Why do you even bother with this bumbling idiot? He obviously creates lies.<quoted text>
Of course conclusions will be drawn from your earlier statement, are you kidding? Don't you see all the directions that conversations take on this forum? People take speculation for fact. Heck, they don't even need speculation.
You say: "I'm just providing information that I've read here or elsewhere..." and, then
You say: "It was said here on this forum. Period."
So, which is it? The reference to Maura Murray's father making such a statement.....was it here on Topix --- or was it elsewhere? <;o)
I have spent 3 1/2 years on Maura Murray's disappearance and this is the ONLY reference I've seen to such a statement, anywhere. At any time. Period.
Today is the 5 year anniversary of Ms. Murray's disappearance. Here's hoping that some are reading that have information to lead to answers.
Five years has been a long time. People know. Please do the right thing.
- Posted in the Franconia Forum
Comments (Page 694)
Joined: Oct 16, 2008 Comments: 320 |
Get your own forum name. |
Judged: ![]() 4 ![]() 4 ![]() 3 The reason that these theories lead to so many questions that either can't be answered or are incredibly far-fetched is because they don't make sense. Do you know what goes on within the lives of college students? Every single thing that happened in the days leading up to 2/9/04 is COMPLETELY NORMAL for a college student to experience. Ask a random female college senior how many times she's (a) been upset by a phone call,(b) got into an accident, and (c) took a weekend getaway. I can say from experience that the vast majority of college women experience EXACTLY what Maura was experiencing. There is NOTHING abnormal about it. However, if you have the desire to try and find something abnormal about it, as you and Quija obviously do, an infinite amount of reasons or scenarios could be reached. You're entitled to your opinion, but I'm certain it's inaccurate. Maura drove the Saturn up to NH. You either haven't considered the number of extremely unlikely elements involved with the scenario you believe, or you haven't thought of all of them yet. I'd be happy to bring them all to your attention though. I put a few in a recent post, but I can think of dozens of more reasons. Is it a coincidence that Fred Murray, along with EVERY SINGLE investigator who have details that none of us know about, all unanimously agree that she drove to NH and was abducted there? Or are they wrong and some random people on an Internet forum with limited, inaccurate information are the ones that are right? |
Joined: Oct 16, 2008 Comments: 320 |
NABBY! NABBY! NABBY! NABBY! http://www.youtube.com/watch... |
Firecat, I love this post. Gave me a good laugh! Thanks! |
Judged: ![]() 2 ![]() 2 ![]() 1 Mason, Firstly, I always appreciate your input. I certainly think it's reasonable to question whether she may have been pregnant with another man's baby, and that this man wanted her killed. This could also explain the phone call she received in which she started crying, although I still questions whether this phone call has anything to do with her disappearance. I strongly disagree with the whole nurse picking her up and Maura spilling her guts part though. IMHO. I was about to type up, "I know that you think she wouldn't have discussed this pregnancy with anyone, but women always disclose something like that to at least one close friend." However, I then remembered the fact that she's engaged. Obviously she would never mention a word of her pregnancy to anyone but the man himself. Another theory that certainly does NOT get enough attention is that she was using drugs at the time, something addictive like cocaine, painkillers or heroin. She went to NH to see her drug dealer for any number of reasons (to pick up, to pay him, to give/receive anything) and he had other plans in mind. Perhaps he had been planning on abducting her or thought of it impulsively at the time, but it would explain the red truck. Perhaps she was on the way to see him when she crashed, so then she called him and he picked her up. Dozens of theories can branch out after the theory that she went to NH to see her drug dealer. WHY ELSE would she take such a risk, driving a shitty car all the way to the middle of NH? Drug dependency/addiction could induce anybody to do that, and it would explain everything. And hey, maybe the drug dealer was ALSO the secret boyfriend that impregnated her. What do you think Mason? It's a possibility. I do disagree with you in the respect that you believe she wasn't abducted. It DOESN'T HAVE TO BE A SERIAL KILLER. I don't know why everyone thinks that it must have been a serial killer. I think a lot of men, many more than you'd think, would try to exploit the opportunity of seeing a stranded, good-looking, drunk college girl with no where to go and desperate for help right in their town. I've said before that it's very possible that a clean, crime-free man may have seen her and took advantage of the situation. It doesn't have to be a child molestor or a serial killer. It's incredibly naive to assume there must have been a serial killer. |
