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East Mansfield, MA

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Mar 16, 2009





The information about the Tauton Police
is not quoted it was added by the Author. As you can clearly see Atwood's
Now Police Dept have people who assist with Public events. Directing cars ect.
it is possible that Atwood would indeed
have dealings wiht the police in MA.
<quoted text>
SBD was some sort of adjunct police officer (whatever that means) someone said a wannabe. A lot of people once over the age of 30 beef up their resume (except EWB who told me her middle name is Integrity.)
Detective Columbo

Littleton, NH

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Mar 16, 2009




Another missing girl, 16 yrs old. March 9th 2004

Minneapolis, MN

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Mar 16, 2009




On the subject of running away from your own family. I'll have Maura the example here. She was close to everyone including her siblings. They seem to think that they would have known if something was going on. Julie was a runner too and a motivation for Maura to go to West point I believe. Kathleen and Maura spoke by phone nearly every single day. All the pictures I have seen show family together and looking glad that they are about to be captured on film. Nana is like an idol to her, she seemed to respect and adore all members.
Even though Maura had left home and the family was growing to include Sharon, the closeness is/was evident..........
So it's easy to wonder how Maura could just up and start a new life without them.
Now if there's any chance that it started out as a way to avoid being sent to jail for example, re: did she or her car hit Mr Vasi..........well, maybe time will tell.
If it's that she just felt the need to throw in the towel, I scratch my head there too.
Because of my own family dynamics and the closeness we have always shared, I just can't put my mind around Maura running away or committing the unthinkable.

East Mansfield, MA

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Mar 16, 2009





First off all equipement was parted at on Old Peter's Road.
CW house sits behind TM house so that would block lights!
In fact the neighbors that live across
the street from CW had no clue either
of such activity until the Ambulance turned about on Bradley Hill it was those lights that caused him to look out
their window.
Although there are 5 houses on the drag there is still plenty of woods!
Now there are two ways CW could have come home that night down Bradley Hill
and he wouldn't have probably seen crap
or up Bradley Hill and made seen some lights but since it's not uncommon for
there to be accidents there paid no mind to it! Some people just do not
care what's going on outside their world.
Thanks for the dose of .... reality. Reality - it's a bitch - it kills so many good theories.

East Mansfield, MA

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Mar 16, 2009





Some people just do not
care what's going on outside their world.

But Shack has 'friends in Littleton who never heard of MM. She finds that veeeeery suspicious. She, in fact, fact finds that very 'three monkeys'.

Minneapolis, MN

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Mar 16, 2009
Detective Columbo meant 2009 for the missing person link. I found an update and cannot link so here's part of it: ,
Posted: 03/12/2009 03:02:09 AM EDT

Thursday, March 12
BENNINGTON — A missing Pownal teenager is considered a runaway.
The Vermont State Police said Tuesday they were investigating the disappearance of Danielle L. Mattison, 16, of Pownal. Mattison was last seen Monday at Mount Anthony Union High School. She did not return home after school that day, and did not attend school on Tuesday.

Lt. Reginald Trayah, commander of the state police barracks in Shaftsbury, said Mattison has run away "more than this one time."

"She's run away in the past numerous times. We're out there actively looking for her and hopefully we'll find her soon," Trayah said.

He said the state police's bureau of criminal investigations has been called in to assist in finding Mattison.

Anyone with information concerning the whereabouts of Mattison should contact the Vermont State Police

East Mansfield, MA

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Mar 16, 2009





Shack wrote:
Elsewhere..I am a great one to try to remember...
anything....but, was it the orange peeling, secret
witness ..last name starts with M....?
Shack Faith Westman was peeling an orange, she looked out the window then peeled an orange then went back to looking out the window.

Omaha, NE

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Mar 16, 2009
Wowzer -

Can you please.. please give me an idea of where to search in the archives? looks like I can only go back to march 11th or the very start.

what local facts. some of us need them spelled out for us.

East Mansfield, MA

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Mar 16, 2009





Shack wrote:
Scooter....F orum I nvestigating T eam....
It was NEVER a few...or 10 or 20 or 50 Posters
It was/is all hundreds of Posters on the Maura
Murray Forum(s) An acronym coined by Weeper.
I haven't a clue as to why it irritated some.

FIT = Those who followed the Murray Family rules.

East Mansfield, MA

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Mar 16, 2009





ScooterD wrote:
<quoted text>
I do remember Shack writing "We the FIT". I always thought she meant everyone on the forum. Didn't know when Weeper made up the term it was isolated to a list of certain people. Thanks WW.
Shack often used that term. She was the queen of FIT.

Minneapolis, MN

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Mar 16, 2009
Some people just will not see, listen and/or share their true feelings. Maybe it's fear, maybe it's something else. And bad things happen because of the "hear no, see no, speak no" mentality.
Our constitutional rights are at stake and there's much to loose if we don't wisen up. That would mean looking at what's happening to our Country, let alone our neighborhoods. Just thinking out loud.

