- Posted in the Franconia Forum
Comments (Page 170)
![]() Joined: Jul 8, 2008 Comments: 206 |
Euro, I have been by that place several times, the Grafton County sheriff home has clear sight of the accident sight from his home in the winter. Thank you looking for a moose.
mcsmom, Journalist BM... |
![]() Joined: Jun 10, 2008 Comments: 299 |
In the winter it's clearly visible. |
Next question: even if the house hasn't sold in the past four years, did the occupant work for the sheriff's office as far bck as 2004?
Yeah, I know. Another question. |
Judged: ![]() 1 ![]() 1 Re-read about us and agree. Firecat, thanks for taking up for me, fellow brigadeer. I wrote a difficult blog yesterday. JMO's timing sucked. |
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Fire Cat...I was going to ask the same thing.
Was he living there in Feb 04? AND working for Sheriff's Office in Feb.04.? If so ..could it be that vehicle that was mentioned "official lookin' car" that was supposedly seen. Elsewhere I hear ya.....Just scroll on by and hum, dum ditty dum dum.... Yeh Anne BM. Many tentacles(sp?) |
Judged: ![]() 1 Philip, you ought to know that is NOT what I'm saying. Is there a particular reason you're bring obtuse and/or belligerent about that? What I'm saying is simply a fact. The media has gotten things wrong in this case. I've seen it happen on other occasions too. The media are, after all, fallible human beings. One reason I am more prone to trust family members sooner than media outlets (other than those previously mentioned) is that it's fewer sets of ears and gums. Remember that old game of "Telephone"? Also, is not that the reason we are doing legwork ourselves, and going straight to sources? To VERIFY what the media has said, among other things? Shack, great minds, I guess.:) |
Hey guys, I just started reading about this in the last few months stumbled across it by accident and got completly caught up in this and read everything I could find but when looking over this forum I saw you guys talking about a red truck, and I never read anything about a red truck, where did you guys find the information about that?
From an eyewitness who posted on a former (sadly now defunct to the point of being unsearchable as an archive) forum on the family's web site.
www.mauramurraymissing.com |
![]() Joined: May 15, 2008 Comments: 140 |
Looking4amoose, thanks for your good info on the location of the Sheriff's house.
No facts here, but a new thought. I'm sure y'all will let me know if it's stupid: Before having had the accident in Fred car's Saturday night (which might've put off completing a car deal Sunday due to making calls about insurance, rental, repair, etc.) DID MAURA THINK THAT BY LATE MONDAY SHE'D HAVE HER NEW (used) CAR WITH THE PAPERWORK ALL SET TO TAKE OFF IN? Then, things changed and she had to take the Saturn in it's not-great condition? A couple more "new" (ha) ideas to follow. |
![]() Joined: May 15, 2008 Comments: 140 |
Judged: ![]() 1 IIRC Maura chatted with Kathleen Thursday night 2/5 from around 10PM-10:20PM? She wouldn't want to be on the phone when the supervisor came by, maybe, right? I read somewhere (who knows which MMM forum) that Karen A. came by every half hour. Maybe she came by on the hour and the half hour? And maybe Maura talked to her sister right after the super's check-in? That gave me the sense it's really possible that a "1AM" crying spell might have been planned! Like Kathleen supposed early on! I don't know if Maura was supposed to work the following night (which I think was an 8PM-3AM shift, as opposed to the Thursday 8PM-2AM shift?) but her crying spell might've gotten her off the hook for any more security desk work until her departure.(Which she might have been planning for weeks or longer.) And she wouldn't have had to work a late shift the night before car hunting with her dad. Just some thoughts. Oh, and the "mystery call" could've been a favor from a friend on campus to help stage the crying.... around the time Karen A. would be in the vicinity and "easily reachable" and to support the later emails about a death in the family.... |
![]() Joined: May 15, 2008 Comments: 140 |
