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Lady Gray

Austin, TX

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Mar 16, 2009
Wowzer wrote:
<quoted text>
Lady Gray some of the facts are things I have stated here for some time, some quite recently. Either no one believed what I said or it was totally ignored or maybe I wasn't clear enough.
Look back at the biggest accusers for answers.
To give you facts I would have to accuse someone here of lying and since I've seen firsthand the damage that can do on a public forum I refuse to be a part of it. Look back and keep an open mind and you will see the facts for yourself.
I highly respect your response above and will look back. Thank you!

Minneapolis, MN

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Mar 16, 2009
Oy Veh, after one too many boo boos I have to say, I can't type worth a dime. <0_0>
Detective Columbo

Littleton, NH

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Mar 16, 2009
Not at all.

Omaha, NE

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Mar 16, 2009
Wowzer wrote:
<quoted text>
Just so you don't keep asking I'll answer and say I don't know Dawn. WHy don't you ask them since you seem to know that there is indeed a town busybody.I evidently don't know them.
To ask someone to stop asking a question is - Diversion! Every town has one...... interesting that Haverhill is an exception to the rule. Word sure got around that Fred was looking......... If everyone wants people to STOP searching. Why not come forward and say - Ok. please stop it - we are tired of it. Here is WHAT we do know.. Now leave us alone!!!!

Omaha, NE

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Mar 16, 2009
Detective Columbo wrote:
Not at all.
det c
what is this reply to?

Omaha, NE

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Mar 16, 2009
How far back Wowzer on facts? I will look also. Sorry if you posted facts and I missed them. I tend to remember your posts mostly about how NH is beautiful ( I agree ) and that the town believes she went to Canada ( I don't agree)

Omaha, NE

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Mar 16, 2009
Firecat - I live in Seattle - the emerald city ;-) due to the rain. Just think Bundy and Rigway.. just had to throw that one in because I know it irritating. It is a Monday

Omaha, NE

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Mar 16, 2009
I just thought of something. I need to look back at wowzer's facts.. but if she does have facts stated.. she might be doing EXACTLY what I was saying.. she put facts out there ( understand not wanting to be called the busybody) but maybe you are? you sure have been saying - leave us along

Omaha, NE

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Mar 16, 2009
sorry LEAVE US ALONE!!!!!!!!!!

Joined: Nov 24, 2008

Comments: 455

Bristol, CT

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Mar 16, 2009





Here is my take on the one paper Dr. Godwin’s co-wrote that I have found.
It is interesting. The paper I read (Encounter and death - The spatial behavior of US serial killers), and there may be others, proposes the hypothesis that killers, rapists, arsonists and others operate in geographical zones that they feel comfortable in. In particular serial killers operate in a minimum and maximum zone and based up on the body dump (BD) sites and the person first encountered (PFE) locations a location can be estimated for their home location.(Simplification) His claim is that over time they change the way that they operate as they get more accustomed to doing what they do and those changes in the way they operate helps to statistically identify where their home base is. He used a fairly small sample study of 54 murderers but that would be expected since, fortunately serial murders are fairly rare. They had to have at least 10 murders per killer and only the first 10 murders were considered. He set out with 3 hypotheses. First is that the home is the base for their activities. Second, that the distance to locations where he grabs the victim is less than the distance to the locations of the dump sites. Third, the distance from the home those serial killers dump the body decreases with time while the places they acquire the victims don’t.

His work seems to bear these theories out and I tend to believe that it might have some validity but needs further testing and others need to test the theory also. He finds some interesting patterns that I won’t go into here because it isn’t actually germane to what he is saying about Maura but the patterns themselves are interesting if they bear out.

What it doesn’t explain is how he comes to his conclusion that someone killed Maura and Brianna and that person has done it in the past. Again, there are no body dump sites. There is no way to know that they are dead. There is really no way to know where they were picked up. There is no data to draw a conclusion that they are dead. In order to make these correlations he would need other data for other people that are dead and their dump sites and first encounter sites. Even if he makes the assumption that they (Maura and Brianna) are dead and that the same person did it, working backwards, I don’t see how he can generate that result. Who are these people he is using to generate his data i.e. the other known dead with the known body dump sites and the person first encountered area? There is no way to check the validity of what he is saying without knowing who is using as data to establish that Maura and Brianna were killed by the same person and that person has killed others.

