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“ Good B chillaxin - TY Scott”

Joined: Jun 12, 2008

Comments: 1128

Gloucester, MA

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Friday Apr 24





elsewherebriefly wrote:
<quoted text>
You didn't like it when a certain someone mentioned details of your 'family dynamics'. As a matter of fact you changed your moniker from JMO to Snowy White when it happened.
You accused the person of libel the second time it was mentioned. How would you like it if I took what himself said and believed it word for word.
Why is it different for Maura and her family?
Because Maura is a missing person and an ongoing investigation?
The public does not have a right to know this information.
A certain someone is being appropriately observed and has been appropriately reported.
My family dynamics are very much in balance, thank you; are yours?
It is in that very goodness, achievement, and abundance of blessings and authenticity, and with some envy for his lacking, that the 'certain someone' has abused his so-called first amendment right to do what he does best...create lies by omission and repetition. This, because I wholly rejected him and the harm he has created to the people of northern NH. Period.
Hence, we have a special honor Our Zero.
By the way, my ISP location on Topix doesn't hide my identity, and the consistency of my presence is discernable in my posts, so there is no intention to hide behind fake screen-names. Sorry to disappoint you.
I pulled down a MySpace site intended to support Liko Kenney when I realized the main supporter of his cause had scammed me and others of monetary contributions, time, support and goodwill.
As Suzanne says, when one leaves this site...or even the other's necessary to take a shower to remove the slime.
Indeed, you noticed WTF/Bill's screen-name was misappropriated, likely by the same n'er-do-well. Better to have one's screen-name registered, as many of us have since done.
That said, Maura Murray and her family have become public figures. You have discussed the most intimate details of her life...her menstrual cycle, her birth control pills, and her lingerie, without the benefit of substantiated information...on a public venue. Others of us have not.
Together, certain of you conspire to silence by whispering to each other...sometimes keeping secrets, and at other times, leaking secrets about Maura, while always admonishing others that we are to "find Maura".
My question(s) are carefully expressed...and throughout, I have refrained from tasteless, vulgar accusations or speaking as if I pretend to have knowledge that I do not possess about Maura Murray.

You've pulled out your guns this week to target opposition to conversation away from the theories you promote.

Summerville, SC

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Friday Apr 24





Shallotte, NC

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Friday Apr 24





See that's the deal Snowy.

I am not behind the scenes whispering anything. I am accepting of the information that has been made public. I am respectful of the fact that it is an ongoing investigation.

My family dynamics are what brought me here actually. My family has endured quite a bit of of loss, tragedy, and anquish over the decades. But yet and all, it pales in comparison to the tragedy and anquish endured by the Murray family.

Paducah, KY

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Friday Apr 24





Bill (WTF),

I'm glad you're posting here. You're a patient man and you explain concepts clearly. You're a voice of reason.

I'm an adrenaline junkie and I love crisis and conflict. I hate boredom and I get bored easily.

If I hadn't been a trial lawyer, I wouldn't be alive today because I would have spent my free time riding my motorcycle down back country roads at speeds well over 100 mph without wearing a helmet.

I'm also a perfectionist and a strategist.

I know you think Astrology is 100% bullshit and we're just going to have to agree to disagree on that, but I am a Ninth House Sun in Cancer, Scorpio Rising, and Virgo Moon with Pluto conjunct Saturn and my Midheaven in Leo. The conjunction also includes Mercury, which is in the final degree of Cancer. Those of you who know Astrology should immediately recognize that I embody those planetary alignments. Add a Venus conjunct Uranus in Gemini in my Eighth House of Sex, Death, and Resurrection and volatile warlike Mars in Taurus in my Seventh House of relationships, and you can see why I'm so focused, competitive, and determined to win. Not to mention extremely bad relationship material.

Nevertheless, astrologically speaking and in real life, I am loyal to a fault. My loyalty here is to Maura and I mean every word when I say I will never give up until I solve this case, or someone else solves it. People who get in my way are going to feel the scorpion's sting and people who persist in throwing mud at me might as well get used to getting stung all the time because Cancers and Scorpios are the last people in the Zodiac that anyone ever would want to offend. People will often say that a person's bark is worse than their bite. Cancers and Scorpios are the opposite. Usually they don't bother to bark because barking is contra-strategic. They do not play around. They go for the throat.

Fortunately, I have a sense of humor and I laugh a lot. I even see my own foolishness and laugh at it. But there is no doubt that I have offended many and will continue to offend as time goes on. I will take Advocate's advice and earnestly try to be more fuzzy and cuddly, although it does not suit my nature to do so. I'm a naughty boy and I like conflict.

Fortunately, life taught me the importance of forgiveness and I learned how to forgive.

I'm sure Fred Murray knows what I've asked him to do. I think it's a reasonable request. I'd comply with it if the situation were reversed. He doesn't have to comply and I can't force him. I'm not going to put any more effort into finding him because there are people who post here who know where he lives and how to reach him. I'm not going to contact his employer either. I'm not into wasting my time.

Fred Murray had his chance and the door always will be open, but the Court of Public Opinion must move on to consider all of his false statements, whether he knew they were false when he made them, and what that means in terms of his potential culpability. They wouldn't mean anything, if he had an alibi and there would be no reason to consider them. Then again, why would he make false statements, if he had an alibi?

My inquiry will continue and it will be thorough. I'm quite certain that it's going to feel like death by a thousand cuts to Fred Murray.

So it shall be written.

So it shall be done.

