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uh, i'm perseverating here, but maybe my husband will stop me when he gets home:
2004 stuff: "Juried Group Show", UMASS Amherst, Herter Art Gallery, Amherst, MA "Tools for Destroying Paintings", UMASS Amherst, Student Union Art Gallery, Amherst, MA |
“Because I can..” Joined: May 13, 2008 Comments: 211 |
Judged: ![]() 2 They have the internetover there. I know that for fact.. |
“Because I can..” Joined: May 13, 2008 Comments: 211 |
If he had an exibition "there", then "there" (the gallery)is not a mystery. If I read that right. |
sorry, i can't stop...
http://www.jcgraymedia.com/about/cv_jc_08-022... he i think was a student who exhibited at umass amherst. |
Wow, I can't believe you said that about the beer bottle to the windshield. Excellent idea! What's really funny is that yesterday evening I was poking around Amherst a little. While wandering around the area of the three bars near where Patrit Vasi was hit, I heard someone smash a beer type bottle pretty hard into something. Not sure what the bottle hit, maybe the pavement, but when the memory of it is placed beside your comment about smashing a bottle into a windshield, it really made me think. I also talked a little to an Amherst cop and a Umass cop about parking rules, local driving habits, cemetery "use," and so on. Both were friendly and helpful. For anyone who lives near Amherst, it's well worth visiting to sort of soak it all in. I went to school there and have lived there and visited there for over 30 years now - and even then, I learn a lot just by walking around and taking in the sights. Last night, for example, I drove from the intersection of Mattoon and Triangle to Melville in under 4 minutes one way, not speeding, with a long red light. So how on earth the 20 minute window became so readily believed, I'll never understand. A lot of what is said or believed about Amherst and its relevance appears to be said by those who have never set foot there. Ditto for the auction and art scenes. If there's anyone else with a lot of experience in both, let's hear about it. I think the "profiler" referred to is someone from Norwich University named Godwin. There was a reference to him near the close of XM. He seems to oppose the "intuitive" method used by most detectives. Or that's what he says anyway. His website is definitely a little weird. The big M said Godwin was their guiding force for a long time. Not sure if he still is or not. Godwin's geographic profile of the person behind the 2001 Anthrax Attack concludes that the perpetrator probably lived within X miles of the places from which the anthrax was mailed. Pretty smart guy, apparently. Glad the M's could retain his services. |
no, no, i don't know anythin,g really. THERE=UMASS. years ago i was looking up the art galleries at umass amherst and looking up who was exhibiting and i thought one artist came from burlington, vt. I can't remember if i posted about it or pm'ed helena, but there must've been something about it (i.e., "he" was a "she", or "he" was really, really older than Maura that made me drop it) to the extent that i can't remember the gallery except it was on-campus. Remember, tho, i am an "unreliable witness" --- there's just too much STUFF we're sifting through!!! Check out some of my stupid postings just above for names of some of the galleries. For some reason I thought it was one that began with the letter "H" --- but I am usually wrong! enuf. You guys please take over. |
quija, Great work! Michelson's represents many of the bette local artists, many of whom teach at UMass. Incidentally, Chuck Close went to UMass, but sure doesn't teach there, lucky him.
Getting back to what WeWii and I were both curious about... It sounded for a minute that you knew what gallery Maura worked at. Did you? Is this information located somewhere online? Thanks. And thanks for your research. |
"...represents many of the betteR local artists..."
“Because I can..” Joined: May 13, 2008 Comments: 211 |
No offense, please don't stop posting. I totally read that wrong. I was just skimming through the posts kind of speed reading if you will. Then posting as stuff popped in my head.
Just more artists at UMass... Susan Jahoda exhibited her work at umass amherst while Maura as there:
2003 Global Priority, Herter Art Gallery University of Massachusetts, MA, http://www.susanjahoda.com/cv.pdf |
one more artist during the right time-frame, i think. can't find the artist from vt yet. I'd really like to stop posting these, but i can't until i'm yelled at....
http://www.annabaylesarthur.org/vitae.html |
i think this artist exhibited in the fall before Maura left --- 2003:
http://afonline.artistsspace.org/bio.php... |
![]() Joined: Jun 10, 2008 Comments: 299 |
Does anyone know anything about this that I copied from the Daily Collegian "[There are] different things that detectives are working on, though nothing is earth-shattering," Yorke said. "Just miscellaneous tips, things like 'I saw her the next day.'" Who saw her the next day?
hi all, what if Maura called the Salamones in Bartlett N.H. to speak with someone that she was meeting there and not to get a room.did the Salamones have a condo for rent or run a whole resort.if Maura dug up there number, how, was it on her computer search, in her phone .was it on the bookmark in her book 'lost without peril' found in the car Sharon Rausch did not mention any calls to information found on Mauras phone bill.what about the phone call that Maura made to a dorm on campus that was deemed a dead end.Lots of 'deeming of not being important' going on on the old site.i cannot take credit for these questions.take care philip
he may have had his art exhibited at umass while Maura was there:
http://www.themode.org/content/resume.html |
teagle tart --- to repeat, i don't KNOW anything. Ask any of my friends. (i'm sure sure realized this already.) I DO NOT KNOW the gallery --- it was all guesswork years ago. And it was all probably useless anyway. At that time I thought Maura might've met an artist from VT and went north with him... who the heck knows now........
![]() Joined: Jun 16, 2008 Comments: 472 |
If the distance from Putney, VT, to Swiftwater, NH, is 99.8 miles as you say.... Just thinking here... Then the driver of the Saturn (Maura or whoever) drove the Saturn from Amherst to Putney, called an AAA towing-truck from there which towed the Saturn the almost 100 miles allowed as far as Swiftwater. Questions: a)Why Swiftwater of all places within the allowed 100 miles radius? b)Any known AAA rescue calls from the Putney area of VT or nearby on the night of 9th February 2004? Then Maura (or whoever) got out of the Saturn in Swiftwater and disappeared by probably getting picked up by a helper in another car or by starting to run (less likely). Question: How would this scenario fit in with the likely first "mystery" accident a few miles west of the Weathered Barn curve, closer to Swiftwater village or even on the NH10/US 302 between Woodsville and the NH112 turn-off? The accident to which there are apparently no known witnesses (highly strange!) and where the lady driver left in "a private vehicle", whatever that terms implies. Remember, Sergeant CS of Haverhill PD asking "Where is the girl with the rag in the tail-pipe" or something similar when looking for Maura (?) at the Weathered Barn incident site. This clearly implies that CS must surely have been seen Maura (or whoever) at the site of the first "mystery" accident some approx. 20-30 minutes earlier. Questions: a)Where did that first accident take place and why no known public witnesses? Several cars must have passed by the scene if it happened on the 112 and even more so on the 10/302. French Pond Road would be quite another matter, of course. b) If the Saturn actually got towed by AAA (or by some other, independent towing company)- then why not a single word from the driver of the towing truck in question? Collusion, foul play? Can we get some kind of likely scenario out of this convoluted context? Thanks! |
hi all any of those amherst artists up around bartlett in feb 04take care philip
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