I would suggest that anyone read this paper. It was an interesting read. I wish there was follow up on how useful it is. Anecdotal evidence is really no evidence at all. If I can find more of his papers I would probably read them also.

The opinions expressed are mine and mine alone and that is exactly what they are. My opinions.

Detective Columbo

Littleton, NH

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Mar 16, 2009
Detective Columbo wrote:
I don't believe that Maura was the one who put the rag in the tailpipe. I wonder if the rag was ever tested by the crime lab. Although the rag was left in the tailpipe for the ride to Lavoie's garage on a flatbed/rolloff wrecker.
Wowzer wrote:

You don't believe a lot of things Columbo. Getting this going in a new direction are we?????
Not At All

Omaha, NE

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Mar 16, 2009
Beagle please don't mock me ..

Where in the heck is Weeper?????????? Have not heard from his since before the anniversary..........

Omaha, NE

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Mar 16, 2009
thanks det c

Omaha, NE

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Mar 16, 2009
Seattle is listed in the top 10 places in the US to live and has jobs...... however......... I still say it has predators.. We have had two of the worst.. if they are here - they can be in NH or MA too.

East Mansfield, MA

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Mar 16, 2009



looking4amoose wrote:
<quoted text>I would call leaving college due to a made up excuse, not telling anyone that I am leaving and leaving in an unreliable vehicle pretty selfish in iteself. Who would do that if they weren't running away from something? Something already in place in her life with either her family, her boyfriend or someone related somehow to Amherst?

I agree

Shallotte, NC

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Mar 16, 2009

Thanks so much for your very logical and methodical input on Dr. Godwin's paper.

Although I will continue to hold on to the glimmer of hope Brianna is still alive I've been under the impression that VSP & FBI are treating Brianna's investigation as a homicide. They did follow a lead about a possible sighting in a New Jersey casino and her files are open down in New York but they have conducted numerous physical searches in certain areas working in witness statments and interviews. What Dr. Godwin provided to the VSP pretty much mirrors the direction in which Bri's case was taken after hundreds of interviews, etc. Dr. Godwin stated the person(s) more than likely knew Brianna.

Omaha, NE

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Mar 16, 2009
Suzanne wrote:
<quoted text>
I agree
This puzzles me too.......... If it wasn't for the 'fake excuse' and room packed up - I would say random event. So many ramdom events in a 24 hour period. Makes you think. Also could be someone from amherst - who staged it to look this way- and we know she might not have even been NH since we don't know where the atm video is from.

someone somewhere knows something

East Mansfield, MA

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Mar 16, 2009





elsewherebriefly wrote:
I have often wondered what family life must have been like people who continually ponder the runaway theory
It might interest you to know EWB that there is a long time poster here who was a hideously abused child.(Vide Advocate's forum for her telling of this) and this poster does NOT agree with me or others who think Maura may have run away, she leans toward the theory that Maura was a victim of foul play. How does this compute with your theory that we who think Maura may be a runaway come from unhappy dysfunctional families? Is this what is known as 'junk psychology'?

East Mansfield, MA

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Mar 16, 2009





Wowzer wrote:
~Shack wrote:
Fall of 2006..after the dog search, a few locals came into the Forum and then it seemed to become surly/bizzare.~
And it is this attitude that caused the locals to leave the forum.
Surly and bizzare were two of the kinder names that the locals were called by this person.
And while condemning and degrading the people and the state of NH by calling them names and saying despicable things about them this person had the audacity to claim NH as "MY NH". Pffffttttt
Shack has a long (60+ years) history of animosity with the residents of NH. She uses Maura's forums as a vehicle for settling old scores.

East Mansfield, MA

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Mar 16, 2009





Snowy White wrote:
Please find Shack's statement copied below from p.63/findmauramurray forum at 2:52A/Sun., 3/15.
Shack seems to long for the glory days where a select group of participants shared her opinions, as well as a defined and appropriate expression of dismay about the appearance of Maura according to her standard of reverence; hence, today's critical atmosphere at Topix.
Without participation or open feedback from Sharon or Helena she finds little value in the current conversation and the opinions of others. By comparison, the content is shallow and off-topic.
Perhaps a solution is for her to re-create what existed...surely the control element can be duplicated, along with its original effectiveness, as well.
Ah yes. The good old days - when law and order reigned and the good guys all wore white hats thus making themselves easily identifiable. Rules were rules and they were assiduously followed.

-SBD is bad
-CW is bad
-NH LE is bad
-Maura was a victim of foul play
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