Fred Leatherman

“ Good B chillaxin - TY Scott”

Joined: Jun 12, 2008

Comments: 1128

Gloucester, MA

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Friday Apr 24





elsewherebriefly wrote:
See that's the deal Snowy.
I am not behind the scenes whispering anything. I am accepting of the information that has been made public. I am respectful of the fact that it is an ongoing investigation.
My family dynamics are what brought me here actually. My family has endured quite a bit of of loss, tragedy, and anquish over the decades. But yet and all, it pales in comparison to the tragedy and anquish endured by the Murray family.
You are neither a better or worse person than I am. We do not know each other at all.
I feel no compulsion to open my heart, my friendship or my personal thoughts and opinions to anyone but to the people I choose.
You either accept or reject the conversation here about Maura Murray on a public forum, but in choosing to examine her disappearance, you cannot demand privacy and sensitivity. There were 10,000 posts asking all sorts of indiscreet questions before I appeared on this forum.
Smokescreens and smokebombs are the work of manipulators. I've learned so much by participating in forums.

Shallotte, NC

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Friday Apr 24





Snowy White wrote:
<quoted text>
You are neither a better or worse person than I am. We do not know each other at all.
I feel no compulsion to open my heart, my friendship or my personal thoughts and opinions to anyone but to the people I choose.
You either accept or reject the conversation here about Maura Murray on a public forum, but in choosing to examine her disappearance, you cannot demand privacy and sensitivity. There were 10,000 posts asking all sorts of indiscreet questions before I appeared on this forum.
Smokescreens and smokebombs are the work of manipulators. I've learned so much by participating in forums.
Ya, and I learned to see through the b.s. and stick to what I believe after being fed a bunch of b.s. by the media and also LE during those initial (and crucial) stages Molly Bish went missing.

I have never changed my theory that Maura somehow met with foul play enroute through New Hampshire.

I have always placed my faith in the experts and will continue to do so.

Well folks, I'm hopping off this crazy train!

And Snowy, I actually have more respect for himself than I ever have had or will have for you.

Paducah, KY

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Friday Apr 24





sophie bean wrote:
<quoted text>
Wrong. Federal law protects whistleblowers who report abuse in their company. If someone can prove that they were fired because they exposed such abuse, the employer is violating the federal statutes.

Do you have any idea how many whistleblower complaints never made it to an outbox during the Bush Administration?

Apparently not.

Once again. You're an idiot.

“ Good B chillaxin - TY Scott”

Joined: Jun 12, 2008

Comments: 1128

Gloucester, MA

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Friday Apr 24





elsewherebriefly wrote:
<quoted text>
Ya, and I learned to see through the b.s. and stick to what I believe after being fed a bunch of b.s. by the media and also LE during those initial (and crucial) stages Molly Bish went missing.
I have never changed my theory that Maura somehow met with foul play enroute through New Hampshire.
I have always placed my faith in the experts and will continue to do so.
Well folks, I'm hopping off this crazy train!
And Snowy, I actually have more respect for himself than I ever have had or will have for you.
I cannot hold fast to any theory about Maura Murray, do not reject yours, while placing trust in the expert authority of law enforcement.

Otherwise, we can agree to disagree.
White Wash

Worcester, MA

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Friday Apr 24





Dawn wrote:
Nice try to " spin" and try to do a personal dig rather than focus on Maura Murray.
Makes me chuckle that you actually used brain cells to type and question my work schedule.. I have never once thought about yours. As I said this isn't personal.. Never has been. Enjoy your day!! Sounds so nice!!!

United States

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Friday Apr 24





yankee wrote: howpost.php?p=979883&postc ount=297
Thank you, Yankee. That's quite helpful, and pertinent.

Morristown, NJ

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Friday Apr 24

**This one should quiet all the commotion and then maybe we can return to what is important here? MAURA MURRAY?!?!

Morristown, NJ

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Friday Apr 24

Morristown, NJ

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Friday Apr 24

Paducah, KY

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Friday Apr 24





FireCat wrote:
<quoted text>
Wait, what? Where's the part about Kathleen reaching Fred at 5pm?(I'm not saying it doesn't exist, I'm saying my superpowers fail me and I can't find

You're a loathsome human being who already has admitted to defaming me for falsely accusing me of stealing student loan money.

You have no credibility. Go back and hide under the slimy rock you hide under you lying despicable piece of garbage.

Morristown, NJ

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Friday Apr 24

Morristown, NJ

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Friday Apr 24 -'00-'01DirectoryAbbreviated.d oc

Morristown, NJ

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Friday Apr 24

Paducah, KY

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Friday Apr 24





Ok, let's get back to business now that they're gone.

Pardon the interruption.

Pretty funny that neither of them noticed that the expression should be, "You can run but you can't hide."

And Firecat is an English professor!

I think Baba Ram Dass actually would get a chuckle out of the way I used his famous basic principle of human consciousness.

Toodleloo and Nighty Night


Paducah, KY

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Friday Apr 24





enough wrote:
**This one should quiet all the commotion and then maybe we can return to what is important here? MAURA MURRAY?!?!
Actually, AJSL ceased to exist after the lawsuit. The name was Changed to Barkley School of Law.

Also, the entry regarding me incorrectly lists me as a graduate of the University of Washington School of Law in 1972. I graduated from the University of Wisconsin Law School in 1972 -- a much better school BTW.

Parsippany, NJ

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Friday Apr 24
hey.. i was just trying to get the convo back onto the topic that it should be on.. Maura..
I figured the only way to do that was to find info showing that you are who you say you are. All of those articles were easily found via the internet.. anyone can do it.. maybe people should have before they opened their mouths..

now.. back to Maura.. any new ideas?
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