- Posted in the Franconia Forum
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Hi Patricia!
Yes, Beagle, I would never expect anything other than Alcoa from you! |
![]() Joined: Jun 19, 2008 Comments: 39 |
Hi Firecat
Glad to see you posting! |
OK EVERYONE, this will be a shock to you but I have been talking with Petrit Vasi. Here's a short part of one recent email:
Petrit sent you a message. ---------- Re: very personal Hii Linda. I need not be aplauded for accepting you as a friend, all people should accept all people because thats what humanity is about. I dont have any objections to you talking with your forum no matter how public it is. But I regrett to tell you that I dont think I have any connection to Maura, or at least so I think. I have read a little bit on Maura because when I googled myself i did find out about Maura's story. I think I have read that she got a phone call that made her very upset that night. I dont really know how connected our two lives are, but I will tell you what I do know from deductive logic and after I have tallked with friends I was with that night. I had gone out to basically drown my sorrows that night. I apparently got very very drunk and went oustide of the bar. My friend went in to look for a ride for us, and I think it took him a little bit of time. When we first"spoke" he told me he had never met Maura and never even learned of her until after he graduated in 05 |
I'll put our words together for you as soon as I can do it in the most respectful of ways. Petrit seems like a very nice, honest man and there's so much to say but give me a bit.
Want to defend F....nk aka "Irish Terrier". he is intense..Yes, Paris, I used your word. His main occupation is
Detective and gives/gave his own time for Maura's cause. Some of the others were not as attentive. When I first met him, he told me that he was "in this to the end"....and he is fiery...as I can personally attest to...however, I wouldn't want a namby pamby detective helping me. One fault is that he doesn't return phone calls. ;( btw..no ARC at Lake Tarleton..only a Summer Youth Camp and a few private residences (on West side.. because there isn't a road on the back side/East...only old oxen trails of extinct town of 19th century, that hikers and perhaps snowmobiliers use..?) This old site refers to the possibility of a "Lake Tar".....and whatever... http://www.briansprediction.com/warnings014.h... Paris... rec'd 7..then email burp....and pat yourself on the back...you were always a great researcher...you got some answers...!! |
Thank you Shack and I'm so happy to finally bring something new to the plate. I look forward to a really good nights sleep now.
I came back to say FRANK, wherever you are, Beth has you in her prayer box too. I have never heard one bad word about you and I agree with Shack, you are on the ball. I know so many of us feel the same and will continue to help in the only ways we can.
just me: Great work contacting Vasi. It really doesn't sound like Vasi was car surfing. And since he probably was not struck by a UFO, most likely he was hit by a car that left the scene, regardless of whether he knew Maura or not. He seems to be saying something more along the lines of he and Maura did not know each other. But that doesn't mean she or someone driving the Saturn didn't hit him. And obviously he could have been hit by one of a million other drivers, too. |
Judged: ![]() 2 ![]() 2 ![]() 1 I fully understand that Frank is a popular guy, and probably for very good reasons. But those appear to be mostly social, not professional. He may be a great guy to have a couple of drinks with and a great guy to talk to, but his job, if that's how he describes it, is not to make a nice impression on the Murray family and their friends and supporters. His job, voluntary or not, is to find out what happened to Maura. It does no good to impress the members of the MMM board and then to repulse the local population of Haverhill. Whether you like him or not, he cannot be allowed to alienate those who may have some very important information. You can puff yourselves up all you want to about him and his gun, but the reality is that you're on one side of Maura's disappearance and the people you need to win over do not eat, sleep, and drink Maura Murray. But they sure do hear about her enough. They have other things to do in their lives. Maura Murray is not the main event for them, and when they read and hear about all the abrasive language being used by those searching for Maura, it makes them wonder just who the heck these people are? Talking tough does zero to find Maura. Believe it or not, returning phone calls goes a lot further in most people's books. How many potentially important ones has he not returned? Which would you rather have? A guy who talks tough in an online forum, or a guy who talks respectfully to the local population? |
Nope, sorry, we have been talking but not enough for me to summerize for you now. I only posted one paragraph of many and felt I hshould stop there. But I'm finding out what LE did and didn't conclude and I will need a bit for now. |
YOU SAID: They have other things to do in their lives. Maura Murray is not the main event for them, and when they read and hear about all the abrasive language being used by those searching for Maura, it makes them wonder just who the heck these people are? Talking tough does zero to find Maura. Believe it or not, returning phone calls goes a lot further in most people's books. How many potentially important ones has he not returned? Which would you rather have? A guy who talks tough in an online forum, or a guy who talks respectfully to the local population?
AND I SAY HEY! Cast the first stone then |
MYSTERIOUS MISS: Closest friends say missing UMass student kept deepest feelings to herself
---------- Photos Photos "It's terrifying," UMASS-Amherst senior Kate Markopoulos says of her friend Maura Murray's disappearance. "Please don't forget about her." Markopoulos spent time with Murray the weekend before she vanished.(AMELIA KUNHARDT/The Patriot Ledger) By JOE McGEE The Patriot Ledger ---------- AMHERST - Kate Markopoulos considers herself one of Maura Murray's closest friends and yet knows she had a mysterious side.??I really didn't know (everything) about her, so now I don't find it so hard to believe'' Murray's disappearance from the University of Massachusetts, she said. She is struggling these days to figure out why Murray packed up her dormitory room a month ago today and took off for New Hampshire. Murray, a Hanson native, crashed on Route 112 in Haverhill, N.H., that Monday night and hasn't been seen or heard from since. Theories include that she is hiding out, was kidnapped, or wandered away disoriented and perished in the rugged, snowy woods. But what made her leave campus in the first place? ??She took care of stuff on her own. That's Maura,'' said Markopoulos, a senior history major from upstate New York who ran track with Murray for a year. Murray, an excellent student and athlete at Whitman-Hanson Regional High School, enjoyed challenges like hiking in the White Mountains. When she scored 1420 of a possible 1600 on her SATs, everyone knew she was headed for big things. After graduating in 2000, she was accepted to the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, where her older sister was a cadet. ??She had excellent marks and was a great runner,'' her boyfriend, Army Lt. Bill Rausch, said. Rausch met Maura through Julie Murray, his classmate at West Point.??She was a top student, in great shape and, of course, extremely beautiful,'' Rausch said. |
For Murray, life appeared good at West Point.
