- Posted in the Franconia Forum
Comments (Page 106)
Beagle Bart, Here I go assuming, if LE remained closed innitially when Maura's vehicle was found in Woodsville then probably they were appraised of the initial FBI involved search in Massachusetts. What did they find that we are not privy to? It seems, according to HPD and NHSP, it was a closed case from up on this end. I really do not understand. Enlighten me.
I will reiterate what I said about Oh My having some factual information, in my belief. |
There is a young woman whom looks picture perfect to Maura, she lives nearby..I would never discredit a siting of Maura, I just thought I would reign in on sitings of Maura. All sitings should be investigated. By whom? When reported, does someone investigate?
“Because I can..” Joined: May 13, 2008 Comments: 211 |
As far as what OHMY said in the past. I do not know if any is true or even relivant. The tone he used was very abbraisive about these individuals. And that led me to believe he had feelings towards these folks prior to this young ladies dissappearance. But again I may be wrong. When I spoke of the direction and evidence none being able to be used. I thought it was suspicious that a man on his deathbed gives a knife to the father of a victim whose supposedly slain by his brother with said knife. I mean, the picture that has been painted of the brother that is alive, is one of cunning street smarts. What I am saying is, if this is really what happened. Then the alive brother can simply say, "Hey, I don't know where he got that or what he was talking about." Or "My Brother must have did it, he was nuts." You get what I am saying here? And as far as the authoritive position being involved or not. I found that hard to believe that LE did not conduct the search of the house first. Knowing that any evidence would be tainted if found? That was all I was trying to point out. As far as the local and state LE not wanting to get involved, just sounds extremely weird. Again, I am not trying to sidetrack any progress or discussions. I was just pointing out my meaning. |
Judged: ![]() 1 ![]() 1 ![]() 1 Anne you can believe what you want,it is your right to do so. May I suggest that you read the "NH Divided over killing of police" forum,particularly pg 129 and # 2657 where Oh My was told by a lawyer from another state that he would find himself a defendent in a civil suit for calling him a murderer and insinuating he knew where Maura was. It was also brought to Oh My's attention to read the Topix TOS addressing the behavior he was displaying so it would'nt surprise me if he was banned from Topix. If you look closer at that forum you will see Oh My go over the edge and become threatening and verbally abusive. He/she has claimed to know people and facts on every forum they participated in when in fact they knew nothing more than what had already been stated in the forums. After reading this if you still believe OH My speaks the truth then as I said before that is your right but it is also my right to sit and shake my head in disbelief that anyone could actually see truth in anything that Oh My has said. |
WeWii, I am trying to be as honest and straigtforward as you are. I appreciate that. I do not know first hand how the brother 'deal' went down but I do know that one brother was the resident at the time Maura disappeared. I believe you are correct that Oh My had 'hard' feelings toward the people he spoke of. Another point to concider, for sure. LE did not conduct a search of that house prior to the PI cadaver dog search. I do not believe they had the named people as suspects at all. After all they thought, car off the road, or suicide initially, and ultimately she simply ran away. Of course all of these could be the ultimate truth and only time will tell...WeWii, we will all continue toward finding what happened to Maura? No matter our different angles of approach. |
Absolutely. Chain of custody. There is no connection to know where it came from, other than someone with a vested interest. There is no impartial i.e. Law enforcement person who can testify who got that "evidence". Where it came from, how it was processed, how it was handled and most importantly that no one tampered with it. It probably has zero value as evidence. Any defense attorney worth anything would tear it a new one. J |
Judged: ![]() 1 ![]() 1 ![]() 1 Why? HPD and SP apparently have a theory, maybe even with evidence that doesn't include her death or her location in the areas that were searched. Why should they waste manpower, time and effort looking in areas if they know she isn't there? J |
Judged: ![]() 1 On the Topix "Lincoln" forum Oh My signs his name as Scottie A. I've also seen him/her sign Scott E. Seems Oh My likes that name pretty well. |
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“Because I can..” Joined: May 13, 2008 Comments: 211 |
