Omaha, NE
WW quick question - you mentioned that the police could determine a DUI from the airbag. I did a quick google search - and actually deployed airbags have caused people to blow a higher blood alc. rate - It does not appear that residue is left to test for dui because what comes out of the airbag can even make a sober person - blow a b.a.r - even without any booze in them????????? ********** COLD CASE SQUAD ********** the last link on advocaters site has links that Mason/Fred put on the site. These are great links - PDF's that the govt have created. BLACK AND WHITE facts - showing cold case squads work and it was amazing how many cases, convictions and victims families got answers - case closed.. 4 is actually a pretty high number for such a small state as NH.
Omaha, NE
I will be checking in from time to time. I won't be posting here on a regular basis. My personal opinion - this has gotten so far away to getting any answers about Maura Murray's vanishing. I have slung mud myself - it is unproductive. Each week - it seems there are certain people that want to sling mud back and forth - each week almost a new person being attacked. We have lost some great contributors - WTF sounds like he is going on a break, Advocater, Ben F - rarely posts anymore, Mason/Fred, EWB, mscmom - just to name a few. This does nothing to find Maura Murray. You can still send me PM's on the other site. I wish you all the very best - I plan to continue * email mail the AG and Gov of NH * contacting media * contacting radio stations Take care everyone - Dawn ********** ~ Bring Maura home ~ **********
“ Good B chillaxin - TY Scott”
Joined: Jun 12, 2008
Comments: 1128
Gloucester, MA
FireCat wrote: <quoted text> Hahaha, I know. Maybe we should start looking for those 4 horsemen, or something.:) Actually, much of what you say here makes perfect logical sense as a possibility....and the truth of the matter is, I *do* have partiality to one side, in terms of having strong personal and emotional connections to some of the family members. That's a bias that, alas, cannot be entirely avoided. I've specifically tried to avoid saying anything about NH residents, because the bottom line is I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT HAPPENED OR WHO DID IT.(if anything, indeed, was "done." and there you have it, as close to what I think happened as I'll probably ever come right out and say.) Whatever happened to Maura, if we can assume it was indeed she who was driving and spoke with SBD, happened in NH. Does that mean I think it was necessarily someone from that community? No--why should it? Maura wasn't from that community, and yet she was there that night. Why couldn't someone else from another area just as easily have been there? Do I think Maura was the victim of a serial killer? I have no (freakin) clue. If she was, does that mean I think the serial killer was local? Heck no. I've periodically mentioned that the FBI well knows--and has for a while--that interstate corridors make for handy travel routes for serial killers posing as (or actually being) truckers. Haverhill isn't all that far off the interstate, in the grand scheme of things. I try to steer toward the middle SPECIFICALLY because I want to remain open to any and all reasonable possibilities. Could she have run away and started a new life? Yes. Could she have killed herself? Yes. Could she have run away intending to start a new life and then run into trouble elsewhere? Yes. Do I think any of these are what happened? It's not what my instinct says, but my instinct has been wrong before. Do I trust LE? Not totally, because they've done some pretty weird and/or questionable things, but I don't necessarily think they have odious intentions either. I really don't have enough specific facts on that aspect of it one way or the other. One of the things that I am MOST INTRIGUED about, I will say, is that there are huge chunks of police dispatch log that are considered evidentiary and that Jeffrey Strelzin refuses to release them. THAT'S something that makes me go hmmmmm in a really big way. FC~ *personal biases derived from life experiences and associations will inevitably influence our opinons *our addressing the elephants in the room is not irreverent...it is constructive to do so *i completely agree with your statement: "I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT HAPPENED OR WHO DID IT.(if anything, indeed, was "done." *LE in small towns are infrequently challenged by the missing and/or murdered. hindsight may be 20/20. there can never be enough follow-through from a family's point of view. *your contributions (and mine) are quite adequate in the absence of producing imaginative scenarios, thank you *we agree
“ Good B chillaxin - TY Scott”
Joined: Jun 12, 2008
Comments: 1128
Gloucester, MA
Dawn ~ there is no plan to launch personal attacks against individuals, one person at a time...as you repeatedly hint, suggest and promote. that is a simplistic view of the dynamics you may be observing. strong position statements may prompt equally strong responses. these may take the form of discussions, debates, proof by way of evidence, disagreement/argument and/or criticism. some people are sarcastic, some confrontational, some passive/aggressive...with unlimited options and variations on behavior. the historical accounts of the relationships that existed prior to our arrival here are, unfortunately, not pretty.
Johnson, VT
It is unfortunate that this topix has been chiefly formed and executed throughout by accusations and belittling. I think many of us wish it were different and the sadness remains that this topix has only served to aggrevate many.
