White Wash
Worcester, MA
Sorry Benjamin Franklyne I'm not Bill O'Reilly but would like his thoughts as well but wanted to share my own. When my child would act up in public I would take his elbow and ask if he had to go potty? Removing a child from the situation is the only fair thing to others trying to shop or carry about their business. Listening to my screaming child is selfish to them. Sadly we have tried to removed the naughty despite many saying so these selfish,self centered children keep acting up. When someone finally has enough and puts them in time out they CRY ABUSE! Sadly the world is full of selfish people. FireCat is right to a degree. We need to Scroll on By those who refuse to behave. I believe they will tire when no attention is given and move along! Because of my Postings I have been very clear of who I am. I know who am as well. I have ZERO ISSUES sitting with anyone and saying exactly to their FACE WHAT I SAY HERE. Again many feel SUPER LARGE hiding behind their fingers! You can be found. Internet Bullying is top on all LE lists now! So if we could return to MAURA again. I personally want to go back to the beginning. Thoughts? Benjamin Franklyne wrote: <quoted text> So what are your thoughts, Bill O' Reilly?
Joined: Oct 16, 2008
Comments: 471
Oakland, CA
White Wash wrote: Sorry Benjamin Franklyne So if we could return to MAURA again. I personally want to go back to the beginning. Thoughts? Part 1 Obviously I can only speak for my own thoughts and perceptions. I take no offense at other people's opinions and do feel strongly that no one should be silenced. But at the same time I hope and will probably argue for people to inflict the least amount of pain as possible when discussing these issues. If I do so, it doesn't mean "I've taken a side." I personally believe that we simply don't have enough information to solve this. To me, this is self evident. I think that web sleuthing is a very dangerous unless done with some discretion. And I have come to this opinion based upon what I have seen go one here. I now how come to the following realizations: 1. Everything we do here is a most likely wasted effort: The most blatent example is the lack of any resolution regarding the Geocities web page. For a day or two I thought whoever created it would be caught and perhaps the mystery would be solved. Boy was I wrong. It doesn't matter if you think it was a mean hoax, a perpetrator or genuine - it is self apparent that nothing has been done about it. We are here because there is no solution, but no solution will come because we are here. 2. The result of this pointless exercise almost only results in unjustified pain and anguish inflicted upon others: Every opinion about what might have happened to Maura rings controversial to at least one part of the group. Why? Because there are more possibilities as to what happened to Maura then I have fingers. Yet, a vast majority of researchers here (and I claim no innocence) can't manage to pursue or defend their theories without personally attacking others. In every situation - perusing a idea without attacking someone else, is simply impossible. Possible unjustified pain can only be minimized if an idea is [thought about alone] or [discussed in a small discreet group] outside the public eye. However - its very likely that although the idea will be more clearly formed - it will likely not have come to a concrete resolution - due to lack of information. At this point - one should feel very convinced in his, her or the group's mind that bringing the issue up publicly is not going to produce unjustified pain.
Joined: Oct 16, 2008
Comments: 471
Oakland, CA
3. The discussion invites paranoia and suspicion upon innocent volunteers (if they don't support "the right theory") as well as the most devious hoaxers who's only motive is their own sadistic entertainment - getting their jollies watching people form unfounded beliefs based upon what they believe are reactions to currently discussed issues. What is even more dumbfounding is when the reactions are not to sadistic hoaxers, but instead to innocent, honest volunteers whose only crimes are 1.) having the desire to help solve a tragic mystery and 2.) Supporting "the wrong theory." And I have seen a multitude of declarative or inquisitive statements by other posters targeting suspicion upon individuals completely disconnected from Maura's disappearance, even though impossible. For the past month perhaps, I've felt I could be of any use by pointing out facts while using discretion - and I can't do much of that in proportion to the overall unhappiness I see here. The most of the very little that I can do is maybe put a smile on someone's face somewhere by being silly. If at least one person is marginally happy, they are likely not feeling completely and horribly awful. So I hope Sophie Bean now understands this. I haven't come into many of these conversations because I am tremendously conflicted - but slightly more regretful then hopeful as a result of the recent discussions. I know that I have no idea if anyone is innocent or guilty, but I do know that some ideas should be looked at. However, I'm also very sensitive to the possibility that an innocent victim could be further victimized. Since I'm not completely sold on any solution - I see no reason to argue. Rather, I see reason to be as sensitive and diplomatic as possible in perusing all avenues.
