Can't take the heat? Then get out of the bleachers. Guy like you's off in the sky box anyway.Hey moose and others,
i remember reading that there were a number of parents on the road that night at that time --- related either to a school-related meeting and/or picking up the students who were dropped off by Butch --- SBD after a day's ski trip. I could be wrong. Also remember Butch himself saying (in media) something about 6+ cars passing by in the period he watched from his bus, doing paperwork, after talking with the saturn's driver about hazard lights, calling police, etc. I'll look for a link for you guys.
- Posted in the Franconia Forum
Comments (Page 75)
Regarding the number of passing cars at the snowbank site of Maura's Saturn --- I think Helena posted this on the MMM site:(i don't know how to BOLD the part about the # of cars)
...Shortly after, Sergeant Cecil Smith from the Haverhill Police Department called me. He wanted information on how he could speak to Sprint to get the information that I had learned first hand. I gave him very detailed instructions, including which option # to select each time, the name of the account, Billy’s mailing address and my social security number. All of these items were required for Sprint to release any information. Sprint was also on notice that Maura was missing. Before I let him go, I asked what he knew about Maura’s disappearance. Based on my notes, the following while perhaps not an actual quote is nearly verbatim what Sergeant Smith told me:“I was on duty last night and received a call around 7:00 or 7:30 PM that there was an accident. I arrived on the scene approximately 10 minutes after I received the call. As I was driving to the scene of the accident, I met 5 or 6 cars. When I arrived on the scene there was no one present. I ran the plates and saw that the car belonged to 61 year old Frederick Murray of Weymouth MA. There was only one set of footprints leading from the car. This is a tourist area and it is not unusual for someone to have car trouble or in this case get stuck in the snow and abandon their vehicle. I assumed we would hear from Mr. Murray about his car. When we did not, we started trying to reach him today ( note:“today” would have been Tuesday Feb 10th). When we finally reached him this evening, we learned that his daughter Maura, was driving the car.” I asked him many questions and he clearly indicated that he had no knowledge that a young girl was driving this abandoned car. He was very nice and sympathetic. He soon called me a second time stating that he was having no success in reaching the department in Sprint PCS. We were speaking on my home phone, so I got on my cell phone and asked that he call Sprint and that I would walk him through the steps. He was still unable to follow the procedure, and by the time I reached the representative, she gave me a direct number where Haverhill PD could call them. |
Hey Teagle, you talkin' about me or moose?(I get confused easily.) You like the dunes at the Cape? I do. Back to Maura.
You should talk, bringing up stuff like Leyden's Jerome. That's disgusting. Show's just what exactly is going on in that mind of yours. |
Miss Sullivan or Mrs. Keith? |
No, not talking about you. This board just makes me feel like I'm in the bleachers. Raucous as all get out! |
Beagle --- huh??? Guess my IQ is lower than I pretended! I totally missed this one!
Here's another report (Hanson Express article) on the number of cars passing just during the period Butch was calling 911 --- this was just a portion of the time the Saturn was in the snowbank: Atwood spoke to the 911 operator from the front porch of his house. He could see the road, but Maura's car was not in his line of sight. As he spoke, a few cars passed by but Atwood was not able to identify any of them. |
Cousin Clifford??????
Scratch cousin Clifford. I just looked at the Town Report. I could about fall over. If Steve's older, then who's younger? If that's not too sensitive a question. I apologize if it is.
Beagle --- One poster here said (she said "I've lived and breathed Maura for 4-1/2 years") but it IS hard to stay on track here. Glad you advised ignoring the infighting, and to continue on objectively (well, somewhat). Anyway, what you said was helpful for here and the real world. Hope it sticks. If the powers that be want to snag a perp, I guess they have to learn to tolerate all kinds of posted ideas.
Beagle -- who's Cousin Clifford? What's the Town Report? Who is Steve? I'll be really embarassed if you're talking to someone else.(I just like Wellfleet and Truro is all.)
Okay, I'm definitely not getting what you're saying. Sorry for the confusion. Back to Maura.
