Don't know, have had no cause to look other than areas in Vermont, and there are a number of missing and unsolved murders there, and according to Silkyboxers list and maps there are plenty, sorry have no idea, but know there are 100,000 people missing in the States, and what percentage of these are run aways, suicides or what have you do not know? I know there are three unsolved murders in the Sherbrooke Quebec area that are very mysterious, and similar to cases in New Hampshire i.e. Pauline Clark<quoted text>How many unsolved cases are there in comparable states?
- Posted in the Franconia Forum
Comments (Page 901)
![]() Joined: Mar 26, 2009 Comments: 196 Halifax, N.S. |
![]() Joined: Mar 26, 2009 Comments: 196 Halifax, N.S. |
Judged: ![]() 3 ![]() 2 ![]() 2 White Wash your english here is a tad mixed up and can't say I understand you, especially last paragraph. I do not understand why you and the people of the area are so adamant that nothing happened in Haverhill, there is more proof to say it did than it didn't. Some of your neighbours were bashed because they have not told the truth, you are the one to provide the proof that the SBD lied about Maura's sobriety to the press to the family. So please if there are 100 unsolved cases in New Hampshire, what would make Haverhill immune to violence? Where I live is smaller and safer than where you live and we are not immune to violence, and I do not close my mind to the possibility ever time I step outside the door. No one bashed the "W" or "M" household other than to say, no one came to offer them a cup of tea, or go to check on them but they are older and likely AFRAID to go out to assist strangers. This is hardly bashing, because our sense of loyality and hospitality here, you would be chopped liver if you did not go to help an accident victim outside your door. If we did not allow police to search on our properties for a person who went missing in the area, this would not bode well for the citizen, it would be the talk of the town. I can see that it is annoying however someone is missing their love one, and if the shoe was on the same foot it would be a different story. We also know that the CW did not come forward but was caught bragging in the town of possibly seeing Maura,and the police came to him, so you paint a picture that is not entirely a true picture about people bashing the neighbours and your town and state being a place where nothing bad happens. No offense meant in my comments, All anyone wants to know is what happened. And, the verdict is still out on whether or not the police have done a stellar job, and if you want to blame anyone blame the police for enticing a riot amoungst decent people who were outraged by their statement that Maura likely came to the white mountains to commit suicide. Something bad happened to Maura, and whether it happened at the Weatherbarn or down the road, it is a criminal investigation. |
This question is for the locals who are obviously very distraught about the way they and their community has been treated.
Has this negative image of your community affected your tourism industry? If it has, then I understand the reasoning behind bringing this up ALL the time. If it has not, then I think you all should just move on and accept that this is what can happen when a person goes missing and try not to take things so personal. Of course it was wrong for people to bash the locals and libel certain witnesses, but I think these things happen out of frustration and the need to find answers, although it does not make it right. |
![]() Joined: Mar 26, 2009 Comments: 196 Halifax, N.S. |
Judged: ![]() 3 ![]() 2 ![]() 1 Maura set what in motion, decided to head to the white mountains, and her crime as a tourist to visit the area was what, that she was alone in a car? What are you implying, that Maura took her own life, well bodies don't hid themselves, and yes the police would only look into a possible suicide to rule out if it was a suicide, and if no insurance claim was made there is no criminal activity. Sorry I do not get your thinking, and would hate to suspect and speculate that this is the opinion of the police. Because if this is the case at this point, this is a grave injustice and the police need to state this, as many people are wasting their time and monies. |
![]() Joined: Mar 26, 2009 Comments: 196 Halifax, N.S. |
Judged: ![]() 3 ![]() 2 ![]() 1 White Wash did not Weeper say something different that your version. I have read the articles you know better than that, and of course I could be wrong, five years is a long time. But no matter how this came about, after 3 months the construction worker had to speak to someone and come to the conclusion before then that he saw a youth on the road that night and whether it was the same night or not, was it not worth mentioning as it was near enough. Why did he not mention it when he was interviewed on the 14th and 19th? Should have been fresh in his mind at the time. Does anyone remember what Weeper said about the construction worker reporting, perhaps it is in his comments here, that are posted on findmm.will look and post. |
Judged: ![]() 1 ![]() 1 ![]() 1 We don't have alot of tourism in this area in particular. It's an area of people who typically live Boston or south through RI and CT., but who come up here to relax and get away from the BS that goes on in the more populated areas. Mtn Lakes was originally intended to be more of a touristy kind of place in the 70's and 80's but it didn't happen that way--so now we have a nice pool, two lakes, tennis courts, a ski lodge, and miles and miles of beautiful trails that outsiders are not knowingly permitted to use. Any time I have ever needed help in this area (stuck in the snow, broken down, finding the dog, whatever) people (INCLUSIVE of SBD and CW and the others in that immediate area) have always been helpful.(Remember the woman in the vehicle refused the help that was offered) I'm just here to find out why Maura left Amherst. I don't live here full time, I'm not willing to bash the locals, nor am I willing to accept that she was the victim of a crime here until someone shows me some proof of it. |
Judged: ![]() 2 ![]() 2 ![]() 1 You've never originally brushed something out of your mind then realized later, that it might be important? |
