you do not follow these rules, you are bashed and/or denigrated and /or censored.

Omaha, NE

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Thursday Jan 22





Oh many one ~
You asked if anyone here knew her. I do believe a friend of hers and her supervisor - the one that walked her back to her room - did post here at the start. I'm guessing as things took a negative turn - they stopped. Probably too difficult to read about someone you know.$.02
Are you sure you are not a scientologist? You mentioned the tin foil on your head before???????? hmm

Amherst, MA

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Thursday Jan 22
Hey, just to change the subject, anyone remember Childs hobby and model railroad store in Northampton? What a great store that was.

Oh, speaking of Northampton, remember Kristin Gilbert? Wonder if there was anyone close to her?


Omaha, NE

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Thursday Jan 22
She was already in prison.

Omaha, NE

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Thursday Jan 22
I know this has been asked many times

Where is the construction worker these days? I don't need to know his name - however - those who do - have you checked the sex offendor registry there?

also.......... it is VERY obvious pieces of the car would have been found there and the tree severly damaged by the right fender sticking out past the bumper and crumpled hood. I never noticed that before... Interesting indeed
Lady Gray

Austin, TX

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Thursday Jan 22




Beagle wrote:
<quoted text>
Let me try this again.
If - that means assuming, for the sake of argument - one person was
(1) known to have frequented - and been very familiar with and had access to - the area where Bish's body was found at the time of her disappearance,
(2) was known to be in Jackson, NH at the time Chaput was killed, and
(3) resembles the "person of interest" in the sketch on the Bish website,
would this person be worth a closer look by LE?
I've tried to word the question a little more clearly.
An answer does not need to predicate itself on whether or not you think the person asking the question is a paranoid lunatic or a "certain personality type" or anything like that.
It's just a simple question, nothing very deep. I'm not saying this person needs to be investigated as if he were Osama Bin Ladin. Just looked at closer.
I'm not sure what you mean by a flaw in the logic flow. I don't think it's that complicated. But if there's a logic flow within the question and it's flawed, please let me know and hopefully I can fix it.
Of course, a closer look at this person by law enforcement would be warranted.

A close look by the public, in this Topix forum, is not the proper avenue.

Provide your information to law enforcement and let them take it from there.
Lady Gray

Austin, TX

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Thursday Jan 22





Christina wrote:
Lady Grey, no I am not Alden. I do not know who Alden is. Yesterday was the first time I ever posted here. I remember you Lady Grey from Helena's forum. You were a Helena worshipper, you were a Fred worshipper. Helena's forum had strict rules. If you followed these rules you would be accepted as one of the inner circle. The rules were simple. 1.LE is bad. 2.SBD is bad 3.CW is bad. 4.Helena is a saint. 5.Fred is a saint. 6.Maura is a saint. 7.Do no attempt to direct the discussion toward what happened in Amherst. If you do not follow these rules, you are bashed and/or denigrated and /or censored.
This posting reminds me of the creepy emails that were sent to Helena while she was ill. Remember the Tin God, get a life, emails? That's the only comment I have to make in response to this posting - as absurd as it is.

Amherst, MA

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Thursday Jan 22
Doesn't matter if she was in prison in 2004. Was there anyone close to her?
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Thursday Jan 22




a person of interest (the last known person to see her alive that can be verified) in the missing person case and murder of Chandra Levy looks EXACTLY like the composite drawing of the suspect in the Molly Bish disappeance and murder case.

This information has been forwarded to the authorities. IS this just a coincidential perhaps, but perhaps there is more to it.

Is the murder or Molly Bish connected to Maura Murray, can't comment, don't know! Possible?

Certainly there appears to be a connect to Holly and Molly, by nature that Molly sent the family of Holly a note when she disappeared/murdered.

Motive for murder is not always necessary to discern; because some people murder simply because they can, and do. No other motive...
May murderers of young women, murder because they are sexual deviants, and the other range of possiblities are too numerous to elaborate or investigate regarding Maura as there appears to be absent of a motive.

Jennifer Horne was murdered New Year's Eve, in Halifax by a co-worker (nursing home). She was 20 and on her first date, they met at a Restaurant and had supper and returned to his place. There waiting his girlfriend, they had their way with her,(refused to listen to details) and then when they were done abusing and torturing her they rolled her in a rug and installed her in the spare room, they then went to a party in a motel...and partied the night away and several days later emerged.

When I attended the reception at the funeral, I looked around the room of about 300 people and within seconds eyed the detective, as I wanted to check out whose hands the case was in, immediately I knew the perps had no idea that they had met their match. This guy had them for lunch.

This is the neice of my best friends, and there is no more a sweater human that ever walked the earth than Jennifer, her infatima, she trusted someone she worked with, her one and only mistake of her life.

This case is before the courts, but with a columbo on the case, these vile characters don't stand a hope in hell of beating the rap, he is 34 and his girlfriend is 21, she is pregnant and already has a 2 year old. Unfortunately we have no death penalties, but if ever a case deserved on this be it.

ditto, for Holly, Molly, Maura, and all the crimes against the innocent, it is an infatima and
the laws regarding sexual offenders and murderers of the innocent need to change, more resources need to be supplied and allocated to solving these types of murders and the penalties that they receive. The laws need to change, especially laws surrounding missing person cases, abandon vehicles.