PART ONE Johnny B., Thanks for this thoughtful post. I see the merits of your points, but I don't agree with them all. There are easily conceivable scenarios in which they want witnesses to a staged accident. In my thinking over this matter, I am increasingly persuaded that Maura was the victim of a wrong place at the wrong time crime. There is a lot of crime and a lot of sex offenders in that area, at least on a per capita basis. The intriguing issue for me is what the hell was she doing there. Although Anne and Suzanne have raised reasonable points to the contrary, I still believe that given all of her KNOWN possible destinations (Stowe, Burlington, Bartlett) and given that beyond speculation there are no other conceivable destinations that put her on 112 East, the most intriguing issue is simply why was she there at this place at so wrong a time. In this vein, I think some of Beagle's contributions (when shorn of his self-aggrandizing conspiracy rantings) have merit. SEE PART 2 |
PART TWO (addressed to Johnny B)
Beyond the possibility that she was drunk or just randomly floating around up in NH (which seems unlikely, as I have heard that she would not likely have taken a long trip by herself in that car at night), the only fact based theories for why she was there seem to come from Amherst. While my theory involves speculation, at least it tries to weave together some known facts into an explanation. You can look back the vicinity of pages 686-690 for my "part one" and "part two" posts, but I think the easiest way to explain - for instance - the rag in the tail pipe is to conclude she was not alone. The way to connect the coincidence in timing between the Vasi incident and the upsetting call, is to assume she knew the person who hit Vasi. Trouble for that person can explain why Maura and him got out of dodge, apparantly with the plan to be gone a while. Maybe on that excursion (maybe with the help of alchohol) they hatched a plan to stage an accident to cover for the damage to her car if police came investigating re: Vasi. Maybe they wanted a pretty desolate place where some folks would be nearby to note that she was there and had had an accident for the record, then intended to drive away. Their search for the best site would explain the extra hour in driving time (it should have only taken the Saturn 2.5 hours to get to 112 E and OPL from Amhert, but it took 3.5, probably, according to what we know. I can string all this together reasonably. If something like this was the case, something else then went wrong that led to the disappearance. Anyway, just an idea and admittedly speculation. But reasonable, fact based speculations are all there is in this case. My point is that there are some conceivable answers to some of your questions. Regards, John |
These are good comments (both Johnny's and Mason's to which he replied.) On the serial killer concept, I agree with Johnny. It might have been an opportunistic, messed up kid ensnared by the rural drug problem (see the nearby murders on Lime Kiln Road recently of that developmentally handicapped Walmart employee) or an opportunistic registered sex offender (check out the national registry and note how many live very near the accident site. Also note the relatively high degree of crime in the area, per capita. |
Judged: ![]() 1 Johnny, I think you are taking a bit of a tough line on Sara's points. All that can be done in discussing this bizarre case is interpret what is known in the hope of stringing together a theory that explains all or most of the facts. They each will be speculative to a degree ... if there were a simple explanation, this forum would not exist. The question is whether there is some basis in fact for what is being said and whether the theory is simply inventing more assumptions than explaining facts. Beagles conspiracy theories definitely invent more assumptions than it explains facts. But I think Sara's points are good ones and just as worth chewing on as any others. Just my opinion man. I appreciate your posts. Not trying to denigrate you. |
For the record, upon my calling out Beagle on the factual errors in his story about a Verizon tech showing him that his phone was bugged and that his calls were being forwarded to an aborition clinic, Beagle identified me as being part of this vast pro life conspiracy. Aside from his estimate of my politics being wrong, Beagle's accusations exemplify the point that the last resort of a failing argument is an ad hominym attack. In Beagle's case, a rather bizarre one! |
Puahahahahahaha! Sorry, Ben, but that was beautiful.:) Also my thoughts exactly. |
Gentle readers - there is shouting (expletives deleted) in my post. If you are not among the many Alden/Beagles, please feel free to SoB.