Judged: ![]() 2 ![]() 2 ![]() 2 the two states are only comparable geographically--they don't have much else in common. |
![]() Joined: Mar 26, 2009 Comments: 196 Halifax, N.S. |
Judged: ![]() 2 ![]() 2 ![]() 1 SO, IF WE BELIEVE ONE STORY (CW'S OR SBD'S) THEN THE OTHER DOSN'T HOLD LOGICALLY. IN AN INSTANCE SUCH AS THIS, ONE HAS TO ASSUME NEITHER STORY TO BE TRUE AND CONCLUDE A HIDDEN AGENDA SOMEWHERE ALONE THE LINE...CORRECT ME IF I'M WRONG HERE. YOU SEEM TO FAVOR CW'S EXPLANATION MORE SO THAN SBD'S ONLY FOR THE FACT THAT SBD HAS MADE SEVERAL STATEMENTS THAT CONFLICT. CW STATEMENT IS MORE PLAUSABLE THAN SBD, HOWEVER HE DID NOT COME FORWARD WITH ANY STATEMENT UNTIL HE WAS APPROACHED BY LE TWO MONTHS LATER. JUST AS SBD COULD HAVE SEEN WHAT WAS HAPPENING 560 FEET DOWN THE ROAD THAT NIGHT, SO COULD CW WHEN HE RETURNED HOME./quote from old MMM forum CW also told Weeper he did not see a female but a young person. Therefore seeing a female was misquoted in the news, along with many other misquotes regarding this investigation. Weeper makes no mention of CW going forth to LE, but the other way around. Please I just read through the battle with you and weeper and have no desire to continue it, just let it go, the point is, he waited all that time to come forward, when everyone in the community knew Maura was missing and he was questioned twice on the 14th and 19th of Feb. and neglected to mention this, therefore, it is fair to say the person was not likely Maura. What his reasoning for waiting or making up the story, I don't know. But it is not believeable. When I first read this, I said to myself, if this dude lives anywhere near the school bus driver, then something is rotten in Demark,and where does he live, across the street, this defies my imagination. But I think this information was an attempt to move the investigation away from the area, this is speculation on my part, but it is certainly suspicious and not believeable that Maura wondered up there on this cold and dark night. Also without realizing it CW likely made himself a person of interest to the police because he then became the last person to see Maura. |
![]() Joined: Mar 26, 2009 Comments: 196 Halifax, N.S. |
Judged: ![]() 2 ![]() 1 ![]() 1 Moose: Not on your life, because I would have found it odd to see a person such as he described ducking from tree to tree and heading up a deserved dirt road. Also, if a person had been missing from practically in my back yard, not a hope I would not have thought of it, I likely wouldn't be able to sleep from worry about the girl and fear that someone had caused her to go missing. Furthermore, I would never have driven by a young person under the conditions that were reported in the media,in the dark, cold and alone. I lived near the appalacian mountains in NS and drove up to the mountain 11 kilometers every weekend, and never once passed a person walking home alone at night. If I did I would have stopped especially if they were a young person, and yelled and asked if they needed help. Never would I have forgotten such a thing, and as soon as I heard about the young woman missing, I would have considered if it was her,or if it was the youth run amuk that night on lime kiln road. And there is no excuse for not knowing Maura was missing, he was interviewed on the 14th and 19th of Feb. so if it slipped his mind, he had plenty of time to recall it, during those interviews or shortly thereafter. Sorry I find this VERY VERY WEIRD. I bet he curses the day he mentioned it, as it seems it came back to bite him, and perhaps it is all innocent however, the police found it suspicious. |
Judged: ![]() 4 ![]() 4 ![]() 3 You're right Peri. It's a waste of words. It seems quite clear that istead of facts or helpful information the rantings of someone that has over and over thrown their own ideas out as fact and given more wrong information(and been corrected for it) than anyone else here is welcomed by some. I find your reply here to be arrogant, rude, nasty and obnoxious. What makes you think you are better or more intelligent than anyone else here? It seems that your contribution has been to give out more wrong "facts" than right ones.You're a piece of work. |
Judged: ![]() 1 ![]() 1 You're absolutely right. It's time to move on. |
Judged: ![]() 5 ![]() 4 ![]() 2 ***Some of your neighbours were bashed because they have not told the truth,*** Do you know this for a fact? With statements like this one the hatred and bashing of the locals will never end. Good luck solving this Peri. Maybe a few more dreams and drawn pictures will solve this mystery since you seem to know so much more than everyone else. |
Hello all,
Did CW claim he saw a GIRL running in the trees that night, or did he say he saw "someone" running through the trees that night? If anyone knows, where and when was the runaway youth found? |
Judged: ![]() 4 ![]() 3 ![]() 2 Angry? You'd better believe that I'm angry when someone here has no reason to be here but to trash Maura, her family, and people who are concerned about her. That's as low as it gets. |
Judged: ![]() 1 ![]() 1 This is a good point. I don't believe that CW ever said that the person he saw was a girl. I believe that he said "a young person wearing a hoodie" that was pulled up. Thanks for asking. |
Judged: ![]() 1 ![]() 1 ![]() 1 Maybe LE think it was Maura running away, hiding and ducking certainly seems like someone who didn't want to be discovered |
“ Good B chillaxin - TY Scott” Joined: Jun 12, 2008 Comments: 1128 |
Judged: ![]() 2 ![]() 1 ![]() 1 sounds like the voice of knowledge and reason. |
Thank you moose and sophie for your info.
Sara |
Judged: ![]() 2 ![]() 2 ![]() 2 You are WRONG and I am RIGHT! You can write book after book of this CRAP that you spend hours upon but the FACTS are what they are and I'M DONE BEING TOLD LIES you can continue to listen to hear say and facts that can't and don't match to what you are being spoon fed! Clear Enough for you to understand? Probably not since I can't be WHITE WASHED or BRAIN WASHED!
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Topic | Updated | Last By | Comments |
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