Morristown, NJ
Benjamin Franklyne wrote: 3. The discussion invites paranoia and suspicion upon innocent volunteers (if they don't support "the right theory") as well as the most devious hoaxers who's only motive is their own sadistic entertainment - getting their jollies watching people form unfounded beliefs based upon what they believe are reactions to currently discussed issues. What is even more dumbfounding is when the reactions are not to sadistic hoaxers, but instead to innocent, honest volunteers whose only crimes are 1.) having the desire to help solve a tragic mystery and 2.) Supporting "the wrong theory." And I have seen a multitude of declarative or inquisitive statements by other posters targeting suspicion upon individuals completely disconnected from Maura's disappearance, even though impossible. For the past month perhaps, I've felt I could be of any use by pointing out facts while using discretion - and I can't do much of that in proportion to the overall unhappiness I see here. The most of the very little that I can do is maybe put a smile on someone's face somewhere by being silly. If at least one person is marginally happy, they are likely not feeling completely and horribly awful. So I hope Sophie Bean now understands this. I haven't come into many of these conversations because I am tremendously conflicted - but slightly more regretful then hopeful as a result of the recent discussions. I know that I have no idea if anyone is innocent or guilty, but I do know that some ideas should be looked at. However, I'm also very sensitive to the possibility that an innocent victim could be further victimized. Since I'm not completely sold on any solution - I see no reason to argue. Rather, I see reason to be as sensitive and diplomatic as possible in perusing all avenues. I agree with everything you've said Ben.
White Wash
Worcester, MA
Agreed! Thank you for be a very well expressed thought of reason. Since I'm not completely sold on any solution - I see no reason to argue. Rather, I see reason to be as sensitive and diplomatic as possible in perusing all avenues. Benjamin Franklyne wrote: 3. The discussion invites paranoia and suspicion upon innocent volunteers (if they don't support "the right theory") as well as the most devious hoaxers who's only motive is their own sadistic entertainment - getting their jollies watching people form unfounded beliefs based upon what they believe are reactions to currently discussed issues. What is even more dumbfounding is when the reactions are not to sadistic hoaxers, but instead to innocent, honest volunteers whose only crimes are 1.) having the desire to help solve a tragic mystery and 2.) Supporting "the wrong theory." And I have seen a multitude of declarative or inquisitive statements by other posters targeting suspicion upon individuals completely disconnected from Maura's disappearance, even though impossible. For the past month perhaps, I've felt I could be of any use by pointing out facts while using discretion - and I can't do much of that in proportion to the overall unhappiness I see here. The most of the very little that I can do is maybe put a smile on someone's face somewhere by being silly. If at least one person is marginally happy, they are likely not feeling completely and horribly awful. So I hope Sophie Bean now understands this. I haven't come into many of these conversations because I am tremendously conflicted - but slightly more regretful then hopeful as a result of the recent discussions. I know that I have no idea if anyone is innocent or guilty, but I do know that some ideas should be looked at. However, I'm also very sensitive to the possibility that an innocent victim could be further victimized. Since I'm not completely sold on any solution - I see no reason to argue. Rather, I see reason to be as sensitive and diplomatic as possible in perusing all avenues.
Woodbury, VT
Benjamin Franklyne Sometimes a post comes along that is not angry and hurtful, your post was helpful and healing. Thank you for the encouragement.
Newmarket, NH
Benjamin Franklyne wrote: Since I'm not completely sold on any solution - I see no reason to argue. Rather, I see reason to be as sensitive and diplomatic as possible in perusing all avenues. Often reminiscent of War and Peace. A protagonist was needed at this point. Nice to see the good weather affecting people in a positive way. Eloquently stated Ben.
United States
White Wash wrote: 2/9/04 while on scene Sgt.Smith requests GCSD to call the number on DVM Reg. 11PM Sgt.Smith leaves a msg on number listed. 2/10/04 3:30 Sgt.Smith calls Weymouth PD to request a well persons check on number listed on DVM. Weymouth PD give Sgt.Smith the Hanson number listed under Fred Murray which is Laurie. 3:40 Sgt.Smith speaks to Laurie Murray. tells Sgt. Smith Ex's husband's car driven by their daughter Maura. Gives Sgt. Smith Maura's cell and her dorm room #. 3:50 Sgt. Smith leaves another message at the weymouth #. 4:40 Sgt.Smith speaks with Kathleen Murray who is asked to email photo to HPD. 5:00 Kathleen reacheds Fred Murray via cell phone. 6:00 first call from Fred Murray to HPD is received and logged for all to see on the GCSD log! And for those who yellowpages.com Fred Murray in Hanson MA which is not Weymouth you get The Murrays where Maura lived with her Mother in Hanson. Does that answer your question? <quoted text> Hey White Wash--been meaning to reply to this, but somehow it got lost in the shuffle.(Imagine that.) I'm really curious--where are you getting those times from? I don't recall ever seeing this specific info before, and I'd thought my records were pretty complete. Apparently not. What'd I miss?(feel free to PM me on the other site--in fact, it might be preferable)
United States
Ben, all I can say to that is....I do nine mile!:)
Altenburg, MO
White Wash wrote: I think there are many in my opinion. 2/5/04 Maura is working security 10 PM speaks to Sister via cell phone. 1 AM receives phone call that leaves her so upset she is escort back to her room by her KMayotte. **Told KMayotte she had a roommate. **Later we have found another post by KMayotte that she was deeply concerned about Maura this isn't an isolated event. 2/6/04 Maura had class and clinicals. Per Pebody on websluths "She had ben sharing rides with a fellow nursing students to clinicals. Both of her jobs where with in walking distance from her dorm. Another close UMass friend has stated that she was shocked that Maura was so far from campus. She had been stranded after the semester begun. Cyber law stated she had not started or drove the car in 3 weeks. I vote we start at the beginning and work forward without all the DRAMA. <quoted text> Hmmmmm. Funny you mentioned Cyberlaw. Read their posts at websleuths. Cyberlaw, from "Canada" was very insistent that Maura ran away to start a new life. Coincidence?