Yes, good point about the cars going by. I have no idea what the frequency of travel is on that road, not having lived there, but after looking at the Google map, I wouldn't say it's like a terribly rural place. Rural, but not isolated. Only places like Northeast Carry are what I'd call truly rural.(just a wink for my biggest fan.) Say, you wouldn't have my SSN by any chance, would you? |
Sorry, I didn't understand what you were trying to say. Wellfleet and Truro? Both nice towns. National Seashore Park and all. |
Beague ---(re: SSN) workin' on it (if you're talkin' to me). Only kidding. Just makin' stupid jokes. It's just very hot and humid in Mass. lately.
I read that a parent or two stopped at the accident site and they were concerned about Maura disappearing. Will look for that link. |
Teague -- being straight here... guess your biggest fan was just showing off for you what she could easily find out. Sorry 'cause that was rude, wise-assy and just plain not nice --- a lot like junior high. Done out of curiosity, tho, not malevelance (sp).
If there were a number of parents and others passing by that area, it IS weird Maura was not spotted. It supports either what the PIs said about her being taken earlier and makes what the CW said less likely. |
I don't see any reason to think the Rt. 112 crash scene was, like, really STAGED. Technically, maybe it was, but I don't think they brought in Hollywood. The Saturn's front end definitely did not hit any trees. That's out because there is no damage to the front bumper. Maybe Lavoie's truck damaged the hood or maybe it was vandalized. At this point, it's hard to say.
Sophie (my sweetheart) had a good point about buying some booze and heading to a friend's house. But if you were driving a half-broken down car, wouldn't you wait until you were closer to your destination before stocking up? If I were going to visit friends in Haverhill, I would wait until I got closer to pick up refreshments. It's not like they don't sell Kahlua in Vermont or NH. I think it's worth considering that maybe Maura was headed to someplace local, some place near Amherst. It would be really helpful to know what liquor store she was seen at, but I'm sure that's top secret info. But if it wasn't Watroba's, then I bet Maura was headed across the Coolidge Bridge. Whether she took a right at the lights or not, after the bridge, would be really interesting. But Sophie, come on, you may have ice in your veins, but that noggin of yours could whip Big Blue any day. DayQuil and Dr. Pepper???? Yuck!!!!! |
Not rude. I'm flattered. Don't say sorry. |
So you're saying that given the traffic past the Rt. 112 crash scene, it would have been hard to stage a crash? Or if Maura had been there, someone beside SBD should have seen her? If you happened to look at the You Tube vids about towing, you can see how quickly a car can be picked up and dropped off by tow truck. I asked a driver about this and he said a Saturn could be towed either front or rear, but it would have to be done correctly because of tranny and steering problems. If you see the vids about the guy who tows with his pickup truck, you can also see the tool box, which might account for RO's vague recollection that the rear window was small. |
![]() Joined: Jun 10, 2008 Comments: 299 |
OK quija---the police officer met 5 or 6 cars on the way to the site---from the HPD. That building is where? Route 302? Route 10? Both main roads very unike 112. And in February, except for school vacation week, there is nothing touristy about it.... Nothing. I can travel up 112 from 93 to the Stage Stop on a Friday night in the summer and still only pass maybe 5 or so cars. Now if I go onto 302 or 10, I pass by dozens. I'll take a count on the holiday weekend and let you know the #.
There was only one set of footprints leading from the car. This is a tourist area and it is not unusual for someone to have car trouble or in this case get stuck in the snow and abandon their vehicle. I assumed we would hear from Mr. Murray about his car. When we did not, we started trying to reach him today ( note:“today” would have been Tuesday Feb 10th). When we finally reached him this evening, we learned that his daughter Maura, was driving the car.”
Ok, now look at the accident report and ask yourself,~ what would make Mr Smith change his tune with regards to writing the report the way he did.....that it hit trees, etc? Why would Mr Smith assume he would be hearing anything about the saturn being abandoned from a man who not from that state.....upon seeing the UMASS stickers, spider crack on the inside of the glass and looking for a "girl" |
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