Judged: ![]() 1 ![]() 1 Anne, I understand the rational of the LE not having these people as people of intrest, with the logic you presented. I just don't understand why the LE were reluctant to have at least one official there for oversite and to declare a possible crime scene if one presented it self like this one? We are not talking about k's of hours of manpower. We are talking about a rep that who is not related and has credibility under oath., who also has the power to quarintine a crime scene. Jefferson, not to sound hostile or abbraisive in any sort. But in your previous remark discussing hpd and sp, you mentioned the phrase "have a theory" and in the following sentence use the phrase "if they know" while on the same subject. Kinda contradicting, either they have a theory or they know. Which is it? Again, not being harsh. Its just they can't have both. |
Judged: ![]() 1 ![]() 1 ![]() 1 Anne is there any way that Oh My got that information off the MMM site? I think that's where I first heard about the knife. I've just seen Oh My too many times on several forums blaming way too many people and when confronted to produce some evidence Oh My went into one of their abusive rants or disappeared for a day or two. |
“Because I can..” Joined: May 13, 2008 Comments: 211 |
BTW, how did they get permission to search this house? PI's can't get warrants, at least not in Missouri. Did the owner give them permission? Again, just wondering. If so, was the owner present? If they were, maybe they could have the stuff tested. And take it to LE and say, "hey heres what I have in my house. I want it investigated?"
Judged: ![]() 2 No problem. I don't know what they know just like most others don't. My point is they may know much more than anyone here knows. That may explain their actions instead of incompetence or uncaring attitudes which is what I usually hear them being accused of. J |
“Because I can..” Joined: May 13, 2008 Comments: 211 |
I agree. I am bored and just pointed it out. And yes, they have been called everything in the book. I just wonder why this thing has gotten so stale it seams?
We can say LE may have everything they need to know about Maura with regards to the Aframe, but what about Pauline Clark?
Why miss out on any opportunity to solve another case? |
Wowzer, Good point! He certainly could have gotten it off the MMM site. Also, I have seen the abusive rants you speak of. Jefferson, I certainly would hope that LE knows a lot more than we do, that would be logical. I was not attacking LE, I was stating facts. |
![]() Joined: Jun 16, 2008 Comments: 472 |
Good point there about procedures for checking out possible sightings of Maura. I haven´t got a clue as to whether LE, PI and/or Fred or whoever actually got up to Barton, VT, in order to find out more about the sighting of the Maura look-a-like "Raykel" in the church there on Fathers Day 2005. Presumably some of them surely must have... I´m sure there must be lots of girls/young ladies who look a lot like Maura. However, the witness in the Barton church, whom I won´t name here but whose name is easy enough to find, stressed the "unmistakable runners legs" of "Raykel", and also that she seemed somewhat shy, nervous and sad. No member of the church congregation had seen her previously or since. The witness later said that he was "99 percent sure" that the girl had been Maura. All this together with the fact that "Raykel" suddenly ran away from the church when the minister started mentioning fathers in his sermon are highly suggestive points in my mind. There are conflicting accounts of whether "Raykel" actually signed the visitors book in the church or not. If she did, then it should certainly be possible to compare "Raykel´s" handwriting with that of Maura´s. I wish we could find out about this one way or other... Any ladies here onboard who may be able to explain why "Raykel" apparently had a heavy foundation cream applied to her skin, while according to the witness having a flawless skin. Could a foundation cream somehow alter the natural colouring of one´s skin in any way? Thanks! |
![]() Joined: Jun 10, 2008 Comments: 299 |
Anne, do you know what led the PI's to search that house? Was it something other than the knife being given to Mr. Murray? Were there any witnesses to the knife being given to Mr. Murray? Do you know if the man who gave th eknife to Mr. Murray sought him out or did Mr. Murray approach the man? My understanding is that the man lived on 112. |
![]() Joined: Jun 10, 2008 Comments: 299 |
The house was on the real estate market not long after Maura became missing--I was told by someone familiar with the area that the PI's contacted the realtor who then contacted the owner for permission. |
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