Minneapolis, MN

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Mar 16, 2009
Suzanne wrote:
<quoted text>
Shack Faith Westman was peeling an orange, she looked out the window then peeled an orange then went back to looking out the window.
I had thought it was Faith too, but it was the other neighbor peeling an orange.
The Westmans were working on something in their computer room and went from window to window. Faith said that she had just seen Maura at the car 2 minutes prior, but prior to what?. Now, I don't know if she meant 2 minutes prior to looking out the window because she was on the phone in another room or what......She's the one who said she stopped looking when she saw her neighbor out there with "the girl".
Someone else said that when the neighbor left, he didn't see Maura.

Omaha, NE

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Mar 16, 2009
paris wrote:
Some people just will not see, listen and/or share their true feelings. Maybe it's fear, maybe it's something else. And bad things happen because of the "hear no, see no, speak no" mentality.
Our constitutional rights are at stake and there's much to loose if we don't wisen up. That would mean looking at what's happening to our Country, let alone our neighborhoods. Just thinking out loud.
Agreed.......... I think it is backwards as they say to NOT look into local sex off list. I still can't believe it is not posted in NH. I know for sure it has been around since 2000 since I moved back from CA - posted there too. CA is even more aggressive.

Omaha, NE

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Mar 16, 2009
I mean posted in WA. They stopped a halfway house in NorthBend - a guy put his house up for 12 sex off to come live there - guess what - if not for the list - it was across from a grade school. See how close it can happen even when you know who they are.......... think if you DON"T know who they are........ scary

Minneapolis, MN

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Mar 16, 2009
Meanwhile, across the street, neighbor Virginia Marrotte was standing in her kitchen with her husband, John, who was peeling an orange.

"From our kitchen window we saw a car down the road with trouble lights flashing and someone walking around the car," V. M. wrote in response to a set of questions sent for this series.

John M told the same story to private investigator John Healy after the incident and added that he believed he saw Maura's car back up parallel to the road, indicated by the car's rear lights.

While the M's were watching from their kitchen window they observed another neighbor arrive on the scene in a school bus.

(from the Whitman and Hanson express)

Concord, NH

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Mar 16, 2009
Dawn wrote:
<quoted text>
To ask someone to stop asking a question is - Diversion! Every town has one...... interesting that Haverhill is an exception to the rule. Word sure got around that Fred was looking......... If everyone wants people to STOP searching. Why not come forward and say - Ok. please stop it - we are tired of it. Here is WHAT we do know.. Now leave us alone!!!!
I don't need your sarcasm Dawn and I didn't ask you to stop asking a question,I just tried to answer it so you wouldn't be asking over and over as you have done with other questions even though the question was answered for you. I think if you read back a little ways before you reply to things you'd understand things much better.
How do you know that word got around that Fred was there? It would be hard to not know since he was going door to door.
Seems that you know so much about Haverhill and the people that you should probably answer any further questions pertaining to the area. BaBye...

Minneapolis, MN

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Mar 16, 2009
When the SBD said that he pulled up to the newly crashed vehicle, the airbags were still in the persons face. If this is true, maybe they were hiding their face from him.
This is what Columbo and Peri and others have said about stories moving around so much, and I was thinking this could be a reason....

“ Good B chillaxin - TY Scott”

Joined: Jun 12, 2008

Comments: 1128

Gloucester, MA

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Mar 16, 2009



Dawn wrote:
All the names of the people who lived close have not been a secret for 5 years - nor her friends since they 'went on the record'. So my questions is why the town busybody - has not posted. That is still my question and I am sticking to it.
Huh? I don't get it?! We loathe the town's busybody...regard her as rather unwell. Privacy is valued. The New England culture is notoriously unfriendly until trust is established...which can take many years. It's highly offensive for dogs and humans to trespass. People fuss and argue about property boundaries, and will tear down rock walls as a retaliatory statement. LOL
Now, who are we looking for to step forward? ;-)

Concord, NH

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Mar 16, 2009





Dawn wrote:
I just thought of something. I need to look back at wowzer's facts.. but if she does have facts stated.. she might be doing EXACTLY what I was saying.. she put facts out there ( understand not wanting to be called the busybody) but maybe you are? you sure have been saying - leave us along
No I am NOT a busybody and how dare you insinuate that I am since you know nothing about me, the area or even the state. How rude to say someone is a busybody if they offer ideas and/or facts in trying to find what happened to a missing young women that disappeared close to them.
And I have never said "leave us alone".
Who the hell are you anyway Dawn and what are you trying to accomplish?

Omaha, NE

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Mar 16, 2009
Wowzer wrote:
<quoted text>
I don't need your sarcasm Dawn and I didn't ask you to stop asking a question,I just tried to answer it so you wouldn't be asking over and over as you have done with other questions even though the question was answered for you. I think if you read back a little ways before you reply to things you'd understand things much better.
How do you know that word got around that Fred was there? It would be hard to not know since he was going door to door.
Seems that you know so much about Haverhill and the people that you should probably answer any further questions pertaining to the area. BaBye...
I think you just don't get me. Alot is lost in text. I'm with ya all the way on this one. Except I have seen a lot of posts that say Fred was around searching.. even one of the neighbors admitted calling police.

i want the facts and I am NOT mocking you. I just realised you are doing exactly what I have been saying I would do if I lived there and KNEW facts.... do tell
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