Omaha, NE
Snowy ~ I wish you the best.. You have my email so feel free to contact me. I am not going to make any comments here to stew the pot. Take care Dawn
“ Good B chillaxin - TY Scott”
Joined: Jun 12, 2008
Comments: 1128
Gloucester, MA
hi, Dawn ~ check your spam?... sounds like you didn't receive my reply around 3/27 to your sending address; the home address bounced back several times.
hi all, mr Murray seems sure that Maura was in N.H.Why he did not stop in Amherst, as is reported is still a mystery to me.I would have assumed the saturn was stolen and checked Mauras' room.As for why L.E. has not told the Murrays about Maura's day to day schedule I can only guess.take care philip
Kansas City, MO
Suzanne wrote: PERI As a student of comparative religion I could if I chose educate you on the definition of the word KARMA. But I choose not to. It is not my job to. But I can assure you that it might be a good idea if you familiarized yourself with the meaning of the word before you sought to ban people for the use of it. Also look up the word fascism. Fascists censor the writings of people they do not agree with. Sorry, but who is Karma?. The one holding a sign near the airline arrivals gate that says Karma? Is that an interfaith version of St. Peter?
Kansas City, MO
Suzanne wrote: PERI A Hint - the word karma is from the Hindu and Buddhist religions. Okay, but even if he's from Hindu and Buddha, he was arriving at JFK a few weeks ago.
Kansas City, MO
Benjamin Franklyne wrote: <quoted text> I think I'm hearing things again. Just a little bit. New Beltone? Or other hearing aide? Hearing any static? In the background?
Kansas City, MO
Suzanne wrote: Thank you for letting me know that you, the people that I want to read my posts, are in fact actually reading them! Yes, the numbers have increased lately. Bravo! However, actors = real people; characters = posters. Like in a play. Sometimes there are more roles or characters than actors.
Joined: Oct 16, 2008
Comments: 471
San Mateo, CA
"anyway, Ben, why not just take a seat in the audience...and be impressed? what's YOUR problem?!!? LOL ;-)" Because I'm not a very good back seat driver. "question of the day is....WHO will be writing a book?" It appears that we all have contributed to a 900 plus page book.
Kansas City, MO
Benjamin Franklyne wrote: <quoted text> What came first the chicken or the egg? Well, in the beginning, there was Avian Farms. On the first day, the chicken WAS the egg. And on the second day, James Robl said let there be Advanced Cell Technology (ACT). And on the third day, UMass perfected its title to the patents licensed to ACT.
Kansas City, MO
FireCat wrote: <quoted text> Oh my god. First Nazi-ism, now I've been accused of trampling on the Bill of Rights. As well as being lonely, and old. Sometimes things just don't turn out the way we thought they would.
Kansas City, MO
Suzanne wrote: How come every time I pop in I feel like I need to go take a shower? Cottonelle makes good adult size wipes. And they leave fewer pieces, too. Might save time and water.
Omaha, NE
Beagle Thanks for the departing words.. Who is Karma ? I love it!!!You know I enjoy your riddles.. I will pop in to get a grammar lesson every know and then.. Not that it sticks :-).. I did save your link you sent out on grammar.. Take care oh many one!!!! Dawn
Kansas City, MO
Benjamin Franklyne wrote: First - I didn't find John from Alexandria any more special then anyone else. Second - Characterizing Firecat's activity on these boards as primarily for flirtation is extremely disingenuous. Third - Just like Peri, Firecat and I are on opposite ends of the spectrum in opinion, but that is her right. Fourth - when an ad homenim attack is made - its wasted effort, you're participating in a hamster's footrace, running in circles. I thought Philip was from Alexandria. Isn't Alexandria a Mason-ic code word for lighthouse (not library)?
Murphysboro, IL
Beagle wrote: <quoted text>Cottonelle makes good adult size wipes. And they leave fewer pieces, too. Might save time and water. Hi Beagle, Nice to see you back. Missed your sense of humor. Thanks, needed a chuckle.
Kansas City, MO
Snowy White wrote: <quoted text> true, indeed, that on one occasion there was an extended exchange between FC, john and also Mason. it occurred just prior john's leaving, and was followed by some heated debate the next day. while Beagle was attempting to make some points about Maura, if i recall correctly, the conversation was diverted to ... yes, flirting. call it what you will, Ben. no one could get a word in, edgewise. i don't know who "neutral" is...but great to see my perceptions weren't off the mark. anyway, Ben, why not just take a seat in the audience...and be impressed? what's YOUR problem?!!? LOL ;-) question of the day is....WHO will be writing a book? i know your position on this, EWB...and it's not something being encouraged...but i'm beginning to wonder. hmmmm. several have, are in process, and claim to have previously published. Well, it WAS funny to see the "Harry Met Sally" dialogue trump some post perhaps more relevant (like the one about the container ship tipping over), but in FC's defense, it was more or less down time, and, hey, it's cheaper than a singles bar.