White Wash
Worcester, MA
Just was going through some old stuff sorry what I had at hand so yes pure coincidence but given what the pickings we have so far 1. Death by Dirt Bag one known one unknown 2. Self induced death 3. Happilier Ever After in Canada must admit I'm ok with that given the other choices. oo00oo wrote: <quoted text> Hmmmmm. Funny you mentioned Cyberlaw. Read their posts at websleuths. Cyberlaw, from "Canada" was very insistent that Maura ran away to start a new life. Coincidence?
Weare, NH
Thank You Ben... Great post. I just hope we can continue and search without the meaness and fighting behaviors.
White Wash
Worcester, MA
Where I come from we call it a knock down drag out! Knew it was coming! Any Who if you go to the other site under newspapers you'll find the entire article these are the times supplied to me by HPD. FireCat wrote: <quoted text> Hey White Wash--been meaning to reply to this, but somehow it got lost in the shuffle.(Imagine that.) I'm really curious--where are you getting those times from? I don't recall ever seeing this specific info before, and I'd thought my records were pretty complete. Apparently not. What'd I miss?(feel free to PM me on the other site--in fact, it might be preferable)
Joined: Oct 16, 2008
Comments: 471
Oakland, CA
FireCat wrote: Ben, all I can say to that is....I do nine mile!:) What Firecat is talking about is a story I told her from my high school days about a team mate of mine that would run nine miles every day in his bear feet. When he came back - he would always tell everyone "I do nine mile! I do nine mile!" I told her the story after she posted that she just ran nine miles.:)
Joined: Oct 16, 2008
Comments: 471
Oakland, CA
Correction to the above - my team mate was not a bear or a bear human hybrid of any sort. Instead I should have said bare.
United States
White Wash wrote: Where I come from we call it a knock down drag out! Knew it was coming! Any Who if you go to the other site under newspapers you'll find the entire article these are the times supplied to me by HPD. <quoted text> LOL, yes, I was trying to be diplomatic. Knock-down drag-out is pretty much what we call it too.:) Thanks--the information I had, but was wondering how you'd filled in the times.
“ Good B chillaxin - TY Scott”
Joined: Jun 12, 2008
Comments: 1128
Danvers, MA
quite frankly, WW and Ben, while your sentiments are pure, kind, and heartfelt, the reality is a recognizable pattern of behavior over several forums. "attack" is perceived as a difference in view/opinion, no matter how sensitively worded or well couched. if it doesn't fit within the belief system of the core group, the result is a highly personalized 'counterattack'. the goal, of course, is to be offensive, kill the idea, and drive away the recipient of said counterattack. two or three women are highly skilled in this below-the-belt method of warfare. i'll presume nothing has changed. several offenders sharpen their keyboard skills daily. these "innocents/victims" wonder why they provoke angry responses. duh.
United States
Benjamin Franklyne wrote: <quoted text> What Firecat is talking about is a story I told her from my high school days about a team mate of mine that would run nine miles every day in his bear feet. When he came back - he would always tell everyone "I do nine mile! I do nine mile!" I told her the story after she posted that she just ran nine miles.:) And I was using it as a strange way to thank him for his eloquent and diplomatic post. And I ran ZERO miles this weekend in this insane heat. I did have several miles' worth of gin and tonics though.
United States
Benjamin Franklyne wrote: Correction to the above - my team mate was not a bear or a bear human hybrid of any sort. Instead I should have said bare. Awww, I was having fun with the image of your ursine friend ever since you PMed me the story. Thanks for ruining it.
Albion, ME
I dont remember ever reading anywhere a description of Maura's keys. Does anyone know how many keys she carried? Was it just the Saturn key and a dorm key? Did she have many keyrings together? Did she have any store "reward cards attached? Maybe one of those plastic coils some people use to carry around their wrist.. Thanks to anyone that can answer.