Beagle: "In fact, I'll bet that a small determined group of posters on this board already know this to be the case and are unnerved by its mention because they themselves are members of the extreme pro-life movement, which justifies any action, including lying, intimidation, and murder, in order to prevent abortion. " How freaking dare you? Do you realize the extremity of what you posted? You are accusing members - unnamed, of course - of THIS BOARD, not of loudly disagreeing with you, but of "LYING, INTIMIDATION AND MURDER"! If I thought for a second that Topix gave a hoot about "abuse" I would report it, but surely they don't. The gloves have come off, Alden. |
Judged: ![]() 1 ![]() 1 ![]() 1 Precisely. If Maura's case was a "simple" missing persons case, I don't believe there would be the level of public unfounded accusation and threat (isn't that illegal?) that we are seeing on the board and in PM's. I would generally advise everyone to NEVER meet with anyone who says "let's meet!" unless you know who they are, unless it's a safe, public location, and unless you have a burly friend along for witnessing and protection. There's some very strange, frightening and dangerous stuff going down here right now. Please be safe. |
GWB said the same thing and he must be one of the most willfully ignorant and mean people on the planet. |
Judged: ![]() 1 ![]() 1 I visited the NH Registry yesterday and noticed the title has been changed. It now reads criminal offenders/offenders against children. For those whom are unaware, a new law was passed last fall requiring Level II & III offenders against adults to be included on the registry. Before this new law only the identities of offenders against children were made public. I understand adding the names of 600+ offenders against adults is a tedious process and will take some time. I am being very patient. |
Hail ye the Pointy Boot Brigade! |
Judged: ![]() 1 ![]() 1 Actually, Alden has admitted to being Beagle aka Eagle Art aka Eagle Fart and many other screenames. I don't know for a fact that every one on my list IS also Alden, but Alden has certainly not admitted that any of them are or aren't. While it is extremely tempting to advise everyone to ignore Alden and the Clones, it may be wise NOT to ignore him. Maybe he is just a disturbed person on a mission which exists solely in his mind, but maybe there's more to it. We've been repeatedly told that he was "threatened" - thrown off the UMass campus - watched - wiretapped but we haven't been told WHY. I find myself wondering about that a lot. I'm not quite sure if all of us, myself incuded, are looking at something "hiding in plain sight." |
Judged: ![]() 2 ![]() 1 ![]() 1 In other news...I think I've pretty well got the "judging" worked out. There is a very specific pattern to it. I don't know why this wasn't obvious to me before. There seems to be an element of OCD to it, or maybe it's also a smokescreen and an attempt to ridicule and silence differing views. |
John, The PIs believe there were two accidents that night. They believe the first one occurred within 1 to 3 miles of the second one. I used to believe in this previous accident theory until Bill, whose moniker is WTF, convinced me that all of the damage sustained by the Saturn occurred at the accident site where the Saturn was discovered. The issue of a possible previous accident arose because there is a prominent dent in the hood of the Saturn on the driver's side that appears to have been caused by an impact with an overhanging object, possibly a tow hitch. Depending on the various theories one might conjure up to explain the circumstances of two accidents, one might theorize that Maura intended to take Rte 302, which is the recommended route to take to Bartlett, but she may have turned off on Rte 112 in an effort to elude someone pursuing her after that previous accident. For this theory to be viable, one must suppose that Maura had managed to separate herself from a pursuing vehicle far enough to have turned off on the 112 without being seen by the person or persons in the pursuing vehicle. It continues on the 302 until the driver realizes that the Saturn turned off. The driver backtracks and turns down the 112 and arrives at the scene of the accident just after the SBD leaves the scene and the rest as some like to say is history. This theory and other permutations and combinations of it are posted on the other site along with pictures of the damaged Saturn. The PIs also consulted an accident reconstruction expert who has concluded that the Saturn could not have sustained all of the visible damage at the crash site. Go check out the other site and judge for yourself. Fred |
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