Things change at West Point Then one day things changed. Military life wasn't for Maura, after all. Rausch said West Point does that to people. His class started with 1,200 and finished with 900. ??That's the great thing about West Point. It forces you to grow up quick and figure out exactly what you want,'' he said. To Murray's father, Fred Murray of Weymouth, it was a surprise but not a total shock that she wanted to pursue a nursing degree at UMass. He graduated from the school and Maura's mother, Laurie, is a nurse. The decision to leave West Point after her freshman year wasn't a rash one, Rausch said. The couple researched the transfer and it was a smooth transition. The couple figured that making new friends at UMass would be hard for Murray. After all, she would be entering her sophomore year and social cliques were already set. One day, UMass track coach Julie LaFreniere introduced Murray to her teammates. Markopoulos remembered it as the typical, awkward group introduction. At first, she noticed Murray was quiet and at times ??elusive.'' Planning marriage, starting career Their birthdays are 11 days apart. Their friendship blossomed last year when they turned 21. Then a new Murray came out - someone who could be ??somewhat flirtatious'' when she drank. All along, however, she was focused on settling down with Rausch and starting a career, said Markopoulos. She held two jobs so she could fly to Oklahoma, where Rausch is stationed at Fort Sill. She planned to move there after graduation. When Rausch visited Amherst during vacations, they'd do what many couples do on the weekends: hiking in the mountains, shopping for antiques and visiting book stores in Western Massachusetts. Basically,??any time together was time well spent,'' Rausch said. Their life together was beginning to take shape. ??We really considered ourselves engaged. We actually were looking for rings over Christmas break,'' Rausch said. |
On the afternoon of Feb. 9, Murray acted like she wanted to drop everything she worked hard for in life. She packed up her belongings in her room on the fourth floor of the John F. Kennedy residence hall, including wall decorations. She left messages for professors and bosses, lying about a death in the family. Then she loaded her Saturn sedan, a car that friends said she hadn't started in weeks, and took off. Her dorm mates didn't even notice she was gone.
??I didn't even know she lived here,'' said Kelli Martinson, a freshman from Hull who lived five doors down from Murray. Can't figure out what went wrong Even after four weeks, E-mails continue to go back and forth between friends from Hanson and friends at UMass, trying to figure out what went wrong. Nobody has been able to offer frustrated investigators much about their friend's background. |
Katie Jones, Murray's childhood friend and a student at Western New England College in Springfield, said although they've lived a few miles apart, they never visited each other at school.
??She was a very secretive person,'' Jones said. ??She never even told us about transferring to UMass until after it happened. Sometimes we think there might be more to that story than we know,'' she said. Sophomore Sara Alfieri is just as puzzled. She and Murray met while working at art galleries on campus, drawn to each other because of their sarcastic attitudes and love of things ironic. Kept biggest problems to herself ??She was so funny. She loved the web site The Onion. Her favorite movie is ?Bottle Rocket?,''' Alfieri said. Despite being so close, Murray never talked about her friends at home, a group of seven girls at Whitman-Hanson who Jones said were inseparable. |
Murray kept even her biggest problems to herself. She didn't say a word to Alfieri about getting into an accident in her father's car the day before she left Amherst. The accident happened only an hour after they were hanging out in Alfieri's dorm.
Alfieri said Markopoulos, Murray and a few friends were drinking into the late-night hours of Feb. 8. Fred Murray was staying in a hotel on Route 9 that weekend. He was in town to help his daughter find a new car. Father and daughter ate dinner at the Amherst Brewing Co., a popular watering hole, that night. Then Markopoulos showed up for a drink. After about an hour, they left, the girls dropped Fred Murray at his hotel, and headed to Alfieri's dorm. Everyone's left wondering At about 1 a.m., Alfieri said she was passed out from drinking. Markopoulos was still up with Murray and they were talking about going home at about 2:30 a.m. But Murray wanted to go to her father's hotel, according to Markopoulos. ??I told her just to go back to her room and meet him in the morning, but she wouldn't listen,'' she said. About an hour later, Murray cracked up her father's Toyota Corolla on Route 9. Alfieri found out the next week from news reports about her friend's disappearance. ??I thought that was so weird. I talked to her that day and she didn't even say anything,'' said Alfieri |
Now everybody is wondering about what they don't know about Maura Murray. If she can't figure it out after three years of friendship, Markopoulos said nobody might ever know.
Joe McGee may be reached at jmcgee@ledger.com. Copyright 2004 The Patriot Ledger Transmitted Tuesday, March 09, 2004 |
Sorry for hijacking the forum, I had trouble breaking this very large article apart with the topix word limit. Double posted too, my bad but this is a very important and long gone article from the Patriot Ledger.
Paris, Do not apologize for remaining on the Topic
of Maura....not deversionary tactives or venom... Good work..!! You are getting sleepy..verrrry sleepy... I think of Fred's words of going to sleep thinking of Maura..and awaking thinking of Maura. |
“Honesty and justice for all” Joined: Sep 22, 2007 Comments: 338 |
Article can be accessed now at Franconia News. |
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