Judged: ![]() 1 Middle of the night thought: If Maura realized by Sunday night that she wouldn't have a newer car purchased and registered, etc., she might have made these closer-to-home searches getaway when she realized he had to use the Saturn??? She might have had in mind a much longer trip and it would be VERY interesting to see EARLIER TRAVEL LOCATION SEARCHES possibly on her computer from when she thought she'd have a reliable car to leave in???!!! This made a lot of sense late at night. Hit me with reasons I can't think of that this might not make sense!!! Thanks. |
Parker's Motel did have an internet presence on the web with the same directions on the day Maura went missing. http://web.archive.org/web/20040209141545/htt... It's interesting to me that that it's owned by a family with the same surname as the owners of the Nootka Lodge and All Seasons Motel in Woodsville. |
![]() Joined: May 15, 2008 Comments: 140 |
Judged: ![]() 1 ![]() 1 I still wonder if the (late, odd) time of departure Monday P.M. corresponds with the time another person might be getting off work. And accompanying her. Don't quite believe Maura was "living out of boxes" like a college student posted. I suspect her room wasn't totally unpacked and feel it probably wasn't very comfortable to "crash" in and that she was crashing somewhere else. This is based on weak quotes and facts: boxes being on the bed (I know, they could've been moved from the floor at departure), a girl a few doors down not seeing Maura during the first week or two of the semester (maybe on very different schedules), not wanting supervisor to see her up to her room (I wouldn't want anyone to see my room or private space, either), and maybe not wanting her friends to walk her back to her dorm room after the Sat. night party because she was going to go somewhere else first (a friend's place? to get stuff?), before heading to Fred's motel for the night. This is important only for identifying a "mystery friend" who might know what the heck was going on and what Maura was planning. Nothing to do with morals for sure. |
Info on red truck is on page 60, post #1200. |
![]() Joined: Jun 16, 2008 Comments: 472 |
Saturnus Negrus,
Some interesting info of yours there regarding the Woodstock motel. Actually, I found another Woodstock motel, The Wilderness Inn, with the web site www.wildernessinn.com . On that web site guests arriving from southern Vermont/western MA are also advised to exit the Interstate at exit 17 (Wells River), follow the US 302 through Woodsville and then turn off on Rt 112 towards Lincoln/Woodstock! So, now we know of at least two motels in the Woodstock area which explicitly advise their guests to drive the 112 between Woodsville and Lincoln/Woodstock... Quija, Some very interesting and thought-provoking posts of you there. I need to consider your points more carefully before commenting further, but I like the fact that you´re thinking in new directions beyond the well-trodden ones. Please, keep doing so! Shack, Regarding the "official-looking" car (SUV?) supposedly seen at Maura´s car at the accident site, but never officially confirmed, as far as I recall: This was my first thought as well when I learnt of that house on the corner of Swiftwater Circle and Rte 112. Could there possibly be some kind of connection here? A question (again...): Does anybody here know whether we´re speaking of the Grafton County Sheriff OR the Deputy County Sheriff supposedly residing in that house back in early 2004? Thanks! |
![]() Joined: Jun 16, 2008 Comments: 472 |
Judged: ![]() 1 ![]() 1 Just a correction to my previous post (# 3424): The web site address for the Wilderness Inn at North Woodstock, NH, is: www.thewildernessinn.com Also: Let´s not quite forget about that log cabin owned by the UMass Amherst Outing Club in the wilderness off Rte 142 between Bethlehem and Franconia,NH. I wonder whether that cabin was ever searched for any traces of Maura having gone there? A long shot, I know, but still... |
Parker's Motel is GLBT-friendly per Google. I couldn't see them hypocritically turning away anyone in need of lodging based on their sexual preference, but you never know. I'm sure there's an offending theory to go along with this, but I'm not going to go there. Looks like the owner might have sold the motel in 2005 after 29 years ownership. |
What are you saying anyhow,sexal prefference?
Hunh. NOT STUPID at all. In fact, in retrospect, might make rather a lot of sense. Now get back under your ant-hill. |
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