We think we know people, we think we have them all figured out, well so much for that thought...

We do not have to look for conspiratorial theories or far flung motives, it is what it is
and likely there is not motive to figure out other than the darkness of an individual's mind.

There is no lack of darkness about us to examine
Sad but true.

Omaha, NE

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Thursday Jan 22
How would that matter if anyone was close to her? She killed them at her place of employment. Unless - you suspect a co-worker. I would need proof of other patients that were killed by a ex coworker at a different location.

Make sense? Otherwise it is just random - very random mind you, speculation! I just do not see it possible for all of these "theories" to be related to the Murray case as stated above - from ROID rage, stealing eggs, water purification plants and model trains. How on earth could those all be connected - and don't forget the person of power that is linked to the govenor.

that was exhausting and I know I missed a few
Report Abuse
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Thursday Jan 22





have checked out several hundred available men from on line dating in New Hampshire, Vermont, and surrounding area of Mass and Maine.

This yeilded a whole host of people that look and sound very scary, ok this search was not personal, and if I ever had the notion to do so, it was quickly dismissed after walking through the available dates in New England, ditto for here I am sure.

One night while on duty in at a hospital, came across the medical nurses checking out a dating on line service, there for the viewing was one of the security guards at our hospital, and a former person I worked with at a Youth Health Centre, we knew the backgrounds of the men in question, and the lies that they filled their profile with was absolutely hillarious, although sinister as their motivation was to deceive who they were.

This is off topic, in that it has nothing to do with Maura, other than there are some scary and deceptive people who are lonely. I do not think for a moment that Maura was engaged in this process, but it may be a source to find a few perps lurking about...while I was researching at 2-5 in the morning many were on line...several nights in a row...this is not lonely, this seems to me like something more sinister, not that everyone was sinister looking not by a long shot, but I found about a dozen that if I was the internet police, I'd be doing a check on these dudes, and local police should be checking out some of these characters....

Let the buyer beware!

Amherst, MA

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Thursday Jan 22



Lady Gray wrote:
<quoted text>
Of course, a closer look at this person by law enforcement would be warranted.
A close look by the public, in this Topix forum, is not the proper avenue.
Provide your information to law enforcement and let them take it from there.
Hey, thank you. Clear answer. Correct, a closer look by the public in an online forum like this is inappropriate.

But "provide your information to law enforcement?" Last time I tried that I got a truly negative response. It was clearly conveyed to me that if I continued to look into the subject, I would face some truly serious and unpleasant consequences. Like for the rest of my natural life. So I deleted LE from my Rolodex. They're no longer an option.

Amherst, MA

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Thursday Jan 22





Don't freak out...

I would add two more items to the first three.

If - that means assuming, for the sake of argument - one person

(1) was known to have frequented - and been very familiar with and had access to - the area where Bish's body was found at the time of her disappearance,

(2) was known to be in Jackson, NH at the time Chaput was killed,

(3) resembles the "person of interest" in the sketch on the Bish website,

(4) is obviously "bulked up,"

(5) and sells mammals for use in bio-med research experiments,

would this person be worth a closer look?

I think criteria (1) and (3) suffice. But if the same person satisfies all five criteria, then maybe someone might want to give a little consideration to the drug/organ scenario. Nothing conclusive, just keep it mind.

Omaha, NE

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Thursday Jan 22
That is funny - OT - however a friend of mine recently divorced signed up on and an old coworker who was fired for fraud was on there and put he was a VP of a telecommunication company that started with V.......... NOT

Westwood, MA

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Thursday Jan 22





The new MM forum is excellent. People can actually contribute new and refreshing ideas without having to adhere to 'the party line.' It was designed by Advocate4. Do read her 'Food For Thought' as an example of something that Helena would never allow to be said and as an example of something that will give Lady Grey coniptions.

Amherst, MA

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Thursday Jan 22





First, the organ/body-drug theory is one theory that is elastic. Or it's sort of an umbrella theory. It simply addresses a certain spectrum of activity - some criminal, some not - along the organ/body-drug continuum.

The water treatment plant thing is just to show who might have done something or how it might have been done. It's more specific. It's about who might have been at all four places. It's like saying all four attacks occurred next to a jewelry store. You might look for someone who buys and/or sells jewelry. That's all.

The water treatment plants are a clearly common factor among the 4/5 attacks. It's something that needs to be kept in mind, especially considering that it relates to other known facts in Murray's disappearance.

The model trains? That requires some thinking, I admit, but it should be almost obvious to anyone really familiar with the cases. And it doesn't necessarily have anything to do with the organ/body-drug theory. It might, but it's more conventional and can stand on its own.

Amherst, MA

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Thursday Jan 22





Christina wrote:
People can actually contribute new and refreshing ideas without having to adhere to 'the party line.'
Like here?
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